
Terms for subject Environment containing Act | all forms | exact matches only
Act containing rules for the establishment of a nature conservancy planning functionWet houdende regelen ter instelling van de natuurplanbureaufunctie
Act containing temporary regulations concerning remedial action in cases of soil contaminationInterimwet bodemsanering
Act extending the Environmental Management Act environmental reportingWet tot uitbreiding van de Wet milieubeheermilieuverslaglegging
Air Pollution ActWet inzake de luchtverontreiniging
Carbon Dioxide Offset Policy Efficiency Actwet op de CO2-emissiecompensatie
Chemical Waste ActWet chemische afvalstoffen
Chemical Waste and Waste Oil ActWet chemische afvalstoffen
Chemical Waste and Waste Oil Regulations ActWet chemische afvalstoffen
chemicals actwet op chemicaliën
Community actgemeentewet
Dangerous Substances ActWet gevaarlijke stoffen
environmental actmilieuwet
Environmental Management ActWet Milieubeheer
Environmental Protection General Provisions ActWet Algemene Bepalingen Milieuhygiene 1979
Environmentally Hazardous Substances ActWet milieugevaarlijke stoffen
Federal Immission Control ActFederal Immission Control Act
Framework Act areakaderwetgebied
juridical actjuridische handeling
juridical actgerechtelijke handeling
juridical act Acts relating to the administration of justicegerechtelijke handeling
Marine Pollution ActWet verontreiniging zeewater
Marine Pollution by Oil ActWet olieverontreiniging zeewater
motivation of administrative acts The underlying reason or cause, a psychological or social factor, that incites or stimulates managers, executives or supervisors to complete tasks that achieve organizational or company goalsrechtvaardiging van administratieve handelingen
motivation of administrative actsrechtvaardiging/motivering van administratieve handelingen
motivation of administrative actsrechtvaardiging van administratieve handelingen
Nature Conservancy Act 1967Natuurbeschermingswet 1967
Nature Conservation ActNatuurschoonwet
Noise Abatement ActWet Geluidhinder
North Sea Accident Control ActWet Bestrijding Ongevallen Noordzee
Nuisance ActHinderwet
Oil Tankers Third Party Liability ActWet aansprakelijkheid olietankschepen
Pollution of Surface Waters ActWet Verontreiniging Oppervlaktewateren
refuse disposal actwetgeving in zake afvalverwerking
Rijnmond Authority ActWet openbaar lichaam Rijnmond
Science and Technology Advisory Council ActWet Adviesraad voor het wetenschaps- en technologiebeleid
Soil Cleaning Interim ActInterimwet bodemsanering
Soil Protection ActWet bodembescherming
waste disposal actafvalverwerkingswet
waste disposal act Law that settles the rules concerning the disposal, recycling and treatment of wastesafvalverwerkingswet
Water Boards ActWaterschapswet
Water Management ActWet op de waterhuishouding
wrongful act An act contrary to the rules of natural or legal justiceonrechtmatige daad
wrongful government act A deed performed by a government official or agent in exercise of police, constitutional, legislative, administrative or judicial powers that infringes upon the rights of another and causes damage, without protecting an equal or superior rightonrechtmatige overheidsdaad
wrongful government actonrechtmatige overheidsdaad