
   Lithuanian English
Terms for subject Law containing ES | all forms | exact matches only
AKR ir ES ministrų tarybos darbo tvarkos taisyklėsRules of Procedure of the ACP-EU Council of Ministers
AKR ir ES ministrų tarybos darbo tvarkos taisyklėsRules of Procedure of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers
Direktyva 2011/61/ES dėl alternatyvaus investavimo fondų valdytojųDirective 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations EC No 1060/2009 and EU No 1095/2010
Direktyva 2011/61/ES dėl alternatyvaus investavimo fondų valdytojųAlternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
ES acquisacquis
ES acquisUnion acquis
ES acquisthe body of EU law
ES acquisEU acquis
ES ir Islandijos bei Norvegijos mišrus komitetasEU/Iceland and Norway Mixed Committee established by the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the association of those two States in the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis
ES ir Islandijos bei Norvegijos mišrus komitetasEU/Iceland and Norway Mixed Committee
ES ir Šveicarijos mišrus komitetasEU/Switzerland Mixed Committee
ES situacijų kabinetasEU Situation Room
ES steigiamoji sutartisfounding treaty
ES steigiamoji sutartisEU founding treaty
ES įgytisacquis
ES įgytisUnion acquis
ES įgytisthe body of EU law
ES įgytisEU acquis
Kandidatų į ES tarnautojus vertinimo centrasEU Careers Assessment Centre