
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
一次primary air (airflow)
一次电primary current
一级环primary circulation
一维one dimensional flow
三相three phase flow
三相交three-phase current
三相交电源three-phase alternating current supply
三相正弦交three-phase sine alternating current
三线式电路3ᵠ 三相交3-wire circuit
三维three dimensional flow
上升气ascending air current
上升气ascendant current
下洗down wash
不可压缩incompressible flow (体)
不对称交电充电asymmetric alternating current charge
不对称气分离asymmetric flow breakdown
不正常abnormal flow
业务traffic flow
两相二相two phase flow
两相换热two phase flow heat transfer
中央空气体动力学研究所TSAGI (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
中间intermediate flow (在层流与分子流之间状态下气体通过导管的流动)
临界大气湍critical atmospheric turbulence
临界热密度critical heat flux
临界电容量critical current capacity
临界载critical current capacity
临边辐射平层探测器limb radiance stratospheric sounder
main flow
主喷power jet
主射main jet
主气primary air (airflow)
主汇main bus bar
伏交volts alternating current
传导热conductive heat flow
传输transport stream
伪定常pseudostationary flow
伪湍pseudo-turbulent flow
伯克兰电Birkeland current
合流cocurrent flow
卸载调节器shunt dump regulator
激励shunt excitation
电容器bridging capacitor
电阻shunt resistor (器)
调节器shunt regulator
连接shunt connection
集流阀flow divider and combiner valve (流量控制阀)
分子molecular flow (一种气体流态)
分子molecular flow rate
分子泻molecular effusion (一种气体流态)
分子泻effusive flow (一种气体流态)
分布式数据结构distributed dataflow architecture
分散dispersion train
分离气separated flow
分组基本码packetized elementary stream
分裂型扰disrupter-type spoiler (能使局部紊流最大)
分馏回模拟计算机fractionator reflux analog computer
初始输入original input stream
初期放电电initial discharge current
数据packet flow
化学不平衡chemical non equilibrium flow
化学不平衡尾chemical non-equilibrium wake
化学反应chemical reaction flow
化学电弧射火箭chemical arc jet rocket
北大西洋漂North Atlantic drift
北太平洋海North Pacific current
各向同性湍isotropic turbulent flow
同步数据synchronous streaming data
同类射互击like on like (液体火箭中燃料射流对燃料射流,氧化剂射流对氧化剂射流的互击)
同组分射互击like on like
同调湍homologous turbulence
后整rear fairing
启动冲击电starting rush current
启动电run-up current
吸收热absorbed heat flux method (模拟航天器表面吸收外热流的方法)
吸收电sink current
地幔对mantle convection
地幔对mantle convection cell
地幔热mantle heat flow
地热geothermal fluid
地球物理体流动室geophysical fluid flow cell (美国航天飞机上的实验设备)
地表热surface heat flow
地速偏ground drift indicator
地面交电源ground AC power supply
地面直电源ground DC power supply
场向电field-aligned current
堵塞choked flow
堵转励磁电locked-rotor exciting current
复合电recombination current
外层空间和平层分子探测molecules in outer space and earth stratosphere (瑞典小型科学卫星,已改名为 Odin)
多学科计算体动力学interdisciplinary computational fluid dynamics
多指令计算机multiple instruction flow computer
多指令单数据multiple instruction, single data stream
多指令多数据multiple instruction, multiple data stream
多数据计算机multiple data stream computer
多相交polyphase alternating current
多种线型翼multiflow wing
多级轴multistage axial-flow pump
多路输出直稳压电源multiple output DC regulated power supply
量加注large flow rate filling
量加注推进剂fast filling propellant
大尺度环macroscale circulation
大气涡atmospheric vortex
大气湍atmosphere turbulence
大气环planetary circulation
大气环general circulation of atmosphere
大涡模拟large-eddy simulation (模拟固体火箭发动机内的流动)
大西洋靶场动跟踪舰mobile Atlantic range tracking ships
大规模集成电型逻辑电路工艺'LSI-CML circuit technology
天线整antenna dome
太阳风低速low speed solar wind stream
太阳风高速high speed solar wind stream
头部整nose fairing
头部整nose spinner
头部整nose dome
临界速度critical velocity of jet
喷管jet nozzle
定时引信fluidic time fuze
延伸器jet stretcher
扩散角fluidic diffusion angle
技术fluidic technique
控制fluidic control
控制阀fluidic control valve
喷气推力jet thrust
推力矢量控制fluid-injection thrust vector control
撞击jet impingement
显示器fluidic display
火焰稳定器stream injection flameholder
稳定器aerodynamic flameholder (利用逆向或侧向喷射空气流形成回流区稳定火焰的一种装置)
jet pipe
管阀jet-pipe valve
装置fluidic device
试验台fluidized bed
速度梯度velocity gradient of jet
陀螺仪fluidic jet gyroscope
射束电beam current
射电radio meteor
射频扼radio-frequency choke-coil
量加注low flow rate filling
量加注控制slow filling control
量加注推进剂slow filling propellant
分析与控制wake analysis and control
舰船stern wave
现象wake phenomena
紊流度wake turbulence
防护屏wake shield facility (美国技术试验卫星)
阻塞效应wake blockage effect
尾向对downtail convection
局部local flow
局部热密度local heat flux density
带状气zonal wind
带状环zonal circulation
带电electro meteor
常规电conventional current
开关式固定节孔喷嘴on-off fixed-orifice injector
异相电out-of-phase current
引射injection flow (注射泵的主流)
引射环jet-induced circulation
引燃电ignition current
弦线悬线式检string galvanometer
电子光学low density electron beam optics
弱湍low turbulence
弱电light current
弹头整warhead dome
弹性体状态elastohydrodynamic condition
强制偏喷管forced deflection nozzle
强制对冷却forced convection cooling
强制涡叶片forced vortex blade
Potok (卫星,俄罗斯军用通信系统)
生产联合体Potok (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
combined flux
成层stratified flow
截面量计area flowmeter
指令电command current
指挥程图command flow chart
指示量计indicating flow meter
指针式检pointer galvanometer
振荡oscillating flow
改进型平层和中间层探测器improved stratospheric and mesospheric sounder
放电峰值电discharge peak current
放电电前沿discharge current rise time
放电电后沿discharge current fall time
最佳工作电optimum operating current
最佳电optimum current
最大问题maximal flow problem
最大允许电maximum permissible current
最大吸气peak inspiratory flow
最大安全点火电maximum safe firing current
最大安全电maximum safe current
最大致冷量电maximum refrigerating capacity current (热电器件产生的)
最小全发火电minimum all fire current
最小发火电minimum kindling current
最小点火电minimum firing current
最小点火电minimum fire current
最小电minimum current
月地空间星探测卫星cislunar meteoroid detection satellite
线型尾部的弹体boat-tailed body
有效射长度length of effective jet
有效载荷整payload shroud
有效载荷整payload fairing
有限空间射confined space jet
有限表观limited apparent flow
未扰动free stream
未扰动free flow
未扰动free-stream value
未扰动气free airstream
末期放电电final discharge current
本征载intrinsic carrier
机翼试验wing flow testing
标称nominal flow
核磁共振量计nuclear magnetic resonance flowmeter
椭圆齿轮量计elliptic gear flowmeter
喷注器impinging-stream injector
平面crossflow plane
理论cross flow theory
横向喷jet in cross-flow
欠膨胀喷underexpanded exhausted plume
欧辛Oseen flow
偏角修正flow deflection angle correction
偏转角flow deflection angle
分布flow distribution
分离airstream separation
分离区burbling zone
分离点burble point
动态品质flow pulsation quality
参数flow quality
参数flow parameter
吹袭wind blast
吹袭伤windblast injury
吹袭伤air blasts injury
吹袭耐力windblast tolerance
吹袭负荷blast load
坐标系air-path axis system
壅塞flow choking
恐怖aerophobia (症)
排管flow rake
探测器gas flow detector
方向airflow direction
方向探测器airstream direction detector (防失速用)
梳状管flow rake
死区dead fluid zone
污染stream contamination (风洞的)
稳定性flow stability
计算速度calculated gas velocity
质量流量mass air flow
通道flow path
阻滞air flow deceleration
气体、体和推进剂gases, fluids, and propellants
气体量表gas-measuring apparatus
气体量计gas meter
气体强迫对热控制thermal control by air convection
气动力紊aerodynamic turbulence
气动热密度aerodynamic heat flux
气旋cyclonic current
气浮体动力轴承gas hydrodynamic bearing
量控制阀helium flow control valve
体分布系统oxygen fluid distribution system
氧化剂oxidizer flow rate
氧化剂量加法器oxidizer-flow totalizer
氧气oxygen flow
氧气示oxygen flow indicator
氧气连续oxygen continuous flow
surface current
厚度角thickness angle of flow
水中等离子切断plasma jet cut-off in water
水热对系统hydrothermal convection system
永久开通的最大电限流器permanent on latching current limiter
永磁直力矩电机permanent magnet D. C. torque motor
时差lag of wash
传输方式stream transmission mode
化床fluidized bed (精细固体颗粒在容器内像液体一样流动的设备)
化循环fluidized circulation
set of current (海流的)
式传输stream-oriented transmission
式涡机axial turbine
式计算stream-oriented computation
fluid hang (固化过程中出现的料浆流动滴挂现象)
lumen (光通量单位)
明/瓦特lumens per watt
明秒lusec lumen-second
Shahab (瑞典空空导弹)
"星300"meteor 300 (德国的气象雷达)
shooting star
Ryusei (日本技术试验卫星,又名 OREX 轨道再入试验飞行器)
Meteor (俄罗斯气象卫星)
星体技术meteor technology
星体技术卫星meteoroid technological satellite
星体技术卫星meteoroid technological satellite (美国空间物理探测卫星)
星体探测卫星meteoroid detection satellite
星体模式meteoroid model
星余迹meteor train
星余迹meteor trail
星余迹通信系统meteor trail communication system
星侵蚀meteoric erosion (对航天器表面的)
星卫星Meteor sputnik (苏联气象卫星)
星尘meteoric dust
星尾迹meteor trail
星径迹meteor path
星撞击meteor shock
星瞬时余迹meteor wake
星短脉冲通信meteor burst communication
星粒子meteoric particle
星群meteor stream
星脉冲群通信meteor burst communication
星脉冲通信meteor burst communication (利用流星离子化尾迹散射短脉冲信号的通信)
星-自然Meteor-Priroda (卫星,苏联)
星雨meteoric shower
星雨meteor shower
星雷达meteor radar
水作业line production (法)
水作业技术streamline production technique
水作业线tact system
水线stream line
水线处理机pipeline processor
水线模件pipeline module
程图process flowgraph
程图process flowchart
程图建议使用:flow chart flow direction uniformity 气流方向均匀性flow diagram
程图包flowchart package
程图图解模型flow graph schematic model
程图模板flowchart template
程图规则flowchart convention
程图连接符flowchart connector
程控制flow control
程示意图schematic flow sheet
程表flow sheet
编辑程序stream editor
circulation (量)
通能力clean element flow capacity (过滤器的)
速计flow meter
漏泄电leakage current
漩涡尾wake vortex
理想体特性perfect fluid behavior
生产程图production scheme
用户线电line current
位移current displacement
体静压作动器electrohydrostatic actuator
元件current element
分配系数current division ratio
反向current reversal
型数模转接器current mode digital-to-analog converter
增长率current-increase rate
密度current concentration
平衡式加速度表current-balance accelerometer
并联反馈current-shunt feedback
开关型逻辑current-switching mode logic
探头current probe
曲线current curve
波形current waveform
消耗量current consumption
温度系数current temperature coefficient
调节值current setting
current yield
额定量current rating
馈电current feed
电压整degree of voltage rectification
电压电变换器voltage-to-current converter
电压电放大系数voltage-current amplification coefficient
电子束动显示electron beam flow visualization
电子束瞬时beam current, instantaneous
电子束瞬时密度beam current density, instantaneous
电子管整vacuum tube rectifier
电射穿孔electro-stream drilling
电弧加热等离子体射arcplasma jet
电急electrojet (电离层中的)
电感扼inductive choke coil
电抗性电reactive current
电涡current vortex
电涡厚度计eddy current thickness meter
电源额定输岀电nominal output current of power supply
电磁体动力学electromagnetic hydrodynamics
电磁量传感器electromagnetic flow transducer
电解液electrolyte velocity
电解液electrolyte flow rate
真实real fluid
真实实有质量量计true-mass flowmeter
真空羽vacuum plume
码位业务bit stream service
码位数据bitstream data
研究微星群用的吹胀式带伞滑翔机inflatable micrometeroid paraglider
稀薄thin fluid
稀薄气rarefied gas flow
稀薄气实验rarefied flow experiment
程序flow of program
flow stable
稳压直regulated DC source
稳定steady fluid
稳定steady flow
稳定电steady current
稳层laminar steady flow
第一first class
turbulence (度)
eddying flow
作用的过载响应acceleration response to turbulence
火焰turbulent flame
燃烧turbulent flame
附面层turbulent boundary layer
紧急断阀门emergency shutoff valve
累积cumulative through flow
耐火整fireproof shroud
脉冲电pulsating current
脉冲电密度pulse current density
脉冲短路电pulse short-circuit current
航向与偏计算器course and drift calculator
舰载导弹导装置shipborne missile deflector
蠕变creep flow
蠕变动性creep fluidity
蠕变creep fluidity
blood stream
blood flow
成像blood flow imaging
速度velocity of blood flow
volume of blood flow
血压-血量测试器combined pressure/flow probe (生物卫星上的)
调压直母线regulated voltage DC-bus system (系统)
负载电load current meter
质量因子mass flow factor
质量mass-flow ratio
质量率响应mass flow rate response
质量mass flux
质量ma Ma mass flow
质量通量mass flux ratio
质量量计mass flow meter
质量量预测mass flux prediction
喷嘴backshot injector
喷射backshot injection
式燃烧室reverse flow combustor
counter flow range
靶风洞counter flow range wind tunnel
逆幂型inverse-power fluid
透镜电lens current
递归数据recursive data flow
通用体实验装置general fluid experiment facilities
速度量计velocity flowmeter
速度式量传感器velocity-type flow sensor
逻辑程图logical flow chart
锤头形整hammerhead fairing
锥型conical flow
锥形conical flow method
锥形束射流conical streamer
锯齿形电saw-tooth current
阀道动阻力valve passage resistance
阈电threshold current
星屏meteor bumper (航天器的)
防喷机动plume avoidance maneuver
防旋antivortex baffle
防潜装置sneak current arrester
阳极电Ia anode current
阳极电脉冲anode current impulse
阴极电cathode current
片制动spoiler braking
blocker door
阻力体量传感器drag body flow transducer
陀螺作用的量计gyroscopically balanced flowmeter
霍尔效应电弧氢等离子体射Harc jet
霍尔电加速器Hall current accelerator
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