
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
上场listed stock
上市listed stock
美俚不值钱的cats and dogs
不加缴non-assessable stock
不加缴non-assessable capital stock
不参加分红的优先non-participating preference share
不发行non-issuance of stock certificates
不在缺席东制度absentee ownership system
不在东制度absentee ownership system
不派作利的盈余surplus not for dividend purposes
牌价下降的不稳定soft stock
不规定发行价格的无面值true no par stock
不记名bearer stock
不记名bearer share stock
不记名bearer shares
不足额part-paid stock
不需估价的non-assessable stock
中等价格medium priced stock (middle priced stock)
临时份或股票分割temporary share of stock fraction
临时票发行scrip issue
临时票持有者scrip holder
为零额份发出的临时凭证scrip certificates issued for fractional shares
主要leading stock
主要leading share
买卖票通知contract note
买进buy in stocks
互持mutual stock ownership
互持reciprocal holdings
互持mutual holding
互相控mutual stock holding
亚洲私人投资份公司Private Investment Co., for Asia, S.A.
优先preferential capital stock
优先preference shares
优先priority stock
优先preferential stocks
优先"A" stock
优先preferred share stock
stock优先preference share
优先dividend on preferred stock
优先preferential dividend
优先preferred dividend
优先dividend on preferred stock
优先preferred dividend
优先成本cost of preferred stock
优先收回基金preferred stock sinking fund
优先capital stock preferred
优先preferential stock
优先preference stock
优先股东preference stock shareholder
优先股利dividends on preferred stock
优先普通preferred ordinary share
优先认privileged subscription
优先认购preemptive right
优惠权发行right issue
伪造forged stocks
低价low-priced stock
低票面low-value stock
票投机gamble in stocks
作废forfeited stock
借入borrowed stock
借款debenture stock
借给lending stock
借贷loan stocks
借贷lending stock
债券bond dividends
票投机speculate in stocks
做冒险的票买卖take a fall flier
偿还redeemable share
兑换converted share
bring in
全部full stock
全部缴清的full-paid capital stock
公允的利收入liberal dividend income
公司东决定corporate action
公司债bond dividends
公司利润率与东自有资本或销售额比率ratio of profits to stockholder's equity or to sales
公司的临时monkey money
公家public shareholder
公布分派的dividend declared
公布的declared dividend
公开售股份有限公司open corporation (与 private corporation 相对)
公用事业公司public utility stock
公用事业持公司法案public utility holding company act
兰筹码bluechip stock
"兰钱"一普通blue chips
内部进行票交易的人inside dealer
再分subdivided share
再分sub-divided share
split-ups (of stocks)
share splitup
分利优先profit participating preferred stock
分期缴款簿subscription installment book
创业founder’s stocks
创业founder’s stock
创办人promoter's shares
创办人founders' share
利润息比率dividend cover
利率和息委员会committee on interest and dividends
的股票加拿大太平洋铁路Canadian Pacific RaHway Co.
US加盖戳记stamped shares UK, stalled stock
匀期equalizing dividend
匿名silent partners
匿名sleeping partner
half stock
单银行持公司one-bank holding company
卖主vendors' unit
占少数权的股东minority stockholders
份发行总额original issue stock
原始original capital
投资公司mutual investment company
投资公司mutual fund company
连带责任公司joint stock company liability
合伙包销joint underwriting
合作法受益patronage dividend
合并份有限公司consolidated corporations
同意consent dividend
名牌blue chip
后取deferred stock
后派deferred stock
后派deferred shares
否决权vetoing stock
告退retired partner
善部full share
土地入pooling of land
在外票数outstanding stock
增加总本决议general capital increase resolution
增长growth stock
增长growth shares
dormant partners
sleeping partner
dormant partner
silent partners
隐名合伙人dormant partner
外商foreign ownership allowed
外国foreign equity holding
外国权比重proportion of foreign equity
外国票的场外交易over-the-counter dealings of the foreign stock
外国私人控公司foreign personal holding company
外资拥有多数权的子公司majority-owned foreign affiliates
外资逐步减少权措施fade-out measures
多数majority stockholders
多数合资majority joint-venture
多数majority interest
多数controlling interest
多数majority holding
senior partner
large shareholder
predominant partner
strong stockholder
大量买进票、商品corner the soar market
契约规定contractual dividend
契约规定contractual dividend
套做stocks for margin trading
季度quarterly dividend
实收paid-up capital
实物dividend in kind
实缴paid-in capital
minority stockholders
小额penny stock
合资minority joint-venture
"少数"minority share holders
少数东利益minority share holders interest
少数东权益minority equity
少数minority share
少数minority holding
少数权股东minority stockholders
居间权公司intermediate holding companies
居间控公司intermediate holding companies
市场变动激烈的fluctuating stock
cum dividend (ex dividend)
息和不带股息cum dividend and ex dividend
cum dividend
带收买票权的债券bonds with stock purchase warrants
带权cum right
平均利准备reserve for equalization of dividends
平均利基金dividend equalization fund
平均息率average rate of dividend
年终year-end dividend
reverse stock split
reverse splitup
分立split-ups (of stocks)
库存份盈余treasury stock surplus
库藏公司收买自己的股票或由股东移赠给公司自己股票;股款已照票面全部缴足treasury stock
应付dividend payable
应付未付dividends payable
应付未付accrued cumulative dividends
应收东票据notes receivable from officers, stockholders and employers
应收dividends receivable
应收subscription receivable
应收认缴capital stock subscriptions receivable
应计accrued dividend
引进introduction of shares
待发capital stock outstanding
general capital
执票人bearer stock
执行业务working partner
执行业务executioner of business
执行业务managing partner
分配issues to shareholders
投资investment interests
投资invest in stock
投资于invest in stocks
投资信托公司trust share certificate
公司proprietary company
公司holding corporation
持有long stock
持票人bearer stock
挂名,ostensible partner
挂名nominal partner
挂牌listed stock
挂牌list of stock
挂牌上市票总值total market value of listed share
挂牌票总值total market value of listed shares
挣得earned interests
捐赠donated stock
换成conversion into capital stock
授给在一定时期内按预定价格买卖票的权利share option
摊还capital returned to stockholders in dividends
支付disbursement of dividends
收买权的公司acquiring corporation
收回优先准备reserve for retirement of preferred stock
收回优先准备reserve for redemption of preferred stock
收益income stock
敏感性cyclical stocks
整份round lot
普通equity stock
普通ordinary shares
普通equity stocks
普通general stocks
普通与优先股收益差额yield gap
普通ordinary partner
普通active partner
普通成本cost of equity capital
普通capital stock common
普通ordinary shares
普通ordinary stock
普通general stock
晴雨表barometer stocks
晴雨表barometer stock
暂发指决算前暂发的股利interim dividend
最优先prior preferred stock
最佳bluechip stock
权的合资经营equity joint venture
有利piece of the action
有可能扯低每收益的证券potentially dilutive securities
有投票权之普通voting shares of common stock
有投票权的voting stock
有政府担保的可靠gilt-edged shares
有表决权的voting stock
有迷惑力的glamor stock
有限份公司limited dividend corporation
有限制的票承购权restricted stock option
有限制的票认购权restricted stock option
有限表决权limited voting stock
有限责任limited partner
有面额par-value stock
期票scrip dividend
未上市unlisted stock
未交uncalled capital
未付unpaid dividend
未付unpaid dividend
未催缴uncalled capital
未催缴uncalled subscriptions
未发unissued stock
未发unissued capital stock
未发行unissued stock
未取unclaimed dividend
未在证券交易所登记的counter share
未收capital uncalled
未收unpaid capital
未明白表明募之计划书red-herring prospectus
未缴unpaid-up capital
未缴capital uncalled
未缴足partly paid of share
未认本账unsubscribed capital stock account
未认缴pending subscription
未认缴pending subscriptions
未认购本账户unsubscribed capital stock account
未领的unclaimed dividend
miscellaneous shares
权益入pooling of interests method
标准standard stocks
核定认服数和应缴款通知书letter of allotment
横券debenture capital
欠付催缴calls in arrears
欠发之dividends in arrears
欧洲辛迪加票指数Euro syndicate General Share Index
没收本盈余surplus from forfeited stock
没收forfeited stock subscription
没票商价格的unvalued stock
活跃piece of the action
活跃active stock
活跃的active stock
证书allotment certificate (letter of allotment)
流动floating stock
流通floating stock
流通在外outstanding capital stock
清理人所掌握的债券或liquidation holdings
特别special dividend
用于清算的clearing stock
申报state capital
电传票行情录ticker tape
电报业务cable operation unit
登记stockholder of record
看涨long stock
票面nominal capital
票面价格以下的below par stock
票面价额为100美元的full stock
税则第306条section 306 stock
稳定standard stock
稳定票市场价格的业务活动operations for stabilizing the stockmarket price
稳定的seasoned securities
空过passed dividend
第三优先third preference share
累积cumulative stock
累积cumulative dividend
累积accumulated dividend
累积cumulative capital stock
累积与非累积优先cumulative or noncumulative preferred stock
累积优先cumulative preference share
累积优先cumulative preferred stock
累计优先cumulative preference stock
美国票交易所AMEX ASE American Stock Exchange
美国票交易所American Stock Exchange
美国票在伦敦的价格London price
美国票证书American share certificate
美联社 60 种票平均数Associated Press average of 60 stocks
mutual stock ownership
community of stock
联合joint holders
联合joint stock (joint capital)
联合combination of shares
联合份协会等于股份公司joint stock association
联合商务份有限公司consolidated merchandising corporation
联营affiliate interests
多数majority stockholders
stock holder stockholders
stock holder
东主权报酬率return on stockholder's equity
东人数有限的公司closely held company
东优先认购权privileged allocation of issuance to stockholder
东优先认购权privileged allocation to stockholders
东分户账stockholder's ledger
东分户账stock ledger
东分类账stockholder's ledger
东合伙人equity partner
东名册register of shareholders
东名单list of shareholders
东大会stock holder stockholders
东大会general stockholders meeting
东大会meeting of stockholders
东大会general meeting of share holders
东年度报表stockholder's annual report
东拥有的资产净值主权资本shareholders' equity
东权stockholder's right
东权益stockholder's equity
东权益shareholder's equity
东权益分享equity participation
东登记簿register of members
东的权益owner's claim
东的财产净值stockholder's equity
东股票权voting right of stockholder
dividend on shares
利准备金reserve for dividend
利券dividend coupon
利及公司债stock and bonds
利基金dividend fund
利帐户dividend account
利平均准备dividend-equalization reserve
利支付率payout ratio
利支付簿dividend payment book
利支付表dividend payment sheet
利支票dividend check
利收入dividends earned
利率rate of dividend
利簿dividend check
利簿dividend book
利股份dividend stock
利股票dividend stock
stock certificate
certificate of stock
shares in a company
本与净值比率ratio of capital stock to net worth
本值value of capital stock
本折价stock discount
本折价discount on capital stock
本折扣discount on stock
本账capital account
本资本equity capital
本面值par-value capital stock
营业权公司operating holding company
营业权总账operating ledger
营业控公司operating holding company
行情看涨时买进的long stock
补偿认选择权方案compensatory stock option plans
调整历年equalizing dividend
财产property dividend
货币贷借与票贷借的比率ratio of money loans to stock loans
货币贷借对票贷借的差额balance of money loans over stock loans
stock purchase warrant
购入buying out an interest
购出buying out an interest
贷款loaned stock
资产asset stock
资产及assets and equities
资力雄厚的strong stockholder
资本capital dividend
资格就任重要职务时的必要股数qualification shares
盈余surplus from donated stock
赠送free shares
赠送bonus stock
赢利bonus stock
赢利bonus dividend
转换conversion stock
退withdrawal share
退withdraw shares
退回rescission of dividends
退回stocks returned
递延deferred dividends
造船公司shipbuilding stocks
逾期未公布的passed dividend
道• 琼斯票指数Dow Jones Index
道•琼斯公司的 30 种工业票的平均指数Dow Jones 30 industrial average
遥有东制度absentee ownership system
英国《金融时报》票价格指数Financial Tinies Stock Indices
英国《金融时报》工业普通票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
附加supplementary dividend
附加extra dividend
附息cum coupon
附限restricted share
附限制restricted shares
股票出让但不包括股息,股利除外ex dividend ED;x.d.
隐名silent partners
隐名dormant partners
隐名dormant partner
份公司non stock company
份公司non-stock corporation
非上场counter share
非上市unlisted stock
非上市outside stock
非参加优先non-participating preferred stock
非参加优先non-participating preference share
非同意non-assented stock
非挂牌unlisted stock
非正式招章程red-herring prospectus
非法经营的票投机wildcat stock speculation
非注册letter stock
非累积non-cumulative dividend
非累积优先non-cumulative preferred stock
非累积优先non-cumulative preferred stock
非营业控公司non-operating holding company
面额par-value capital stock
面额par value stock
面额为25美元的quarter stock
面额为50美元的half stock
预收催缴calls in advance
预缴advances on subscription
额外extra dividend
额外extra dividend
额定nominal capital
额定authorized capital stock
额定capital stock authorized
额定authorized capital
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