
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
上颌前截骨术anterior maxillary osteotomy
下腹切除low abdominal resection
丘脑下损伤hypothalamus injury
乳头上切开suprapapillary incision
会阴疤痕挛缩cicatricial contracture at perineum
location of an injury
先天性颈囊肿congenital cervical cyst
先露presenting part
屏障internal barrier
内鼻internal nose
半侧面肢体发育不良hemifacial microsomia
口腔颌面损伤护理nursing care of oromaxillo-facial injuries
口腔颌面清创术debridement of oral and maxillo-facial region
口腔颌面炎症oro-maxillo-facial inflammation
缺血性视神经病变posterior ischemic optic neuropathy
周边视网膜毛细管扩张peripheral retinal telangiectasis
乳头状瘤papilloma of pharynx
异物foreign body in pharynx
用药法pharynx administration
咽下憩室Zenker diverticulum
咽下憩室hypopharyngeal diverticulum
分切除术partial laryngectomy
异物foreign bodies in the larynx
水肿laryngeal edema
回盲结核ileocecal tuberculosis
复杂分发作complex partial seizure
屏障external barrier
外鼻external nose
寄生胎cephalopagus parasiticus
妇科阴手术护理nursing care of pudendal operations in gynecology
子宫峡uterine isthmus
室间隔膜membranous part of interventricular septum
内镜导光连接[endoscopic] light guide connector section
小脑蚓肿瘤vermis tumour
低温Regional hypothermia
发绀local cyanosis
性回结肠炎regional ileocolitis
用热local application of heat
X 线摄影术body section radiography
视网膜电图local electroretinogram
过敏反应local anaphylaxis
退化regional degeneration
静脉麻醉Local intravenous anesthesia
内镜弯曲endoscopic bending section
急性后极多发性鳞状色素上皮病变acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy
急性后极多发性鳞状色素上皮病变acute multifocal ischemic choroidopathy
慢性阻塞性肺疾病chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
化脓感染家庭处理法pyogenic infection of hand in domestic treatment
护理nursing department
护理主任superintendent of nursing department
内镜操纵[endoscopic] control section
血肿occipital hematoma
根除式腹子宫切除术radical abdominal hysterectomy
梗死周围传导阻滞peri-infarction block
梗死周围分支传导阻滞divisional peri-infarction block
触诊法superficial palpation
测腹 X 光像roentgenogram of abdomen
滑行触诊法deep gliding palpation
牙颈cervical caries
痉挛性肛proctalgia fugax
白陶土分凝血活酶时间测定kaolin partial thromboplastin time
直肠一腹rectoabdominal examination
睑缘炎angular blepharitis
眼内检查法examination of internal eye
眼外检查法examination of external eye
眼轮匝肌睫Riolan muscle
睫状体巩膜葡萄肿ciliary scleral staphyloma
种植义齿组织内结构substructure of implant denture
种植义齿组织外结构superstructure of implant denture
简单分发作simple partial seizure
手术皮肤准备法skin preparation for otic operation
室间隔缺损muscular ventricular septal defect
环状增生性疤痕circumferential hypertrophic scar at the elbow
蹼状疤痕web cicatricial contracture at the elbow
自我按摩法self-massage for shoulder
块状阴影pulmonary mass
超声波回声图pulmonary echogram
转移癌metastatic cancers of lung
钙化病变 X 线影像X-ray image of pulmonary calcification lesion
分切除术partial nephrectomy
胃大切除术subtotal gastrectomy
胃大切除术护理nursing care of subtotal gastric resection
胎盘母体maternal placenta
胎盘胎儿fetal placenta
体表分区zonation of chest surface
体表标志线lineation of chest surface
受伤chest trauma
叩击法chest percussion
寄生胎thoracopagus parasiticus
开放伤open trauma of chest
放射线检查radiographic examination of the chest
闭合伤closed trauma of chest
震动法chest vibration
扫描brain scan
扭伤lumbar strain
自我按摩法self-massage for waist
会阴切除abdominoperineal resection
会阴切除术abdominal perineal resection
会阴的abdominal perineal
全子宫切除术abdominal total hysterectomy
凹陷abdominal retraction
分区abdominal regions
创伤injuries of abdomen
压痛abdominal tenderness
反射abdominal reflex
寄生胎epigastric parasitus
平片检查plain film examination
损伤护理nursing care of abdominal injury
检查abdominal examination
横切口abdominal transverse incision
水肿abdominal swelling
满胀感abdominal fullness
结核abdominal tuberculosis
肿块abdominal mass
自我按摩法abdominal self-massage
超音波扫描abdominal ultrasonography
膀胱分切除术partial cystectomy
室间隔缺损membranous ventricular septal defect
角膜前膜状营养不良anterior membranous dystrophy of cornea
赤道巩膜葡萄肿equatorial scleral staphyloma
足踝疤痕挛缩cicatricial contracture at ankle joint
转换switch site
输卵管间质妊娠interstitial tubal pregnancy
位局麻Regional block
位麻醉local anesthesia
分冠partial crown
分发作partial seizure
分容积效应partial volume effect
分性前置胎盘partial placenta praevia
分阻滞partial block
镫骨足板分切除术partial stapedectomy
门诊out patient department, OPD
神经pudendal nerve
集体胸检查mass chest examination
侧貌facial profile
恶性肉芽肿facial malignant granuloma
烧伤burns of face
联动facial syncinesis
麻痹Bell palsy
面中发育不良midfacial hypoplasia
面颊facial-buccal area
颅颈肿瘤craniocervical tumour
僵硬检查stiffness of neck
强直反射tonic neck reflex
疤痕挛缩cicatricial contracture at neck
自我按摩法cervical self-massage
静脉胀满venous engorgement of the neck
颌面尤因肉瘤Ewing sarcoma of maxillo facial region
颌面畸形缺损整形术护理nursing care of reconstruction of maxillo-facial deformity and defects
颌面皮肤癌cutaneum carcinoma of maxillo facial region
颌面表皮样囊肿epidermoid cyst of maxillofacial region
颌面骨瘤oral maxillofacial osteoma
颜面疖痈furuncle and carbuncle of maxillofacial region
颜面血管瘤haemangioma of facial region
鼻根root of nose