
   Serbian Latin
Terms containing softver | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectSerbian LatinEnglish
comp., MSantimalver softverantimalware software (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
comp., MSantivirusni softverantivirus software (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
comp., MSantišpijunski softverantispyware software (A general class of software used to detect spyware and sometimes remove it)
ITbesplatan softverfreeware
ITbesplatan softverfree software
ITdeo softverashell
comp., MSfalsifikovani softvercounterfeit software (Software that a system builder does not obtain from an authorized distributor, or that a royalty OEM does not obtain from an authorized replicator. Counterfeit software usually has many of the following problems: missing drivers, missing documentation, viruses, bugs, and other defects. Installing legitimate Microsoft products helps ensure the quality of your products, prevents customer problems, and reduces requests for customer support)
comp.greška u softverubug
IThardver koji simulira drugi takav softveremulator
lawilegalno korišćenje softverasoftware infringement
ITkarakteristika softvera za čitanje e-pošte koja automatski sortira dolaznu poštu u različite direktorijumee-mail filter (ili poštanske sandučiće na osnovu informacija koje poruka sadrži)
comp., MSKomercijalni klijent za licenciranje softveraSoftware Licensing Commerce Client (A service or feature of Windows that enables licensing at the feature level; thereby broadening the distribution and licensing options for retailers, ISVs, and OEMs. New business models may include: trials, subscriptions, gifting, transfers, or pay-for-use)
ITkompanija koja pravi softver za svoje klijentesoftware house
ITkompanija koja proizvodi i prodaje pomoćni softver i hardverthird party
ITkompanija koja se bavi proizvodnjom i distribucijom softverasoftware publisher
comp.kompjuterski program koji uništava softver i podatke na kompjuterulogic bomb
ITkomplet programskih alata za razvoj softveraSDK
lawkrađa softverasoftware theft
lawkrađa softverasoftware piracy
lawlegalna kopija softveraback-up copy of software
lawlicenca za korišćenje softverasoftware licence
comp., MSMicrosoft Windows istraživač softveraMicrosoft Windows Software Explorer (A tool in Windows Defender that can be to used change how a program runs on the computer if the program is causing a problem)
comp., MSneželjeni softverunwanted software (A software that was installed on the system without user's consent)
comp., MSOriginalni Microsoft softverGenuine Microsoft Software (Software that is published by Microsoft, properly licensed, and fully supported by Microsoft or a trusted partner)
IToznačava upotrebljivost softvera na Apple Macintosh kompjuterimaMac
comp.posebno prilagođen softvercustom software
comp., MSposredni softvermiddleware (Software that sits between two or more types of software and translates information between them. Middleware can cover a broad spectrum of software and generally sits between an application and an operating system, a network operating system, or a database management system)
comp.postupak konverzije kompjuterskog softveradecompilation
comp., MSproizvođač softveraindependent software vendor (A third-party software developer; an individual or an organization that independently creates computer software)
gen.projekat softveraarchitecture
lawračunarski softvercomputer software
lawrezervna kopija softveraback-up copy of software
comp.sistemski softversystems software
ITsoftver koji daje informacije iz svojih baza podataka u raznim oblicima kao što su tekst, zvuk i videoUniversal Server
ITsoftver koji na Internetu pruža korisnicima razne identifikacione podatkewhois server
ITsoftver koji omogućava direktan pristup hardveru za zvuk i grafikuDirectX
ITsoftver koji simulira drugi takav hardveremulator
ITsoftver koji simulira drugi takav softveremulator
ITsoftver koji upravlja hardverskimvirtual device driver (ili softverskim resursima sistema)
ITsoftver koji zvuk reprodukuje korisniku u režimu realnog vremena preko InternetaRealAudio
ITsoftver projektovan za daljinsko preuzimanje e-mailaoffline navigator (Web stranica i slično)
ITsoftver pun grešakabuggy
ITsoftver pun nedostatkabuggy
comp., MSsoftver za daljinski pristupremote control software (Software designed to provide access to a computer from a remote location. These programs are often installed by the computer owner or administrator, and are only a risk if unexpected)
lawsoftver za kompjutercomputer software
comp., MSsoftver za nadgledanjemonitoring software (Software that monitors activity, such as keystrokes or screen images. These programs are often installed by the computer owner or administrator, and are only a threat if they are unexpected)
comp.softver za prepoznavanje i poredenje licafacial recognition software
ITsoftver za probu pre korišćenjashareware
ITsoftver za simultane periferne operacije štampačaprint spooler
comp.softver za šifrovanjeencryption software
ITsoftvera baze podatakamaintenance
comp.specijalizovani softvercustom software
ITtest performansi hardvera i softverabenchmark
gen.Udruženje protiv krađe softveraFederation Against Software Theft
ITukloniti softver iz sistema i baze Registryuninstall
tech.upravljački softverfirmware
comp., MSUslovi licenciranja za Microsoft softverMicrosoft Software License Terms (A legal agreement between Microsoft and the user, with regard to the terms of use and transfer of software)
comp., MSUsluga licenciranja softveraSoftware Licensing Service (A service which provides an infrastructure that enforces a software license policy based on trusted platform module; thus, enabling secure licensing to, and only to, the license holder)
comp., MSWindows 7 logotip softveraWindows 7 software logo (Logo assigned to the software products that have passed Microsoft designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)
ITzaostali softver koji dugo stoji neprodat kod prodavcashelfware
ITzastareo softvercanned software
comp.zaštićeni softverproprietary software
comp., MSzlonamerni softvermalicious software (Software that fulfills the deliberately harmful intent of an attacker when run)
comp.zloupotreba softverasoftware infringement
comp., MSšpijunski softverspyware (A program that collects information, such as the web sites a user visits, without adequate consent. Installation may be without prominent notice or without the user's knowledge)