
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
丈量tonnage capacity
说明contents note
冷凝水condensing vessel
冷藏货reefer cargo capacity
分支倒电矩阵branch elastance matrix
化学电chemical capacitor
可变电器转轴capacitor shaft
可控量泵controllable-capacity pump
可控量泵controllable capacity pump
吨位tonnage capacity
吨位甲板下空间立体积的计算calculation of the cubic capacity of the space below the tonnage deck
均衡电equalization condenser
测量acoustic capacitance measurement
量存储器large-scale memory
天线电aerial capacity
天线电aerial capacitance
它基本上包括经过谈判双方一致同意的全部内It contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiation.
安培导体能够承受的安培数ampere capacity
燃气轮机constant-volume gas turbine
积吨尺码吨measurement ton
积货measurement cargo
纳更多的劳动力absorb more labor power
许冲剪allowable punching shear
许工作速度allowable working speed
许质量水平acceptable quality level
许轴承载荷allowable bearing load
平衡电balancing capacitance
并联电bridging condenser
量变化检测电路microscopic capacity change detecting circuit
微型电button capacitor
扼流圈电器耦合choke condenser coupling
抓斗grab capacity
积计算运费freight by measurement
积计算运费by measurement freight
量计重checking weight by volume
换向电commutating condenser
接点磨损contact wear allowance
最大泥舱maximum hopper capacity
机加工许偏差machining tolerance deviation
机加工许间隙machining tolerance clearance
栅极电电流capacitive grid current
气体积排量air volume displacement
泥舱capacity of hopper
泥舱hopper capacity
液体货liquid cargo capacity
液货liquid cargo capacity
湿度电humidity capacitor
漏电drain capacitance
激励电excitation capacitor
甲板下空间立方积计算calculation of the cubic capacity of the space blow deck
中和capacity neutralization
传感器capacity transducer
元件capacitance section
公差capacitance tolerance
分路式感应电动机condenser shunt type induction motor
反馈电路capacitive feedback circuit
启动电动机condenser motor
器损耗角condenser loss angle
器激励condenser excitation
器用锡箔condenser foil
器耦合condenser coupling
器输入condenser input
器阻抗condenser impedance
存储器capacitor memory
存储器capacity memory
存储器capacitor store
存储电路capacitive storage circuit
式传声器condenser transmitter
式压力表condenser-type pressure gauge
式受话器condenser telephone
式启动电动机capacitor motor
式应变仪capacitance strain gauge
式换能器capacitance transducer
式液位计capacitor gauge
式码盘capacitive coded disc
式锯齿波发生器capacitive sawtooth generator
性射束交换capacitance beam switching
性放电capacitive discharge
性短截线capacitive stub
扫描设备capacitor scanner
拾音器capacity pickup
拾音器capacitor pickup
振荡器capacitance oscillator
效应capacity effect
敏感拾音器capacitance sensitive pickup
时滞capacity time lag
测试器capacity coupling meter
测量capacitance measurement
测量计capacitance meter
漏泄电流capacitive leakage current
特性capacitive character
电流补偿condenser current compensation
电视唱片capacitive video disc
移相装置capacitor phase shifter
试验器capacitor tester
试验器condenser tester
负载condensive load
起动capacity starting
起动capacitor start
起动电动机condenser motor
输入型condenser input type
输入滤波器condenser input filter
输入电路condenser input circuit
capacitance of condenser
阻尼condenser damping
面积capacity area
电感电inductance capacitance
电火花淬火电spark quenching condenser
磁盘capacity of floppy disk
空气介质电air dielectric capacitor
空气微调电air trimmer
管状微调电billi capacitor
管状微调电billi condenser
绞缆筒纳缆绳长度permissible cable length of drum
耐压器钢板pressure-vessel steel plate
volume of compartment
船舶积吨ship's measurement ton
船舶积吨ship's volume ton
船舶包装货ship's bale capacity
船舶吨位、装载能力、货物分配和装载积积载ship tonnage, carrying capacity, cargo distribution and cargo stowage
船舶散装货ship's bulk capacity
译码电decoding capacitor
调相用电capacitor for phase adjustment
货物density of cargo
货运积吨measurement ton
货运积吨1 容积吨 ≈ 40 立方米measurement ton
贷款项目的具体内specific contents of the items covered by the loan
超薄膜电ultrathin film capacitor
轴承许载荷allowable bearing load
遮断电breaking capacity
铲斗bucket capacity
锅炉满功率boiler full-power capacity
阴极旁路电cathode bypass capacitor
阻抗电impedance capacitance
高电火花condensed spark
高频电测量high frequency capacitance measurement