
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一个的协议应用符合逻辑的次序阐明各种基本条款和条件A good agreement is the one the essential terms and conditions of which is set forth in logical sequence
一旦货物备待运,请速通知我方Please advise us immediately when the goods are ready for shipment
一订船位,我们将告诉你方船名和启航日期We will inform you the name and sailing date of the ship as soon as we book the space
可销质量good merchantable quality
品质prime quality
平均品质good average quality
有销路的牌子good merchantable brand
与…友好be friends with
业主应与其雇员维持良的合作关系The owner should maintain good cooperative relation with his employees
业务an upturn in business
丝织品的销路很而且日趋扩大There is a great and growing market for our silk manufactures
中央银行对银行危机的干预收到了良效果The central bank's intervention in banking crisis proved effective
某人而做准备make ready of (somebody)
为了安全起见,最把这些文件放进橱柜里You'd better put the papers in the cupboard for safety
为…说好话say a good word for
买主声称短缺20件,我们只作出是你方过错的结论The buyers claimed a shortage of 20 pieces, and we are forced to the conclusion that it was your fault
仅次于最的东西the next best thing
仅次于最的东西next best thing
他们希望这批货物能完无损抵达目的地They hope that the goods arrive at the destination in perfect condition
他们应尽可能快地准备一份这一项目的总预算They should prepare, as promptly as feasible adj., a total budget for the project
他们有几种不同的丝绸,我们可以挑最They have several varieties of silk, we can select the best one
他们的会计部门已整理销售数据Their accounts department has processed the sales figure
他们认为不投保平安险而保水渍险会对他们有They consider it would be their advantage to have W.A. cover instead of F.P.A
代销人确实为商业信誉良的人The consignee turned out to be of good credit and business standing
价钱at a good lay
以友协商方式解决争端make a settlement of dispute by amicable negotiation
以消费者偏表示的生产的调整adjustment of production, in term of consumer preferences
任何牌号的any good brand
轻重缓急的安排priority established
你们在首批订货时的友态度可望带来多次续订You can expect your friendliness in this initial order will bring about many repeats
你们最对迟到稍作解释You'd better say a few words by way of explanation for the late arrival
你们最将售后服务问题交给卖主处理You'd better refer the aftersale to the vendor
你应该把这包货仔细地包捆You should tie up the parcel carefully
你方拒签合同,订单只取消Your refusal to sign the contract caused the cancellation of the order
你方的意对我方举足轻重,因此我方给贵方5%的折扣Your good-will means a lot to us, so we offer you an allowance of 5%
你方的第一批货给用户的印象很Your first shipment has made a good impression on the customers
你最做书面申请,附上一份学习及工作简历You'd better apply in writing, enclosing a cutting
使straighten up
依消费者偏调整生产量adjustment of output in terms of consumer preference
大公司或银行背书的信用的商业票据fine trade bill
信用的票据a fine bill
信用良的头等证券blue chip security
信用良的头等证券gilt-edged security
信誉最借款人premier borrower
信誉最借款人high quality borrower
信誉最借款人top grade borrower
信誉最借款人prime borrower
信誉良的银行a reputable bank
函数preference function
尺度scale of preference
的最大化preference maximization
批量生产的准备get ready for (mass production)
偶然有交易pick up bargains
公司在报刊上对其新式产品作了很的宣传The corporation had good media coverage for the launch of its new model
公正友地解决just and amicable settlement
分清separate the good ones from the bad ones
办事员准备一份书面报告,待经理改正The clerk prepared a written report for the manager's correction
包装箱要明显地贴标签指明到达地点The containers must be label led clearly to show where they are going
区别其discriminate between
十分fully good
卖价更sell to better advantage
卖得make a good price
卖得fetch a good price
厂家只把这种产品卖给那些信誉良的承销人The manufacturer shall sell such products only to such consignors with goods credit
价格friendship prices
协商a friendly business talk
投资者safe hands
折让the amicable allowance
的竞争者friendly competitor
的谅解协议entente cordiale
的谅解entente cordiale
让价the amicable allowance
调解the amiable composition
调解人an amicable composer
调解人an amiable composer
通商和航运条约friendship n., commerce and navigation treaty (FCN treaty)
双方之间的这些争论可以用友的方式解决The controversies between the parties can be settled in an amicable way
双方按要求协调货物的发运Both sides coordinated the shipment of goods according to the request
受到的服务be met with a good service
只有上可销品质才容易在那里销售GMQ only is easily saleable there
只要你方检査一下样品,你方会认为该货品质量、价格合理When you have a chance to examine the samples, you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price
各种等级的茶叶都可接受,但最是上等品All grades of tea are acceptable, but we prefer top qualities
曲线图indifference map
indifference schedule
和 …友好void in with
商业和海事友条约Freedom of Commerce and Navigation Treaty
在现实情况下,最等等再说Under existing conditions, it would be better to wait and see
在股票经纪中有大量钱There is a fortune to be made in stockbroking
在这种情况下,本公司别无选择,只拒绝贵方善意的报价Under such circumstances, we have no choice but to decline your kind offer
城里有很的交通设施The city has good transport facilities
fill out
多年来他们经营和管理缝纫机进口业务良They have managed and operated their import business in sewing machines under a satisfactory condition for many years
大米到货时即由公证行过磅,他们只承认重量不足Since the rice was weighed by a public surveyor upon arrival they cannot but admit the shortage
天气的话weather permitting
中选优single out the best from the good
价卖出get a good price for...
价格a handsome price
价钱the bon prix
价钱good price
价钱bon prix
curiosity (心)
工钱long shillings
bullish market
望角路线Cape route
期付款销售法instalment selling
availability ratio
的品质good quality
的商标a good brand
的社会good society
聚好散golden handshake
商业等的pick up
经济、商业周期的转期upward phase (or swing)
经济、商业周期的转期an upward phase
如果你们尽力解决索赔问题,我们相信此举会在客户中产生良印象If you do your best to settle our claim, we believe that it will create a good impression on customers
如果双方有良的愿望,签定提供成套设备的合同是可能的Given mutual goodwill n., it is possible to sign a contract for the supply of complete equipment
如果我们通过谈判不能友地解决任何与执行合同有关的争执,那我方将不得不付诸法律诉讼If we cannot amicably settle any dispute about the fulfilment of the contract through negotiation, we have to resort to legal proceedings
如果明天下午合同准备,我们就邮寄给你们签字In case we can get the contract ready by tomorrow afternoon, we'll send it to you by mail for your signature
如果此后质量也很,他们将向我们定期订货If we repeat this quality they will place regular orders with us
如果没有信誉良的银行担保有关买主的信用,我们不接受承兑交单付款方式If the reliability of the buyers concerned can't be guaranteed by a reputable bank, I am afraid that we can't accept D/A payment
学习外国的东西assimilate good things from foreign countries
availability ratio
到达的货物市价the sound arriving value
的品质sound quality
设备the serviceable equipment
货关税duty for sound goods
货到达价值the arrived sound value
货物到达净价net arrived sound value (值)
货物到达时净价net arrived sound value
通行的货币sound currency
对于他的意我们保证随时回报We assure him of our reciprocating his courtesy at any time
对该公司我们还是不表示意见为We would rather not express an opinion of this company
的质量fair quality
尽量从企业中榨取milk an enterprise
已知的最方式best known way
市况market improving
今年市场前景比去年的Prospects for the market are better than those of last year
市场的新变化恢复了人们对经济形势转的信心The new change of the market has restored confidence in better economic situation
市场继续处于不稳定状态,我们最持观望态度We'd better wait and see during the continuance of the unstable market
市面look up
平均良质量fair average quality (品质)
库存维持良stock well maintained
当地市场出现转趋向The local market is showing a tendency to improve
O.K., OK
得到be well received
to a T
to a T
感觉很a good sense
我从不吹嘘自己的推销术有多么I am not given to boasting of my salesmanship
我们与纺织业的主要经销商联系得非常We are well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles
我们会替贵公司提前定足够的舱位We will book sufficient shipping space for you in advance
我们会随时回报你方的We will reciprocate your courtesy at any time
我们十分遗憾地发现短重1235公斤,尽管包装完无损We greatly regret to find that there is a shortage of 1235 kilos though the packing remains intact
我们在热烈友的气氛下交换了意见,以促进双方业务We had a warm and friendly exchange of opinions to further mutual trade interests
我们希望在今后的业务交往中继续与你方保持友的关系We wish to enjoy friendly relations with you in future business intercourse
我们希望市场很快会We hope that the market will soon take a favourable turn
我们应该用我们的最技能对该项施工进行有效监督We should supervise the work in an efficient way, using our best skill
我们把文件放入银行保存We put the documents into the bank for safe keeping
我们最不要经营在原产地方面会引起混乱的任何产品We'd better not handle any products which may cause confusion as to source of origin
我们期望从电视广告中得到良反响We are counting on getting a good response from TV advertising
我们的货用牢固的新木箱包装,每箱2台,各用塑料小口袋一只包Our goods are packed in new strong wooden boxes, each box containing 2 sets in individual small plastic wrapper
我们的陶器赢得了顾客的Our pottery has won the good opinion of our customers
我们认为用这种方式处理此事会更一些We thought it better to deal with the matter along these lines
我们这种新产品在新加坡受到This new product of ours are commented upon in warm words in Singapore
我方乐意按照技术规格说明书的规定,备一份主要计划We are glad to prepare a master plan as specified in the technical specifications
我方产品每台定价100美元,包括附件费用在内,非常Our product is a good seller at the price of US 100 per set including the cost of accessories
我方只要求你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement
我方将与厂商一起准备所需产品We shall prepare in conjunction with the manufacturers all the products needed
我方的棉织品出口业务经营管理良Our export business in cotton goods is managed and operated under a satisfactory condition
我方顾客对橡胶套鞋的质量反映良Our customers reacted quite favourably to the quality of rubber boots
打印的汇总数据报告printed report
把…准备好square away
把这个问题先放一放,等到时机成熟再说,那样对我们将会更一些It would be better for us to hold the matter in abeyance until opportunity matures
担任友调解人act as amiables compose (of arbitrator)
接受我方报盘似乎有It seems desirable to accept our offer
推销活动对消费者偏的重要性significance of selling activities for consumer preferences
支出超过收入几块钱overspend one's income by several dollars
收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良无损We acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition
收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良无损We adj. acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition
新助手在老板度假时把工作处理得很The new assistant coped very well when the boss was on holiday
新机器博得了广泛的The new machine has met with wide approval
新的管理层似乎起了非常的作用The new management seemed to be functioning very well
时间偏解释利息发生之原因起于时间偏好time preference theory
显示性偏revealed preference
、更快、价廉、易得better, faster, cheaper, easier
承担义务the best efforts of commitment
承担义务best efforts commitment
是包含一切let's be safe and include everything
的承担义务the best efforts commitment
能收到你方附样报盘It will be appreciated if you will let us have your sampled offer
最大最的部分the lion's share
5月15日发出的货物现已完到达The goods shipped on May 15 have arrived intact
有关你的税收问题你最与你的会计商量You'd better consult your accountant about your tax
服务态度gratifying services
未作维修准备的not operationally ready-maintenance
本地洪水持续了几天,因此我们不能按时发货The flood at this place last-ed several days, therefore, we cannot effect shipment on time
本拟提交仲裁,唯望通过双方友协商解决,故作罢We could submit it for arbitration but restrained from doing so because we wished it could be settled through friendly negotiation of both sides
a whale of...
的人beauty (或事物)
树立良的信誉非常重要It's important to build up good reputation
概括说来,业务有转趋势To summarize v., business is showing a tendency to improve
second best
于最the next best
next best
second -best theory
此证书的主旨是证明该声品的质量良The main purport of the certificate is to prove the sound quality of the product
比…好的superior to
流动性偏利息理论liquidity preference theory of interest
流动性偏动机motive for liquidity preferences
流动性偏liquidity preference theory
消费者偏的变动changes in consumer preference
深信贵公司产品在我方地域会有销路We believe that in our district there is a promising market for your products
温哥华保兑商行通知说,有关信用证本应及时修改Vancouver confirming house's advice was that the relative L/C should have been duly amended
灵活偏liquidity preference
货物 状态良in good damaged condition (破损)
生产设备完rate of usability of productive equipment
由于计算机出了故障,你只手工制作保险单You have to make the insurance policy manually because the computer has broken down
由于贵公司的信誉良,我公司愿与你公司建立业务来往The good reputation which your company is enjoying has made us establish business relations with you
相当middling good
秘书应保存股东大会的会议记录和有关文件The secretary should keep the minutes and official documents of the shareholder's meetings
等斜率偏homothetic preference map
经济an upturn in the economy
经济upturn in the economy
经济全面all-round improvement in the economy
经过几天友的讨论,现已达成交易并签署了合同After a few days of friendly discussion we have now concluded business and signed a contract
美元偏dollar preference
美国商业和海事友条约Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation Treaty
老板工头的所a boss man's demand
胡桃运到时情况良,我们很满意We are very satisfied with the walnuts which were shipped in good condition
能有但未装available but not installed
船舶完价值sound value of the ship
数量及包装goods in good order
交割good delivery
商誉positive goodwill
报告格式good reporting format
的劳资关系在公司运行中起着重要的作用Good industrial relations play an important part in the running of the company
的开端可促进你我双方今后的合作A good initiation can promote further cooperation between us
的适合销售的质量fair and marketable quality
的适销质量fair and marketable quality
而可靠的商誉a positive good will
销售品质good merchantable quality (G. M. Q.)
茶叶质量良,而且价格公道The quality of the tea is good and, furthermore, the price is fair
装卸机械完coefficient of readiness of cargo-handling machine
该协议的某些部分无法实施,你方最重新考虑Some part of this agreement is held unenforceable adj., you had better reconsider it
请放心,我方将乐于为你方提供最的服务Please rest assured that we will render you our best services
货已装,该轮明日启航The cargo has been loaded and the vessel should sail tomorrow
货物短重,我们只向你方提出5000英镑的索赔The cargo was short-weighted. We have to lodge a claim against you to the amount of £5000
,完整,可销售的good, sound and merchantable
质量be superior in quality
质量不就会不利于将来企业的发展Future development of our enterprise would be jeopardized if the quality is poor
质量很triple X
质量最best quality
质量最的商品top-quality merchandise
费用偏expense preference
车间主任应在新雇用的年轻工人中实施严格的纪律,维持良的秩序The workshop director should enforce strict discipline and good order among the newly employed youngsters
的质量better quality
这只盆子不,搪瓷多处破裂This basin is not good and the enamel has cracked in some places
这台新机器运转很The new machine functions properly
这幢大楼在租赁期内保持着良的状况The building is kept in good condition during its tenancy
这机器工作性能很The machine works very well
这样的安排处很多There is much advantage in such an arrangement
进口许可证申请得到批准之前,请将一切准备Please get everything ready before your application for the import licence is endorsed
通商友条约treaty of amity and commerce
通过今天的会谈,我们可以找到一个友解决双方之间问题的办法Through today's meeting we can find an amicable solution to our problem
通过友解决争端the settlement by amicable agreement
金融状况良in good financial shape
鉴于包装完,短重无疑发生在装运之前Beyond doubt, the shortage in weight occurred prior to shipment as the packing keeps intact
鉴于我们之间的友关系,我方给你方这项特殊照顾We extend to you this special accommodation n., for the sake of our friendly relations
销路in demand
非流动性偏illiquidity preference
预计外贸业务不久即将It is expected that there will soon be an upturn in foreign trade