
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不参分红股non-participating stock
不变资本可变资本之比proportion of constant to variable capital
不活跃账户总账户的比例proportion of inactive to total accounts
不要大盘对抗Don't fight the tape
世界经济紧密联系be closely linked to the world economy
人事规定或人数有关personnel related
人民币挂钩be linked to the renminbi
债权人和解composition with creditors
债权人清算帐目settle with creditors
原料有关material related
国际市场接轨integrate with the world market
外国央行之间的货币互换协议currency swap agreements with foreign central banks
指数挂钩的债券index-linked bonds
指数挂钩的金融产品Index-linked product
指数挂钩的金融证券index-linked gilt
掉期挂钩票据swap-linked notes
时俱进advance with time
欧元相关联的货币euro-linked currency
活动有关activity related
澳元相关的交易Australian dollar-related trades
空间或面积有关space related
... 结清各帐balance account with
美元竞争compete with the dollar
美元脱钩be unpegged from the dollar
股利发放有关的财务政策financial policy with respect to dividends
通胀做斗争grapple with inflation
个人交易所参individual exchange participant
个别折旧会计法分组折旧会计法unit and group bases of depreciation accounting
中国物流采购联合会China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing
中国社科院世界经济政治研究所Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
中央结算系统参CCASS participant
中央结算系统参者保荐账户CCASS Participant Sponsored Account
中央结算系统参者及指定银行名录》CCASS Participant & Designated Bank List
中央结算系统参者账户CCASS Participant Account
中美战略经济对话S & ED
中部非洲经济货币共同体Communaute Economique et Monetaire de l'Afrique Centrale (非洲中部赤道几内亚、刚果(布)、加蓬、喀麦隆、乍得、中非共和国等6个法语国家为加强区域经济合作而建立的政府间金融合作机构,1999年6月25日正式启动,其前身是"中部非洲关税和经济联盟",共同体委员会(前身为执行秘书处)设在中非首都班吉)
买入伙权投资的区别purchase of an interest distinguished from investment
事实情况event and conditions
互联网域名网址管理机构Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (这是在全球各国政府支持下由美国政府成立的一家私营组织,业务是注册和开发互联网域名)
产量资本比例output-capital ratio
付款参paying participant
以成本产品间的关系为基础base of relationship to the cost of unit
以成本发生之经常否为基础base of regularity of occurrence
以管理上可控制否为基础base of administrative control
优先股股本比率preferred stock ratio
优点缺点advantages and disadvantages
估计发入实际岁入合并表一普通基金与特种岁入基金combined statement of revenue estimated and actual general and special revenue funds
供款偿还利息loan repayments and interest
供款偿还利息loan repayment and interest
促进世界持久和平共同繁荣advance durable peace and common prosperity of the world
促进和平、稳定繁荣promote peace, stability and prosperity
促进更加开放的全球贸易投资foster more open trade and investment globally
信托准备中之证券不动产securities and properties in trust reserve
信用证的过户转让transfer and assignment of credit
借款放款之间的差额spread between borrowing and lending
借款放款率的差幅spread between borrowing cost and lending rates
借款预付loan and advance
债务产权证券debt and equity securities
债务参debt participant
停止美元黄金兑换suspension of the dollar's conversion into gold
储蓄贷款危机savings and loan crisis
储蓄贷款社savings and loan association
先进的工业技术基础advanced industrial and technological base
全球经济中的重要参important players in the global economy
全球经济治理的参participants of the global economic governance
全面结算参general clearing participant
公司交易所参corporate exchange participant
公式方法formulas and process
公式程序formulas and process
关税贸易总协定General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (简称"关贸总协定")
《内地香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
《内地香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Hong Kong and the Mainland
农业合作信用银行agriculture and cooperative credit bank
净收益实发普通股本比率ratio of net income to outstanding common stock
净益销货净额之比net income to net sales
净误差遗漏项目net errors & omissions
净销货资产现值比率ratio of net sales to current assets
净额毛额net and gross
分析者投资者之调查surveying analysts and investors
利息薪水超过净利interest and/or salaries in excess of net income
利益节省income versus savings
制造销售总成本cost to make and sell
制造成本固定资产之比ratio of cost of goods manufactured to fixed assets
加强信贷政策产业政策的协调配合strengthen coordination between credit and industrial policies
加强协调合作strengthen coordination and cooperation
加强协调合作enhance coordination and cooperation
加强宏观经济政策沟通合作strengthen macroeconomic communication and cooperation
加强对话交流strengthen dialogue and exchanges
即期远期报价之间的价差spread between spot and forward quotation
历史成本可实现净值孰低lower of historic cost or net realizable value
价值指数value index of participation
优先股participating preferred stock
优先股participating preference shares
供款计划contributory plan
保证收益券participating guaranteed investment certificate
分红债券participating bond
债券participating bond
决策participation in decision-making
分利信托participating trust
分红participating dividend
分红participation in the profit
分红优先股participating preferred stock
分红保险单participating policy
分红的养老保险endowment insurance with participation
分红的养老保险endowment assurance with participation
制定预算budgetary participation
合约participating contract
国际经济合作和竞争participation in international economic cooperation and competition
审计participative audit
性人寿保险participating life insurance
承兑acceptance for honor
承销商participating underwriter
投资信托participating investment trust
投资证书participation certificate
抵押participating mortgage
欧元区纾困participate in eurozone rescues
经济participatory economy
经纪经销商participation broker-dealer
者协议participant agreement
股份的协议participation agreement
股票participating stock
股票participating shares
证明certificate of participation
贷款participation loan
费用participating fee
资金筹措participation in financing
转换优先股participating convertible preferred stock
过程participative process
银行participating bank
银行participation bank
雇主participating employer
预算编制participative budgeting
预算编制participating budgeting
发盘接受offer and acceptance
取方参receiving participant
可转让可分割信用证transferable and divisible L/C
可转让可分割信用证transferable and divisible credit
可避免不可避免成本avoidable and unavoidable costs
合伙:组织损益分配partnership, formation and division of income
合并资金来源运用表consolidated statement of source and use of funds
向个人银行客户提供人民币兑换存款业务offer Rmb exchange and deport services for personal banking customers
吞并合并merger versus consolidation
周转率收益力turnover and earning power
命价下跌公司内部利益market write-downs and inter-company profits
商誉贴补goodwill and bonus
固定资产设备plant and equipment
固定资产设备出售损益gains and losses on disposal of plant and equipment
固定资产设备出售损益gain and losses on disposal of plant and equipment
固定资产资本净值比率ratio of fixed assets to net worth
固定资产资本负债比率ratio of fixed assets to capital liabilities
国库券欧洲美元期货价差套利Treasury-Eurodollar Spread (指市场上借美元给美国政府(以3个月期美国公债为代表)和借美元给银行(以LIBOR 3 个月美元利率为代表)的利率差)
国际股票期货期权组织International Stock Futures and Options
国际货币金融体系international monetary and financial systems
国际货币金融委员会International Monetary and Financial Committee (国际货币基金组织政策指导委员会的下属委员会)
国际货币基金组织补偿应急融通安排IMF compensatory & contingent facility
地缘政治参geopolitical player
坏帐呆帐bad and doubtful account
垫款贷款对存款的比率ratio of advance and loan to deposit
基线排放权交易baseline and credit
增益损失gains and losses
增益损失gain and losses
外汇市场参participants of foreign exchange market
多元化投资融资需求diverse demand for investment and financing
天堂地狱债券heaven and hell bond (一种附有期权和期货的债券)
子公司股本之买进卖出purchases and sales of subsidiary stock
存券信托公司参账户depositary trust corporation participant account
存货收入比率inventory-income ratio
存货销售比率inventory-sales ratio
存货成本控制inventory costing and control
完全参优先股fully participating preferred stock
完全参优先股fully participating preferred shares
实际岁入预计岁入对照表普通基金,特种岁入基金及债务清理基金statement of actual and estimated revenue
实际岁出预计岁出对照表普通基金,特种岁出基金statement of actual and estimated expenditures
审查承诺review and approval to commit
客观性交换价值objectivity and exchange prices
将本币汇率美元挂钩link one's currencies to the dollar
将汇率金价挂钩link currencies to the price of gold
工资薪金支付wage and salary payment
市场账面值比率market to book ratio
市场销售预测market and sales forecasting
市场参market participant
市盈率增长及股息比率price/earnings to growth and dividend yield ratio
应收票据应收承兑汇票的贴现discounting notes and acceptances receivable
应收票据承兑票据notes and acceptances receivable
应收票据承兑票据note and acceptances receivable
待支付的经纪参short broker participant
总量管制配额交易cap and trade
恢复世界经济稳定繁荣restore stability and prosperity to the world economy
意外健康福利accident and health benefits (为员工提供有关疾病、意外受伤或意外死亡的福利。这些福利包括支付医院及医疗开支以及有关时期的收人)
成本卖价差额的帐户margin account
成本市价孰低cost or market whichever is lower (cost or/of market rule)
成本市价孰低规则whichever is lower cost or market price
成本市价的法则对毛利的影响effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin
成本市场孰低的原则rule of cost or market
成本帐面价值之差异difference between cost and book value
成本营业收入配合matching cost with revenue
成本流量业务流量相配合matching cost flow and work flow
成本的制度组织cost system and organization
战略经济对话strategic and economic dialogue
托管商参custodian participant (中央结算系统参与者 (CCASS participants))
承兑拒付acceptance and rejection
承兑拒付标准acceptance and rejection criterion
承兑清算acceptance and settlement
承担自己能力和在全球经济发展中扮演角色相适应的义务undertake commitments consistent with one's capacities and roles in the global economy
承诺其他国家共同努力pledge to work together with other countries
折扣折让discount and allowance
折旧保养合并法depreciation combined-and-upkeep method
折旧保养合并法combined depreciation-and-upkeep method (of depreciation)
抵押品固定负债之比ratio of security to fixed liabilities
拒付期款收回货物defaults and repossessions
按成本市价孰低估价valuation at the lower of cost or market
掉期存款swap and deposit
掉期投资swap and investment
推高大宗商品相关货币的汇率lift commodity-linked currencies
支付其他投资活动有关的现金cash payments relating to other investing activities
支付其他筹资活动有关的现金cash payments relating to other financing activities
支付其他经营活动有关的现金cash payments relating to other operating activities
收入盈余帐户income and surplus accounts
收入费用比较表comparative statement of revenue and expense
收益留存收益表statement of income and retained earnings
收益留存收益表statement of earnings and retained earnings
收益费用明细表statement of income and expense
放款借款lending and borrowing
无记名参证券bearer participation certificate
时间价格自由决定委托time and price discretionary order
普通公务支出经费预算合并比较表一普通与特种岁入基金combined statement of general governmental expenditures compared with authorizations-general and special revenue funds
服务职能部门service and functional organizations
服务部门生产部门成本的交互分配法service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis
本金现金收益现金principal and income cash
标普/多伦多证交所600指数参+C1786 单位S & P/TSX 60 Index participation unit
欧洲农业指导保证基金European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee fund
欧洲经济货币联盟European Economic and Monetary Union
欧盟经济货币事务专员European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs
母公司报表子公司投资parent's statements and investments in subsidiaries
汇兑利益损失的列计reporting exchange gains and losses
汇编报表:相互投资结合循环投资结合consolidated statement: reciprocal and circuit affiliations, the entity theory
流动资金的来源用途Sources and uses of working capital
流动资金的来源用途Source and uses of working capital
深化了解、互信合作deepen understanding, trust, and cooperation
清算参clearing participant
清算所参clearing house participant
清算机构参clearing agency participant
现货期货牌价的差额spread between spot and forward quotation
现金或出资料现金预测cash flow data and cash forecasting
现金进出业务经营的关系cash flow related to operations
用品费用supplies and expense
盈利利息比率coverage ratio
直接间接direct and indirect process costs
社会经济变革social and economic transformation
积极参全球经济治理机制改革energetically participate in the reform of global economic governance
积极参全球经济治理机制改革actively participate in global economic governance reform
积极参国际事务actively participate in international affairs
稳定增长公约Stability and Growth Pact
累积优先股不累积优先股cumulative preferred stock and non-cumulative preferred stock
纯益资本净值之比income to net worth
纸币铸币currency and coin
经一般债权让手续的受让人transferee as a result of simple transfer
经济军事主导地位economic and military dominance
经济政治实力economic and political power
经济政治紧张局势economic and political tensions
经济合作发展组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1961年9月成立,由加拿大、美国及欧洲经济合作组织等共20个成员组成,简称"经合组织")
经纪参broker participant (中央结算系统 (CCASS) 参与者)
经营维修费用operation and maintenance costs
结合公司间内部利益母公司控制权成数之变化intercompany profit and changes in parents percentage of control
结算参settlement participant
美中经济安全评估委员会U.S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission
美国生产库存管理协会American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc. (从2005年1月1日起改名为"APICS 运作管理协会 (APICS The Association for Operations Management)")
联交所期权结算所参SEOCH participant
股价现金流比率price-to-cash-flow ratio
股价销售额比率price-to-sales ratio
股份连带责任债券joint and several bonds
股份承押人参stock pledgee participant (中央结算系统参与者)
股市理性预期理论theory of stock market and rational expectations
股权参equity participation
股票组群之风险报酬risk and return in a portfolio context
自动无偿voluntary concession
自愿让voluntary conveyance
自行结算参self-clearing participant
获利能力销货profitability in relation to sales
营业总务费用management and general expense
薪金津贴salary and emoluments (allowances)
补报预报carry back and carry forward
西非经济货币联盟Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest-Africaine (西非国家经济共同体中贝宁等7个法语国家为加强区域经济合作而建立的政府间金融合作机构,成立于1994年1月10日,其前身是"西非货币联盟",总部设在布基纳法索首都瓦加杜古)
西非经济共同体团结经济开发基金West African Economic Community Fund for Solidarity and Economic Development
视薪水利息为费用salaries and interest as expenses
计算书写reckonings and writings
计算书写reckoning and writings
认缴款项补充资金报吿书statement of voting power and subscription and supplementary resource
记名债券息票债券registered bonds and coupon bonds
负债净值之预测forecasting liabilities and net worth
负债责任liabilities and responsibilities
负债资产比率debt-to-assets ratio
负债资本净值liabilities and net worth
负债通货膨胀liabilities and inflation
财产让契据deed of conveyance
《财务会计》Finance and Accounting
财务经营比例financial and operating ratios
财务利润成本利润调节表reconciliation of financial and cost profit
财务政策股利发放financial policy with respect to dividends
财政政策货币政策的配合coordination of fiscal and monetary policies
财政部投资贷款Treasury investment and loan
货币价格数量说quantity theory of money and price
货币贬值折算程序devaluation and conversion procedures
贬值换算程序devaluation and conversion procedure
购买联营purchase versus pooling of interest
贷款价值比率loan-to-value ratio
贷款参loan participation
贷款参证书loan participation
贷股人参stock lender participant
贸易支付协定trade and payments agreement
费用销货之比ratio of expenses to sales
资产负债asset and liabilities
资产负债管理asset and liabilities management
资产负债账户asset and liabilities account
资产费用区分概念concept of distinguishing asset from expense
资产之排列摊派marshalling of assets
资产改良增建asset betterment and addition
资产负债表收益表比率balance sheet-income statement ratio
资本固定资产比率capital and fixed asset ratio
资本往来帐户capital and drawing accounts
资本经营管理分离separation between capital and administration
资本货币市场capital and money market
资本净值固定资产之比ratio of net worth to fixed assets
资本净值负债总额之比ratio of net worth to total debt
资本利得损失capital gains and losses
资本参capital participation
资本支出收人capital expenditure and receipt
资本支出收益支出capital expenditures and revenue expenditures
资本盈余亏损capital gains and losses
资财资产负债resources and liabilities
资财资产负债resource and liabilities
资金供给需求supply and demand of funds
资金来源运用表statement of sources and application of fund
转让转移assignment and transfer
"输人核对分工"功能maker-checker facility (中央结算系统 (CCASS))
进一步扩大双边贸易投资further expand bilateral trade and investment
退休利润分享基金pension and profit-sharing funds
递延研究发展成本deferred research and development
通货膨胀资本预算inflation and capital budgeting
遗产赠予税免抵credit against the estate and gift tax
部分参优先股partially participating
部分参分红优先股partially participating preferred stock
部分参分红优先股partially participating preferred shares
酉己合收入费用matching revenues and expenses
重组重新营利restructuring and turnaround
金融财政危机financial and fiscal crise
金融资本市场money and capital market
银行放款贴现之比较analysis of loan and discount of banks
销售净值的比率sales to net worth ratio
销售固定资产的比率sales to fixed assets ratio
销售额现金流比率sales to cash flow ratio
销货寄销的区别sale and consignment distinguished
销货应收帐款的比率sales to receivable ratio
销货退回销货总额之比ratio of returns to gross sales
阿拉伯经济社会发展基金会Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (区域性货币金融合作组织,成立于1971年,秘书处设在科威特)
附收益参权利的次级债务subordinated debt with revenue participation rights
陈废损坏的商品obsolete and damaged merchandise
非交易所参non-exchange participant
非参优先股non-participating preference stock
非参优先股non-participating preferred stock
非参优先股non-participating preference shares
非参保单non-participating insurance policy
非参债券non-participating bond
非参股票non-participating stock
非结算参non-clearing participant (期权交易用语)
非结算期权交易参non-clearing options trading participant (期权交易用语)
顾客代付运费取折扣freight paid and discount taken by customer
预算基金会计budget and fund accounting
预算外收入支出receipts and expenditure out of budget
预算外收入支出receipt and expenditure out of budget
风险利润力之取舍risk-profitability trade off
风险收益的关系risk-return relationship
风险参risk participation
首次公开发行参IPO participant
高效率会计学簿记efficient accounting and record keeping
黄金外汇储备gold and foreign exchange reserves
黄金外汇风潮gold and foreign exchange turmoil
黄金美元本位制gold and U.S. dollar standard system
鼓励外商投资企业参技术研发encourage foreign investment enterprises to participate in R&D