
Terms containing 办公室 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.上海飞机制造有限公司构型管理办公室SAMC Configuration Management Office
securit.专项代理办公室Offices of Specially-Appointed Agents
org.name.世界粮食首脑会议后续行动及联盟办公室Office of the WFS Follow-up and Alliances
org.name.世界粮食首脑会议后续行动及联盟办公室Office of the World Food Summit Follow-up and Alliances
org.name.东南亚科学合作办公室Science Co-operation Office for Southeast Asia
tech.个人办公室individual office
avia.中国适航性研究管理办公室China airworthiness research and management office
avia.中央办公室central office
China, polit.中央对外宣传办公室International Communication Office, CCCPC
securit.中间办公室金融企业中负责资产评估和风险控制的机构。前台负责交易,后台负责结算行政,中台负责评估middle office
tech.临时办公室office hut
consult.临时办公室temporary offices
tech.办公室principal office
dril.井场-办公室远程数据通信rig-to office data telecommunication
anim.husb.联合国粮农组织亚洲和远东区域办公室Asia and the Far East Regional Office
avia.产品管理办公室project management office
avia.人事办公室personnel office
econ.人事管理办公室Office of Personnel Management
UN人事调查员办公室Ombudsman Unit
tech.人防办公室office of civil air defence
dril.此栏办公室人员填写office use only
econ.他向李先生索要3000美元的损坏赔偿费,李先生却反要6000美元的办公室破损费He claimed $3000 in damages against Mr Li, and Mr Li entered a counterclaim of $6000 for loss of office
org.name.伙伴关系、宣传及能力发展办公室Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development
avia.低成本系统办公室low cost systems office
sport.体育设施标准管理办公室sports facilities standard authority
avia.作战识别系统办公室combat identification systems program office
econ.办公室的布置很有吸引力The layout of your office is quite attractive
avia.供应管理办公室supply management office
mil., air.def.信息保密监督办公室information security oversight office
mil., air.def.信息保密管理办公室information security management office
avia.信息系统办公室information system office
mil., air.def.信息系统选择与采购活动办公室information system selection & acquisition activity office
avia.先行计划和技术办公室advanced planning and technology office
UN全球环境基金协调办公室Global Environment Facility Coordination Office
avia.全球空中交通办公室global air traffic office
tech.公司办公室company office
archit.公司商号的办公室front office
tech.公安办公室public security office
tech.公寓和办公室大楼flats-and-officers building
tech.公寓和办公室建筑flats-and-officers building (物)
securit.公平交易办公室office of fair trade
securit.公平交易办公室Office of Fair Trade
busin.典型办公室布置typical office layout
UN, account.内部审计办公室Office of Internal Audit
UN, account.内部审计、检查和管理控制办公室Office of Internal Audit, Inspection and Management Control
econ.美国军火管制办公室Office of Munitions Control
econ.美国政府的出口发展办公室Export Development Office
econ.美国出口许可证管理办公室Office of Export Licensing
tech.出纳办公室bank room
tech.出纳办公室banking room
org.name.分区域代表办公室Office of the Subregional Representative
org.name.分区域代表办公室, SAPAOffice of the Subregional Representative, SAPA
org.name.分区域代表办公室Office of the Subregional Representative, SNE
org.name.分区域代表办公室Office of the Subregional Representative, SLC
org.name.分区域代表办公室, SEUOffice of the Subregional Representative, SEU
org.name.分区域代表办公室Office of Subregional Representative
econ.分配办公室division office
econ.到达发送货物办公室office dealing with inward outward goods traffic
avia.制造检查地区办公室manufacturing inspection district office
avia.副主任办公室deputy director office
busin.副总裁办公室vice president's office
tech.办公室business premises
tech.办公室administrative office
archit.办公室office room
environ.办公室office Any room, set of rooms or building used for the administration of government service, business transactions or other work related activities (为政府管理服务、商业交易或其他工作相关活动而使用的任何空间、房间或建筑物。)
busin.办公室Public Office
busin.办公室clerk's office
busin.办公室clerical office
busin.办公室business premise
busin.办公室主任chief clerk
econ.办公室主任office master
tech.办公室主任office chief
econ.办公室主管an office manager
tech.办公室之间交通interoffice traffic
work.fl.办公室之间的备忘录interoffice memorandum
archit.办公室侧厅office wing
fin.办公室保险费office premium
avia.办公室信息系统office information systems
busin.办公室全景设计panoramic office planning
avia.办公室内的备忘录interoffice memorandum
tech.办公室内部布置office layout
tech.办公室内部通信intra-office communications
AI.办公室分配office assignment
AI.办公室分配案例研究office-assignment case study
fin.办公室器具及装修office furniture and fixtures
tech.办公室大楼block of offices
tech.办公室室内设计office layout
fin.办公室家具帐户office furniture account
tech.办公室屏风office landscape screen
manag.办公室工作clerical work
tech.办公室工作office work
econ.办公室工作人员clerical worker
manag.办公室工作制度office duties
avia.办公室工作站office work station
manag.办公室工作计划office planning
manag.办公室工程师office engineer
busin.办公室已关门absent subscriber office closed
manag.办公室布局office layout
tech.办公室布局应用程序office layout application
busin.办公室布置office layout
busin.办公室布置location of offices
tech.办公室式隔断office type partition
fin.办公室或公司办公室管理费office or corporate office overhead
avia.办公室手册office instruction
tech.办公室打字机office typewriter
avia.办公室数据交换标准office data exchange standard
manag.办公室文件传递流程图flow diagram of paper movement in an office operation
tech.办公室桌锁desk lock
tech.办公室照明office lighting
tech.办公室照明office illumination
tech.办公室用品office supplies
math.办公室用电子计算机office computer
comp., net.办公室电子邮件office electronic mail
auto.办公室工作地点电话work phone
fin.办公室租金office rental
tech.办公室空间景观布置office landscape
econ.办公室管理技术office management skill
avia.办公室系统office system
tech.办公室终端office terminal
commer.办公室经理office manager
busin.办公室经理manager of office
avia.办公室编制机床控制数据office programmed machine control data
agric.办公室内部网络intraoffice network
tech.办公室网络intra-office network
tech.办公室职员office staff
auto.办公室自动化office automatization
econ.办公室自动化the office automation
tech.办公室自动化系统office automation system
avia.办公室自动化设备office automation equipment
tech.办公室负责人office supervisor
fin.办公室费用office expenses
UN, tech.办公室、通信和指挥所office, communications and command posts
tech.办公室闭路电视office enclosed circuit TV
archit.办公室隔墙office partition (wall)
tech.办公室隔墙office partition
tech.办公室隔扇office landscape screen
econ.区域信贷办公室credit district offices
tech.医师办公室doctor's office
tech.厂部办公室head office
avia.原型机样机规划办公室prototype program office
earth.sc.原子能协调办公室Atomic Coordination Office
commer.去某人办公室拜访某人call at sb's office
USA, space参谋长联席会议办公室Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
tech.双窗办公室two-window office
railw.口岸联检办公室joint port inspection office
busin.可靠性办公室Reliability Office
avia.可靠性管理办公室condition monitoring office
shipb.司务长办公室chief steward's office
avia.合同办公室contracting office
avia.合同审核办公室contract audit office
avia.合同管理办公室contract management office
avia.合同管理办公室administrative contract office
avia.合同管理办公室contract administration office
avia.合同管理助理办公室contract management assistance office
securit.合规监管办公室Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (美国证监会的常设机构)
fin.后勤办公室back office
gen.向工作人员出示行李票及其他相关信息,留存一份申报单影印件、免费电话号码及申报办公室电话号码Present your claim ticket and other pertinent information to the employee, leave with a copy of the report, a toll-free number to call and the number of the local office where you made your claim
avia.周转件办公室rotable components office
tech.咨询办公室consultation office
USA, space商业空间运输办公室Office of Commercial Space Transportation
auto.噪声降低与控制办公室Office of Noise Abatement and Control
fin., amer.国会预算办公室Congressional Budget Office
China, polit.国务院侨务办公室Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs
China, polit.国务院侨务办公室Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council
China, polit.国务院信息化工作办公室State Council Informatization Office
China, polit.国务院……办公室office of the state council
China, polit.国务院台湾事物办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
China, polit.国务院新闻办公室Information Office of the State Council
China, polit.国务院法制办公室Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council
China, polit.国务院法制办公室Office of Legislative Affairs
securit.国务院法制办公室中国Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council PRC
China, polit.国务院港澳事务办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council
China, polit.国务院西部开发领导小组办公室Office of the Leading Group for Western Region Development of the State Council
USA, space国家侦察办公室National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
earth.sc.国家大地测量局办公室Office of National Geodetic Survey
USA, space国家安全空间总师办公室Office of the National Security Space Architect
USA, space国家安全空间综合办公室Office of National Security Space Integration
earth.sc.国家环境管理局办公室泰国.Office of the National Environment Board (Thailand)
avia.国家空域交通管制系统规划办公室national airspace system program office
avia.国家空间运输系统项目办公室national space transportation system program office
econ.国家能源政策办公室National Energy Policy Office
UN, afr.国民身份鉴定办公室National Identification Office
avia.国防供应办公室defense supply office
avia.国防动员办公室Office of Defense Mobilization
avia.国防工厂代表办公室defense plant representative office
avia.国防工厂驻厂代表办公室defense plant representative plant office
avia.国防工程研究办公室defence engineering research agency
avia.国防建模和仿真办公室defense modeling and simulation office
USA, space国防航空侦察办公室Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office
econ.美国国防贸易控制办公室Defense Trade Controls
USA, space国防通信合同办公室Defense Communication Contracting Office
mil., air.def.国防部 Ada 合作办公室Ada joint program Office
USA, space国防部 GPS 联合计划办公室GPO DOD's GPS joint programme office
USA, space国防部长办公室Office of the Secretary of Defense
avia.国防部长办公室office of secretary of defense (美国)
USA, space国防部长办公室弹道导弹委员会Office of the Secretary of Defense, Ballistic Missile Committee
econ.美国的一个力促在本国举办国际会议的国际会议办公室International Congress Office
avia.国际地区办公室international field office
comp.name.国际铁路运输中心办公室OCTI Central Office for International Railway Transport
tech.圆形办公室round office block
tech.办公室值班floor duty (房地产经纪人事务所)
econ.办公室询问apply at the office
avia.基地设备管理办公室base equipment management office
org.name.处长办公室Office of Chief, TCIB
org.name.处长办公室Office of Chief, TCIC
org.name.处长办公室Office of Chief
org.name.处长办公室Office of Chief, CSAP
busin.外事办公室Foreign Affairs Office
mil., air.def.外国军事研究办公室foreign military search office
avia.外场工程办公室field engineering office
org.name.大会及一般服务办公室Office of Conference and General Services
environ.天气预报办公室Weather Forecast Office
tech.委员会办公室committee room
avia.安全办公室security office
avia.安全监督管理办公室safety supervision management office
busin.安置办公室placement office
busin.安置办公室office to handle urban resettlement
econ.实业公司供应采购办公室manufacturer's purchasing agent
avia.审定管理办公室certification management office 〔FAA〕
avia.家庭办公室small office/home office
avia.对外公开办公室foreign disclosure office
USA, space导弹电子战办公室Office of Missile Electronic Warfare
tech.小型办公室与家庭办公small office home office
multimed.小型办公室或家庭办公室small office/home office
anim.husb.小额信贷办公室Microcredit Office
tech.州际土地出售注册办公室Office of Interstate Land Sales Registration
UN工业和环境办公室Industry and Environment Office
tech.工地办公室field office
tech.工地办公室field office trailer
tech.工地流动办公室mobile site office
tech.工地负责人办公室site supervisor's office
avia.工程和制造地方办公室engineering and manufacturing district office
tech.工程师的工地办公室engineer's site office
tech.工程项目办公室project office
tech.市场办公室market cross
avia.应用办公室office of application
tech.建筑施工办公室construction office
busin.开放空间型办公室open space office
tech.开敞布置办公室open landscaped office space
avia.弹道导弹防御办公室ballistic missile defence office
busin.强行擅入他人办公室break and entry
avia.快速反应能力办公室rapid capabilities office
tech.办公室general office
busin.总工程师办公室chief engineers office
avia.总工程师办公室chief engineer's office
shipb.总经理办公室president's office
econ.美国总统能源政策办公室Energy Policy Office
expl.总部办公室home office
mil., air.def.情报主任办公室office, director of intelligence
avia.愿景规划项目办公室advanced development program office
econ.我们在一幢商业大厦租了几间办公室We leased several offices from a commercial building
econ.我们手头有几间办公室可出租We have several offices on hand to let
econ.我们的办公室计算机配置齐全Our office has been fully equipped with computers
econ.我们给办公室配备计算机We fit ted out the office with computers
gen.我去看看他在不在办公室I'll just find out if he's in his office
avia.战略系统项目办公室strategic system program office
org.name.战略、规划及资源管理办公室 – 联合收入Office of Strategy, Planning and Resources Management - Corporate Income
avia.战略防御计划项目办公室SDIP office
avia.执行合同办公室administrative contracting office
ecol.扶贫办公室Poverty Relief Office
anim.husb.国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (of the State Council)
tech.承包人工地办公室contractor site office
multimed.技术办公室协议technical office protocol
tech.技术评价办公室office of technical assessment
manag.技术评估办公室office of technology assessment
tech.护士办公室nursed station
tech.护士办公室nurse's station
tech.护士办公室nurse's office
nurs.护理办公室nursing station
tech.接待办公室reception office
avia.支援设备系统项目办公室support equipment system project office
econ.美国政府印刷办公室Government Printing Office
avia.政府监督项目办公室project on government oversight
avia.政府责任办公室government accountability office
avia.数据管理办公室data management office
China, polit.新闻办公室Information Office
tech.旅馆前厅办公室front office
econ.既然市中心的租金昂贵,我们可考虑在郊区租办公室Since rents are high in the centre of the town, we can consider renting an office in the suburbs
tech.普查办公室census office
tech.景观式办公室landscaping office
tech.景观式办公室布置office landscape
tech.景观式的办公室布置office landscape
avia.智能办公室系统intelligent office system
agric.智能办公室自动化系统intelligential office automation system
econ.最高管理部门办公室front office
tech.有氯化布置的办公室landscaped office room
avia.机场预留办公室airport reservation office
avia.材料和工艺办公室material and process office
avia.构型管理办公室configuration management office 〔FAA〕
avia.构型管理办公室configuration management office
econ.欧洲专利办公室European Patent Office
avia.武器系统项目办公室weapon system project office
refrig.汤姆昨天为办公室买了一台冷饮机Tom bought a cold drinks machine for the office yesterday
tech.活动工地办公室mobile field office
AI.海军研究办公室Office of Naval Research
avia.海军维修支援办公室navy maintenance support office
avia.海军采购办公室navy purchasing office
avia.海军驻厂代表办公室naval plant representatives office
earth.sc.海洋局办公室Office of Ocean Services
avia.消减噪声联合办公室joint office of noise abatement (美国运输部和国家航空航天局)
org.name.渔业及水产养殖部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, FI
tech.港务办公室port office
USA, space爱国者项目办公室Patriot Project Office
USA, space特别调查办公室Office of Special Investigations
busin.特殊项目办公室Special Project Office
tech.独用办公室individual office
archit.现场办公室field office
tech.现场办公室on-site office
econ.现场项目办公室Field Project Office
org.name.理事机构和礼宾办公室Office of Governing Bodies and Protocol
tech.申报办公室reporting room
manag.电子计算机办公室computerized office
tech.码头办公室dock office
tech.码头办公室dock house
econ.科威特投资办公室Kuwait Investment Office
avia.科学和技术政策办公室office of science and technology policy
avia.科学技术情报办公室office of science and technical information
avia.科学政策办公室Science Policy Office
avia.科学研究办公室office of scientific research
avia.科学研究与发展办公室office of scientific research and development
busin.科技办公室Office of Science and Technology
econ.秘书是办公室各种记录和印章的保管人The secretary is custodian of all kinds of records and of the seal in the office
tech.移动办公室mobile office
avia.空中交通协调办公室air traffic coordinating office
avia.空中客车公司文件办公室Airbus documentation office
avia.空中运输联络办公室air transport liaison office
avia.空军支援办公室air support office
avia.空军特别调查办公室Air Force Office of Special Investigations (美国)
avia.空军装备司令部/航空航天研究办公室air force material command/office of aerospace studies
gen.空军部长办公室Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
avia.空军驻厂代表办公室air force plant representative office
avia.空军驻厂代表办公室Air Force Plant Representatives Office (美国)
avia.空运管区办公室air carrier district office
avia.美国国家航空航天局空间与地球应用办公室Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications
earth.sc.空间发展计划办公室印度Space Segment Project Office
avia.空间科学应用办公室office of space science applications
avia.空间运输作业办公室office of space transportation operations
avia.美国国家航空航天局空间运输系统办公室office of space transportation system
avia.管理与预算办公室office of management and budget
econ.美国管理和预算办公室Office of Management and Budget
avia.系统工程办公室office of system engineering
avia.系统工程与管理办公室office of system engineering and management
avia.系统工程与管理办公室office of systems engineering and management (美国联邦航空局)
avia.系统管理办公室system management office
avia.系统项目办公室system program office
busin.组建办公室organization office
avia.终止合同办公室termination contracting office
tech.终端使用办公室end office
securit.经济体制改革办公室Economic System Reconstruction Office
busin.经理办公室office of manager
busin.经理办公室manager office
Hong.Kong.经纪后勤办公室支援服务brokers' electronic support services
avia.经营与预算办公室Office of Management and Budget (联邦航空局)
busin.绘图办公室drawing office
stat.统计办公室statistical department
busin.统计办公室statistical office
tech.统间式办公室open plan office
tech.统间式办公室loft plan office
avia.维修可靠性控制办公室maintenance reliability control office
avia.维修可靠性管理办公室maintenance reliability control office
tech.综合办公室general affairs department
avia.综合检查员办公室office of inspector general
avia.综合电子办公室comprehensive electronic office
avia.综合管理办公室management integration office
tech.美国咸水办公室United States Office of Saline Water
tech.美国水文办公室United States Hydrographical Office
tech.美国水文办公室United States Hydrographic Office
avia.美国空军参谋长办公室Office of the Chief of Staff, USAF
avia.美国陆军空中交通协调办公室United States Army Air Traffic Coordinating Office
mil., air.def.美国陆军计算机网络行动-电子战办公室United States Army computer network operations-electronic warfare proponent
busin.职业安全办公室employment security office
busin.职员办公室staff section
avia.联合办公室united work cell
avia.联合办公室joint venture office
avia.联合信息调査办公室joint information coordinating office
avia.联合噪声抑制办公室joint office of noise abatement
avia.联合指令导弹项目办公室joint command missile program office
avia.联合攻击战斗机项目办公室JSF program office
avia.联合政府项目办公室associated government program office
mil., air.def.联合机载投掷式诱饵办公室国防部joint airborne expendable decoy office DOD
avia.联合系统项目办公室joint system program office
avia.联合计划与发展办公室joint planning and development office
avia.联合项目办公室joint program office
China, polit.联络办公室Liaison Office
auto.联邦办公室Federal Office
econ.联邦合同执行计划办公室Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
earth.sc.联邦气象服务与支持研究调度员办公室Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research
USA, space联邦采购政策办公室Office of Federal Procurement Policy
avia.联邦采购政策办公室office of federal procurement policy (美国)
avia.自主后勤支援组区域办公室autonomic logistic support team regional office
tech.自动化办公室设备automated office equipment
avia.航天员活动办公室astronaut activity office
USA, space航天采办和技术计划办公室Space Acquisition and Technology Programs
avia.航空卫星协调办公室Aerosat coordination office
avia.航空和航天技术办公室office of aeronautics and space technology
avia.航空器合格审定办公室aircraft certification office 〔FAA〕
avia.航空器审定办公室aircraft certification office
avia.航空情报办公室air intelligence office
avia.航空武器系统研究部先进战术战斗机项目办公室aeronautical systems division advanced tactical fighter system program office
avia.航空武器系统研究部新型发动机项目办公室aeronautical systems division new engine system program office
avia.航空武器系统研究部电子战系统项目办公室aeronautical system division electronic warfare system program office
avia.航空电子系统项目办公室avionics systems project office
avia.航空运输办公室air transport office
avia.航站商务办公室airport commercial assistance office
avia.航站营运办公室airport handling office
shipb.船厂厂长办公室shipyard director's office
tech.船员临时办公室wharf house
tech.船员临时办公室dock house
shipb.船坞办公室dock office
tech.船长办公室captain's public room
shipb.船长办公室captain's office
tech.节俭监督办公室Office of Thrift Supervision
comp., net.虚拟办公室virtual office
busin.行政办公室executive office
busin.行政办公室administrative office
tech.行政办公室administrative building
manag.行政主管办公室executive office
avia.行政办公室administration office
avia.西北市场行销办公室northwest marketing office
avia.西南支线办公室southwest regional office
tech.规划办公室planning office
avia.规划办公室指定官员project office nominated official
tech.规划设计办公室planning and design office
avia.计划办公室program office
avia.计划制订与评估办公室office of program planning and evaluation
busin.计时办公室time office
avia.设备管理办公室equipment management office
econ.设施齐全独立的办公室a self-contained office
avia.设计办公室design office
avia.证件管理办公室certification management office 〔FAA〕
avia.试验场办公室test site office
expl.请求做办公室杂役的活apply for a job as office boy
tech.负责人办公室front office
avia.质量保证办公室quality assurance office
anim.husb.贫困地区开发办公室Poor Area Development Office (of LGOP)
avia.超声速运输机研制办公室office of SST development
avia.跟踪和数据采集办公室office of tracking and data acquisition
busin.车间办公室shop office
tech.车间办公室shop premise
avia.车间办公室workshop room
USA, space载人空间飞行支持办公室DDMS Human Space Flight Support
earth.sc.近海设备供应办公室Offshore Supplies Office
avia.适航办公室airworthiness office
avia.适航证持有地区办公室certification holding district office
USA, space通信卫星规划办公室Communications Satellite Project Office
avia.通信控制办公室communication control office
avia.通用航空区办公室general aviation district office (美国联邦航空局)
avia.通用航空地方办公室general aviation district office
auto.道路安全办公室Office of Road Safety
avia.配置办公室支援系统distribution office support system
avia.采购办公室procurement office
fin.银行分行办公室bank branch office
earth.sc.阿拉伯国家场论办公室Field Science Office for the Arab States
USA, space陆军航天项目办公室Army Space Program Office
avia.降低噪声办公室Office of Noise Abatement (美国联邦航空局)
tech.院部办公室general office of the hospital
dril.海上钻井平台上的隔音办公室acoustic plenum
UN, afr.非洲和最不发达国家特别协调员办公室Office of the Special Coordinator for Africa and the Least Developed Countries
tech.项目办公室project office
avia.项目办公室业务作业project office business operations
avia.项目办公室估计program office estimate
avia.项目办公室指令program office directives
avia.项目控制办公室program control office
avia.项目管理办公室project management office
avia.项目管理办公室program management office
avia.项目管理办公室program control office
avia.项目综合办公室program integration office
avia.飞机审定外场办公室aircraft certification field office
avia.飞行标准办公室flight standards office (FAA, FAA)
avia.飞行标准地区办公室flight standards district office (美国联邦航空局 FAA 在外场的办公室,它负责为所分配地区提供服务。该办公室配备由专人为航空业服务,并提供与航空公司飞机和通用航空飞机认证和运行有关的一般公共服务)
fin.首席投资办公室chief investment office
busin.高级办公室expensive office
avia.高级辐射技术办公室advanced radiation technology office
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