
Terms for subject Business containing 平 的 | all forms | in specified order only
一般水平以上的品质above the average quality
不立约的公平抵押equitable mortgage
与…的平方成反 Iinversely as the square of...
严格意义的平稳序列strict-sense stationary series
交换的一般平衡general equilibrium of exchange
作业检查的平衡报表审核balance sheet audit with review of operation
依据公平合理原则作出的仲裁裁决award made ex aequo et bono
假设检定的显著水平significance level of hypothesis test
平的交易even bargain
平的价格juridical price
平的税收是投资者选建厂址的条件之一equitable taxes
公平价值的公平报酬fair return on fair value
公平分担的原则principle of equitable burden-sharing
利润到平均利润的转化conversion of profit into average profit
加权平均的资本成本weighted average cost of capital
即将取得的质量水平incoming quality
可计人平均数的收入average income
可计算的总体平衡模型computable general equilibrium model
可达到的高水平attainable high level
商定的平价agreed par value
在…方面平均耗费的劳动时间average labour-time expended in...
在职雇员按劳力平均的资金装备程度average amount of investments in funds and equipment per employed worker
存货计价的加权平均法weighted average inventory valuation
平价以下的行情adverse parity
平价的统一变动uniform change in par value
平均值的平均数mean of the means
平均分数检验的average fraction inspected
平均寿命的延长improvement in life expectancy
平均数的实验抽样分布experimental sampling distribution of mean
平均数的平均数average of averages
平均集的均一性homogeneity of set of average
平头的flat nosed
平舱费在内的离岸价格free on board and trimmed
平衡偶间的互换性interchangeability of equilibrium pairs
开放而公平的贸易open and fair trade
我们想订购贵方的平开防盗门,您能否考虑报离岸价?We will place an order on your flat open security doors. I wonder if you can offer on FOB basis
承付贷款的平均偿还条件average terms of loan commitments
技术的平均资本密集程度average capital intensity level of the technology
抽样平均数对于总平均数的离差deviation of sampling average from general average
持有投资平均额的利润按年率计算annualized rate of return on the average investment held
指数的算术平均形式mean arithmetical form of an index
按人口平均的国民收入per capita income
按公平合理的准则仲裁arbitration in equity
按新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
按日历年度计算的平均指数average indexes in calendar years
按物价水平调整的损益price level gains or losses
按物价水平调整的财务报表price level financial statements
按综合物价水平调整的报表General Price Level Adjusted Statement
损益平衡的灵活订价flexible break-even pricing
支付和汇款的水平和方式level and modalities of payment and remittance
收入水平对进口需要的弹性影响income elasticity of demand for imports
有盈余的平衡预算balanced budget with surplus
样本平均数的无偏性unbiasedness of sample mean
根据公平合理原则所作的仲裁award made ex aequo et bono
欧洲货币贷款的平均偿还条件average terms of Eurocurrency credit
每人平均收入的增长growth of income by inhabitant
比较舒适的生活水平relatively comfortable standard of living
混合策略中的平衡equilibrium in mixed strategies
激励的公平理论equity theory of motivation
物质产品平衡表体系的平衡表式balance form for MPS
生产的一般平衡general equilibrium of production
相对于一个价格体系的消费平衡equilibrium consumption relative to a price system
真实公平的true and fair
自由平等的生产者联合制度association of free and equal producers
至故障发生时的平均周期mean cycles to failure
衡平法上有效的权利equitable interest
衡平法上有效的资产或遗产equitable assets
衡平法上的债务让与equitable-assignment of debt
衡平法上的利益equitable interest
衡平法上的所有权人equitable owner
衡平法许可的救济equitable remedy
观测值的平均值mean of observation
订正后的价格水平revised price level
课税的公平性impartiality of taxation
调正平均数的修匀法graduation of adjusted average method
货物、劳务与汇款的平衡balance on goods, service and remittances
部分平衡的不完全区组设计partially-balanced incomplete block (design)
银行贷款对存款的平均弹性mean elasticity of loans to deposits of banks
附带生态平衡约束的投入产岀模型input-output model with additional restraint means of ecological balance
集居的平静环境placid clustered environment
需求量预测的消费水平法consumption level method of demand forecasting
预测的平均绝对差average absolute forecast error
高收入高就业水平的平衡预算balanced budget at high level income and employment
高水平的high level