
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing the | all forms | exact matches only
abnormality of the appendix附属器异常
adenoma of the thyroid甲状腺腺瘤
against-the-ear earphone耳挂式耳机
allergic edema of the larynx变态反应性喉水肿
aspergillosis of the nasal and paranasal sinus鼻腔及鼻窦曲菌病
asymptomatic tuberculous infection of the tonsil扁桃体隐性结核
audiovisual custom in-the-ear hearing aids定制耳内助听器
behind-the-ear hearing aid耳背式助听器
burn of the larynx and respiratory tract喉部与呼吸道烧伤
cholesteatoma of the external auditory meatus外耳道胆脂瘤
clonic spasm of the palatine muscle腭肌阵挛
clonic spasm of the pharyngeal muscle咽肌阵挛
closure of the nostrils前鼻孔闭合术
concussion of the labyrinth迷路震荡
congenital appendage of the nose先天性鼻赘
cyst of the new born新生儿囊肿
dryness of the throat咽干
eczema of the auricle外耳湿疹
embryonic cyst of the larynx喉胚胎囊肿
examination of the laryngopharynx喉咽部检查
exostosis of the external auditory meatus外耳道骨疣
external examination of the larynx喉外部检查
fibrous dysplasia in the craniofacial bones颅面骨纤维结构不良症
foreign body in the nose鼻异物
fracture of the ethmoid sinus筛窦骨折
fricative sound of the larynx喉部磨擦音
functional disorder of the ear内淋巴囊功能性紊乱
injury of the larynx喉外伤
inward mobilization and fixation of the nasoantral wall of nose鼻腔外侧壁内移加固定术
Leishmaniasis of the nasopharynx鼻咽利什曼病
local drugs in common use of the larynx喉局部常用药物
lymphangioma of the larynx喉淋巴管瘤
metastatic cancer of the neck转移性恶性肿瘤
mucosa cyst of the paranasal sinus鼻窦黏膜囊肿
neurogenic tumor of the larynx喉神经源性肿瘤
nucleus of the lateral lemniscus外侧丘系核
open trauma of the larynx开放性喉外伤
orbital plate of the frontal bone额骨眶板
osteomyelitis of the ethmoid bone筛骨骨髓炎
ozena of the larynx臭喉症
papilloma of the external auditory canal外耳道乳头状瘤
paracentesis of the ear drum鼓膜穿刺术
paraesthesia of the pharynx咽感觉障碍
paraesthesia of the throat咽喉异常感症
partial or total closure of the nostrils前鼻孔部分闭合术或完全闭合术
perforation of the nasal septum鼻中隔穿孔
postnatal malformation of the ears后天性耳畸形
postnatal malformation of the nose后天性鼻畸形
postnatal malformation of the pharyngeal后天性咽畸形
purulent cyst of the paranasal sinus鼻窦脓囊肿
pyogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws化脓性颌骨骨髓炎
repair of the facial nerve面神经修补术
serous perichondritis of the auricle耳郭浆液性软骨膜炎
standard reference zero for the calibration of标准[气导]参考零级
the application of cryotherapy in Otorhinolaryngology冷冻治疗在耳鼻咽喉中的应用
the examination of dropped Otological cell耳鼻咽喉脱落细胞检查
the foreign body in nasal cavity and nasal sinuse鼻腔及鼻窦异物
the function of nasal respiration examination鼻呼吸功能检查
the malignant tumor of nose and nasal sinuses鼻及鼻窦恶性肿瘤
the operation of stapes footplate trepanation pattern足板钻孔式镫骨手术
the present of blood disease from pharyngeal血液病的咽喉部表现
the treatment of solidify and gasify with laser激光凝固气化治疗
thrombophlebitis of the cavernous sinus海绵窦血栓性静脉炎
thrombophlebitis of the sigmoid sinus乙状窦血栓性静脉炎
thyoid in the larynx喉内甲状腺
tonic spasm of the pharyngeal muscle强直性咽肌痉挛
transillumination of the nasal sinuses鼻窦透照法
traumatic rupture of the tympanic membrane鼓膜外伤性破裂
tuberculosis of the middle ear and mastoid中耳乳突结核
tuberculosis of the nasal cavities鼻腔结核
tuberculosis of the nose鼻结核
tuberculosis of the oro-hypopharynx口咽及喉咽结核
usage of drugs used within the larynx喉内用药方法