
Terms containing love | all forms | exact matches only
China, polit.advocate the civic virtues of love of the motherland, of the people, of labour, of science and of socialism提倡爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义的公德
bot.African love grass弯叶画眉草 Eragrostis curvula
gen.All pizzas come with cheese and tomato sauce. I love cheese所有的比萨都有奶酪和番茄酱,我喜欢吃奶酪
anim.husb.apple of love西红柿 (Lycopersicum esculentum Mell. 茄科一年生植物,浆果可作蔬菜、水果。茎、叶可喂猪、羊)
anim.husb.apple of love番茄
sport.at love网球比赛中一分未失地
gen.Basically it's a story about a boy who falls in love with a girl who then goes and dies. It's a typical love story这部电影讲述了一个典型的爱情故事,故事情节讲的是一个男孩爱上一个最后面临死亡的女孩
gen.be in love恋爱
geogr.Dallas Love Field, U.S.A.乐福费尔德机场:美国
tenn.fifteen love1 比 0
badm.five love五比零
desert.flower of love伞房狗牙花
tech.for love or for money现款交易
econ.for love or money现款交易
econ.for love or money无论出任何代价
busin.for love or money交易所现款交易
tenn.forty love3:0
tenn.forty-love 3 : 0 forward spin上旋
gen.I bet she will love it我敢说她一定会喜欢的
cosmet.I love eye shadows in pencil form, but they always seem too dry我喜欢笔状的眼影,但是它们一般都太干燥
gen.I love Italian food. I think I want a pizza我喜欢意大利食品。我来一个比萨吧
sport.I love the idea of a place for everything, especially unattractive sports equipment!我喜欢这个把所有东西都放在一个地方的主意,特别是那些毫无吸引力的康体器材!
house.I love the soothing sound of a steam iron as it glides back and forth removing wrinkles and sending back a clean, fresh smell蒸汽熨斗在衣服上来回滑动清除褶皱,让衣服散发出干净、清新的气息,那温和舒缓的声音我很喜欢
gen.I love the tender beef, but it's far too spicy. I can't feel my tongue牛肉很嫩,我很喜欢。但是这也太辣了,我舌头都麻了
gen.I love this city. It's beautiful and full of vitality我喜欢这座城市,很漂亮且充满活力
mil., air.def.I Love You"爱虫"病毒
gen.It is the most important happiness to taste coffee with your love和心爱的人一起品味咖啡的日子,是人生中最大的快乐
tech.Kirchhoff-Love assumption基尔霍夫-洛夫假定
busin.labor of love义务劳动
econ.labour of love社会工作
econ.labour of love义务劳动
adv.Levy's Rye Bread, "You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's Rye Bread"面包、"不只是犹太人才喜欢莱唯斯的黑麦面包"、恒美广告公司、1949 (DDB, Levy's)
sport.love all零比零
bridge.love all双方无局
tab.tenn.Love all!裁判用语0 : 0!
bridge.love all双方无局
badm.love all零比零
badm.Love all, play!零比零、开始比赛!裁判用语
badm.Love all, play!裁判用语开始比赛!
sport., psychol.love and belongingness need爱与归属需要
sport.love apple用头撞人
biol.love apple番茄西红柿,Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.,茄科
tech.love arrows发金红石
textilelove beads爱珠
textilelove beads"爱情与和平"的彩色念珠
textilelove bracelet心心手镯
textilelove bracelet爱心手镯
biol.love chain吊灯花 (Ceropegia woodii Schleahter,萝藦科)
gen.love dearly心疼
gen.love dearly
manag.love for sports对体育运动的热爱
tenn.love game一方得零分的一局
badm.love game一方零分局
bot.love grass画眉草属 Eragrostis (spp.)
biol.love-grass画眉草 (Eragrostis pilosa (L.) Beauv.; Poa pilosa L.)
biol.love-grass画眉草属 (Eragrostis Host.,禾本科)
sport.love handles〈口〉腰间赘肉
desert.love in a mist黑种草
desert.love in a puff倒地铃
agric.love in idleness三色紫罗兰紫罗兰品种
biol.love-in-a-mist黑种草 (Nigella damascena L.)
biol.love-in-a-mist黑种草属 (Nigella L.,毛茛科)
textilelove knot装饰蝴蝶结
desert.love lies bleeding尾穗苋
biol.love-lies-bleeding老枪谷千穗谷,Amaranthus caudatus L.,苋科
bot.love-lies-bleeding尾穗苋 Amaranthus caudatus
biol.love-lies-bleeding尾穗苋老枪谷,千穗谷,Amaranthus caudatus L.,苋科
anim.husb.love-lies-bleeding florimer千穗谷
anim.husb.love-lies-bleeding florimer繁穗苋
anim.husb.love-lies-bleeding florimer老枪谷
badm.love match一方得零局的一场
badm.love match一方零分局
securit.love money亲朋好友提供的创业资金
securit.love money关爱基金
tech.Love number乐甫数
tab.tenn.Love-one!裁判用语 0 : 1!
biol.love pea相思子 (Abrus precatorius L.)
biol.love pea相思子属 (Abrus L.,豆科)
horticult.love peas洋苏草籽
biol.love plant回欢草 (Anacampseros arachnoides L.)
biol.love plant回欢草属 (Anacampseros L.,马齿觅科)
desert.love restorer寻爱八宝
textilelove ribbon孝服缎带
textilelove ribbon缎条纱带
tech.Love's assumption洛夫假定
tech.Love's number洛夫数
bridge.love score双方均无分数
bridge.love score双方无分数
tech.love seat双人沙发
tech.love seat恋人沙发
tech.love seat双人座椅
gen.love seat鸳鸯椅
tech.love seats双人沙发椅
tenn.love set一方得零局的一盘
tenn.love set一方得零分的一盘
earth.sc.love surface wave乐甫波乐甫面波
gen.love to喜爱
bot.love tree西亚紫荆 Cercis siliquastrum
entomol.love vine菟丝子 Cuscuta (spp.)
agric.love vine菟丝子
bridg.constr.Love wave乐甫波
eng.geol.Love wave乐夫波
eng.geol.Love wave樂甫波
hydroel.st.Love wave勒夫波
tech.Love wave洛夫波
biol.love wine菟丝子 (Cuscuta chinensis Lam.)
biol.love wine菟丝子属 (Cuscuta L.,菟丝子科)
gen.Many people celebrate their love for their partner by sending cards or letters, giving gifts or flowers and arranging meals in restaurants or romantic nights in hotels许多人通过寄贺卡、情书,送礼物或鲜花来表达爱意,或是到饭店吃饭,或是在酒店待上浪漫的一晚
gen.My wife will love this jade necklace我太太一定会非常喜欢这条镶玉的项链
gen.net love网恋
gen.New Zealanders love outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and fishing新西兰人喜欢如远足、露营和钓鱼等户外活动
nurs.platonic love精神恋爱
bridge.play for love不打钱的盘式桥牌
nurs.premature love早恋
desert.purple love grass丽色画眉 (多年生,密簇丛生,株高60cm)
desert.sand love grass沙地画眉草
sport., psychol.self-love自爱
badm.Setting 3 point, love all!再赛 3分、0 比 0! (裁判用语)
footwearShe loves wearing platform shoes, some kind of clothing that people notice her in她喜欢穿松糕鞋,那样能让别人注意到她的鞋子
gen.the God of love爱神
gen.The Valentine's Day became associated with romantic love in the Middle Ages in England圣瓦伦廷节与爱情发生关联是在中世纪的英格兰
gen.These couple rings are the symbol of long-lasting and pure love of lovers这对情侣戒是情侣之间永恒与纯洁爱情的象征
tenn.thirty love2比0
badm.three love3比0
badm.three love三比零
tech.tunnel of love公园供游人穿行的暗道
tech.tunnel of love公园供游人穿行的隧道
commer.We love the brand Cappellini because of its classy style, timelessly modern look, and extravagance我们喜爱坎佩乐尼这一品牌是因为它的高格调和永恒的现代奢华感
desert.weeping love grass弯叶画眉草
bot.weeping love grass弯叶画眉草 Eragrostis curvula
biol.white rust of love-lies-breeding老枪谷白锈病 (Albugo blitio (Biv.)Kuntze.)
gen.Why do you love Hanoi so much?你为什么这么喜欢河内?
gen.Why is St. Valentine's Day associated with love?为什么圣瓦伦廷节与爱情有关?
sport.win a love game全胜对方得零分
sport.win a love game全胜
adv.Woodbury Soap, "A skin you love to touch"Woodbury 香皂、"光洁肌肤、爱不释手"、智威汤逊广告公司、1911 (J. Walter Thompson Co.)