
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一类物疫病animal epidemic of Class I
一类、二类物传染病Class A and Class B infectious diseases of animals
一级保护野生wildlife under first class protection
产和动产immovables and movables
产所在地place where the real estate is located
产权利人owner of the immovable
产权属证书right attribution certificate of the immovable
产物权property right of the immovable
产物权的消灭extinction of the property right
产物权的设立creation of the property right of the immovable
产界址boundary of the immovables
产登记簿register of the immovables
产的所有权ownership of the real estate
产的所有权ownership of immovable property
产纠纷dispute over immovables
产纠纷dispute over real estate
不再变no longer be altered
不可移文物immovable cultural relies
不得留置的movable may not be retained
与劳者约定enter into an agreement with a worker
与本单位发生劳争议involved in a labor dispute with the institution
与经营活无关irrelevant to business activities
专项整改活special correction campaigns
严厉打击各种偷骗税等违法活aggressively combat all illegal acts such as tax evasion and tax fraud
丧失劳能力lose the ability to work
丧失劳能力的程度extent of labor capacity lost
丧失或者部分丧失劳能力totally or partially lose the ability to work
个人保险代理活individual insurance agency business
中华人民共和国劳和社会保障部Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the People's Republic of China
中国基督教“三自”爱国运委员会Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee of the Protestant Churches of China
为了规范立法活with a view to standardizing legislation
为推建设和谐世界作出应有的贡献make our due contribution to promoting the development of a harmonious world
为群众排忧解难take the initiative to help them solve their problems
交待行贿行为voluntarily confess one's act of offering bribe
实施改革carry out reforms on their own initiative
投案voluntary surrender
改正take the initiative to correct
采取保全措施voluntarily take measures to preserve evidence
举行、参加宗教活的自由freedom to conduct and participate in religious activity in public
书面劳合同written labor contract
二级保护野生wildlife under second class protection
交付不deliver immovable property
产生偶发性强烈噪声活activity that emits sporadic strong noise
享有不产物权enjoy the property right over the immovable
享有与男子平等的劳权利enjoy equal right to work as men
享有劳权利enjoy the right to work
人员密集的活activity which draws a high density of people
从事广告活carry out advertising activity
从事建筑活engage in construction activity
从事职业中介活in intermediary activity for employment
从事邪教、会道门活engage in activity of cults and superstitious sects
付出劳contributed one's intellectual effort
付出劳have done one's work
代表的活经费funds for deputy activities
以宪法为根本的活准则take the Constitution as the basic standard of conduct
以改革开放为力推进各项工作make reform and opening up the driving force behind all our work
以该产折价convert the property into money
依法打击刑事犯罪活crack down on crimes in accordance with the law
依法规范劳管理standardize labor management pursuant to the law
侦查活investigatory activity
侵占野生物资源seizure of wildlife resources
侵害劳者合法权益encroachment of the legitimate rights and interests of laborers
保持共产党员先进性教育活the education campaign to preserve the advanced nature of Party members
保险活insurance activity
保险活当事人party to insurance activities
保险经营活insurance business operation
保障残疾人的劳权利guarantee the disabled persons? right to work
信托活trust activities
信用证诈骗活fraud by means of a letter of credit
停止诊疗活discontinue such diagnosis and treatment
健全不同地区间的协调互的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for mutual assistance and the support mechanism to ensure balance and interaction among different regions
健全不同地区间的协调互的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for promoting cooperation
健全不同地区间的协调互的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制improve the market mechanism
偷开他人机drive another person's motor vehicle without permission
充分发挥主性、积极性give full scope to the initiative and enthusiasm (of)
全国物疫情animal epidemic information nationwide
全国总general mobilization
公益信托活public welfare trust activities
公证活notarial activity
关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其它天体在内外层空间活的原则条约Treaty on Principles Concerning the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space Including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies
兵员mobilization of troop
农业劳rural labor force
农业劳rural worker
农业劳labor force in agriculture
农业劳agricultural laborer
农业富余劳surplus agricultural workers
农事活activities relating to farming
农村富余劳surplus rural labor force
决定全国总员或者局部动员decide on general or partial mobilization
决定全国总员或者局部动员declare general or partial mobilization
分裂活secessionist activities
利用宗教进行活make use of religion to engage in activities (that)
制裁犯罪活penalize criminal activities
加强流人口计划生育管理strengthen the management of family planning among the floating population
产抵押mortgage movable property
产物权property right of the movable
产质押pledge of movables
产质权interest acquired through pledge
员拆除persuade them to pull down
植物animals and plants
植物产品animal or plant products
植物检疫机关animal and plant quarantine department
植物疫区animal or plant epidemic areas
植物疫情animal or plant epidemic
植物疫病区animal and plant disease zone
物产品animal product
物传染病animal diseases
物卫生监督机构animal health supervision institution
物尸体carcass of animals
物屠宰animal slaughtering
物检疫quarantine of animals
物检疫员quarantine officer
物源性致病微生物animal-borne pathogenic microorganism
物疫情animal epidemic situation
物疫情报告report of animal epidemic situation
物疫情监测网络network for animal epidemic monitoring
物疫情预#early warnings against animal epidemics
物疫病animal epidemics
物疫病扩散spread of an animal epidemic
物疫病病种specific kinds of animal epidemics
物疫病预防与控制animal epidemic prevention and control
物病料animal pathological material
物病料animal epidemic materials
物的生皮animals' raw hide
物经营animal marketing
物诊疗diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases
物防疫animal epidemic prevention
物防疫体系systems for animal epidemic prevention
物防疫条件合格证certificate of conformity to the conditions for animal epidemic prevention
物防疫监督supervision and inspection for prevention of animal epidemics
物防疫监督工作人员supervisor of animal epidemic prevention
物防疫科学研究scientific research in animal epidemic prevention
物饲养人keeper of the animal
物饲养场animal raising farm
物饲养场animal farm
辄使用武力或以武力相威胁threat of force, arbitrary use
辄使用武力或以武力相威胁threat of force
辄使用武力或以武力相威胁arbitrary use
争议事项labor dispute in question
争议仲裁arbitration of labor disputes
争议仲裁委员会labour dispute arbitration committee
争议案件labor dispute case
争议调解仲裁法the Law on Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes
争议调解委员会labor dispute mediation committee
争议调解职能function of labor-dispute mediation
保护设施labor protection facilities
关系labor relationship
关系存续期间during the existence of the labor relation
力调查统计制度statistical system for workforce survey
合同关系labor contract relationship
合同制度labor contract system
合同履行地place where the labor contract is performed
合同必备条款requisite terms of a labor contract
合同文本copy of a labor contract
合同期限term of a labor contract
合同法the Law on Labor Contracts
合同法the Labor Contract Law
合同法草案the draft Law on Labor Contracts
合同的履行performance of the labor contract
场所labour sites
安全卫生条件occupational safety and health conditions
安全卫生设施facilities of occupational safety and health
安全生产教育培训制度system of education and training in safe operation
定额标准norm set for labor quota
定额管理labor quota control
密集型产业labor-intensive industries
就业条件conditions for employment
就业训练vocational training
报酬标准rates for labor remuneration
改造机关organ in charge of reform through labor
教养rehabilitation through labor
权利right to work
权益labor rights and interests
条件标准standards for working conditions
标准labor standards
模范model workers
the Labor Law
法律法规law, rule and regulation on labor
的权利和义务right as well as the duty of work
积累工labor for public accumulation fund
积累工accumulative labor
组织organization of work
群众working people
群众集体所有制collective ownership by the working people
群众集体组织的财产property of collective organizations of the working masses
者人身安全worker's personal safety
者合法权益legitimate rights and interests of workers
者福利待遇welfare treatment of laborer
者素质quality of workers
行政主管部门competent department of labour administration
行政管理公约Labour Administration Convention
规章制度rules and regulations on labor
防护用品labor protective gadget
预备制度labor reserve system
募捐活solicit contribution
协调互coordination and cooperation (among)
协调劳关系三方机制tripartite coordination mechanism for labor relations
单方解除劳合同revoke a labor contract unilaterally
占有的movables in one's possession
危及劳者人身安全endanger workers' personal safety
物饲养人original keeper
原劳合同original labour contract
统治势力reactionary ruling forces
反对"台独"分裂活struggle against secessionist activities aimed at "Taiwan independence"
反对"台独"分裂活决不妥协will never compromise on our struggle against secessionist activities aimed at "Taiwan independence"
反对戒严的活activities against the martial law
反革命的活counter-revolutionary activities
朝鲜战争waged the Korean War
群众打击mobilize the masses to struggle against
发布员令issue the mobilization order
发布员令issue mobilization orders
发布物疫情release information about an animal epidemic
受保护的野生wildlife enjoying protection
受保护的野生protected wildlife
受保护的野生wildlife which shall enjoy protection
情况particulars of any change
变更劳合同modification of a labor contract
口岸植物检疫机关port animal and plant quarantine office
古脊椎物化石fossils of paleovertebrates
各种矿场井下劳使用妇女公约Convention Concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of All Kinds
合理流rational mobility
合理流rational flow
吊销机车驾驶证revocation of motor vehicle driver's license
同一产上on the same piece of the movable
同时建立劳关系concurrently establish a labor relationship
同类检疫合格animal of the same kind which pass quarantine
同群in-contact animals
向劳者收取押金charge a deposit from the worker
实施计划方案launch an initiative to
长效机制launch a permanent mechanism
《国际移卫星组织公约》1998 年修正案及《国际移动卫星组织业务协定》1998年修正案 1998Amendment to the Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization Inmarsat and Operating Agreement on the International Mobile Satellite Organization
在全国公民中开展普遍的宣传教育运initiate a movement to universally promote and educate Chinese citizens (in)
在执业活中知悉come to know during the legal practice
地震参数区划图ground motion parameter zoning map
地震活断层seismic active fault
地震活趋势tendency of seismicity
坚持一个中国原则决不will not waver on the one-China principle
城乡劳urban and rural working people
境外机车驾驶证motor vehicle driver's license of another country
外事活activity of foreign affairs
外交活diplomatic activities
大力开展全民健身活put great effort into developing exercise activities for the general public
大型群众性活large-scale mass activity
妥善处理法律的稳定性和变性的关系strike a balance between stability of the law and the need to adapt to changes
委托代理人参加仲裁活appoint agent to participate in arbitration
嫖娼活visit prostitutes
嫖娼活whoring activities
完善代表小组的组织活方式improve the way activities for teams of deputies are organized
宗教活religious activities
宗教活场所venues for religious activities
实习活internship activities
宣传推介活publicity for recommendation
射击运枪支sports guns
将劳者退回send dispatched workers back
尊重劳respect labor
少年军校活juvenile cadet activity
就该产优先受偿priority in having one's claim paid with the pledged movable
就该劳争议事项with respect to the labor dispute in question
局部partial mobilization
居间活intermediating activities
履行劳义务fulfill the labor obligations
工会活trade union activity
巩固和扩大保持共产党员先进性教育活成果consolidate and enlarge on the results of the education campaign to preserve the advanced nature of Party members
开展一系列规模宏大的运wage a series of large-scale campaigns
开展专项整改活carry out special correction campaigns
开展活engage in activities
开展群众性的卫生活promote health and sanitation activities of a mass character
开展群众性的文化活sponsor mass cultural activities
开展节能行launch an energy-saving campaign
引起重大植物疫情cause a serious animal or plant epidemic
引起重大物疫情result in a serious animal epidemic
弘扬尊重劳、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造的良好社会风气foster an environment of respect for labor, for knowledge, for ability and for creativity throughout society
强迫他人劳force another person to work
强迫劳force to work
强迫残疾人劳force persons with disabilities to work
强震strong vibration
恐怖活terrorist activities
恐怖活组织terrorist organization
恐怖活资金funds of being used for any terrorist activities
成为每个人的自觉行become second nature for everyone
扑灭物疫病extermination of the animal epidemics
打击刑事犯罪活crack down on crimes
打击制假售假、虚假广告、商业欺诈、传销和变相传销、偷逃骗税、走私贩私等违法活crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit goods, false advertising, commercial fraud, pyramid schemes, including pyramid schemes in disguised forms, tax evasion, tax fraud, smuggling and sale of smuggled goods
扣押劳者居民身份证take away the resident identity card of a worker
扣押劳者档案detain a worker's personal file
执业活professional practice
执法活law enforcement
扰乱大型群众性活秩序disturb the order of large-scale mass activity
投资不invest in real estate
担保活guaranty activity
拍卖活auction activity
拘禁劳detain laborers
损害劳者权益impair the worker's right and interests
排他性用海活use of the sea areas for exclusive activities
世界和平、发展和进步事业promote world peace, development and progress
互利合作promote mutually beneficial cooperation
人大各项工作取得新的进展make continued progress in the work of the NPC
价格总水平上升drive up the price level to a certain extent
健全社会主义法制improve the socialist legal system
务实合作promote cooperation in practical matters
周边国家间睦邻友好合作关系的发展promote the development of friendly, good-neighborly cooperative relations with neighboring countries
对外关系全面发展promote comprehensive development of our relations with other countries
建设和谐世界promote the development of a harmonious world
物质文明、政治文明和精神文明协调发展promote the coordinated development of the material, political and spiritual civilizations
社会主义民主法制建设improve socialist democracy and the socialist legal system
经济建设advance economic construction
经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展promote all-round, balanced and sustainable development of the economy and society
提倡爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳、爱科学、爱社会主义的公德advocate the civic virtues of love of the motherland, of the people, of labour, of science and of socialism
提出议案propose a motion for
提岀推建设和谐世界call for and promote the building of a harmonious world
提高劳报酬和福利待遇increase remuneration for work and welfare benefits
提高劳效率raise labor efficiency
提高劳生产率raise labour productivity
放任物恐吓他人let an animal scare another person
政治活political activities
教育和劳相结合combine education with labour
教育教学活educational and teaching activities
文化活cultural pursuits
无劳能力without ability to work
无固定期限劳合同open-ended labor contract
无效劳合同invalid labor contract
无规定植物疫病区animal and plant disease free zone
无规定物疫病区region free from specified animal epidemics
越狱instigate a riot to escape from prison
有关植物检疫的concerning animal and plant quarantine
有关劳关系和劳动保障的法律laws concerning laber relations and safeguarding workers
有关监督行政管理活的法律laws related to oversight of administrative activities
有关经济活规范化的法律laws for standardizing economic activities
有劳能力的罪犯able-bodied prisoner
有管理的浮汇率制度system of managed floating foreign currency exchange rates
有重点地开展主审查conduct focused inspections on our own initiative
reserved land
车号牌number plate for motor vehicles
车国家安全技术标准state safety and technical standards for motor vehicles
车安全技术检验safety and technical inspection of motor vehicles
车强制保险mandatory motor vehicle insurance
车强制报废制度compulsory system for scrapping motor vehicles
车所有权ownership of a motor vehicle
车牌证plate and certificate of motor vehicle
车船motor-driven vehicles or vessels
车道motor vehicle lane
车驾驶证motor vehicles driver's license
轮椅车motor wheelchair
染疫物产品infected animal products
染疫物及其排泄物infect with epidemic disease and the excrement
校外活场所place for out-of-school activities
力厂nuclear power plant
力船舶nuclear-powered vessel
根本的活准则basic standard of conduct
残疾人劳就业employment for persons with disabilities
残疾人劳权利right of persons with disabilities to work
民主团结、生活泼、安定和谐的政治局面political situation of democracy, solidarity, liveliness, stability and harmony
民事审判活civil proceeding
民事活civil activities
民用航空活civil aviation activity
水生野生species of aquatic wildlife
准则standard of conduct
live animals
人口migrant population
性负债余额balance of floating liabilities
性资产余额balance of floating assets
票箱movable ballot boxes
票箱mobile polling boxes
自由free movement
测绘活surveying and mapping activity
涂改船舶发机号码alter the number of a vessel engine
消防公益活fire protection activity for public good
涉农经济活economic activities involving agriculture
涉嫌恐怖活资金funds suspected of being used for any terrorist activities
濒危野生植物种国际贸易公Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
濒危野生endangered wild animal
濒危野生wildlife of near extinction
煤炭生产、经营活production and marketing of coal
whip up
军人逃离部队incite a serviceman to desert from the unit
叛乱incitement of rebellion
民族仇恨、民族歧视incite national enmity or discrimination
犯罪instigation of crimes
群众暴力抗拒incite people to resist by violence
爱国卫生运patriotic sanitation campaign
犯罪活criminal activities
现役animal in active service
现役active-duty animal
珍贵野生rare species of wildlife
生产经营活production and business operation activities
用海活activities relating to the use of the sea areas
申请参加仲裁活apply for participating in arbitration
电信活telecommunications activities
监督行政管理活oversight of administrative activities
破坏野生物资源destruction of wildlife resources
确认劳关系confirmation of labor relations
社会员机制social mobilization mechanism
社会主义劳群众集体所有制经济socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people
社会主义劳群众集体所有制经济the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people
社会主义劳socialist working people
社会公众活的场所place for public activities
社会公益活public welfare activity
社会文化教育活social, cultural and educational activities
社会活social activity
社会活public activities
票据活activities involving negotiable instruments
禁止和立即行消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动公约Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention
禁止转让的movables the transfer of which is prohibited
私人不产物权individual persons' rights to immovables
科学技术进步活activities aimed at science and technology progress
稳步有序推改革carry out reform in a steady and orderly manner
立法活lawmaking activity
第四级体力劳强度Grade IV physical labour intensity
签订劳聘用合同conclude labor or employment contract
精神力和智力支持moral and intellectual support
精神力和智力支持drive motivation and intellectual support
红十字青少年活Red Cross activity among teenagers
红新月运Red Crescent Movement
终止其业务活cease the business operation
终止劳合同terminate labor contracts
经营trading in animals
经营marketing of animals
经营性旅游活profit-making tourist activities
经营性活profit-making activity
经营性活business profít-making activities
经营性职业中介活profit-making job intermediary activity
经营活operational activity
罪犯的劳时间working hours of prisoners
群众性活mass activities
群众性的体育活mass sport activities
群众性的卫生活mass health and sanitation activities
群众性的文化活mass cultural activities
群众运a mass movement
联合motion initiated jointly
联合国班轮公会行守则公约United Nations Convention on A Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences
聚众淫乱活crowd in licentious activities
聚众进行淫乱活gather people to engage in licentious activity
股权变equity changes
丧失automatically lose
失效automatically become null and void
计划the action plan (to do)
被劳教养be undergoing rehabilitation through labour
被劳教养的undergo rehabilitation through labour
被派遣劳worker to be dispatched
解除劳合同revoke a labor contract
解除劳合同have one's labor contract revoked
订立劳合同conclude a labor contract
订立和解除劳合同conclusion or revocation of a labor contract
证券投资活securities investment activities
诊疗活范围scope of diagnosis and treatment
做某事的积极性give smb greater incentive to (smth)
做某事的积极性stimulate enthusiasm for (smth)
贯穿要求于立法活的整个过程satisfy the requirement throughout the legislation process
资产流liquidity management of assets
资金流和进出自由free flow of capital within, into and out of the Region
走私活smuggling activity
超强度体力劳physical labor of ultra-intensity
踊跃参加常委会活enthusiastically participate in activities of the Standing Committee
过境的transit animal
进一步调做某事的积极性give smb greater incentive to (smth)
进出口自许可automatic import and export licensing system
进出境植物检疫工作entry and exit animal and plant quarantine
进行国事活engage in activities involving State affairs
进行欺诈活engage in fraud
进行走私活engage in smuggling
通过多种途径参与立法活participate in legislative activities through various channels
通过开展爱国卫生运教育宣传活动的决议passed a resolution concerning strengthening education and publicity to increase patriotic sanitation campaign
道路交通活road traffic activity
遵守劳纪律observe labour discipline
部分或者全部丧失劳能力partially or fully losing labor capacity
重大植物疫情serious animal or plant epidemic
《重大物疫情应急条例》the Emergency Measures for Handling Major Animal Epidemics
重大犯罪活grave criminal activity
重要改major modification
野生植物wild animals and plants
野生植物资源resources of the wildlife
野生物保护protection of species of wildlife
野生物资源保护protection of wildlife resources
野生物资源调查survey of wildlife resources
金融活financial activities
镇压叛国和其他危害国家安全的犯罪活suppress treasonable and other criminal activities that endanger State security
陆生野生species of terrestrial wildlife
陆生野生物名录list of terrestrial wildlife
限制业务活restrict the business operation
限制活movement restriction
集体所有的不产和动产immovables and movables property owned by the collective
参数ground motion parameter (of an earthquake)
非交通活non-traffic activity
非排他性用海活non-exclusive use of sea areas
非机non-motor vehicle
非机车道bicycle lane
非机车道non-motor vehicle lane
饲养的domesticated animal
鼓励和推两岸人员往来encourage and facilitate personnel exchanges across the Straits
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