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争端的友解决amicable settlement of dispute
交易员指出、近期表现于大盘的小盘股在临近收盘时出现跳水Traders noted a late sell-off in small-cap shares, which have recently outperformed the broader market
他特别指出机构发展内部评级系统大有处、 可加强信贷风险管理He highlighted the considerable potential benefits to institutions of developing such systems to help enhance their credit risk management
你在这个聊天室像很受欢迎。你可以花点时间和我聊聊吗?You are quite popular in this chat room. Can you spare a little time with me?
凭借着市场富有竞争力的价格、灵活的支付手法和一流的服务、我们期待着美的未来With the most competitive price, promptly delivery and first-level service, we wish for a prospective and brilliant future
到达地完货价sound arriving value
解决协议amicable composition
在华盛顿住过两年以后、 我常常对莱坞的现实主义和真诚的生活充满渴望After two years in Washington I often long for the Realism and sincerity of Hollywood
在家办公的员工可以通过电话和传真与国外客户很地交流The employee at the home office can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine
增氧健身运动爱aerobic enthusiasts
long position
handsome price
booming market
恶调查表likes and dislikes survey
时光病毒Good Times virus
淡争持trading at narrow ranges
淡争持struggle between bulls and bears
如果你带着这些建议再去看你的录像、你会发现你不像你感觉到的那么紧张了。好享受你暴涨的自信心吧!If you watch your video recording with these tips in mind, you'll see that you dont look as nervous as you feel. Enjoy the confidence boost!
当你跟他们确立一个长期的合作关系之后、 将会享受到意想不到的价格折扣、 以及更的待遇It's amazing how much of a discount and better treatment you receive when you're 'willing to commit to a long-term relationship
很抱歉、这是我们的最低价。如果你们认为不能接受、那么我们没有办法、生意只告吹Sorry, This is our rock-bottom price. If you find it unworkable, we have no other choice but to call the deal off
户外运动爱outdoor enthusiasts
流动性偏理论liquidity preference theory
消费价格通胀也因食品价格高企而在加速、所以、让人民币升值可能是阻止过热的一个方法Consumer price inflation is also rising, thanks to higher food prices, and so a stronger currency of RMB might be a good way to stop overheating
燃煤减少对环境保护来说不失为一个消息、然而又是经济发展崎岖维艰的进一步佐证The reduction in coal burning is good news for an environment, but a further indication of a spluttering economy
现在、 您已经准备、 可以将数据文件中的信息合并到一个标签出版物中了Now you're ready to merge information from the data file into the label publication
用户会话已准备安装应用程序User session is ready to install applications
相当的保密性pretty good privacy
色彩的嗜color preference
计算机工程学课程灵活、而且前景很。我相信这是最好的选择The computer engineering program offers great flexibility and good prospects, and I felt it was the best choice for me
这是一个很的时机、添加 RSS 图标的侧栏It 's a good moment to add a RSS icon to the sidebar
这款文件加密软件具有界面漂亮友、简单易用、稳定无错、功能强大和兼容性好等特点The document encryption software is pretty friendly interface, easy-to-use, and stability without fault, good compatibility and powerful features
。如果可以、我们会与你们立即签订代理协议All right. If it's okay, we would like to sign an agency agreement with you immediately
顾客偏customers' preferences