
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
速流中的超声速区模型试验法bump method
以低沉的音说出boom out
carry over sound
电流bulk noise
倒相式扬器匣reflex enclosure
光频optical phonon
材料sound absorber
几何射线geometrical acoustics
制约式 强制式辐射器constrained acoustic radiator
削波限幅clipped noise
双炭精传differential microphone
鸣笛浮标whistling buoy
发生低沉的boom out
变密variable-density track
可变密度道槽variable-density track
sound trapping
系数acoustic absorptivity
吸收电路noise absorbing circuit
引起的斑点noise spot
抑制silencing of noise
系,因noise figure
指数列线图noise-factor nomograph
雪花电平snow level
snow level
评价系数psophometric weights
闻阈图noise audiogram
live room
反射探测reflection sounding
探测仪depth finder
控测测深depth finder
测声仪Behm lot
回音测深仪sonic echo sounder
固体载传,噪solid borne sound
音响信号编码器audio coder
定向器定位器sonic locator
回声测深acoustic depth sounding
波分析器sonic analyzer
波定位测距sound radar
波比较比长sonic comparator
波雷达sound radar
变换指数acoustoelectric index
sound radar
asdic gear
纳脉冲发射器sonar pinger
纳脉冲测距系统sonar pinger system
可见谱显示仪direct translator
透射损失noise insulation factor
量级volume level
sound gate
音的滤清filtration of sound
可闻audible region
音量控制放大器audio fader amplifier
频插人声频提示,第二伴音通道audio cue channel
频检验测试audible test
外界公共场所community noise
大地背景,基底,本底ground noise
筒式消concentric cylinder muffler
宽带噪broad-spectrum noise
对称变积光学duplex sound track
小型传器支架lazy arm
立体声系统中的差动difference channel
差动传differential microphone
器半球形振膜pressure unit
振速压差velocity microphone
收发合置monostatic sonar
收发分置分设bistatic sonar
运转noiseless drive
进给进刀silent feed
链链轮滚刀silent chain sprocket hob
无噪转动silent running
无调unpitched sound
最大容许噪杂波just tolerable noise
栅极截取噪grid-interception noise
水中发设备underwater sound gear
流动水动力hydrodynamic noise
消噪电路noise absorbing circuit
由火花产生的噪hash noise
电弧噪干扰arc noise
疏密variable-density track
目标识别classification sonar
碳盘传carbon-disk microphone
波器acoustic oscillograph
纤维隔吸声acoustic-celotex board
脉冲pinging sonar
膜片振动diaphragm-transmitted sound
舌簧扬armature loudspeaker (喇叭)
语音vocal level
调制audio modulating voltage
探伤器的波的受波器receiving transducer of ultrasonics
探伤器的波的受波器receiver of ultrasonics
波脉冲试验ultrasonic pulse method test
转盘噪滤波器rumble filter
闸瓦减振anti-shoe rattler
闸瓦减震anti-shoe rattler
noise insulator factor
dead window
系数noise insulator factor
集筒式消concentric cylinder muffler
颤噪干扰microphony trouble