
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
不准否认或提出辩的制裁under penalty of estoppel
无法履行契约的不可force of majeure
不可irresistible force
不可vis major
不可力免责force majeure exception
不可力条款force majeure clause
不可力灾害accident beyond control
不可拒的灾害accident beyond control
人力不可拒的事故force majeure
以公共秩序为理由的plea of public policy
以新证据推翻原告所控事实的辩.affirmative defense
仲裁程序中被告的defense of a respondent in arbitration proceedings
公开public protest
其他当事人不能主张权利或提出辩的票据instrument free from claims and defenses of other parties
可以受理的申诉admissible plea
否认仲裁员管辖权的plea as to the arbitrator's jurisdiction
否认仲裁庭管辖权的plea as to arbitral jurisdiction
否认法院管辖权的plea relating to jurisdiction
否认法院管辖权的plea as to the jurisdiction of the court
否认管辖权的plea of incompetence
被告基于物权的real defence
实体法上的substantial defense
关税counter tariff
原告对被告辩的答辩rejoinder to the defence
议与索偿complaint and claims
诉讼中的 plea
辩及限制责任defenses and limits of liability
辩要点point of defence
辩证明certified management accountant
提出raise a plea
提出关于无管辖权的raise a plea of lack of jurisdiction
提出有关仲裁人管辖权的raise a plea as to the arbitrator's jurisdiction
无拒付辩权no protest for non-acceptance
根据免责规定的exculpatory exception
根据时效的plea based on prescription
根据某项事由提出的plea based on the face that ..........
根据责任范围提出的辩权defenses and limits of liability
消极抵passive resistance
票据法上的辩权defense upon the bill
经济对economic confrontation
船长议书master's protest
表示议的罢工protest strike
被告的辩声明statement of defense (in arbitration proceedings)
诉权和claims and defenses