
Terms containing 金币 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.一国在国际货币基金中的总份额total tranche position of a country in the Fund
econ.一国在国际货币基金中的总份额the total tranche position of a country in the Fund
econ.一盎司黄金或白银的货币值coining value of an ounce of gold or silver
econ.不能兑成黄金的纸币inconvertible bank notes
securit.不能兑换金银的纸币fiat money
securit.与黄金挂钩的货币gold-pegged currency
busin.中央货币金融机构central monetary institution
econ.中性货币金融政策neutral monetary policy
earth.sc.中美洲货币稳定基金Central American Monetary Stabilization Fund
fin.中证货币基金指数CSI Money Fund Index
econ.二元半金币a quarter eagle
econ.五元金币a half eagle
interntl.trade.五元金币美俗,半鹰金元值5美元的鹰纹金币half eagle
fin.人民币债券基金renminbi bond funds
China, law人民币发行基金Renminbi issuance fund
fin.人民币计价债券基金renminbi denominated bond funds
fin.人民币计价、只面向中国人的黄金合约Chinese-only gold contract denominated in the renminbi
fin.人民币计价的金融产品renminbi-denominated financial products
fin.从账户支取人民币现金withdraw RMB cash from accounts
fin.从货币市场抽走现金drain cash from the money market
fin.以人民币计价的国际黄金合约international gold contract denominated in the renminbi
securit.以人民币计价的基金Renminbi-denominated fund
fin.以人民币计价的金融产品市场renminbi-denominated financial markets
econ.以国际货币基金为标准计算的国际收支统计balance of payments statistics based on the IMF standard
econ.以当地货币表示的配套资金counterpart funds in local currency
fin.以投资为目的的跨境人民币资金流动move the renminbi in or out of the mainland for investment purposes
busin.企业货币资金monetary funds of enterprise
fin.借出外币资金foreign currency funds lent
busin.偿还国际货币基金组织证券基金fund for redemption of International Monetary Fund securities
busin. 5 元金币half eagle
securit.克隆货币市场基金clone money-market fund
securit.免税货币基金tax-free money fund
securit.免税货币市场基金tax exempt money market fund
tech.其他货币资金审计other money capital audit
fin.其它货币资金other monetary funds
fin., taiw.准货币货币市场型基金quasi money market fund (是债券型基金(货币市场基金)的过渡产品)
China, law制定货币金融政策formulate monetary and financial policies
fin.募集以人民币计价的基金raise a renminbi-denominated fund
econ.十元金币eagle (美)
econ.半英镑金币half sovereign
econ.单本位金属货币制monometallic monetary system
interntl.trade.单本位金属货币制度monometallic monetary system
econ.单本位金属货币制度a monometallic monetary system
econ.单金属货币本位制monometallic standard system
busin.单金属货币本位制monometallic monetary system
interntl.trade.参加国在国际货币基金中的准备地位reserve position in the Fund (of a participant)
commer.发行纸币的40%黄金准备金a 40% gold coverage of paper currency
commer.可兑黄金的货币hard money
busin.合金硬币clad coins
commer.后者则指政府正式宣布减少本国货币单位含金量或降低与外币的官定比价currency devaluation
gen.向国际货币基金组织提款draw on the International Monetary Fund
econ.周转中货币金额amount of money in circulation
tech.商业企业货币资金monetary funds of commercial enterprises
fin., amer.国库货币基金Treasury Money Fund
fin., amer.国库货币市场基金Treasury Money Market Fund
interntl.trade.国货币基金组织international monetary fund
fin.国际货币与金融体系international monetary and financial systems
fin.国际货币与金融委员会International Monetary and Financial Committee (国际货币基金组织政策指导委员会的下属委员会)
fin.国际货币体系和国际金融体系International Monetary System and International Financial System
org.name.国际货币基金International Monetary Fund
econ.联合国国际货币基金International Monetary Fund
interntl.trade.国际货币基金临时委员会IMF Interim Committee
interntl.trade.国际货币基金会International Monetary Fund
environ.国际货币基金会International Monetary Fund An international organization established in 1944, affiliated with the United Nations that acts as an international bank facilitating the exchange of national currencies and providing loans to member nations. It also evaluates the performance of the economies of the world's countries (国际组织,成立于1944年,隶属于联合国,为促进国家货币汇率的一个国际银行,并为成员国提供银行贷款。同时其也评价世界各国的经济表现。)
commer.国际货币基金会员国超黄金缴存额信贷部分super gold tranche
interntl.trade.国际货币基金信贷IMF credit
econ.国际货币基金信贷International Monetary Fund credit
busin.国际货币基金储备reserve for international currency funds
econ.国际货币基金公约Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
interntl.trade.国际货币基金净提款net drawings (IMF)
econ.国际货币基金净提款net drawing (IMF)
interntl.trade.国际货币基金出资分摊额IMF quota
textile国际货币基金出资摊额IMF quota
econ.国际货币基金出资方摊额International Monetary Fund quota
econ.国际货币基金出资方摊额IMF quota
commer.国际货币基金分摊额Quotas of International Money Fund
interntl.trade.国际货币基金制度IMF system
econ.国际货币基金协定Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (条款)
interntl.trade.国际货币基金协定international monetary fund agreement
interntl.trade.国际货币基金协定1945年 12 月 27 日International Monetary Fund Agreement
interntl.trade.国际货币基金协定Fund Agreement
China, polit.国际货币基金协定Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
interntl.trade.国际货币基金协定条款Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
interntl.trade.国际货币基金地位状况IMF position
econ.国际货币基金地位International Monetary Fund position (状况)
econ.国际货币基金地位IMF position (状况)
interntl.trade.国际货币基金平价IMF par value
securit.国际货币基金平价international monetary fund parities
interntl.trade.国际货币基金年度调查磋商IMF annual consultation
econ.国际货币基金年度调査International Monetary Fund annual consultation
econ.国际货币基金年度调査IMF annual consultation
interntl.trade.国际货币基金摊额quotas of International Money Fund
econ.国际货币基金摊额Quotas of International Money Fund (I. M. F.)
econ.国际货币基金暂定委员会IMF Interim Committee
fin.国际货币基金特别提款权drawing rights of IMF
commer.国际货币基金理事会Board of Governors of the Fund
commer.国际货币基金理事会Board of Governors of IMF
securit.国际货币基金的特别提款权drawing right of IMF
econ.国际货币基金研究会International Monetary Fund institute
econ.国际货币基金研究会IMF institute
interntl.trade.国际货币基金研究所IMF institute
gen.国际货币基金组织联合国机构,美国华盛顿International Monetary Fund
econ.国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund (联合国)
fin.国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund (成立于1945年12月27日,与世界银行并列为世界两大金融机构之一,总部设在华盛顿,其职责是监察货币汇率和各国贸易情况,提供技术和资金协助,确保全球金融制度运作正常)
commer.国际货币基金组织亦缩为 IMFInternational Monetary Fund
busin.国际货币基金组织1945 年 12月成立,其宗旨一是促进国际贸易平衡发展,二是促进国际汇兑稳定。事实上是迫使其它国家废除外汇管制,取消进口限制,有利发达国家。日常工作由董事会处理。现拥有130多个会员国International Monetary Fund
invest.联合国国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund (IMF)
org.name.联合国国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund
tech.国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund Organization
gen.国际货币基金组织联合国所属专门机构之一International Monetary Fund
commer.国际货币基金组织IMF 的信贷份额credit tranche
fin.国际货币基金组织中期融通安排IMF extended facility
econ.国际货币基金组织中自动份额automatic IMF tranche
fin.国际货币基金组织临时信用融通安排IMF temporary credit facility
fin.国际货币基金组织信托基金IMF trust fund
fin.国际货币基金组织信用部分贷款IMF credit tranche
busin.国际货币基金组织信贷IMF credit
tech.国际货币基金组织信贷international monetary fund credit
fin.国际货币基金组织储备部分贷款IMF reserve tranche drawings
fin.国际货币基金组织储备部分贷款IMF reserve tranche
fin.国际货币基金组织分摊额IMF quota
interntl.trade.国际货币基金组织协定agreement of IMF
fin.国际货币基金组织协定Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
tech.国际货币基金组织协定Agreement of International Monetary Fund Organization
interntl.trade.国际货币基金组织协定条款第二次修正案Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the IMF
textile国际货币基金组织各国的配额quota system
fin.国际货币基金组织干预IMF involvement
fin.国际货币基金组织平价IMF par value
commer.国际货币基金组织年会IMF Annual Meeting
interntl.trade.国际货币基金组织总裁IMF managing director chairman
fin.国际货币基金组织总裁IMF managing director
econ.国际货币基金组织成员国的配额quota system
commer.国际货币基金组织执行理事会IMF Board of Executive Directors
interntl.trade.国际货币基金组织执行董事会IMF board of executive directors
interntl.trade.国际货币基金组织提款权drawing rights of IMF (International Monetary Fund)
fin.国际货币基金组织提款权drawing rights of IMF
tech.国际货币基金组织提款权drawing rights of international monetary fund
fin.国际货币基金组织普通信贷份额IMF normal credit tranches
interntl.trade.国际货币基金组织活动IMF jargon
textile国际货币基金组织特别提款权special drawing right
commer.国际货币基金组织特别提款权IMF special drawing rights
interntl.trade.国际货币基金组织理事会IMF board of governors
interntl.trade.国际货币基金组织的《国际金融统计档案》IMPS International Financial Statistics IES File
fin.国际货币基金组织的建议IMF's recommendations
econ.联合国国际货币基金组织的黄金份额购买权gold tranche position in International Monetary Fund
met.国际货币基金组织的黄金部分头寸gold tranche position in IMF
fin.国际货币基金组织石油基金IMF petroleum fund
busin.国际货币基金组织研究部市场物价指数IMF research department index of market prices
busin.国际货币基金组织粮食贷款基金Food Facility (IMF)
fin.国际货币基金组织缓冲库存融资安排IMF buffer stock financing facility
fin.国际货币基金组织补偿与应急融通安排IMF compensatory & contingent facility
fin.国际货币基金组织补充信用融通安排IMF supplementary credit facility
commer.国际货币基金组织规定的黄金份额gold tranche
busin.国际货币基金组织贷款loan to the International Monetary Fund
econ.国际货币基金评价International Monetary Fund par value
econ.国际货币基金评价IMF par value
securit.国际货币市场基金international money market fund
busin.国际货币资金市场market for international money funds
econ.国际货币金融危机international monetary and financial crisis
earth.sc.国际货币金融问题全国咨询委员会National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
interntl.trade.国际货币金融问题国家咨询委员会National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
busin.国际金融货币危机international financial and monetary crisis
econ.参加国在国际货币基金中的储备地位reserve position in the Fund (of a participant)
interntl.trade.在国际货币基金储备净额reserve position in the fund
fin.在国际货币基金组织中的储备地位reserve position in IMF
fin.在国际货币基金组织的储备头寸reserve position in the IMF
busin.外国金币foreign gold coins
busin.外币储备金external reserve
busin.外币储备金foreign currency reserve
fin.外币准备金foreign currency reserve
fin.外币准备金foreign currency reserves
tech.外币现金投资foreign cash investment
interntl.trade.外币现金收支cash flow for foreign currency
fin.外币现金流量cash flows in a foreign currency
busin.外币资本金折算translation of exchange capital funds
busin.外币资金foreign currency fund
econ.外币资金foreign currency funds
busin.外币资金foreign currency finance
econ.外币资金情况表statement of showing status of foreign funds
busin.外币资金情况表statement showing status of foreign funds
interntl.trade.外币金融foreign currency finance
interntl.trade.外币金额foreign amount
busin.外汇折合的人民币金额amount of RMB converted from foreign currency
fin.存人人民币现金deposit RMB cash
fin.对国际货币基金组织的警告不屑一顾dismiss the IMF's warnings
fin.对货币市场基金进行担保guarantee money market funds
busin.将金铸成货币monetize gold
tech.币金coin gold
securit.应税货币市场共同基金taxable money market mutual fund
securit.应税货币市场投资基金taxable money market investment fund
econ.当地货币现金收支for local currency
securit.当地货币资金local currency funding
commer.总金额为2,000人民币The amount is CNY 2,000 in the aggregate
gen.我们能保证从酒店兑换出的现金全部是真的,因为每张纸币在给客人前我们都会用验钞机检查We guarantee that the cash changed by our hotel is genuine. We have closely examined it before we change it to the customer
fin.扩大国际货币基金组织特别提款权的使用expand the use of the SDR of the IMF
tech.扩大的国际货币基金组织Expanded International Monetary Fund
fin.投资于面向国内市场的人民币计价基金invest in RMB-denominated funds that focus on the domestic market
fin.持有并交易人民币计价的金融产品hold and trade renminbi-denominated products
busin.支付外币债券本息摊提的基金fund for amortization of principal and interest of foreign currency bond
tech.收兑金银外币silver and foreign currencies
busin.收兑金银外币buy and change gold, silver and foreign currencies
tech.收兑金银外币buy and change gold
fin.改革国际货币基金组织update the International Monetary Fund
met.斯特林货币金合金Sterling gold (68.5Cu, 17.88Ni,0.5-0.75Fe)
busin.[日金币quarter eagle
proj.manag.11月23日、俄罗斯央行宣布10月份已购买 15.6吨黄金用以增加本国的货币性资产On No 23, Russia's central bank announced that it had bought 15.6 metric tons of gold in October to add to its monetary assets
gen.有 10 张面值 100 的美金和5张面值50的人民币,还有3枚25美分的硬币和其他硬币There are ten $100 bills, five 50 RMB bills, three quarters and some other coins
fin.有保证金批准发行的纸币authorized issue against securities
busin.未加利用的货币资金fallow money-capital
textile本位金属货币standard metal
tech.本期货币流动资金current monetary assets
interntl.trade.根据国际货币基金组织规定的国际收支表balance of payments according to IMF formula
fin.欧洲货币合作基金Composite Monetary Cooperation Fund
fin.欧洲货币合作基金European Monetary Cooperation Fund (欧洲经济共同体国家于1973年4月建立的政府间经济联合组织,总部设在卢森堡)
fin.欧洲货币合作基金European Monetary Cooperation Fund (欧洲经济共同体国家于1973年4月建立的政府间经济联合组织,总部设在卢森堡)
econ.欧洲货币合作基金European Monetary Co-operation Fund (组织)
commer.欧洲货币合作基金Fonds Europeen de Cooperation Monetaire
busin.欧洲货币合作基金European Monetary Co-operation Fund
interntl.trade.欧洲货币合作基金组织European Monetary Cooperation Fund
environ.欧洲货币基金European Monetary Fund Fund organized by the European Monetary System in which members of the European Community deposit reserves to provide a pool of resources to stabilize exchange rates and to finance balance of payments in support of the pending full European Monetary Union (欧洲货币体系组织的基金,欧洲共同体成员储蓄储备以提供一定资金集合,用来稳定汇率和财政收支差额以及支持即将到来的完整欧洲货币联盟。)
interntl.trade.欧洲货币基金European Monetary Fund
busin.欧洲货币基金European Fund
econ.欧洲货币资金Euro-currency funds
busin.欧洲货币金融市场Euro-money banking market
busin.欧洲货币金融市场Euro-currency banking market
comp., net.比特币基金会Bitcoin Foundation
met.A5法国货币合金A5 (90Al, 5Ag, 5Cu)
fin.法定债款偿金法偿,法定货币法币legal tender
busin.混合金属货币金、 银币mixed currency
securit.港元货币市场基金Hong Kong dollar money market fund
met.澳大利亚金币合金Australian gold (91.66Au,余量 Ag)
busin.特别货币基金special currency fund
textile现金硬币real money
econ.现金货币cash currency (包括纸币辅币)
fin.现金货币包括纸币和辅币cash currency
tech.现金货币cash currency
fin.现金货币资产cash monetary assets
econ.生金银铸币法价mint price of bullion
fin.用人民币现金支付pay cash in renminbi
econ.没有原具有的含金量的用坏了的金币light gold
met.硬币合金coinage metal
busin.硬币:金属金银effective money
fin.离岸人民币金融市场offshore renminbi financial market
fin.筹集人民币基金raise renminbi funds
agric.类似现金货币cash-like tender
met.粉末冶金法制硬币coinage by powder metallurgy
met.粉末冶金法制造的硬币coinage by powder metallurgy
busin.full bodied currency
busin.纸币兑换金币conversion of notes into gold
interntl.trade."纸面黄金",指国际货币基金的特别提款权paper gold
busin.币面有鹰的美国 10 元金币eagle
fin.美国财政部货币市场基金U.S. Treasury Money Market Funds
met.美国货币合金American gold
fin., amer.美国货币稳定基金American Monetary Stabilization Fund
interntl.trade.联合国货币金融会议United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
securit.股权资产类基金中的货币风险currency risk in equity asset class funds
econ.自即日起,甲方租给乙方该房产,为期3年,年租金为人民币5000元Party A leases to Party B the premises for the term of 3 years from the date hereof at the yearly rental of RMB ¥5000
securit.艾一道货币市场基金平均数美国货币市场基金的平均收益率IBC/Donoghue money fund report average
busin.英国半镑金币half sovereign
fin.获得国际货币基金组织的紧急援助access emergency aid from the IMF
securit.蔡金货币流量Chaikin money flow
fin.货币通货,金钱money (currency)
econ.货币之金属价值metallic value
econ.货币储备金monetary reserve
econ.货币准备金money reserve fund
securit.货币准备金money reserve funds
busin.货币化黄金monetized gold
econ.货币单位含金量gold content of the unit of currency
fin.货币单位的含金量gold content of the money unit
tech.货币及金银清单list of currency
tech.货币及金银清单gold and silver
busin.货币发行保证金securities for fiduciary issue
busin.货币发行基金与库存现金管理management of issuing funds and cash in vault
busin.货币发行基金管理management of issuing funds
met.货币合金coinage alloy
chem.货币合金coinage metal
agric.货币合金coin metal
met.货币合金带材coinage strip
interntl.trade.货币含金价值intrinsic value
busin.货币含金量carat in specie
busin.货币含金量gold content
commer.货币含金量价值intrinsic value
busin.货币含金量贬值depreciation of monetary standard
securit.货币基金money fund
econ.货币基金monetary funds
busin.货币基金monetary fund
securit.货币基金currency fund
interntl.trade.货币基金组织中自动份额automatic IMF tranche
UN, econ.货币基金组织和世界银行的条件规定conditionality Fund and Bank, comply with, tighter and more complex
UN, econ.货币基金组织总裁Managing Director of IMF
econ.货币学说的金块主义者bullion theory
proj.manag.[美]货币市场互助基金money market mutual funds
tech.货币市场互助基金money market mutual funds
fin.货币市场互助基金股份money market mutual funds share
fin.货币市场共同基金money market mutual funds
securit.货币市场共同基金money market mutual fund
securit.货币市场共同基金股份/份额monetary market mutual fund shares
fin.货币市场基金商业模式money market fund business model
securit.货币市场基金自动转账money market fund sweep
securit.货币市场资金保有量money market position
fin.货币性营运资金调整monetary working capital adjustment
commer.货币性黄金变动monetary gold movement
busin.货币现金余额理论cash balance theory of money
econ.货币租金money rent
commer.货币补偿金额monetary compensatory amount
busin.货币补偿金额monetary compensation amounts
econ.货币资金monetary capital
econ.货币资金pecuniary resources
fin.货币资金money fund
textile货币资金monetary funds
tech.货币资金monetary fund
securit.货币资金bank roll
tech.货币资金审计money capital audit
busin.货币资金市场market of monetary funds
busin.货币资金市场monetary funds market
busin.货币资金市场market for monetary funds
met.货币金coinage gold
econ.货币金属的劳动生产率labour productivity of the currency metal
busin.货币金属的劳动生产率labor productivity of the currency metal
econ.货币金属能money metallism
econ.货币金属论money metallism
econ.货币金融体系monetary and financial system
China, law货币金融制度monetary and financial system
interntl.trade.货币金融危机monetary and financial crisis
China, law货币金融政策monetary and financial policy
busin.货币金融政策monetary and fiscal policy
busin.货币金融政策评价数据data to evaluate monetary policy
securit.货币金融管理monetary management
securit.货币金额amount of money
commer.货币金额限制monetary limitation
interntl.trade.货币钉住黄金peg the currency to gold
econ.贬弃黄金的非货币化demonetization of gold
econ.资金一硬币一流转的机制the gold-specie n.-flow mechanism
econ.资金一硬币一流转的机制the gold-specie -flow mechanism
busin.足色金银币full bodied currency
securit.软货币酬金soft dollars
met.造币标准金coinage gold
securit.道纳夫货币基金平均值Donoghue's money fund average
econ.金属货币a metallic currency
interntl.trade.金属货币coin specie
textile金属货币metal money
interntl.trade.金属货币metallic currency
econ.金属货币metallic money
econ.金属货币coin species
econ.金属货币metal coin
econ.金属货币metallic monetary
interntl.trade.金属货币制度metallic monetary system
interntl.trade.金属货币法规coinage act
econ.金属铸币metallic coin
econ.金属铸币流通the metallic currency circulation
econ.金属铸币经济metallic currency-base economy
busin.金属铸币经济metallic currency-based economy
econ.英国金币sovereign gold
textile金币gold currency
textile金币gilt coin
econ.金币gold piece
econ.金币coined gold
busin.金币市面有双鹰的金币,值 20 美元double-eagle
tech.金币兑换制gold exchange standard
econ.金币升水政策gold premium policy
met.金币合金coinage gold
interntl.trade.金币和金块gold coin and bullion
interntl.trade.金币gold using country
econ.金币gold-using country
textile金币手链镯coin bracelet
econ.美国金币本位gold specie standard (制)
fin.金币本位gold species standard
econ.金币本位gold coin standard (制)
busin.金币本位gold coin standard
busin.金币本位制gold coin standard system
busin.金币本位制gold currency standard system
econ.金币本位制gold coin standard
econ.金币流通本位制gold currency standard
econ.金币流通本位制the gold currency standard
fin.金币本位制gold species standard system
tech.金币本位制gold current standard
securit.金币本位制gold currency standard
econ.金币汇兑gold exchange
interntl.trade.金币流通券gold certificate
fin.金币溢价gold premium
econ.金币的法定公价mint price of gold
fin.金币票据gold dollar bill
econ.金币资本moneyed capital
textile金币镶嵌座coin setting
textile金库货币vault money
textile金库货币variance money
tech.金本位货币gold currency
securit.金融与货币money and currency
econ.金融市场上交易很少的外币exotic currencies
econ.金融市场上流通的货币money market instruments
securit.金融市场很少交易的外币exotic currency
securit.金融货币体制financial and monetary system
busin.金融货币体系financial and monetary system
interntl.trade.金融货币危机financial and monetary crisis
busin.金融货币危机financial and monetary panics
busin.金融货币危机财政金融危机financial and monetary crisis
econ.金货币gold money
econ.金货币本位国gold standard country
econ.金银制币法定公价mint price of bullion
busin.金银及外币交易利益profit on bullion and foreign currency transactions
busin.金银和外币bullion and foreign currencies
econ.金银货币制metallic monetary system
busin.金银货币制度metallic monetary system
fin.金铸币gold coin
interntl.trade.金铸币本位gold coin standard
econ.金铸币本位gold coin standard
econ.金铸币本位制gold coin standard system
econ.金铸币本位制gold coin standard
tech.金额货币amount tendered
fin.钱币金属纯度的允许误差remedy of fineness
tech.铜币合金ounce metal
met.银币合金coinage silver (90Ag, 10Cu)
tech.银币合金coin silver
commer.银行发行纸币额不得超过准备金之额的学说currency principle
econ.铸币准备金reserve reliefs of coin
econ.铸币含金量fineness of coin
econ.铸币票面金额mint par;specie par
tech.阿拉伯的金融货币机构non-Arab financial and monetary institutions
org.name.阿拉伯货币基金Arab Monetary Fund
econ.阿拉伯货币基金组织Arab Monetary Fund
org.name.阿拉伯货币基金会Arab Monetary Fund
fin.阿拉伯货币基金组织Arab Monetary Fund (阿拉伯国家政府间货币金融合作组织,成员国为阿拉伯国家联盟的22个成员国,成立于1977年,总部设在阿联酋首都阿布扎比)
proj.manag.非作货币用途的黄金non-monetary gold
econ.非货币化黄金nonmonetary gold
econ.非货币性金融中介nonmonetary financial intermediary
econ.非货币性金融中介机构non-monopoly financial intermediary
busin.非货币性金融中介机构non-monetary financial intermediary
fin.非货币性金融资产non-monetary financial assets
interntl.trade.非货币性黄金non-monetary gold
securit.非货币金融资产non-monetary financial assets
busin.非货币黄金non-monetary gold
interntl.trade.非阿拉伯的金融和货币机构non-Arab financial and monetary institutions
fin.黄金一硬币一流动机制gold-specie-flow mechanism
fin.黄金再货币化gold remonetization
econ.黄金及可兑换货币储备gold and convertible currencies reserves
econ.黄金对纸币的溢价gold premium
econ.黄金或白银的货币值monetary value of gold or silver
econ.黄金的货币作用monetary functions of gold
econ.黄金的货币化gold demonetization
interntl.trade.黄金的非货币化gold demonetizations
econ.黄金的非货币化gold demonetization
busin.黄金自由货币制度cross of gold
econ.黄金货币化monetization of gold
interntl.trade.黄金钉住货币gold-pegged currency
fin.黄金非货币化gold non-monetization
econ.黄金非货币化'demonetization of gold
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