
Terms for subject Biology containing | all forms
五角形木瓜babaco (Carica pentagona Heilb.,番木瓜科)
光滑荔枝glabrous custard-apple (Annona glabra L.,番荔枝科)
刺果荔枝soursop (Anona muricata L.,番荔枝科)
刺果荔枝corossol (Anona muricata L.,番荔枝科)
刺果荔枝guanabana (Annona muricata L.,番荔枝科)
南美荔枝cherimoyer (Annona cherimola Mill,番荔枝科)
南美荔枝cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill,番荔枝科)
双花红花Scotch crocus (Crocus biftorus Mill.,鸢尾科)
台湾毛柿,Diospyros discolor Willde,柿科butter fruit
台湾毛柿,Diospyros discolor Willde,柿科velvet apple
大叶large-leaved tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. var. grandifolium Bailey,茄科)
大叶big-leaf tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum var. grandifolium Bailey,茄科)
木瓜mountain papaya (Carica candamarcensis Hook.f.,番木瓜科)
山地荔枝mountain soursop (Annona montana Macf.,番荔枝科)
巴西石榴Brazilian guava (Psidium araca Raddi,桃金娘科)
巴西石榴Araca (Psidium guineese,桃金娘科)
红花Dutch crocus (Crocus vernus Wulfen,鸢尾科)
tree tomato (Cyphomondra betacea Sendt.,茄科)
番茄树,Cyphomandra betacea Sendt.,茄科tree-tomato
vegetable mercury (Cyphomondra betacea Sendt.,茄科)
tomato tree (Cyphomondra betacea Sendt.,茄科)
梨形pear tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. var. pyriforme Alef.,茄科)
樟叶西yellow-granadilla (Passiflora laurifolia Lill.,西番莲科)
樟叶西sweet cup (Passiflora laurifolia Lill.,西番莲科)
樟叶西water lemon (Passiflora laurifolia L.,西番莲科)
樟叶西yellow granadilla (Passiflora laurifolia Lill.,西番莲科)
樟叶西Jamaica honey suckle (Passiflora laurifolia Linn.,西番莲科)
樱桃cherry tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum var. cerasiforme Alef.,茄科)
澳洲圆锥花樱桃Australian brushcherry eugenia (Eugenia paniculata var. australis,桃金娘科)
狭叶泻树Congo senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.,豆科)
木瓜papaya (Carica papaya L.)
木瓜番瓜树,Carica papaya L.,番木瓜科papaya tree
木瓜番瓜树,Carica papaya L.,番木瓜科melon-tree
木瓜番瓜树,Carica papaya L.,番木瓜科pawpaw tree
木瓜papaya tree (Carica papaya L.)
木瓜carica (Carica papaya L.)
木瓜叶斑病leaf spot of papaya (Cercospora papayae Hansf.)
木瓜实蝇papaya fruit fly (Toxorypana curvicauda Gerstaecker,实蝇科)
木瓜属papaya (Carica L.,番木瓜科)
木瓜属papaya tree (Carica L.,番木瓜科)
木瓜属carica (Carica L.,番木瓜科)
木瓜根结线虫病root knot nematode of papaya (Meloidogyne sp.)
木瓜根腐病papaya phytophthora root rot (Ephytophthora palmivora (Butl.) Butl.)
木瓜根腐病papaya armillaria root rot (Armillaria mellea (Vahl. et Fr.) Karst.)
木瓜污灯蛾papaya tiger moth (Spilarctia investigatorum Karsch,灯蛾科)
木瓜炭疽病papaya anthracnose (Colletotrichum papayae (P. Henn.) P. Henn.)
木瓜炭疽病anthracnose of papaya (Colletotrichum papayae (Henn.) Syd.)
木瓜白粉病powdery mildew of papaya (Ovulariopsis caricae Saw.)
木瓜白粉病papaya powdery mildew (Phyllactinia coryrea (Pers.) Karst.)
木瓜白绢病papaya southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.)
木瓜科papaya family (Caricaceae)
木瓜科carica family (Caricaceae)
木瓜苦腐病bitter rot of papaya (Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.) Schr. et Spauld.)
木瓜软腐病soft rot of papaya (Rhizopus nigricans Ehrb.)
木鳖马钱子,Strychos nuxvomica L.,马钱子科poison- nut
木鳖马钱子,Strychos nuxvomica L.,马钱子科strychnine
New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia expansa Murr.,番杏科)
杏科carpetweed family (Alzoaceae)
杏科ice-plant family (Alzoaceae)
辣椒,Capsicum frutescens L.red pepper
辣椒,Capsicum frutescens L.capsicum
椒属red pepper (Capsicum L.,茄科)
椒属capsicum (Capsicum L.,茄科)
月桂树叶石榴Costa Rican guava (Psidium friedrichsthalianum; Psidium laurifolium,桃金娘科)
石榴common guava (Psidium guajava L.)
石榴guava (Psidium guajava L.)
石榴鸡屎果,Psidium guayava L.,桃金娘科common guava
石榴叶斑病leaf spot of guava (Cercospora sawadae Yamam.)
石榴属guava (Psidium L.,桃金娘科)
石榴炭疽病anthracnose of guava (Glomerella psidii Sheld.)
红花藏红花,Crocus sativus L.,鸢尾科saffron crocus
红花藏红花,Crocus sativus L.,鸢尾科saffron
红花藏红花,Crocus sativus L.saffron
红花藏红花,Crocus sativus L.saffron crocus
红花藏红花,Crocus sativus L.,鸢尾科safflower
红花藏红花,Crocus sativus L.,鸢尾科vegetable gold
红花藏红花,Crocus sativus L.,鸢尾科bastard saffron
红花属saffron crocus (Crocus L.,鸢尾科)
红花属saffron (Crocus L.,鸢尾科)
西红柿,Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,茄科tomato plant
西红柿,Lycopericum esculentum Mill.tomato
西红柿,Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,茄科love apple
西红柿,Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,茄科tomato
poor man's apple (Lycopericum esculentum Mill.,茄科)
西红柿,Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,茄科common tomato
茄丛矮病毒tomato bushy stunt virus (Lycopersicon virus 4; Marmor dodecahedron; Lycoerpscium virus dodecahedron (Roland))
茄僵顶病bunchy top of tomato (Lycopersicum virus 5)
茄叶刺皮瘿螨tomato russet mite (Aculops lycopersici (Massee); Phyllocoptes or Vasates,瘿螨科)
茄叶刺皮瘿螨tomato mite (Aculops lycopersici (Massee); Phyllocoptes or Vasates,瘿螨科)
茄叶斑及果腐病leaf spot and fruit rot of tomato (Alternaria tomato (Cooke.) Weber.)
茄叶斑病tomato cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora diffusa Ell. et Ev.)
茄叶斑病leaf spot of tomato (Cercospora diffusa Ell. et Ev.)
茄叶霉病tomato leaf mould (Cladosporium fulvum Cke.)
茄叶霉病leaf-mold of tomato (Cladosporium fulvum Cooke)
茄夜蛾brown-eye moth (Polia oleracea L.,夜蛾科)
茄夜蛾tomato moth (Polia oleracea L.,夜蛾科)
茄天蛾tomato horn worm (Protoparce puinquemaculata (Haworth),天蛾科)
茄天蛾tomato hornworm (Protoparce quinquemaculata Haworth.,天蛾科)
茄天蛾northern hornworm (Protoparce puinquemaculata (Haworth),天蛾科)
茄属tomato (Lycopericum Mill.,茄科)
茄斑枯病tomatoria blight (Septoria lyoopersici Spegazzini)
茄斑枯病番茄斑星病,Septoria lycopersici Speg.white spot of tomato
茄斑枯病tomato septoria leaf spot (Septoria lyoopersici Spegazzini)
茄斑枯病septorial spot of tomato (Septoria lycopersici Sepeg.)
茄斑枯病tomato leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici Speg.)
茄斑枯病septorial blight of tomato (Septoria lycopersici Sepeg.)
茄斑萎病spotted wilt of tomato (Lycopersium virus 8)
茄斑萎病毒pineapple yellowspot virus (Lethum australiense (Holmes); Lycopersicon virus 3 (Smith); Lycopersicumvirus zonatum (Roland))
茄斑萎病毒Tomato virus (Lethum australiense (Holmes); Lycopersicon virus 3 (Smith); Lycopersicumvirus zonatum (Roland))
茄斑萎病毒pineapple side rot virus (Lethum australiense (Holmes); Lycopersicon virus 3 (Smith); Lycopersicumvirus zonatum (Roland))
茄斑萎病毒Ananas virus (Lethum australiense (Holmes); Lycopersicon virus 3 (Smith); Lycopersicumvirus zonatum (Roland))
茄斑萎病毒Kat River disease (Lethum australiense (Holmes); Lycopersicon virus 3 (Smith); Lycopersicumvirus zonatum (Roland))
茄斑萎病毒Kromnek virus (Lethum australiense (Holmes); Lycopersicon virus 3 (Smith); Lycopersicumvirus zonatum (Roland))
茄斑萎病毒Kat River wilt (Lethum australiense (Holmes); Lycopersicon virus 3 (Smith); Lycopersicumvirus zonatum (Roland))
茄斑萎病毒tomato spotted wilt virus (Lethum australiense (Holmes); Lycopersicon virus 3 (Smith); Lycopersicumvirus zonatum (Roland))
茄早疫病tomato early blight (Aternaria solani (Ell. et Mart.) Jones et Grout)
茄早疫病番茄叶斑病,Alternaria solani (Ell. et Mart.) Jones et Grout.early blight of tomato
茄晚疫病tomato late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary)
茄晚疫病late blight of tomato (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary)
茄条斑病streak of tomato (Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV),病毒病害)
茄条纹病毒tomato streak (Lycopersicum virus 1 Smith)
茄果斑病fruit spot of tomato (Phytobacter lycopersicum Croe.)
茄果腐病phoma rot or fruit of tomato (Phoma destructiva Plowr.)
茄果腐病fruit rot of tomato (Botryosporium pulchrum Corda)
茄枯萎病bacterial wilt of tomato (Xanthomonas solanacearum (Smith) Dowson)
茄根结线虫tomato root knot nematode (Meloidogyne sp.)
茄根结线虫病root knot nematode of tomato (Meloidogyne sp.)
茄溃疡病canker of tomato (Corynebacterium michiganese (Smith) Jenson)
茄灰腐病tomato ascochyta rot (Ascochyta lycopersici Brun.)
茄灰腐病gray rot of tomato (Ascochyta lycopersici Brun.)
茄灰霉病gray mold of tomato (Botrytis cinerea Pers.)
茄炭疽病tomato anthracnose (Colletotrichum phomoides Chester)
茄炭疽病anthracnose of tomato (Colletotrichum phomoides (Sacc.) Chester.)
茄煤霉病cercospora leaf mold of tomato (Cercospora fuligena Rolden.)
茄牛眼腐病buckeye rot of tomato (Phytophthora parasitica Dast.)
茄猝倒病tomato damping-off (Pythium debaryanum Hesse)
茄猝倒病pythium fruit rot of tomato (Pythium aphanidermatum Fitzpatrick)
茄疮痂病scab of tomato (Xanthomonas vesicatoria (Doidge.)Dowson)
茄白粉病powdery mildew of tomato (Erysiphe polygoni DC.)
茄白绢病southern blight of tomato (Corticium rolfsii Curzi)
茄立枯病tomato rhizoctonia rot (Corticium centrifugum (Lev.) Bres.)
茄立枯病damping-off of tomato (Corticium vagum Berk. et Curt.)
茄细菌性叶斑病bacterial leaf spot of tomato (Pseudomonas tomato (Okabe) Breed et al.)
茄细菌性斑腐病bacterial spot of tomato (Xanthomonas vesicatoria (Doidge) Dowson)
茄细菌性溃疡病bacterial canker of tomato (Corynebacter michigenense)
茄花叶病mosaic of tomato (Solanum virus 1)
茄茎腐病stem and fruit rot of tomato (Didymellina lycopersici Kleb.)
茄菌核病sclerotinia blight of tomato (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary)
茄萎蔫病tomato fusarium wilt (Fusarium bulbigenum var. lycopersici (Brushi) Wr. et Link.)
茄萎蔫病fusarium wilt of tomato (Fusarium bulbigenum Cke. et Mass. var. lycopersici (Brush.) Wr. et Reink.)
茄蕨叶病fern leaf of tomato (Cucumis virus 1)
茄蠹蛾潜蛾科,Keiferia lycopersicella (Walshingham); Phtorimaeatomato pinworm
茄褐夜蛾dingy cutworm (Feltia subgothica (Haw.),夜蛾科)
茄褐斑病gray leaf spot of tomato (Stemphylium lycopersici Yamamoto.)
茄褐腐病tomato buckeye rot (Phytophthoral parasitica Dastur.)
茄褐色根腐病root rot of tomato (Pyrenochaeta lycopersici Schneider et Gerlach.)
茄软腐病bacterial soft rot or hollow stalk of tomato (Botrytis cinerea Pers.)
茄青枯病tomato bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Dowsga)
茄黄萎病verticillium wilt of tomato (Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke et Bertholdl)
茄黑斑病alternaria leaf spot of tomato (Macrosporium tomato Cooke)
茄黑腐病black rot of tomato (Diplodina destructiva (Plowr.) Petr.)
茉莉manaca raintree (Brunfelsia hopeana Benth.,茄科)
茉莉zamen (Brunfelsia hopeana L.)
茉莉rain tree (Brunfelsia hopeana L.)
茉莉brunfelsia (Brunfelsia hopeana L.)
茉莉属zamen (Brunfelsia L.,茄科)
茉莉属rain tree (Brunfelsia L.,茄科)
茉莉属鸳鸯茉莉属,Brunfelsia L.,茄科brunfelsia
荔枝custard-apple (Anona squamosa L.; Anona cinerea Dunal.)
荔枝sugar apple (Anona squamosa L.,番茄枝科)
荔枝araticu (Anona squamosa L.; Anona cinerea Dunal.)
荔枝annona (Annona squamosa L.)
荔枝属custard-apple (Anona L.,番荔枝科)
荔枝属araticu (Anona L.,番荔枝科)
荔枝属annona (Annona L.,番荔枝科)
荔枝果蠹螟atis borer (Heterographis bensalella Rag.)
荔枝科custard-apple family (Anonaceae)
荔枝科annona family (Annonaceae)
龙眼pinnate pometia (Pometia pinnata Forst.)
龙眼malugay (Pomelia pinnata Forst.,无患子科)
龙眼Fiji longan (Pometia pinnata Forst.,无患子科)
龙眼属pinnate pometia (Pometia Forst.,无患子科)
白西white passion flower (Passiflora alato-caerulea Lindl.,西番莲科)
硬皮荔枝hardshell custardapple (Anona scleroderma,番荔枝科)
秘鲁Peruvian tomato (Lycopersicum peruvianum,茄科)
粉红西wild passion flower (Passiflora incarnata L.,西番莲科)
粉红西wild passion-flower (Passiflora incarnata L.,西番莲科)
粉红西maypop (Passiflora incarnata L.,西番莲科)
红花西red passion flower (Passiflora manicata Pers.,西番莲科)
芹叶currant tomato (Lycopersicum pimpinellifolium Mill.,茄科)
草莓石榴cattley guava (Psidium cattleianum Sabine,桃金娘科)
草莓石榴strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum Sabine,桃金娘科)
薯叶potato-leaved tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. grandifolium Bailey,茄科)
西granadilla (Passiflora caerulea L.)
西passion-flower (Passiflora caerulea L.)
西blue crown passion flower (Passiflora coerulea L.)
西莲属granadilla (Passiflora L.,西番莲科)
西莲属passion-flower (Passiflora Juss.,西番莲科)
西莲属blue crown passion flower (Passiflora L.,西番莲科)
西莲科passiflora family (Passifloraceae)
西莲科passion-flower family (Passifloraceae)
西莲科blue crown passion flower family (Passifloraceae)
金黄红花golden crocus (Crocus chrysanthus sp.,鸢尾科)
马氏荔枝Ponhe (Annona marogravii Mart.,番荔枝科)