
Terms for subject Transport containing | all forms
品种运价缩写为f.a.k.freight all kinds
品种运价缩写为f.a.k.freight of all kinds
关键部critical area
割区cut section
度锥基径pitch radius
担交通的道路relief road
界线border line
级厂grading plant
路面道线lane line
定型习用的交通modal split
差动控制differential control
电盘点火系distributorless ignition system
英尺数feet per minute
气门配相位的调节valve timing
海损摊担保书average bond
灌木丛巡逻brush rig
灌木丛巡逻brush patrol unit
装置variable-speed gear
variable-speed gear
中心,中线mean line
离的气密座舱escape capsule
自塔顶取出的汽油馏overhead naphtha
船体水下部underwater body
要害部critical part
货物类名称generic description of goods
载荷布图loading chart
密闭集装箱partially-enclosed container
载荷托运part-load consignment