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租约术语包括星期日和假日在内的晴天工作日Weather Working Days, Sundays and Holidays Included
租约术语排除星期六、日和假日在内的晴天工作日Weather Working Days, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
租约术语排除星期日和假日在内的晴天工作日Weather Working Days, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
租船合同星期五和假日除外Fridays and Holidays Excepted
租船术语星期六、日与假日包括在内Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Included
租船术语星期六、日与假日即使使用也不包括Saturdays, Sun days and Holidays Excepted Even IF Used
租船术语星期六、日与假日如果使用就包括在内Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted Unless Used
租船术语星期六、日与假日除外Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
有待协商的细sub. details
paragraph ship
省的全部装卸时间all time saved
租约术语省的装卸时间working time saved
租船术语装卸两港的速遣费为滞期费的一半、并按省的全部时间计算despatch money half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends
租船术语速遣费为滞期费的一半、并按省的全部时间计算despatch money half demurrage and for working time saved
会计银行存款调bank reconciliation statement