
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
使用operating cost
保养operating cost
美国保护消者与环境健康处Consumer Protection and Environmental Health Service
保险premium Amount to be paid for a contract of insurance or life assurance (支付的保险或人寿保险合同的数额。)
初级能源消primary energy consumption Consumption of energy used in the same form as in its naturally occurring state, for example crude oil, coal, natural gas, e.g. before it is converted into electricity (在能源消费中使用其天然状态的形式,如原油、煤炭、天然气、电能。)
原材料消raw material consumption The developed countries depend on a stable supply of raw materials for their industries. Total resource requirements are increasing rapidly over the entire world. In developed countries, although population is increasing slowly, per capita use is increasing rapidly, while the opposite is happening in developing countries. Traditionally raw materials have been classified as non-renewable resources, but a distinction may be important between "loosable" resources, such as oil and coal, and "non-loosable" resources, such as metals, which can be used several times over by recycling processes (发达国家依靠原材料为它们的工业提供稳定的材料供给。整个世界总的资源需求增加很快。在发达国家,尽管人口增加很慢,人均使用增加却很快,这和发展中国家相反。传统的原材料属于不可再生资源,"松散的"资源,例如油和煤等和"非松散的"资源,例如金属等区别很大,"非松散的"资源能通过回收重用多次。)
固定的收时间表fixed schedule of charges
废料处理waste charge Imposed fee, expense, or cost for the management of refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process (为处理生产制造过程中遗留下来的垃圾或无用的材料而征收的费用、开支和成本。)
废料处置waste disposal charge Imposed fee, expense, or cost for the action of removing or getting rid of refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process (为实施清除或去除生产制造过程中遗留下来的垃圾或无用材料的行动而征收的费用、开支和成本。)
废水waste water charge Imposed fee, expense, or cost for the management of spent or used water that contains dissolved or suspended matter from a home, community farm, or industry (为管理来自家庭、社区农场、或工业中使用过的水中可溶物或悬浮物而征收的费用、开支或成本。)
旅行travel cost Expenditure of money or the amount of money incurred for journeying or going from one place to another by some mode of transportation (旅行或通过某种交通方式从一个地方到另一个地方而产生的花费或支出的金额。)
未服从的收non-compliance fees
wastage Extravagant or useless consumption or expenditures (过分的或无用的消费或支出。)
consumption Spending for survival or enjoyment in contrast to providing for future use or production (用于生存和享受的开支,与供应未来的使用或生产相反。)
consumer product Economic good that directly satisfies human wants or desires (直接满足人类需求或渴望的经济商品。)
性废弃物consumer waste Materials purchased, used and discarded by the buyer, or consumer, as opposed to those discarded in a manufacturing process (顾客或消费者所购买、使用并抛弃的物质,相对于工业制造过程中抛弃的物质。)
模式consumption pattern The combination of qualities, quantities, acts and tendencies characterizing a community or human group's use of resources for survival, comfort and enjoyment (结合质、量、行为与倾向来描绘社区或聚落为生存、舒适与享乐时所使用资源的特性。)
tax on consumption A sum of money demanded from businesses by a government, usually based on a percentage of total sales of select goods and services, and generally passed on to consumers with each individual purchase (政府要求企业的一笔钱,通常基于对选择商品和服务销售总额的百分比,且通常转嫁到消费者的每一个人购买中。)
者保护consumer protection Information disseminated or measures and programs established to prevent and reduce damage, injury or loss to users of specific commodities and services (为了避免与减少特定日用品与服务所造成的危害或损害所做的资讯宣传、方法与计划。)
者信息consumer information Factual, circumstantial and, often, comparative knowledge concerning various goods, services or events, their quality and the entities producing them (关于各种货物、服务、或事件,对于其品质与其生产单位的实际、详细及比较的知识。)
者团体consumer group A collection of persons united to address concerns regarding the purchase and use of specific commodities or services (一群团结一致的人,关切有关购买与使用某种特定日用品或服务的行为。)
者行为consumer behaviour An observable pattern of activity concerned with the purchase of goods and services and susceptible to the influence of marketing and advertising strategies (与购买商品和服务有关的显著行为模式,其易受市场行销和广告策略的影响。)
资源consumption resources
生活消consumer goods Manufactured products intended primarily for personal use by individuals or families and classified as either durables or non-durables, depending on length of use (个人或家庭用于私人用途的制品,依使用时间的长短可分为耐用品或非耐用品。)
石油消petroleum consumption Petroleum belongs to non-renewable energy sources; it is a complex substance derived from the carbonized remains of trees, ferns, mosses, and other types of vegetable matter. The principal chemical constituents of oil are carbon, hydrogen, and sulphur. The various fuels made from crude oil are jet fuel, gasoline, kerosine, diesel fuel, and heavy fuel oils. Major oil consumption is in the following areas: transportation, residential-commercial, industrial and for generating electric power (石油属于非可再生能源,它是一种复杂的物质,来源于炭化后的树木、蕨类、藓类和其它类型的蔬菜。主要化学成分是碳、氢、油和硫磺。石油可以被提炼成各种燃料:原油、汽油、喷气燃料、柴油、重燃料油。主要的石油消费是在以下几个方面:运输工业和发电。)
expenditure Spending by consumers, investors, or government for goods or services (消费者、投资者或政府为商品或服务的花销。)
贸易和消trade and consumption The act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging commodities and the use of goods and services (购买、销售或交换商品的行为或过程,以及商品和服务的使用。)