
Terms for subject China containing 步进 | all forms
体现了中国政府和人民致力于世界和平与进步的坚定信念embody a firm commitment on the part of the Chinese government and people to work for world peace and progress
依靠科学技术进步rely on scientific and technological progress
促进人类进步事业promote the cause of human progress
修改科学技术进步法revision to the Law on Scientific and Technological Progress
先行试点,稳步推进first conduct trials and then proceed steadily
《关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》Decision on Further Strengthening Rural Education
扎实推进,稳步推进make substantial progress (in)
扎实推进,稳步推进make steady progress (in)
推动世界和平、发展和进步事业promote world peace, development and progress
推进科学技术进步promote progress of science and technology
有步骤、分阶段进行be conducted in steps and phases
法律案有重大问题需要进一步研究a legislative bill contain major questions calling for further study
树立中国和平、民主、文明、进步的形象develop the image of China as a peaceful, democratic, culturally advanced and progressive country
社会全面进步all-round social progress
科学技术进步science and technology progress
科学技术进步奖Scientific and Technological Progress Prize
科学技术进步活动activities aimed at science and technology progress
科技进步scientific and technological progress
科技进步progress of technologies
科技进步法the Law on Scientific and Technological Progress
稳步推进利率市场化改革steadily deregulate interest rates to leave them to market forces
稳步推进改革make steady progress in the reform (of)
稳步推进财税体制改革steadily proceed with reform of the fiscal and tax systems
进一步increase efforts to (do)
进一步修改、完善法律草案further revision and improvement a draft law
进一步加强further strengthen
进一步加强队伍建设increase efforts to improve personnel
进一步发挥代表作用give deputies a greater role to play
进一步发挥代表作用get deputies to play a greater role
进一步发挥代表作用get deputies to play a bigger role
进一步发挥代表作用give deputies a bigger role to play
进一步发挥代表作用give more play to deputies's role
进一步发挥代表作用further strengthen deputies's role (in)
进一步发挥重要作用will play a still more important role (in)
进一步审议further deliberation
进一步审议a further examination
在修改法律中进一步明确方针和目标further clarify the principles and goals for (in revising the Law)
进一步调动做某事的积极性give smb greater incentive to (smth)
需要进一步研究的重大问题major questions calling for further study