
Terms for subject Microsoft containing виртуально | all forms
автоматическая активация виртуальной машиныautomatic virtual machine activation (Activation of a guest operating system or application based on properties of a host system or parent partition, including but not limited to the license state of the host)
агент диспетчера виртуальных машинVirtual Machine Manager agent (Software that is installed on either a virtual machine host or a library server, which enables Virtual Machine Manager to monitor and manage hosts, virtual machines, and library resources. An agent is also installed on the source machine during a physical-to-virtual machine conversion.)
агент диспетчера виртуальных машинvirtual machine manager agent (ssn)
анализатор виртуальных жёстких дисков проксиProxy VHD parser (Windows 10 Rori)
виртуальная аудиторияvirtual classroom (An online meeting for teaching and collaboration pertaining to a particular lesson)
виртуальная локальная сетьVLAN (A logical grouping of hosts on one or more local area networks (LANs) that allows communication to occur between hosts as if they were on the same physical LAN)
виртуальная ЛСVLAN (A logical grouping of hosts on one or more local area networks (LANs) that allows communication to occur between hosts as if they were on the same physical LAN)
виртуальная машина JavaMicrosoft Virtual Machine for Java (Microsoft)
виртуальная машина JavaMicrosoft Java Virtual Machine (A Microsoft program that interprets and runs java applets and applications within Microsoft Windows; Майкрософт)
виртуальная машина JavaMSJVM (Microsoft)
виртуальная машина задачTVM (vlad-and-slav)
виртуальная машина репликиReplica virtual machine (A virtual machine running on the Replica server that receives changes that are detected on the corresponding primary virtual machine)
виртуальная машина репликиreplica virtual machine (ssn)
виртуальная машина с идентификаторомvirtual machine with ID (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
виртуальная машина с истёкшим сроком действияexpired virtual machine (A virtual machine that can no longer be managed by the self-service user who owns it because the virtual machine's expiration date has passed)
виртуальная общая папкаvirtual shared folder (A mailbox folder structure on some IMAP servers in which mail folders are accessed with the administrator username and password, and shell login access to the mail server is not allowed. Access to specific mailboxes is managed by access control lists. This means that users are assigned the permissions to only access their mailbox folder, while an administrator has access to all mailboxes. This allows organizations to use administrative credentials to migrate e-mail from an IMAP server to Outlook Live)
виртуальная памятьvirtual memory (Temporary storage used by a computer to run programs that need more memory than is physically installed on the computer)
виртуальная папкаvirtual folder (A list of files that match specific search or filter information. You create a virtual folder by specifying the types of files you want to find and saving that search information. Whenever you open a virtual folder it will search your computer again to find all files that match what you're looking for)
виртуальная папка документовDocument Virtual Folder (A feature that allows the user to group files by any criteria and display them in one place)
виртуальная папка изображенийPicture Virtual Folder (A feature that allows the user to group image files by any criteria and display them in one place)
виртуальная папка музыкальных файловMusic Virtual Folder
виртуальная папка поискаSearch Virtual Folder (A feature that allows the user to group search files by any criteria and display them in one place)
виртуальная подсистема COMvirtual COM (The subsystem that manages COM objects created by application processes running in a virtual environment and prevents conflict with the same objects created outside the virtual environment)
виртуальная привязка данныхvirtual-mode data binding (A type of data binding in which a data-bound control retrieves only as many rows from the database as the user will be able to see on the screen)
виртуальная сетьvirtual network (A virtual version of a physical network switch. A virtual network can be configured to provide access to local or external network resources for one or more virtual machines)
виртуальная смарт-картаVirtual Smart Card (The ability for some devices to act like physical smart cards even if they aren't)
виртуальная спецификацияphantom BOM (" A bill of material used to describe the components of a parent part that will be built as part of a higher-level parent part. The term "phantom" is used to indicate that the part never really exists as a stocked item, but rather is built in line with the production of the higher-level part that is driving an overall production order. ")
виртуальная спецификацияphantom bill of material (" A bill of material used to describe the components of a parent part that will be built as part of a higher-level parent part. The term "phantom" is used to indicate that the part never really exists as a stocked item, but rather is built in line with the production of the higher-level part that is driving an overall production order. ")
виртуальная средаvirtual environment (A runtime container that defines the resources available to application processes launched from an application package. Resources include files, directories, registry keys and values, fonts, COM objects, and services. These resources originate from the application package but may be changed by the application. Changes to resources made by the application are isolated from other applications launched from different packages or by different users. Changes made by the application take precedence over package-defined resources and persist from one launch of the application to the next)
виртуальная учётная записьvirtual account (A Local Service account that does not require password management. A virtual account is separate from the Local Service, Local System, and Network Service accounts. It uses the computer’s account and credentials when it needs network access in a domain environment. Rori)
виртуальная файловая системаvirtual file system (The subsystem that intercepts and redirects file system requests from application processes running in a virtual environment. These requests are processed based on the virtual files and directories defined in the application package and created or modified through interaction with a virtual application)
виртуальная частная сетьvirtual private network (The extension of a private network that encompasses encapsulated, encrypted, and authenticated links across shared or public networks. VPN connections typically provide remote access and router-to-router connections to private networks over the Internet)
виртуальное изображениеvirtual image (An image that is stored in computer memory but is too large to be shown in its entirety on the screen. Scrolling and panning are used to bring unseen portions of the image into view)
виртуальное приложениеvirtual application (An application packaged by the Sequencer to run in a self-contained, virtual environment. The virtual environment contains the information necessary to run the application on the client without installing the application locally)
виртуальное развёртываниеphantom explosion (The process of calculating the demand for the materials required for a non-stocked subassembly that is built during the production process of the parent component)
виртуальное свойство, объявленное в интерфейсеvirtual property declared in an interface (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
виртуальное средство анализа программы установкиvirtual Setup Analysis Tool (A setup analysis tool that can monitor only Windows Installer and third-party installers that run unattended)
виртуальное средство анализа программы установкиvirtual SAT (A setup analysis tool that can monitor only Windows Installer and third-party installers that run unattended)
виртуальное средство анализа программы установкиvirtual setup analysis tool (ssn)
виртуальной узел службы построенийVirtual Build Service Host (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
виртуальные гостевые службыVirtual Guest Services (The set of software drivers and services – such as Integration Services (for Hyper-V) or Virtual Machine Additions (for Virtual Server) – installed on a virtual machine that help maximize performance and enhance the user interface experience for a virtual machine)
виртуальные гостевые службыvirtual guest services (ssn)
Виртуальные машины Windows AzureWindows Azure Virtual Machines (The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offer in Windows Azure that allows customers to deploy persistent virtual machines with nearly any server workload they want)
Виртуальные машиныVirtual Machines (The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offer in Windows Azure that allows customers to deploy persistent virtual machines with nearly any server workload they want)
виртуальные машины в облаке AzureAzure virtual machines (Alex_Odeychuk)
виртуальные службыvirtual services (The subsystem that acts as the Service Control Manager (SCM) for services running in a virtual environment)
виртуальный адаптер Fibre ChannelVirtual Fibre Channel (A Hyper-V technology that provides the guest operating system of a virtual machine with direct access to Fibre Channel-based storage by exposing Fibre Channel ports to the guest through a virtual Fibre Channel adapter)
виртуальный адресvirtual address (In a virtual memory system, the address the application uses to reference memory. The kernel and the memory management unit (MMU) translate this address into a physical address before the memory is actually read or written)
виртуальный IP-адресvirtual IP (An IP address that is not connected to a specific computer or network interface card. Service deployments are assigned a VIP for receiving network traffic which is redirected to a physical device in the Windows Azure fabric)
виртуальный IP-адресvirtual IP address (An IP address that is shared among the hosts of a Network Load Balancing cluster. A Network Load Balancing cluster might also use multiple virtual IP addresses, for example, in a cluster of multihomed Web servers)
виртуальный IP-адресVIP (An IP address that is not connected to a specific computer or network interface card. Service deployments are assigned a VIP for receiving network traffic which is redirected to a physical device in the Windows Azure fabric)
виртуальный гибкий дискvirtual floppy disk (A file-based version of a physical floppy disk. A virtual floppy disk is stored as a file with a .vfd file name extension)
виртуальный графический процессорvirtual GPU (Windows 8 ssn)
виртуальный дискvirtual disk (A non-physical disk exposed to the user as if it were a real disk. The disk may be backed by either a file or memory)
виртуальный жёсткий дискvirtual hard disk (The storage medium for a virtual machine. It can reside on any storage topology that the host operating system can access, including external devices, storage area networks, and network-attached storage. The file format is .vhd)
виртуальный жёсткий диск фиксированного размераfixed-size virtual hard disk (ssn)
виртуальный каналvirtual link (A logical link between a backbone area border router and an area border router that is not connected to the backbone)
виртуальный каталогvirtual directory (A name used to access the contents of any Exchange store using a Web browser. The virtual directory name is used to open a mailbox as well as browse the folders of a public store. This name is also used in URLs using the Microsoft Internet Publishing Provider (MSDAIPP), which includes both hyperlinks in Web pages as well as Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects client-side code)
виртуальный кластерVC (vlad-and-slav)
виртуальный код клавишиvirtual key code (A symbolic constant name, hexadecimal value, or mouse or keyboard equivalent that provides a hardware and language-independent method of identifying keyboard keys. Each virtual key code represents a unique keyboard key and also identifies the purpose of that key. The keyboard driver must provide one or more keyboard layouts that maps keyboard scan codes to the appropriate virtual key codes)
виртуальный коммутаторvirtual switch (A virtual version of a physical network switch. A virtual network can be configured to provide access to local or external network resources for one or more virtual machines)
виртуальный процессорvirtual processor (In the Concurrency Runtime, in the Task Scheduler, an abstraction of a physical processing resource. Just one context executes at any given time on a virtual processor. Every scheduler instance contains a collection of virtual processors, and every virtual processor maps to a virtual processor root in the Resource Manager)
виртуальный путьvirtual path (A sequence of names that is used to locate a file and that has the same form as a pathname in the file system but is not necessarily the actual sequence of directory names under which the file is located. The part of a URL that follows the server name is a virtual path. For example, if the directory c:\bar\sinister\forces\distance on the server miles is shared on the local area network at foo.com under the name \\miles\baz and contains the file elena.html, that file may be returned by a Web request for foo.com)
виртуальный рабочий столvirtual desktop (A client operating system that is deployed by using a virtual machine to provide a self-contained operating environment that behaves as if it were a separate computer)
виртуальный рабочий стол с поддержкой RemoteFXRemoteFX-enabled virtual desktop (A virtual desktop on which RemoteFX can be run)
виртуальный расширяющий методvirtual extension method (метод интерфейса с реализацией по умолчанию Alex_Odeychuk)
виртуальный реестрvirtual registry (The subsystem that intercepts and redirects registry requests for keys and values from application processes running in a virtual environment. The redirection is based on the registry information defined in the application package and created or modified through interaction with a virtual application)
виртуальный серверvirtual server
виртуальный стол WindowsWindows Virtual Desktop (WVD MichaelBurov)
виртуальный файлvirtual file (A file name within the virtual environment that is mapped to an alternate target location. A virtual file appears alongside other files in the containing directory, regardless of whether that directory is virtual or local)
виртуальный файл журналаvirtual log file (Non-physical files that are derived from one physical log file by the SQL Server Database Engine)
виртуальный экземплярvirtual instance (stachel)
владение виртуальными машинамиvirtual machine ownership (The ownership under which an owner can operate and manage a designated virtual machine through the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. If a self-service policy is created for a group, the group can have either per user ownership of virtual machines or shared ownership of virtual machines)
внешняя виртуальная сетьexternal virtual network (A virtual network configured to use a physical network adapter. External virtual networks are used to connect virtual machines to external networks)
внутренняя виртуальная сетьinternal virtual network (A virtual network that is configured to use no network adapter. Internal virtual networks are used to connect virtual machines running on the same instance of Virtual Server. All network traffic is confined to the computer running Virtual Server)
выполнить развёртывание сайта на виртуальных машинахdeploy a website with virtual machines (Alex_Odeychuk)
динамически расширяемый виртуальный жёсткий дискdynamically expanding virtual hard disk (ssn)
Добавление виртуального интерфейсаAdds virtual interface (Windows Server 2003 SP1 ssn)
доступно виртуальной памятиavailable virtual memory (Andy)
имя виртуальной машиныvirtual machine name (The name that, in combination with the computer name of the virtual machine's host, uniquely identifies a virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager. The virtual machine name is a different property from the computer name of the guest operating system)
инфраструктура виртуальных рабочих столовVirtual Desktop Infrastructure (In Operating system virtualization, an alternative desktop delivery model from Microsoft that allows users to access desktops running in the datacenter)
инфраструктура виртуальных рабочих столовvirtual desktop infrastructure (ssn)
квота виртуальных машинvirtual machine quota (A limit that is placed on the number of deployed virtual machines for a user or group in virtual machine self-service. Each virtual machine can add zero or more quota points toward a virtual machine quota that is set for a self-service policy. If the self-service policy is associated with a group, the quota either can be shared by all group members (under shared ownership) or can apply to each group member individually (under per user ownership). The quota does not apply to stored virtual machines)
кластеризованная виртуальная машинаclustered virtual machine (microsoft.com bojana)
Клиенты используют виртуальные серверы для доступа к приложениям в кластереClients use virtual servers to access applications in a cluster (Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
код виртуальной цепиvirtual circuit ID (Windows Server 2003 ssn)
компьютер виртуальной машиныvirtual machine host (A physical computer that is running virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, on which virtual machines can be deployed)
конфигурация виртуальной машиныvirtual machine configuration (The configuration of the resources assigned to a virtual machine. Examples include devices such as disks and network adapters, as well as memory and processors)
корневой виртуальный процессорvirtual processor root (In the Concurrency Runtime, in the Resource Manager, an abstraction of a physical processing resource. To enable oversubscription of hardware threads, multiple virtual processor roots can map to one physical processing resource)
личный виртуальный рабочий столpersonal virtual desktop (A virtual machine that is assigned to a specific user account in Active Directory Domain Services and made available to the user by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
мастер изменения виртуального жёсткого дискаEdit Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to perform specific operations on their existing virtual hard disks such as compacting their virtual hard disk, merging it, converting it to another type or expanding its size)
мастер создания виртуального жёсткого дискаNew Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to create custom virtual hard disks for virtual machines. The purpose of the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard is to gather the basic information from the user necessary to create a new virtual hard disk)
миграция виртуальной машиныvirtual machine migration (The process of moving a deployed virtual machine from its current virtual machine host to another host)
минута виртуального пользователяVUM (vlad-and-slav)
моментальный снимок виртуальной машиныvirtual machine snapshot (A file-based snapshot of the state, disk data, and configuration of a virtual machine at a specific point in time)
окончание срока действия виртуальной машиныvirtual machine expiration (A feature of Virtual Machine Manager that enables an administrator to set the number of days after the created date when a virtual machine is retired from use by self-service users. Expired virtual machines no longer appear in the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. However, the Virtual Machine Manager administrator still can manage the expired virtual machines. Expiration settings are applied transparently through the virtual machine templates with which self-service users create their virtual machines)
операционная система на виртуальной машинеguest operating system (The operating system running on a virtual machine)
операционная система сервера виртуальных машинhost operating system (The operating system of the physical computer running the Virtual Server or Virtual PC software)
основная виртуальная машинаprimary virtual machine (A virtual machine hosted on the primary server and replicated to the machines on the Replica server)
относительный виртуальный адресRVA (An offset from the address of a module that is loaded in memory)
относительный виртуальный адресrelative virtual address (An offset from the address of a module that is loaded in memory)
очередь виртуальной машиныVirtual Machine Queue (A feature that uses hardware packet filtering to deliver packet data from an external virtual machine network directly to virtual machines, which reduces the overhead of routing packets and copying them from the management operating system to the virtual machine)
очередь виртуальной машиныvirtual machine queue (ssn)
переключение виртуального IP-адресаswap virtual IP (ssn)
переключить виртуальный IP-адресswap VIP (To swap the staging environment with the production environment of a cloud service)
переключить виртуальный IP-адресswap virtual IP (To swap the staging environment with the production environment of a cloud service)
перенос хранилища виртуальной машиныvirtual machine storage migration (microsoft.com bojana)
плотность виртуальных машинvirtual machine density (stachel)
подключение виртуальной частной сетиVPN connection (VPN Andy)
подключение к виртуальной машинеVirtual Machine Connection (A feature of Hyper-V that allows a running virtual machine to be managed remotely through an interactive session)
подключение к виртуальной машинеvirtual machine connection (ssn)
подключение по виртуальному каналуVirtual Channel Connection (An end-to-end connection consisting of concatenations of two or more virtual channels between two end points)
подключение по виртуальному каналуvirtual channel connection (ssn)
полный объём виртуальной памятиtotal virtual memory (Andy)
портал самообслуживания диспетчера виртуальных машинVirtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal (The Web site that users with the needed permissions and settings can use to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment. The Virtual Machine Manager administrator configures self-service policies to determine which users can use the self-service portal and what they can do)
портал самообслуживания диспетчера виртуальных машинvirtual machine manager self-service portal (ssn)
представление виртуальных машинVirtual Machines view (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator monitors, operates, migrates, clones, and creates checkpoints for virtual machines that are deployed on a virtual machine host)
преобразование виртуальной машины в виртуальную машинуvirtual-to-virtual machine conversion (" The process by which a functioning virtual machine created in VMware is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager.")
преобразование физического компьютера в виртуальную машинуphysical-to-virtual machine conversion (" The process by which a functioning physical computer is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine.")
профиль операционной системы виртуальной машиныguest operating system profile (A library resource containing the most common settings from a Sysprep.inf file, including the computer name and domain or workgroup settings, which can be applied to a virtual machine template)
пул виртуальных рабочих столовvirtual desktop pool (A group of one or more identically configured virtual machines. Users can connect to any virtual machine in the pool by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. Because the virtual machines are identically configured, users will receive the same virtual desktop regardless of which virtual machine they connect to. Only one user can use a given virtual machine at a time, but the user is not assigned to a particular virtual machine)
рабочий процесс виртуальной машиныVirtual Machine Worker Process (Windows 8 Rori)
развёртывание виртуальной машиныvirtual machine deployment (The process of moving the configuration files for a virtual machine from the Virtual Machine Manager library to a virtual machine host)
развёртывание рабочих столов на основе виртуальных машинvirtual machine-based desktop deployment (A deployment that allows users to run multiple client operating systems on a single server hosted on Hyper-V)
размещение виртуальной машиныvirtual machine placement (The process of selecting the most suitable host to deploy a virtual machine on)
разностный виртуальный жёсткий дискdifferencing virtual hard disk (" A virtual hard disk that stores the changes or "differences" to an associated parent virtual hard disk for the purpose of keeping the parent intact. The differencing disk is a separate .vhd file that is associated with the .vhd file of the parent disk. Changes continue to accumulate in the differencing disk until it is merged to the parent disk.")
разрешения для виртуальных машинvirtual machine permissions (Permissions that determine which actions self-service users can perform on their own virtual machines. The permissions allow users to create, delete, start, stop, pause, and resume their own virtual machines, serve as a local administrator on their virtual machines, and access their virtual machines remotely by using Virtual Machine Remote Control (VMRC))
роль виртуальной машиныvirtual machine role (A cloud service role that provides a customer-customizable virtual machine image)
роль виртуальной машиныVM role (A cloud service role that provides a customer-customizable virtual machine image)
самообслуживание для виртуальных машинvirtual machine self-service (The Virtual Machine Manager feature that enables users to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment)
сеть виртуальной машиныVM Network (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
служба виртуальных дисковVDS (A set of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provides a single interface for managing disks. VDS uses two sets of providers to manage storage devices. The built-in VDS software providers enable the management of disks and volumes at the operating system level. The VDS hardware providers enable the management of disk storage subsystems and are supplied by the hardware vendor)
служба личных виртуальных рабочих столовPersonal Virtual Desktop service (A service that allows users to connect to their own, personally assigned virtual desktops)
служба личных виртуальных рабочих столовpersonal virtual desktop service (ssn)
служба управления виртуальными машинамиVirtual Machine Management service (The Hyper-V service that provides management access to virtual machines)
служба управления виртуальными машинамиvirtual machine management service (ssn)
состояние виртуальной машины с идентификаторомstate of virtual machine with ID (ssn)
сохранение виртуальной машиныvirtual machine preservation (The process of updating a host operating system, maximizing uptime of the virtual machine(s) that it hosts)
сохраняемая виртуальная машинаpersistent VM (A virtual machine that will retain the data indefinitely, even after the reboot)
сохраняемая виртуальная машинаpersistent virtual machine (A virtual machine that will retain the data indefinitely, even after the reboot)
сохранённая виртуальная машинаstored virtual machine (An inactive virtual machine that has been saved to the Virtual Machine Manager library. The virtual machine's virtual hard disks (.vhd files) and virtual machine configuration file (.vmc file) are stored on a library share)
сохранённое состояние виртуальной машины с идентификаторомsaved state of virtual machine with ID (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
удалённое управление виртуальными машинамиvirtual machine remote control (ssn)
удалённое управление виртуальными машинамиVirtual Machine Remote Control (A feature of Virtual Server that allows a running virtual machine to be managed remotely)
удостоверение виртуальной машиныvirtual machine identity (The virtual machine name in combination with the computer name of the virtual machine's host, which uniquely identify a virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager. The virtual machine name is a different property from the computer name of the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine)
управление виртуальными машинамиvirtual machine management (ssn)
файл конфигурации виртуальной машиныvirtual machine configuration file (An XML-based file that stores the configuration of the virtual machine)
шаблон виртуального IP-адресаvirtual IP template (A template that contains configuration settings for how a load balancer should handle a specific type of network traffic)
шаблон виртуального рабочего столаvirtual desktop template (A virtual machine that is configured as a template in a virtual desktop collection and is used to create new virtual desktops in that collection)
шаблон виртуальной машиныvirtual machine template (A library resource consisting of a guest operating system profile, a hardware profile, and one or more virtual hard disks (.vhd files), which can be used to create a new virtual machine. Computer identify information must have been removed from the .vhd file that contains the operating system files by using the System Preparation tool (Sysprep). Self-service users must use designated templates to create their virtual machines)
ячейка виртуальной диспетчеризацииvirtual dispatch slot (An entry in an internally maintained table of functions that is used at runtime to look up virtual function calls in an object-oriented type)