
Terms for subject Medical containing gesture | all forms
barrier gesturesмеры по предотвращению инфицирования (Barrier gestures: Used to describe the measures people can take to reduce the risk of infection. Regular hand washing, coughing and sneezing into one's elbow and using a tissue only once are three signature barrier gestures recommended to prevent the spread of the virus. 'More)
barrier gesturesгигиенические правила (Barrier gestures: Used to describe the measures people can take to reduce the risk of infection. Regular hand washing, coughing and sneezing into one's elbow and using a tissue only once are three signature barrier gestures recommended to prevent the spread of the virus. 'More)
barrier gesturesпрофилактические меры (Barrier gestures: Used to describe the measures people can take to reduce the risk of infection. Regular hand washing, coughing and sneezing into one's elbow and using a tissue only once are three signature barrier gestures recommended to prevent the spread of the virus. 'More)
barrier gesturesправила профилактики (Barrier gestures: Used to describe the measures people can take to reduce the risk of infection. Regular hand washing, coughing and sneezing into one's elbow and using a tissue only once are three signature barrier gestures recommended to prevent the spread of the virus. 'More)