
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
三焦点镜trifocal lens
上颌侧位体层lateral tomogram of maxillae
上颌横断occlusal film of maxillae
下颌升支侧位体层lateral tomogram of ramus
下颌横断occlusal film of mandible
全层角膜移植full thickness corneal graft
凸柱镜convex cylindrical lens
凸球镜convex lens
凹柱镜concave cylindrical lens
凹球镜concave lens
半薄切semithin section
单晶机械扇形扫查single crystal mechanical sector scanning
法细胞学检査imprint cytologic examination
厚涂method of thick smear
双焦点镜bifocal lens
同源homologous fragment
词汇试验Peabody picture vocabulary test
基托蜡base plate wax
生物膜extracellular leaflet [of biomembrane]
生物膜E leaflet
多晶线阵扫查multiple crystal linear array scanning
多焦点镜multifocal lens
子宫颈抹检查Papanicolaou smear
安全镜safety lens
宫腔吸hystero cavity aspirating smear
宫颈刮cervical scraping smear
宫颈刮检查Papanicolaou test
宫颈管刮endocervical scraping smear
小孔pinhole disk
小皮移植small autografts transplantation
平光镜piano lens
快速石蜡切quick paraffin sections
恒冷箱切cryostat microtome
成型matrix retainer
成型matrix holder
定位 fragmentation mapping
曲面断层 X 线pantomogram
曲面断层 X 线panoramic
板层角膜移植lamellar corneal graft
柱镜cylindrical lens
棱镜prismatic lens
滑动切sliding microtome
滴虫涂检查trichomonas smear examination
生物膜P劈.裂面protoplasmic fracture face
生物膜E 劈裂面endocellular fracture face
层状鱼鳞癣lamellar ichthyosis
FabFab'₂ fragment
压诊diascopic examination
球柱镜spherocylindrical lens
球镜spherical lens
甲状腺thyroid tablet
痰涂阳性肺结核患病率prevalence rate of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis
痰涂阳性肺结核新登记率new case registration rate of new case registration rate of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis pulmonarytuberculosis
直接涂method of direct smear
矫正镜correcting lens
短效口服避孕short-acting oral contraceptive pill
砂纸sand paper disc
状坏死piecemeal necrosis
ground section
红色滤光疗法red filter treatment
经皮肾脏切检查percutaneous renal biopsy
结膜移植conjunctival graft
生物膜胞质protoplasmic leaflet [of biomembrane]
生物膜胞质P leaflet
腹部平检查plain film examination
薄胶引流thin rubber piece drainage
裂隙stenopeic disk
角膜移植corneal graft
试镜trial lens
遮盖opaque disk
针孔pinhole disk
stretched preparation
中心center of lens
长效口服避孕long-acting oral contraceptive pill
阴道流液抹检查vaginal wet smear
阴道涂检查vaginal smear examination
限制性内切酶段长度多态性restriction fragment length polymorphism