
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
・・・ ・・・成正比be directly proportional to
一次压制烧结坯single pressed and sintered blank
保护渣相关的缺陷flux-related defect
""元件AND unit
…同心be concentric with
实物一样大小的full scale
实际转炉操作的动力学相似性dynamic similarity with actual converter operation
…成反比be inversely proportional to...
"或非"门AND-OR-NOT gate
A 无关的 B 非门negative B ignore A gate
B 无关的 A 非门negative A ignore B gate
A无关的B门B ignore A gate
B无关的A门A ignore B gate
时间无关机理time independent mechanism
时间有关的溃裂time-dependent collapse
时间有关的破裂time-dependent collapse
时间相关机理time dependent mechanism
机器无关的machine independent
机器有关的machine dependent
氧亲和力大的金属oxygen hungry metal
波相似的电子wave-like electron
温度无关的常数temperature-independent constant
理想周期性的偏差departure from perfect periodicity
""电路AND circuit
目标连浇炉数的差距departure from target sequence length
""算符AND operator
连续铸钢匹配的 AOD 炉AOD furnace matching continuous casting process
连铸匹配的 VOD 炉VOD furnace to match continuous casting process
连铸匹配的 AOD 炉argon-oxygen decarburizing furnace matching with continuous casting process
连铸匹配的 RH 真空脱气设备RH vacuum degassing unit matching with continuous casting process
连铸匹配的炉外精炼secondary steelmaking matching continuous casting process
连铸匹配的真空氧气脱碳炉vacuum oxygen decarburization furnace to match continuous casting process
连铸匹配的钢包精炼ladle refining to match continuous casting process
连铸机匹配的炉外精炼secondary steelmaking matching continuous caster
连铸机匹配的钢包精炼ladle refining matching continuous caster
"" 门AND unit
""门AND gate
""门AND unit
""门coincidence gate
""门AND element
集气主管接通的装炉on-main charging
集气主管接通的装炉on-main charging
集气主管断开的装炉off-main charging
集气主管断开的装炉off-main charging
"非"sheffer stroke (gate, 门)
"非"Not AND
"非" 电路NOT-AND-circuit
"非"电路NAND circuit
"-非"电路AND-NOT circuit
"非"算符NAND operator
"非"门NAND element
"非"门NAND gate
A""B 非门negative A-implies-B gate
"非"门NOT-AND element
"非"门NOT-AND gate
"非"门NOT-both gate
B" " A 非门subjunction gate
A" "B 非门subjunction gate
"非"门negative AND gate
B""A 非门B AND NOT A gate
A""B非门A expect B gate
"非"门alternative denial gate
A""B 非门A AND NOT B gate
中间包结晶器间的注流保护stream shrouding from tundish to mold
中间包结晶器间的注流保护stream shrouding between tundish and mold
位错固溶间隙原子间的相互作用dislocation interaction with dissolved interstitials
保护渣耐材的相容性powder compatibility with refractories
保护渣层坯壳间的传热heat transfer between flux layer and shell
冲击韧性回火温度关系变化曲线drawing temperature-impact toughness plot
冶炼车间连铸机的匹配coordination between melt shop and continuous caster
冷却时间烧结时间比例cooling/ sintering time ratio
凝固坯壳结晶器脱离decoupling of solidifying shell from mold
凝固坯壳结晶器间的摩擦力frictional force between solidifying shell and mold
原料产品价格指数input-output price indices
四氟化铀镁的混合物green salt plus magnesium blend
回火温度冲击韧性关系图drawing temperature-impact toughness plot
固体液体体积比率W/S ratio
坯壳结晶器铜壁间的通道channel between shell and copper wall of mold
坯壳钢水间的传热heat transfer between shell and liquid steel
基体沉淀物间界面matrix-precipitate interface
外来杂质原子位错间的流体静压力相互作用hydrostatic interaction between foreign atoms and dislocations
大钟炉喉间隙clearance between large bell and throat wall (The critical dimensions are the stockline elevation and the clearance between the large bell and the throat wall. 关键尺寸是料线深度和大钟与炉喉间隙。)
孔洞体积总体积之比void ratio
对外经济技术交流合作economic and technological exchange and cooperation with other countries
平直度测量控制flatness measurement and control
平直度测量控制系统flatness measurement and control system
平面度测量控制系统flatness measurement and control system
废钢铁水比scrap-metal ratio
抽真空容积真空泵效率之比值time constant
拉漏结晶器保护渣的关系relationship between breakout and mold powder
提纯净化还原purification and reduction
操作维修operating and maintaining
数据选择修改data selection and modification
断裂韧性密度的关系fracture toughness-density relationship
断裂韧性密度的关系fracture toughness density relationship
无关""门don51 care gate
时间变形关系曲线time-deformation curve
时间温度关系曲线time-temperature curve
晶面轴的截距axial intercept of face
有效容积炉缸面积比working volume-to-hearth area ratio
有效容积炉缸面积比working volume-to-hearth area ratio
杂质原子位错间的化学相互作用chemical interaction between foreign atoms and dislocation
材料物理化学materials physics and chemistry (【技】以物理、化学、数学等自然科学为基础,从分子、原子、电子等多层次上研究材料的物理、化学行为与规律的学科。)
材料科学工程materials science and engineering (【技】研究材料成分、结构、工艺、性能与用途之间有关知识和应用的学科。)
析出物基体间的共格性coherency between precipitate and matrix
母相沉淀相间界面matrix-precipitate interface
气刀带钢的夹角angle of air knife with respect to strip
氧化铝钢水的接触角contact angle between alumina and liquid steel
氧气乙炔气体积比率oxygen-acetylene ratio
氧气燃气体积的比率oxygen-fuel gas ratio
水泥量骨料孔隙比率cement-space ratio
沉淀物基体间相互作用precipitate-matrix interaction
沉淀相母相间相互作用precipitate-matrix interaction
浇注金属锭模的接触cast metal/mould contact
浸入式水口位于中间包结晶器之间submerged entry nozzle is between tundish and mould
淬火温度硬度关系曲线hardening temperature-hardness relation
淬火温度硬度的关系hardening temperature-hardness relation
温度时间的关系曲线temperature history
滑动滚珠组合轴承plain-and-ball bearing
炉体混凝土基础接触面block-concrete interface
炉体混凝土基础间接触面block-concrete interface
炉况跟踪控制furnace tracking and control
炉墙上的溅渣数量位置quantity and location of slag splashed onto wall
炉料炉衬的界面charge-liner interface
炉缸铁水间界面hearth-metal interface
焦炉高炉混合煤气mixed coke-oven and blast-furnace gas
熔剂焊丝重量比率flux/wire ratio
熔化金属燃料比melting ratio
熔渣钢水的充分接触adequate contact between slag and liquid steel
电子原子数比率electron-atom ratio
硫酸钙糠和锯末的混合粉料pink meal (用于清理镀锡薄钢板)
硬度温度关系曲线hardness-temperature plot
空穴粒子相互作用hole-particle interaction
粉粒粉粒间的烧结particle-to-particle sintering
线联""门电路wired AND circuit
结晶器铸坯壳粘结mold/shell sticking
结晶器铸坯壳间的传热heat transfer between mold and strand shell
结晶器铸坯界面的油润滑oil lubrication at mold/strand interface
结晶器铸坯间气隙mold/strand gap (【参】英文原版钢铁专业文献中表示"铸坯"的术语有多个,如 continuously cast product、 continuously cast semis、 cast product、 strand 等。但本词目 mold/strand gap 中所涉及是结晶器中的"铸坯",故为"正在连铸中的铸坯",因此通常应使用 strand, 而不宜使用其他词代替。这是因为在上述四个表示"铸坯"的英文术语中,只有 strand 才是指"正在连铸中的铸坯",而其他三个均指"成品或商品铸坯"。参见词条: continuously cast product。: Molten flux is pumped into the mold/ strand gap by the action of the descending mold wall and the attached solid flux rim. 通过下降的结晶器壁及其附着其上的固态保护渣圈的作用,将液态保护渣泵人到结晶器与铸坯间的气隙中。)
结晶器铸坯间气隙gap between mold and strand
结晶器铸坯间的相互作用mold/strand interaction
结晶器铸坯间相互作用interaction between mold and strand
结晶器铸坯间通道mould/strand channel
缺陷位错相互作用defect-dislocation interaction
耐火材料钢水的相互作用interaction between refractory and liquid steel
胶片屏幕的接触film screen contact
蠕变变形时间关系曲线creep strain-time plot
蠕变速率应力关系曲线creep rate-stress plot
装在瓷柱上管内的暗线knob-and-tube wiring
询问用户显示器inquiry and subscriber display
询问通信系统inquiry and communication system
负滑脱期间坯壳结晶器的脱离decoupling of shell from mold during negative strip
货物服务平衡balance on goods and services
轧辊磨轮间中心距centre distance between roll and grinding wheel
转矩扭转角关系曲线torque-twist curve
辊径的测量配制measuring and matching roll diameter
返矿的消耗产出consumption and generation of return fines
连铸机热轧机同步操作synchronized operation of caster with hot rolling mill
退火温度硬度关系曲线图annealing temperature-hardness plot
通过次数浓度关系曲线pass-versus-concentration curve (区域熔炼的)
拉拔道次中间退火流程图pass-and-reheating schedule
道次中间退火流程图pass-and-reheating schedule
金属合金中的块状转变massive transformations in metals and alloys
金属药包间界面metal explosive interface (爆炸成形的)
金属药包间界面metal-explosive interface
金属金属粘合的压力pressure of metal-to-metal sticking
金属料焦炭消耗的重量比metallic charge-to-coke ratio
金属料焦炭重量比metallic charge-to-coke ratio
钢包中间包间保护浇注shrouded pouring between ladle and tundish
钢包中间包间保护系统shrouding system between ladle and tundish
钢包中间包间物理保护physical shrouding between ladle and tundish
钢包中间包间钢流二次氧化steel stream reoxidation between ladle and tundish
钢水空气接触时间contact time between liquid steel and air
钢水包和中间罐加热:创新革命Ladle and Tundish Heating: Innovation and Revolution
铁路公路平交道level crossing
铸坯结晶器间的界面strand/mold interface
铸坯结晶器间的间隙strand-mold gap
铸坯结晶器间的间隙strand/mold gap (During continuous casting, the liquid flux spreads over the steel surface in mold and infiltrates the strand/mold gap. 在连铸期间,液态保护渣铺展到结晶器内的钢水面上并渗人(或流人)到铸坯与结晶器间的间隙中。)
铸坯结晶器间的间隙gap between strand and mold
铸坯壳液渣膜间的传热heat transfer between shell and liquid slag film
铸坯壳结晶器间的相对运动relative movement of shell to mold
铸坯壳结晶器间的相对运动movement of shell relative to mold
硅酸盐的化学键zirconium-to-silicate bond
阳极阴极面积比率anode-to-cathode ratio
阿贝尔极限深冲比加工硬化指数关系曲线Arber curve