
Terms containing delta | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSActive Directory Delta DiscoveryActive Directory Değişim Saptama (A discovery option that allows Configuration Manager to discover only new or changed resources in Active Directory independently of a full discovery cycle)
comp., MSbinary delta replicationikili değişim çoğaltması (A Configuration Manager process that copies only the changed portions of a package or content file rather than the entire file when an update has been made)
math.delta distributiondelta dağılımı
math.delta-indexGini'nin delta indeksi
math.delta-indexGini'nin δ-indeksi
math.delta-indexyoğunluk indeksi
math.delta-index of GiniGini'nin delta indeksi
math.delta-index of Giniyoğunluk indeksi
math.delta-index of Ginidelta-indeksi
math.delta-index of Giniδ-indeksi
math.delta-index of GiniGini'nin δ-indeksi
comp., MSdelta inventory filedeğişim envanter dosyası (A file generated during inventory cycles that occur after the initial complete inventory, containing only hardware or software properties that were added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory cycle)
math.delta methoddelta yöntemi
math.delta methoddelta metodu
comp., MSdelta replicationdeğişim çoğaltması (The copying of only the changed files in a Configuration Manager package when an update has been made to the package)
comp., MSMemory Usage DeltaBellek Kullanım Aralığı (In Task Manager, the change in memory, in kilobytes, used since the last update)
math.non-parametric delta methodparametresiz delta metodu
med.Occipital Intermittent Rhythmic Delta Activity OIRDAoksipital intermitten ritmik delta aktivitesi OİRDA (EEG Natalya Rovina)