
Terms containing ভাষা | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSইউনিকোড-বহির্ভূত প্রোগ্রামের ভাষাLanguage for non-Unicode programs (A Regional and Language Options setting that specifies the default code pages and associated bitmap font files for a specific computer that affects all of that computer's users. The default code pages and fonts enable a non-Unicode application written for one operating system language version to run correctly on another operating system language version)
comp., MSWindows 8 একক ভাষাWindows 8 Single Language (An edition of Windows 8 designed to make Windows affordable to mainstream consumers in emerging markets)
comp., MSকম্পিউটার ভাষcomputer language (An artificial language that specifies instructions to be executed on a computer. The term covers a wide spectrum, from binary-coded machine language to high-level languages)
comp., MSগাঠনিক জিজ্ঞাসা ভাষStructured Query Language (A database query and programming language widely used for accessing, querying, updating, and managing data in relational database systems)
comp., MSMicrosoft ডিজাইন ভাষাMicrosoft design language (The set of look-and-feel elements (type, color, icons, etc) that create a sense of brand and a cohesive user experience with Microsoft products)
comp., MSপ্রোগ্রামিং ভাষprogramming language (An artificial language that specifies instructions to be executed on a computer. The term covers a wide spectrum, from binary-coded machine language to high-level languages)
comp., MSপ্রাকৃতিক ভাষা অনুষন্ধানnatural language searching (A search method that lets you direct your search using conversational language)
comp., MSভাষা গ্রুপlanguage group (A group that controls which system locale, user locales, input locales, and user interface (UI) languages can be selected)
comp., MSভাষা ফোল্ডারlanguage folder (The folder in which various translated files are stored. Each language has a different subfolder that corresponds to its locale identification number (LCID). For example, in a U.S. English installation, the LCID is 1033)
comp., MSভাষা শনাক্তকারকlanguage identifier (A standard international numeric abbreviation for a country or geographical region. A language identifier is a 16-bit value that consists of a primary language identifier and a secondary language identifier)
comp., MSভাষা সংশ্লিষ্ট চিহ্নdiacritical mark (A mark placed over, under, or through a character, usually to indicate a change in phonetic value from the unmarked state)
comp., MSভাষা সংশ্লিষ্টতাdiacritic (A mark placed over, under, or through a character, usually to indicate a change in phonetic value from the unmarked state)
comp., MSভাষা সম্ভারlanguage pack (A collection of binaries that can be installed on top of the core product and enables users to select a preferred language so that the user interface and Help files appear in that preferred language)
comp., MSভাষা সেটিংস সরঞ্জামLanguage Settings tool (A tool used to turn on language-specific options for the languages one wants to use with a product)
comp., MSসাধারণ ভাষা রানটাইমcommon language runtime (The engine at the core of managed code execution. The runtime supplies managed code with services such as cross-language integration, code access security, object lifetime management, and debugging and profiling support)
comp., MSহাইপারটেক্সট মারকআপ ভাষHypertext Markup Language (An application of the Standard Generalized Markup Language that uses tags to mark elements, such as text and graphics, in a document to indicate how Web browsers should display these elements to the user and should respond to user actions)