
Terms for subject Commerce containing 冻结 | all forms | in specified order only
冻结tie up
冻结信贷协定standstill agreement
冻结工资frozen wages
冻结物价freeze the prices
冻结的资产frozen assets
冻结货币blocked currency (与自由货币 (free currence) 相对)
冻结资产frozen assets (与流动资产 (liquid assets) 相对)
英国工资冻结pay pause
英国工资冻结payment pause
工资冻结freeze of wages
冻结物价frozen prices
冻结资产frozen assets
物价冻结freeze of prices
物价冻结price freeze
物价冻结price blocking
资产冻结freeze of assets
资金冻结fund tie-up