
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
与他人同承包contract in collaboration with others
专利享制patent pooling
中华人民和国专利法Law on Patents of the People's Republic of China
中华人民和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (1979)
中华人民和国企业破产法Law of the People's Republic of China on the Bankruptcy of Enterprises (trial implemention, 试行)
中华人民和国全民所有制工业企业法Law of the People's Republic of China on the Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People
中华人民和国卫生检疫条例Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Health Quarantine
中华人民和国国籍法Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民和国审计署China Auditing Office
中华人民和国经济合同仲裁条例Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Arbitration of Economic Contracts (1983)
中华人民和国经济合同法Law of Economic Contracts of the People's Republic of China (1982)
中美洲同市场Mercado Común Centroamericano
中美洲同市场Marche Commun de I'Amerique Centrale
中美洲经济同体Communaute Economique de L' Amerique Centrale
亚洲阿拉伯,安第斯同市场Asian Common Market, Arab Common Market, Andes Common Market
亚洲阿拉伯,安第斯同市场今日铜的行情today's quotations on copper in ACM
事业工程项目public project
会计师public accountant (与专任会计师 (private accountant) 相对)
公司public company (与私有公司 (private company) 相对;比较: public corporation 公共公司,国有公司,公营公司)
公证人public surveyor
投标public tender
援助public aid
援助public assistance
public (a.)
经济银行Bank für Gemeinwirtschaft (Frankfurt am Main, 法兰克福)
账目审计制度system for auditing public accounts
运输人common carrier
享专利权的一组企业patent pool
享利益equally share the benefits as well as the risks
同事业common venture (联合承包工程)
缩为 CPC欧共体1975 年同体专利公约Community Patent Convention
英国同信托投资基金union trust
同关税率tarif des douanes communes
同决策shared decision-making
同利益团体community of interest
同协议joint agreement
同基金公司mutual fund company (即指股份不定投资公司 (open-end investment company))
美国同安全保障法案Mutual Security Act
同对外关税率common external tariff
欧共体同市场Common Market
同市场工业community industry
同开发joined efforts in development
船舶同所有人part owner
同投资joint adventure
同投资基金mutual investment fund
同担保joint guarantee
同担险条款coinsurance clause
同控制joint control
同海损无限责任保证书unlimited general average guarantee
同海损保证金general average de posit
同海损债务obligation in general average
同海损分摊contribution of general average
同海损担保函general average letter of guarantee
同海损损失理算adjustment of general average
同海损责任obligation in general average
同海损货物分摊额Cargo's proportion average
同海损通常由海损理算人处理General average is usually handled by adjusters
同生产成本joint cost of production
同的亦缩为 genl, genii, gnrlgeneral
同管理joint control
同股份common stock
同责任co-owner liability
同账户co-owner account
同销售cooperative marketing
担风险equally share the benefits as well as the risks
加勒比同市场Marché Commun Caraibe
合伙人co-partner possession
因自然灾害而造成同海损In consequence of natural calamities, general average happened
国外同海损险foreign general average
太平洋金融同体Communaute Financiere du Pacifique
太平洋金融同体法郎CFP franc
拉美同市场Latin-American Common Market
损失可按同海损赔偿allow a loss as general average
无船舶营运仝承运人non-vessel operating common carrier
无船舶营运公承运人non-vessel operating common carrier
有资格当公鉴定人be qualified as a public surveyor
本息plus interest
European Community (1967 年)
European Economic Community
体共同农业政策EEC Common Agricultural policy
体共同农业政策common agricultural policy
体共同对外税则Common External Tariff
体共同海关税则Common Customs Tariff
体农业税收EEC agricultural levies
体委员会European Community Commission
体委员会Commission of the European Community
体委员会Commission of European Communities
体联系国associated countries
体记账单位EEC unit of account
体部长理事会Council of Ministers of European Communities
欧洲同市场Mercato Europeo Comune
欧洲同市场Mercado Común Europeo
欧洲经济同体法院Court of Justice of the European Community
法兰西同体French Community
理算同海损的标准规则standard rules dealing with the adjustment of general average
约克-安特卫普同海损理算规则York-Antwerp Rules
西非国家经济同体Economic Community of the West Africa States
西非经济同体Communaute Economique de L'Afrique de L'Ouest
西非经济同体West African Community
货物community of goods
这两家银行因有股权而联系密切The two banks were affiliated by a common ownership of stock
阿拉伯同市场Marche Commun Arabe
阿拉伯同市场Arab Common Market (1965 年1月1日成立)
阿拉伯也门和国The Arab Republic of Yemen
阿拉伯国家同市场Common Market of Arab States
陆路同地点overland common point
陆路同地点运费率OCP rate
除非同体重新实行小麦改作牲口饲料的变性补贴Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
非洲金融同体法郎几内亚法郎Guinea Franc