
Terms for subject Drilling containing 平台 | all forms | in specified order only
丛式井平台multiwell platform
丛式井平台multiple well platform
下套管时用于扶正套管的临时井口平台false floor
井架梯子外侧小平台ladder offset platform
井架梯子小平台ladder landing platform
人字架平台gin pole platform
人工钻井平台earth pad
海滩人工钻井平台artificial drilling island
冰质钻井平台ice platform
升降式平台elevating platform
半潜式海洋钻井平台semisubmersible column stabilized offshore drilling unit
半潜式钻井平台semisubmersible rig
半潜式钻井平台semisubmersible drilling unit
反旋转平台counter rotating platform
可移动垫板式钻井平台mobile template platform
接头台肩端面平整度测环shoulder flatness test ring
周围有护卫栏杆的井架二层平台crow's nest
固定平台standing platform
固定平台.stationary platform
固定平台permanent platform
固定柱式钻井平台column-stabilized drilling unit
坐底式固定平台bottom-supported fixed platform
坐底式活动平台bottom-supported movable platform
垒起的钻井平台钻井pad drilling
塔形钢筋混凝土平台用于极地水域钻井conical-tower platform
大型半潜式钻井平台的最顶层甲板Texas deck
天车安全平台crown safety platform
导管架平台海洋钻井jacket platform
平台kelly board
居住和供应海洋钻井平台accommodation rig
平台下部结构腿柱substructure leg
平台台面platform deck
平台式称重秤platform weight scale
平台悬伸台面platform overhang deck
平台square shoulder
平台肩吊卡square shoulder elevator
底座式钻井平台mat supported drilling platform
浅海钻井底盘式坐底平台template platform
浅海底盘式坐底平台钻井template drilling
整装式平台self-contained platform
整装式固定平台self-contained fixed structure
整装式活动平台self-contained mobile platform
整装式钻井平台self-contained drilling platform
整装自推式浅海活动钻井平台mobile platform
桩基平台pile-supported platform
桩基盘式海洋钻井平台pile-supported template platform
气垫钻井平台air cushion drilling platform
沉垫自升式钻井平台mat jack-up drilling platform
沉箱式平台caisson platform
泥浆枪操作平台gooseneck pedestal
活动平台码头movable platform and wharf
海上钻井平台offshore drilling unit
火炬平台flaring platform
直升机起落平台helicopter platform
直升机起落平台helicopter pad
移动式海洋钻井平台mobile offshore drilling platform
稳定半潜式平台stable semisubmerged platform
立管平台floor platform
立管鹅颈管操作平台gooseneck pedestal
井架梯子的第一平台kelly platform
绷绳稳定的塔式平台guyed-tower platform
自升式平台self-elevation unit
自升式钻井平台self-elevating platform
自升式平台jack up platform
自升式海上钻井平台self-elevation offshore platform
自升式钻井平台jack up drilling platform
无庄脚自重固定钻井平台gravity structure
采油,钻井,居住平台production, drilling and quarters platform
重力平台gravity structure
重力式混凝土平台pileless platform
钢缆绷紧锚定的半潜式钻井平台tension leg platform
钻井平台drill platform
海湾,沼泽地钻井平台drilling pad
钻井平台drill floor
钻井平台经理rig manager
钻杆排放平台pipe racking platform