
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 载荷 | all forms | in specified order only
一度次性载荷one-time load
不平衡均匀载荷unbalanced load
交变载荷reversed load
交变载荷reversal load
交变载荷alternating effort
交变循环载荷疲劳强度strength at repeated alternations
载荷在机械动力传动中包括动载荷和静载荷driven load
以重力加速度为单位的等效载荷equivalent g loading
使用工作载荷service load
供台架程序模拟试验用的使用载荷记录车program load vehicle
侧壁载荷side load
倾翻载荷tilting load
停止载荷stop loading
允许额定载荷authorized load (capacity)
允许许用载荷permissible load
允许载荷admissible load
允许挂车载荷permissible trailer load
车身允许车顶载荷permissible roof load
允许车顶载荷authorized roof load
底盘允许轴荷载permissible axle loadweight
载荷capacity load
车辆载荷时最髙速度maximum full load speed
公路行驶规定的载荷on-highway load
冲击载荷压力shock stress
冲击载荷负载shock load
冲击载荷应力impact stress
车辆分布载荷distributed load
制动力按载荷自动分配的制动系统brake system with automatic load-dependent brake-force balance (automatic load dependent brake-force balance)
制动系统制动力按载荷自动平衡分配automatic load-sensitive braking-force metering
制动系统制动力按载荷自动平衡分配automatic load-sensitive brake balance
制动系统制动力按载荷自动平衡分配automatic load-dependent brake-power balancedistribution, proportioning
制动系统制动力按载荷自动平衡分配automatic load-dependent brake force proportioning
制动系统制动力按载荷自动平衡分配automatic load-dependent brake force distribution
制动系统制动力按载荷自动平衡分配automatic load-dependent brake force balance
制动时的载荷brake load
制动负荷感载阀brake load sensing valve
前桥载荷分配大的汽车前桥载荷超过总载荷50%front-heavy car
前桥额定载荷front axle weight rating
前轴载荷负载front-axle weight
前轴额定载荷front-axle weight rating
载荷shearing load
dynamic load
系数dynamic load factor
载荷vibratory load
载荷live loading
载荷live load
冲击载荷jounce load
底盘载荷移动转移dynamic load shifttransfer
动载负荷量承受能力dynamic load-carrying capacity
半挂牵引车所承受的竖向vertical load borne by a tractor for a semitrailer
半挂牵引车所承受的竖向vertical load borne by a semitrailer tractor
单个载荷single load
单位功率马力载荷power load
单位长度载荷linear load
单桥载荷capacity per axle
单轮载荷single wheel load
底盘单轮载荷single-wheel load
底盘单轴载荷负载single-axle weight
厂定标称最大有效载荷manufacturer's maximum payload
压力作用引起的载荷pressure load
压弯载荷产生纵向弯曲的临界载荷bucking load
压碎破裂载荷crushing load
压缩载荷clamp load
载荷variable load
可卸临时荷载provisional weight
可变载荷控制模块variable load control module
可承受载荷bearable load
后桥载荷back axle weight
周期性荷载cyclic loading
回程载荷back load
固定不变载荷fixed load
地板载荷floor load
均布载荷linear load
均布载荷even load
垂直vertical load
轮胎/车辆垂直载荷normal load
基本主要载荷basic load
基本载荷base load
外部载荷external load
大腿骨载荷femur load
安全safe loading
安全容许载荷safe load
载荷steady load
载荷constant load
货车实际负载荷actual payload
容许轴载荷allowable axle load
密封载荷压力sealing load
对称载荷symmetrical load
小荷载量车桥light-duty axle
屈服载荷引起残余变形的载荷yield load
峰到峰车轮动载荷在一个周期内车轮动载荷由最大值到最小值的变动量peak-to-peak dynamic wheel load
工作载荷负荷specified load
工作有效载荷work load
工作有效载荷working load
工作使用载荷operating load
平均载荷负载average load
座椅seat load
开裂载荷cracking load
弯曲载荷flexural load
径向载荷radial weight
total load
恒定作用载荷continuous load
悬臂载荷cantilever-type load
惯性inertia loading
扭转载荷torsion load
抗剪载荷shearing load
持续长期载荷sustained load
振动摆动,振荡,波动载荷oscillating load (oscillatory load)
振动载荷vibratory load
振动脉振载荷vibrational load
振动冲击载荷vibratory shock load
接近极限的载荷near-ultimate load
支架持物载荷mount load
断裂破坏载荷disruptive load
断裂载荷rupturing load
断裂载荷charge of rupture
无效载荷reactive load
最佳载荷optimal load
最大max load
最大允许载荷maximum authorised payload
底盘最大轴载荷maximum axle load
有效payload capacity
有效实用载荷useful load
有效载荷net load
汽车有效载荷capacity weight
有效载荷与车辆总载质量之payload ratio
标准standardized load
标准载荷standard load
轮胎标记标准载荷standard load
桥梁荷载等级标志bridge class sign
载荷beam load
横向载荷lateral load
每车桥载荷carried per axle
比例载荷同步啮合proportional load synchromesh
气体压力载荷gas-pressure load
永久固定,静载荷permanent load
汽车有效载荷payload of the vehicle
汽车设计额定载荷normal load of vehicle
汽车额定总质量中的后轴载荷gross vehicle weight, rear
交变载荷changing load
活动载荷movable load
载荷combined load
滚动载荷rolling load
集中载荷point load
混合气燃烧的爆发激增,爆发瞬间载荷explosive loading
牵引杆法向荷载trailer nose weight (vertical coupling load, nose weight, drawbar load)
牵引杆载荷tongue weight
牵引杆施加于牵引车的垂直载荷nose weight
牵引车牵引杆竖向vertical load exerted by the drawbar on the tractor
牵引钩上的载荷draft load
疲劳强度极限与静载荷下抗断强度极限之比endurance ratio
载荷instantaneous load
破坏载荷load at failure
破坏导致故障的载荷failure load
破坏载荷load at rupture
破坏断裂载荷failing load
离合器盘压紧接合时压紧盘的载荷clutch-clamping load
载荷负载travelling load
空气动力载荷air load
突加载荷sudden load
突变换速载荷discontinuous load
端面载荷face loading
等力载荷equipollent load
等效当量径向载荷equivalent radial load
等效当量轴向载荷equivalent thrust load
纵向载荷longitudinal load
脉冲变动载荷时的强度strength at pulsating load
加荷载载荷overhauling load
载应力applied stress
荷载移动axle-weight shifttransfer
荷重移动引起的载荷live loading
落在半挂牵引车上的载荷weight borne by a semitrailer tractor
行李载荷baggage load
行李箱载荷boot load (ing)
补充荷载additional load
表面载荷surface load
被牵引的载荷traction load
被牵引的载荷tracted load
被牵引的载荷towed load
车辆设计额定载荷normal load
设计计算载荷rated load
设计额定载荷design load
车辆设计额定载荷design load
试验载荷负载trial load
试验验证载荷proof load
试验时的断裂载荷test failure load
发动机的载荷指发动机被驱动negative load
由于车辆行驶而引起的路面载荷pavement loading
车桥载荷weight per axle
车桥载荷axle weight rating
底盘车桥动载荷dynamic axle weight
底盘车桥动载荷dynamic axle load
底盘车桥动载荷转移dynamic axle-weight transfer
底盘车桥动载荷转移dynamic axle-load shifttransfer
车桥有效载荷effective axle load
底盘车轮载荷的横向转移lateral wheel-load shifttransfer
底盘车轮载荷纵向转移移动longitudinal wheel-load shifttransfer
车轮动载荷dynamic wheel weight
车轮动载荷dynamic wheel load
车轮动载荷转移移动dynamic wheel-weight shifttransfer
车轮动载荷转移移动dynamic wheel-load shifttransfer
车轮经常主要载荷prevailing wheel load
车轴经常载荷prevailing axle load
车辆有效载荷装载质量vehicle capacity weight
车辆标称设计载荷vehicle normal load
车辆设计vehicle design load
车辆额定载荷marked vehicle capacity
车顶载荷负载roof load
车顶允许载荷permitted roof load
车身车顶容许载荷admissible roof load
转矩载荷torque load
轮胎最大允许载荷maximum authorized tyre load
轮胎最大设计载荷maximum design tyre load
试验轮胎的载荷loading of tire
轮齿载荷负载tooth load
承容许载荷safe bearing load
车桥最大允许载荷axle maximum load
车桥有效载荷axle load
载荷axle-weight rating
载荷axle weight
车辆载荷分配distribution of axle load
载荷分配axle-weight proportioning
载荷指示器axle-weight indicator
底盘载荷的变化change of axle weight
底盘载荷的变化change of axle load
底盘载荷限制极限axle-weight limitation
底盘载荷限制极限axle-weight limit
轴向载荷axial load (ing)
轴承允许载荷bearing capacity
轴承的容许载荷allowable bearing load
轴荷载axle capacity
试验load test
载荷force condition
载荷下长度loaded length
载荷不足的车辆underloading car
载荷中心距商用车前轮中心线到平均分布载荷的横向中心线的距离load base
载荷交换继电器load swap relay
载荷传感式制动力自动控制系统automatic load-sensitive braking-force control system
载荷传递load transfer
载荷传递带load transfer zone
载荷作用下变形的温度temperature of deflection under load
载荷货物在车厢内分布payload distribution
载荷荷重分布load distribution
货车载荷分布distribution of load
载荷参数load parameter
载荷均衡load equalization
载荷增量load increment
载荷循环load cycle
载荷应力循环数number of load cycles
载荷循环极限最大次数ultimate number of load cycles
载荷循环次数load cycles endured
由于载荷而引起的拉伸load tension
载荷控制式离合器盖load controlled clutch cover
载荷压力方向direction of load
载荷负载曲线loading curve
载荷横向转移lateral load transfer
载荷point of load
双功率流传动装置载荷的分布spreading of load
载荷空间长度loading space length
汽车载荷自动调平系统automatic load levelling system
悬架载荷自动调平automatic load leveling
悬架载荷自动调平automatic load levelling
载荷自动调平automatic load leveling
载荷调节后悬架客货两用车的一种仅后悬架按载荷找平rear load leveling suspension
载荷load spectraspectrum
载荷超重长,宽oversize load
载荷转矩保持车辆匀速行驶所必需的变速器输出轴转矩load torque
载荷weight of load
边缘载荷状态两零件边缘处于相擦的状态edge loading
量负surcharge load
量负supercharge load
连续不变continuous stress
连续持久载荷endurance stress
公司通告载荷advertized load
道路不平引起的二次载荷secondary road load
道路不平引起的原始载荷primary road load
部分fractional load
汽车部分载荷partial loading
重复周期性拉伸载荷repeated tensile load
重复周期载荷repeated load
间歇周期性载荷intermittent load
间歇冲击载荷intermittent shock load
防轴向负荷过载螺栓如减速器从动锥齿轮处用thrust plug overload stud
附加载荷incremental load
附加寄生载荷parasitic load
附加载荷increment load
附着载荷adhesion weight
前照灯随车辆载荷变化的灯光高度调节vertical aim vehicle loading compensation
载荷continuous load
载荷dead weight/dry weight
固定载荷no-live load
载荷basic load
载荷测量static measurementmeasuring
底盘静态轴static axle weight
底盘静态轴static axle load
预加载荷initial loading
预加载荷initial load
预加载荷应力轴承preloaded bearing
车辆额定公称有效载荷nominal payload
额定标称,法向载荷normal load
额定公称,名义载荷nominal load
车辆额定载荷marked capacity
额定载荷指数load index
额定安全载荷guarantee load
额定有效载荷rated payload
风阻作用引起的载荷windage loading
高于弹性限度载荷superelastic load