
Terms for subject Microsoft containing back | all forms | exact matches only
back bufferbuffer nascosto (A nonvisible surface to which bitmaps and other images can be drawn while the primary surface displays the currently visible image)
back clipping planepiano di ritaglio anteriore (The far boundary of a viewing frustum or camera beyond which objects are not rendered)
back-end applicationback-end (In a client/server application, the part of the program that runs on the server)
back-end databasedatabase back-end (In a two-database approach, the server-side database that contains the tables that hold your solution's data, and that is accessed by your solution through links in the front-end database)
back-end database serverserver di database back-end (A server that hosts data, configuration settings, and stored procedures that are associated with one or more applications)
back firewallfirewall posteriore (A server used as the back line of defense in a back-to-back perimeter network configuration)
back orderordine arretrato (An unfilled customer order or commitment. A back order is an immediate (or past due) demand against an item whose inventory is insufficient to satisfy the demand)
back paymentpagamento arretrato (A payment made by a customer for a past due obligation)
back referencebackreference (" In regular expressions, an element of the form "\dd", where dd represents a decimal value N that matches a sequence of characters in the target sequence that is the same as the sequence of characters that is matched by the Nth capture group.")
back-to-back perimeter networkrete perimetrale back to back (A network configuration in which two server computers are located on either side of the perimeter network)
back upeseguire un backup (To make a duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data)
backing streamflusso sottostante (The existing stream, that the new stream will be based on)
Be Right BackTorno subito (An item on the user's My Status menu that can be selected to indicate that the user is away from the computer but will return shortly)
CRM Back End Serverserver back-end CRM (A back-end server in CRM that runs the server roles, incl. Asynchronous Processing Service, Sandbox Service, and SharePoint Integration Service)
front-end/back-end applicationapplicazione front-end/back-end (" An application consisting of a "back-end" database file that contains tables, and copies of a "front-end" database file that contain all other database objects with links to the back-end tables.")
roll backeseguire il rollback (To reverse changes)
write backeseguire il writeback (To update a cube cell value, member, or member property value)