
Terms for subject Religion containing Movement | all forms | exact matches only
anti-cult movementантикультовое движение (Юрий Гомон)
antimasonic movementантимасонское движение (Alex_Odeychuk)
Braid movementбрэйдизм (First prophet-healing movement in Nigeria and one of the earliest in Africa)
Caitanya movementдвижение сторонников Кайтаньи (Intensely emotional form of Hinduism that has flourished from the 16th century, mainly in Bengal and eastern Orissa)
Charismatic movement memberхаризмат (Charismatics are people belonging to a movement which revived the Christian phenomena of "speaking in tongues" Alex Lilo)
countercult movementконтркультовое движение (Юрий Гомон)
Death of God movementдвижение "Смерть Господа" (Radical Christian theological school, mainly Protestant, that arose in the United States during the 1960s, evoking prolonged attention, response, and controversy)
ecumenic movementэкуменическое движение
ecumenical movementэкуменическое движение
ecumenical movementэкуменизм
Harris movementхристианское движение Харриса (Largest mass movement toward Christianity in West Africa)
Holiness MovementДвижение святости (pelipejchenko)
Holiness movementДвижение истинной святости (Fundamentalist religious movement that arose in the 19th century among Protestant churches in the United States, characterized by a doctrine of sanctification centring on a postconversion experience)
I Am movementдвижение "Аз есмь" (Religious movement in the United States that taught that the Mighty I Am is the source of power and of all things necessary for everyone)
ideological movement in Sunni Islamидеологическое направление в суннитском исламе (Alex_Odeychuk)
ideological movement in Sunni Islamидеологическое движение в суннитском исламе (Alex_Odeychuk)
Islamic political movementисламское политическое движение (Alex_Odeychuk)
Islamic revival movementдвижение исламского фундаментализма (Alex_Odeychuk)
Islamic revivalist movementдвижение исламского фундаментализма (Alex_Odeychuk)
Jesus Movementвнецерковное движение проповедников христианства
Jesus MovementДвижение за Иисуса (Movement begun by David Berg, an itinerant preacher, in 1968)
Khilafat movementХилафат (Force that arose in India in the early 20th century as a result of Muslim fears for the integrity of Islam)
lead a reform movement within Islamвозглавить движение за реформу ислама (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
Liturgical MovementЛитургическое движение (A 19th- and 20th-century effort in Christian churches to restore the active and intelligent participation of the people in the liturgy, or official rites, of the Christian religion)
modernist movement in Islamмодернистское движение в исламе (Alex_Odeychuk)
movement away from religionдвижение сторонников отказа от религии (Alex_Odeychuk)
movement in Islamic political thoughtнаправление исламской политической мысли (Alex_Odeychuk)
movement of the Virashaivasдвижение Вирашайва (One of the Hindu devotional movements)
new religious movementсекта
Oecumenical Movementэкуменистическое движение (The movement towards re-unity among the various Christian Churches)
Oxford MovementОксфордское движение (A High Church revival movement in the Church of England)
Oxford Movementкатолизирующее Оксфордское движение
Oxford Movementпьюзиизм
puritan reform movementпуританское реформаторское движение (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
reform movement within Islamдвижение за реформу ислама (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
re-Islamization movementдвижение за исламскую перестройку общества (движение исламского фундаментализма Alex_Odeychuk)
religious movementрелигиозное движение (Юрий Гомон)
Salafi movementфундаменталистское движение (a branch of Sunni Islam that seeks to return to the practices of the earliest Muslims – the salaf – who lived at the time of Mohammed and just after; the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
social preaching movementдвижение социальной проповеди
spiritual movementрелигиозное движение
temperance movementдвижение трезвенников
theological movement in Sunni Islamтеологическое движение в суннитском исламе (Alex_Odeychuk)
Three-Self Patriotic MovementПатриотическое Движение трёх автономий (In 1951, Y. T. Wu, a Chinese Christian leader, initiated the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, which promoted a strategy of "self-governance, self-support, and self-propagation" in order to remove foreign influences from the Chinese churches and to assure the communist government that the churches would be patriotic to the newly-established People's Republic of China Nina_G)
vineyard movementдвижение "Виноградник" (неохаризматическое христианское движение finita)