
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
下排气式力灭菌downward displacement autoclaves
中心静脉测定measurement of central venous pressure
临界性高血borderline hypertension
低眼ocular hypotension
低眼性青光眼normal tension glaucoma
低眼性青光眼low-tension glaucoma
侧方lateral condensation
试验cold water press test
性椎板切除术decompressive laminectomy
包扎pressure bandaging
动脉血二氧化碳分partial pressure of carbondioxide in artery
动脉血二氧化碳分arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide
动脉血氧分partial pressure of oxygen in arterial-blood
动脉血氧分arterial partial pressure of oxygen
动脉血-肺泡气二氧化碳分arterial-alveolar carbon dioxide difference
动脉血-肺泡气氮分arterial-alveolar N₂ difference
力控制通气pressure controlled ventilation
力治疗pressure therapy
力-硬度列线图pressure-rigidity nomogram
力蒸汽灭菌pressure-steam sterilization
力转换pressure cycle
力转换型通气机pressure-cycled ventilator
力辅助通气pressure assisted ventilation
力阶差pressure gradient
型呼吸器Pressure-control respirator
平眼压计applanation tonometer
痛点pressure pain point
眶反应orbit-pressure reaction
眼球试验Aschner test
砸伤crush injury
迫性萎缩pressure atrophy
陷眼压计impression tonometer
原发性肺动脉高primary pulmonary hypertension
双囊三腔管气囊迫法triple-lumen tube balloon tamponade
周围静脉测peripheral venous manometry
呼气末正呼吸end-expiratory positive pressure breathing
呼气末正通气positive end expiratory pressure
基底迹综合征Arnold-Chiari malformation
壁外性extrinsic compression of wall
妊娠诱发性高血pregnancy-induced hypertension
妊娠高血gestational hypertension
妊娠高血综合征toxemia of pregnancy
妊娠高血综合征pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome
妊娠高血综合征coxemia of pregnancy
妊娠高血综合征视网膜病变retinopathy of pregnancy and hypertension syndrome
姿势性低血postural hypotension
型呼吸器pressure limited ventilator
容积依赖性高血volume-dependent hypertension
小儿急性颅内增高症acute intracranial hypertension in children
小肠减decompression of intestine
试验ruler pressing test
尿渗透osmotic pressure of urine
左室充盈left ventricular filling pressure
左心室收缩left ventricular systolic pressure
希厄茨眼Schiotz tonometer
库勒力栓钉系列Kürer press stud system
心室充盈ventricular filling pressure
心房atrial pressure
心率一血乘积rate-pressure product
心脏cardiac tamponade
急进性高血accelerated hypertension
恶性高血malignant hypertension
持续动脉监测continuous arterial pressure monitoring
持续正呼吸continuous positive pressure breathing
持续肺泡内正呼吸Continuous positive alveolar pressure, CPAP
digital tonometry
指触眼测量 digital tonometry
类手法squeezing and pressing method
综合征crush syndrome
控制性降controlled hypotension
收缩期末end-systolic pressure
收缩期高血systolic hypertension
无缝冠模机swager for seamless shell
桡动脉测monitoring of radial arterial pressure
人工呼吸法artificial respiration of positive pressure
呼吸positive pressure respiration
性脑积水normal pressure hydrocephalus
正常眼normal intraocular tension
正常眼性青光眼normal tension glaucoma
创伤性鼻窦炎barotraumatic sinusitis
损伤性中耳炎aerotitis media
眼压计pneumatic tonometer
扩张器hydrostatic dilator
液体静力增加hydrostatic pressure increase
玻片diascopic examination
眶减orbital decompression
intraocular tension
intraocular pressure
测量intraocular pressure measurement
计标准化standardization of tonometer
眼内intraocular tension
眼动脉ophthalmic arterial pressure
眼球迫器bulbar compressor
眼球迫试验bulbar compression test
equal pressure point
纱布迫球compressed ball with gauze
经皮电液碎石percutaneous electrohydraulic lithotripsy
缓进型高血benign hypertension
肺动脉pulmonary artery pressure
肺动脉楔pulmonary wedge pressure
肺动脉楔pulmonary artery wedge pressure
肺动脉高pulmonary artery hypertension
肺弹性回缩lung elastic recoil pressure
肺毛细血管血氧分pulmonary capillary partial pressure of oxygen
肺泡气-动脉血氧分alveolar-arterial oxygen difference
肾小球有效滤过effective filtration pressure of renal glomerulus
肾性高血renal hypertension
肾素依赖性高血renin-dependent hypertension
肾血管性高血renovascular hypertension
肾血管性高血renal vascular hypertension
胃减decompression of stomach
胃肠减gastrointestinal decompression
胃肠减gastro-intestinal decompression
胸内心脏按open chest cardiac massage
脉搏pulse pressure
脊髓迫症护理nursing care of spinal cord compression
腹腔动脉迫综合征celiac artery compression syndrome
腹部abdominal tenderness
舒张期末end-diastolic pressure
良性颅内高benign intracranial hypertension
测量法measuring blood pressure
血氧饱和度 50% 时氧分oxygen half-saturation pressure of hemoglobin
视神经管减decompression of optic canal
视网膜动脉retinal arterial pressure
视网膜静脉retinal venous pressure
吸引人工流产术artificial abortion vacuum extraction
引流negative pressure drainage
超高电镜ultrahigh voltage electron microscope
连续气道正通气continuous positive airway pressure
门脉高手术portal hypertension operation
门静脉高portal hypertension
间断加呼吸Intermittent positive pressure breathing, IPPB
间歇正通气intermittent positive pressure ventilation
间歇负通气intermittent negative pressure ventilation
非接触式眼non-contact tonometer
面神经减facial nerve decompression
预真空式力灭菌pre-vacuum autoclaves
颅内intracranial pressure
颅内增高increased intracranial pressure
颅内监护monitoring of the intracranial pressure
颅内低综合征intracranial hypopressure syndrome
颅内减intracranial decompression
马克拉科夫平眼压计Maklakoff applanation tonometer
性气胸护理nursing care of tension pneumothorax
hyperbaric oxygen therapy
氧治疗Hyperbaric oxygenation
氧舱hyperbaric oxygen tank
高原性低血high altitude hypotension
高眼ocular hypertension
高血arterial hypertension
高血危象hypertension crisis
高血心脏病hypertensive heart disease
高血性心脏血管疾病hypertensive cardiovascular disease
高血性脑出血hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage
高血性脑出血护理nursing care of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage
高血性脑血管意外病变hypertensive cerebrovascular accident
高血性视网膜病变hypertensive retinopathy
高血病防治教育education for prevention and treatment of hypertension
高频正射流 喷射 通气high frequency positive pressure jet ventilation
高频正通气high frequency positive pressure ventilation
高频胸壁high frequency chest wall compression