
Terms containing leaf | all forms | exact matches only
biol.akebia leaf-like moth木通枯叶蛾 (Adrias tyrannus (Guenée),枯叶蛾科)
biol.alder leaf beetle桤叶甲赤杨紫跳甲,Agelastica alni L.,叶甲科
biol.alfalfa leaf spot disease苜蓿叶斑病 (Cercospora medicaginis Ell. et Ev.)
biol.alfalfa leaf weevil苜蓿叶象甲 (Phytonomus variabilis Hrb.,象甲科)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of Adzuki bean赤小豆黑斑病 (Alternaria adzukiae Hara)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of bean菜豆黑斑病 (Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc. var. phaseoli Brun.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of beet甜菜黑斑病 (Alternaria brassicae (Berk.)Sacc.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of brussels sprouts (Alternaria brassicae (Berk.)Sacc. var. macrospora Sacc.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of cabbage甘蓝黑斑病 (Alternaria brassicae (Berk.)Sacc.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of carrot胡萝卜黑斑病 (Alternaria dauci (Kuehn.) Groves et Skoldo; Alternaria carotae (Ell. et Lang.)E11.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of castor oil plant蓖麻黑斑病 (Alternaria ricini (Yoshiiet Rakimoto) Hansford)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of cauliflower花椰菜黑斑病 (Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc. var. macrospora Sacc.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of chard莙荙菜黑斑病 (Alternaria brassicae (Berk.)Sacc.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of cherry甜樱桃黑斑病 (Alternaria cerasi Potebnia)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of citrus柑橘黑斑病 (Alternaria citri Pierce)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of cotton棉黑斑病 (Alternaria gossypina (Thuem.) Hopkins)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of crucifers十字花科蔬菜黑斑病 (Alternaria herculea (E. et Curt.)E11.; Alternaria brassicae (B.)Sacc.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of east Indian lotus莲黑斑病 (Alternaria nelumbii (Ell. et Ev.)Enlow et Rand.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of grape葡萄黑斑病 (Alternaria viticola P. Brum.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of Indian mallow苘麻黑斑病 (Alternaria abutilonis Speg.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of leafmustard芥菜黑斑病 (Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of mandrin and tangerine orange橘黑斑病 (Alternaria citri Pierce)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of millet粟黑斑病 (Alternaria tenuis Nees)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of onion洋葱及葱黑斑病 (Altemaria porri (Ell.)Cif.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of pear梨轮斑病 (Alternaria mali Roberis.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of PehTsai白菜黑斑病 (Alternaria brassicae (Berk.)Sacc.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of pomelo柚黑斑病 (Alternaria citri Pierce)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of radish萝卜黑斑病 (Alternaria brassicae (Berk.)Sacc.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of rustic tobacco黄花烟草黑斑病 (Alternaria longipes (Ell. et Ev.)Tisd. et Wadk.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of soybean大豆黑斑病 (Alternaria atrans Gibson)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of sunflower向日葵黑斑病 (Alternaria tenuis Nees)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of tobacco烟草黑斑病 (Alternaria longipes (Ell. et Ev.) Tisd. et Wadk.; Alternaria tobacina(Ell. et Ev.) Hori.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of tomato番茄黑斑病 (Macrosporium tomato Cooke)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of Welsh onion葱黑斑 (Alternaria porri (Ell.)Cif.)
biol.anthracnose of leaf-mustard芥菜炭疽病 (Colletotrichum higginsanum Sacc.)
biol.bacterial canker and leaf spot of cherry甜樱桃溃疡及叶斑病 (Pseudomonas cerasi Griff.)
biol.bacterial leaf blight of milk vetch紫云英细菌叶枯病 (Pseudomonas astragali Savulescu.)
biol.bacterial leaf-blight of rice水稻白叶枯病 (Xanthomonas oryzae (Uyeda et Ishiy.) Dowson)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of alfalfa苜蓿细菌性叶斑病 (Xanthomonas alfalfae (Riker, Jones, Davis) Dowson)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of cauliflower花椰菜细菌性叶斑病 (Pseudomonas maculicola (McCul.) Stev.)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of garden radish萝卜细菌性叶斑病 (Pseudomonas maculicola Mcc.)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of jute黄麻细菌性叶斑病 (Xanthomonas nakatae (Okabe) Dowson)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of leafmustard芥菜黑点病 (Pseudomonas maculicola (McCul.)Stev.)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of PehTsai白菜白斑病 (Cercosporelia albo-maculans,Ell. et Ev. Sacc.)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of radish萝卜细菌性叶斑病 (Pseudomonas maculicola (McCul.)Stev.)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of rape油菜细菌性叶斑病 (Bacterium maculicola Mcc.)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of sunflower向日葵细菌性斑点病 (Bacterium helianthi Schwein)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of tobacco烟草野火病 (Pseudomonas tobaci (Wolf et Foster) Stevens)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of tomato番茄细菌性叶斑病 (Pseudomonas tomato (Okabe) Breed et al.)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of turnip芜菁黑点病 (Pseudomonas maculicola (McCul.) Stev.)
biol.bacterial leaf streak of corn玉米细菌性条斑病 (Pseudomonas andropogoni Stapp)
biol.bamboo-leaf prickleyash竹叶[花]椒 (Zanthoxylum planispinum Sieb. et Zucc.,芸香科)
biol.banana black leaf streak香蕉黑裂纹病 (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morclot)
biol.banana cercospora leaf spot香蕉叶斑病 (Cercospora musicola Saw.)
biol.banana leaf rollers香蕉弄蝶蕉包虫,Erionota thrax Linnaeus,弄蝶科
biol.banana pestalotia leaf spot香蕉叶斑病 (Pestalotia leprogena Speg.)
biol.barley leaf maggot大麦秆蝇 (Chlorops hordei Matsumura)
biol.barley leaf rust大麦叶锈病 (Puccinia hordei Otth.; Puccinia simplex (koern) Rostt.)
biol.barley leaf stripe大麦条纹病 (Helminthosporium gramineum (Rabh.) Erikss.)
biol.barley minute leaf beetle大麦小跳甲 (Aphthona pygmaea Baly,跳甲科)
biol.barley yellow leaf-miner fly大麦齿角黄潜蝇 (Cerodonta denticornis Panzer,黄潜蝇科)
biol.barley yellow leaf spot大麦黄叶斑点病 (Pyrenophora trichostoma (Fr.) Fuckel)
biol.bean asochyta leaf spot菜豆褐斑病 (Asochyta phaseolorum Sacc.)
biol.bean leaf beetle豆叶甲菜豆守瓜,Cerotoma trifurcata Forster
biol.bean leaf beetle豆青叶甲 (Pagria signata Motschulsky,叶甲科)
biol.bean leaf beetle豆红足黑叶甲 (Cerotoma ruficornis Olivier)
biol.bean leaf hopper蚕豆微叶蝉 (Empoasca fabae Harris,叶蝉科)
biol.bean leaf miner豆卷叶螟 (Lamprosema indicata Fabricius,螟蛾科)
biol.bean leaf roller豆叶弄蝶 (Urbanus proteus Linnaeus,弄蝶科)
biol.bean leaf skeletonizer豆叶夜蛾 Autoplusia egena Guenee 夜蛾科
biol.bean leaf webber豆卷叶螟 (Hedylepta indicata Fabricius,野螟科)
biol.big-leaf bracket plant大叶吊兰 (Chlorophytum malayense Ridley,百合科)
biol.big-leaf calathea肖竹芋 (Calathea ornata Koern.)
biol.big-leaf calathea肖竹芋属 (Calathea G.F. W. Meyer,苳叶科)
biol.big-leaf echeveria大叶莲花掌黄铜拟石莲花,Echeveria gibbiflora DC.,仙人掌科
biol.big-leaf linden大叶椴 (Tilia platyphyllus Scop.,椵科)
biol.big-leaf mustard大叶芥菜大芥,皱叶芥,Brassica juncea var. folliosa Bailey,十字花科
biol.big leaf mustard大叶芥 (Brassica juncea var. folliosa Bailey,十字花科)
biol.big-leaf thorowax大叶紫胡 (Bupleurum longiradiatum Turcz.,伞形花科)
biol.big-leaf tobacco大叶烟草 (Nicotiana tabacum var. macrophylla Comes,茄科)
biol.big-leaf tomato大叶番茄 (Lycopersicum esculentum var. grandifolium Bailey,茄科)
biol.big-leaf white mulberry大叶桑 (Morus alba var. macrophylla Loud.,桑科)
biol.big-leaf winter creeper euonymus大圆叶爬行卫矛 (Euonymus fortunei var. vegetus Rehd.,卫矛科)
biol.bindweed leaf miner旋花潜蛾 (Bedellia sommulentella Zeller,潜蛾科)
biol.blood leaf法氏牛膝 (Achyranthes fauriei Lev. et Van,苋科)
biol.box-elder leaf roller梣叶槭细蛾 (Gracilaria negundella Chamb.,细蛾科)
biol.broad-leaf actinidia阔叶猕猴桃 (Actinidia latifolia Merr.,猕猴桃科)
biol.broad-leaf addermouth orohid阔叶沼兰 (Malaxis latifolia Smith,兰科)
biol.broad-leaf arborvitae罗汉柏 (Thujopsis dolabrata (L. f.) Sieb. et Zucc.)
biol.broad-leaf arborvitae罗汉柏属 (Thujopsis Sieb. et Zucc.,柏科)
biol.broad-leaf birch白桦桦,桦木,Betula platyphylla Suk.,桦木科
biol.broad-leaf common valeriana宽叶缬草 (Valeriana officinalis var. lati folia Miq.,败酱科)
biol.broad-leaf elaeagnus宽叶胡颓子 (Elaeagnus latifolia L.,胡颓子科)
biol.broad-leaf lady palm筋头棕竹 (Rhapis excelsa Henry,禾本科)
biol.broad-leaf lavender宽叶薰衣草 (Lavandula patifolia Vill.; Lavandula spica D. C.,唇形科)
biol.broad-leaf pepper weed宽叶独行菜 (Lepidium latifolium L.,十字花科)
biol.broad-leaf podocarpium宽卯叶山马蝗 (Desmodium fallax Schindl.,豆科)
biol.broad-leaf rain tree鸳鸯茉莉 (Brunfelsia latifolia L.,茄科)
biol.broad-leaf toadlily宽叶油点草 (Tricyrtis latifolia Maxim.,百合科)
biol.broad-leaf vetch山野豌豆 (Vicia amoena var. sachalinensis Fr. Schm.,豆科)
biol.brown leaf blight of grasses禾草褐条斑病 (Scoletotricum graminis Fckl.)
biol.brown leaf spot of soybean大豆褐斑病 (Mycosphaerella sojae Hara.)
biol.brown leaf weevil褐切叶象甲 (Phyllobius oblongus L.,象甲科)
biol.camellia leaf miner山茶螟 (Ramaria ardentella Ragonot,螟蛾科)
biol.carrot leaf-sucker胡萝卜绿木虱 (Trioza viridula Zett.,木虱科)
biol.carrot leaf-sucker胡萝卜木虱 (Trioza nigricornis Forster)
biol.caudate sweet leaf山矾 (Symplocos caudata Wall.)
biol.caudate sweet leaf山矶属 (Symplocos Jacq.,山矾科)
biol.cauliflower bacterial leaf spot花椰菜细菌性叶斑病 (Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola (McCullock) Young, Dye et Wilkie)
biol.cercospora leaf mold of tomato番茄煤霉病 (Cercospora fuligena Rolden.)
biol.cercospora leaf mold off eggplant茄煤霉病 (Mycovellosiella nattrassii Deighton.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of barnyard稗褐斑病 (Cercospora fusimaculata Atkinson)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of bean菜豆叶斑病 (Cercospora canascens Ell. et Mart.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of beet甜菜褐斑病 (Cercospora beticola Sacc.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of Chinese yam薯蓣斑点病 (Cercospora dioscoreae Ell. Mart.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of cotton棉叶斑病 (Cercospora gossypina Cke.; Mycosphaerella gossypina (Cke.)Earie)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of eggplant茄褐色圆星病 (Cercospora melongenae Welles.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of flax亚麻叶斑病 (Cercospora sasami Zimm.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of gambo hemp红麻叶斑病 (Cercospora abelmoschi Ell. et Ev.; Cercospora hibiscicannabini Saw.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of grape葡萄叶斑病 (Cercospora truncata Ell. et Ev.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of grape葡萄角斑病 (Cercospora viticola (Ces.)Sacc.; Isariopsisclavispora Sacc.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of kaki柿角斑病 (Cercospora kaki Ell.et Ev.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of pea豌豆角斑病 (Cercospora columnaris Ell. et Ev.; Isariopsis griseola Sacc.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of potato马铃薯叶斑病 (Cercospora concors (Caps.)Sacc.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of rice plant稻叶枯病 (Sphaerulina oryzina Hara)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of sorghum高粱叶斑病 (Cercospora andropogonis Ou)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of soybean大豆叶斑病 (Cercospora cruenta Sacc.; Mycosphaerella cruenta (Sacc.)Lath.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of soybean大豆斑点病 (Cercospora sojina Hara)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of sugarcane苷蔗赤斑病 (Cercospora kopkei Krueger; Cercospora longipes Butl.)
biol.cereal leaf aphid玉米缢管蚜 (Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch,蚜科)
biol.cereal leaf beetle禾谷负泥虫红胸叶甲,Lema melanopus Linnaeus; Oulema melanopus L.,叶甲科
biol.charry leaf-miner bettie樱桃小吉丁 (Trachys inedite Saunders,吉丁科)
biol.chestnut leaf-cut weevil栗卷叶象甲 (Apoderus jekeli Roelofs,象甲科)
biol.Chinese mulberry leaf beetle华桑叶甲 (Platyxantha chinensis Maulik,叶甲科)
biol.Chinese pear-leaf crabapple花红林檎,Malus asiatica Nakai,蔷薇科
biol.Chinese sweet leaf华山矾 (Symplocos chinensis(Lour.) Druce; Symplocos sinica Ker.,山矾科)
biol.chrysanthemum leaf miner菊潜叶蝇豌豆潜叶蝇,Phytomyza atricornis Meig.; Phytomyza nigrocornis Macq.,潜蝇科
biol.chrysanthemum leaf spot菊褐斑病 (Septoria obesa Syd.)
biol.cinchona leaf-case weevil金鸡纳卷叶象甲 (Apoderus cinchonae Rpke,象甲科)
biol.cinchona leaf moth金鸡纳黄带毒蛾 (Euproctis varia Muller,毒蛾科)
biol.citrus leaf miner橘红潜叶甲橘潜斧,Podagricomela nigricollis Chen,潜蛾科
biol.citrus leaf-roller橘小黄卷蛾 (Adoxophyes fasciata Walsingham,小卷蛾科)
biol.citrus leaf-roller橘褐卷蛾 (Cacoecia eucroca Diakonoff,卷蛾科)
biol.clover leaf beetle三叶草叶甲车轴车守瓜,Luperodes praeustus Motschulsky,叶甲科
biol.clover leaf hopper三叶草叶蝉 (Aceratagallia sanguinolenta (Provancher),叶蝉科)
biol.clover leaf midge三叶草叶瘿蚊 (Dasineura trifolii Loew,瘿蚊科)
biol.clover leaf weevil三叶草叶象车轴草叶象,Hypera punctata (Fabricius),象甲科
biol.club-leaf vetch三裂野豌豆 (Vicia trifida,豆科)
biol.club root of leaf-mustard芥菜根肿病 (Plasmodiophora brassicae Woron.)
biol.coconut leaf beetle椰叶甲 (Brontispa froggatti Sharp,叶甲科)
biol.coffee leaf-curling thrips咖啡卷叶蓟马 (Hoplandrothrips marshalli Karny,蓟马科)
biol.coffee leaf-roller茶黄卷蛾咖啡卷蛾,Homona menciana Walker,卷蛾科
biol.common apple leaf hopper苹小叶蝉 (Typhlocyba froggati Baker)
biol.common leaf spot of alfalfa苜蓿黄斑病 (Pyrenopeziza medicagins (Lib.) Fckl.)
biol.common leaf weevil梨切叶象甲食叶象,梨叶象,Phyllobius pyri L.,象甲科
biol.corynespora leaf spot of cucumber黄瓜褐斑病 (Corynespora mazei Güssow.)
biol.cruciferous leaf beetle大猿叶虫乌壳虫,Colaphellus bowringi Baly,叶甲科
biol.cruciferus leaf beetle大猿叶虫乌壳虫,Colaphellus bowringi Baly,叶甲科
biol.cucumber leaf maggot黄瓜黄潜蝇 (Chlorops eucurbitae Matsumura,秆蝇科)
biol.cucumber leaf sunflower小向日葵小花葵,Helianthus debilis Nutt.; Helianthus cucumerifolius Torr. et Gray,菊科
biol.cucurbit leaf beetle黄守瓜 (Aulacophora femoralis Mot.,叶甲科)
biol.cucurbits leaf spot瓜类叶斑病 (Mycosphaerella melonis (Pass.) Chiu et Walk)
biol.curled leaf cabbage皱叶甘蓝 (Brassica oleracea var. capitata bullata L.,十字花科)
biol.dark cotton-leaf thrips棉叶暗蓟马 (Hercothrips fumipennis Bagnall et Cameron,蓟马科)
horticult.detached leaf切断叶
biol.diamond-leaf persimmon老鸦柿 (Diospyros rhombifolia Hemsl.,柿科)
biol.diamond-leaf pittosporum菱叶海桐花 (Pittosporum rhombifolium Cunn.,海桐花科)
biol.dioscorea leaf beetle薯蓣叶甲 (Dioscorata Baly,叶甲科)
biol.double leaf maplewort二叶槭花草 (Epimedium diphyllum Lodd.,小檗科)
biol.downy mildew of leaf-mustard芥菜霜霉病 (Peronospora parasitica (Pers.)Fr.)
biol.dwarf leaf rust of barley大麦矮形锈病 (Puccinia simplex)
biol.eggplant ascochyta leaf spot茄褐斑病 (Ascochyta melongena Pad.)
biol.eggplant cercospora leaf spot茄圆星病 (Septoria solani Spegazzini)
biol.elliptic-leaf-amsonia椭圆叶水甘草 (Amsonia elliptica Roem. et Walt.,夹竹桃科)
biol.European alder leaf miner欧洲桤木潜叶蜂 (Fenusa dohrni Tisch.,叶蜂科)
biol.evergreen oak leaf-cut weevil槲切叶象甲 (Euops punctatostriata Motschulsky,象甲科)
biol.fennel-leaf pondweed红线儿苗 (Potamogeton pectinatus Linn.,眼子菜科)
biol.fern-leaf hedge bamboo凤尾竹 (Bambusa multiplex var. nana (Roxb.) Keng. f.,禾本科)
biol.fern leaf of tomato番茄蕨叶病 (Cucumis virus 1)
biol.fern-leaf yarrow凤尾蓍草 (Achillea filipendulina Lam.,菊科)
biol.Fijian leaf folder稻显纹纵卷叶螟 (Susumia exigua (Butler),卷蛾科)
biol.five-leaf akebia木通 (Akebia quinata Decne.)
biol.five-leaf akebia木通属 (Akebia Decne.,木通科)
biol.five-leaf grass匍匐委陵菜 (Potentilla reptans L.,蔷薇科)
biol.flat-leaf aeonium平叶莲花掌大叶莲花掌,Aeonium tabulae forme Webb. et Berth.,景天科
biol.floating-leaf pondweed飘浮眼子菜 (Potamogeton natans L.,眼子菜科)
biol.foot rot and leaf blight of bromegrass禾草基腐病 (Helminthosporium bromi Died)
biol.frogeye leaf spot of tobacco烟草蛙眼病 (Cercospora nicotianae Ell.et Ev.)
biol.frogeye leaf spot or stem and rot of fruit of pepper辣椒褐斑病 (Cercospora capsici Halsted et Wolf.)
biol.garlic macrosporium leaf spot大蒜黑斑病 (Macrosporium porri Ellis)
biol.geranium leaf curl virus天竺葵卷叶病毒 (Marmor pelargonii (Holmes); Pelargonium virus crispans (Roland))
biol.gray leaf spot of kaoliang高粱紫斑病 (Cercospora sorghi Ell. et Fr.)
biol.gray leaf spot of tomato番茄褐斑病 (Stemphylium lycopersici Yamamoto.)
biol.gray willow leaf beetle柳灰叶甲 (Pyrrhalta decora decora (Say),叶甲科)
biol.graybanded leaf-roller灰带卷蛾 (Argyrotaenia mariana (Fernaid),卷蛾科)
biol.green leaf bug绿盲蝽 (Lygus lucorum Mayer-Dür,盲蝽科)
biol.green leaf hopper大青叶蝉 (Tettigoniella viridis Linnaeus; Cicadella,叶蝉科)
biol.green leaf weevil绿叶象菜象,Phyllobius maculicornis Germar,象甲科
biol.groundnut leaf moth花生阿夜蛾 (Achaea finita Guenee,夜蛾科)
biol.hawthorn-leaf cherry山楂叶樱 (Prunus crataegifolius Hand. Mazz.,蔷薇科)
biol.hawthorn-leaf maple山楂叶槭 (Acer crataegifolium Sied. et Zucc.,槭科)
biol.hawthorn-leaf raspberry蓬累 (Rubus taegifolius Bunge,蔷薇科)
biol.hawthorn leaf roller山楂卷蛾 (Cacoecia crataegana Hubner,卷蛾科)
biol.holly leaf euonymus刺叶卫矛冬青卫矛,Euonymus aquifolium Loes et Rehd.,卫矛科
biol.holly leaf miner冬青潜叶蝇 (Phytomyza ilicis Curt.,黄潜蝇科)
biol.horse radish leaf beetle辣根猿叶虫 (Phaedon cochleariae Fabricius,叶甲科)
biol.indigo leaf-cut weevil靛蓝切叶象甲 (Euops indigena Voss.,象甲科)
biol.jungle-plum-leaf persimmon枚辣柿 (Diospyros siderophyllus H. L. Li,柿科)
biol.kidney-leaf saxifrage肾叶虎耳草 (Saxifraga reniformis Ohwi.,虎耳草科)
biol.lace leaf花边水蕹 (Aponogeton fenestralis Hook. f.,水蕹科)
biol.lance-leaf euonymus毛脉卫矛 (Euonymus lanceolatus Yatabe.,卫矛科)
biol.lance-leaf lily卷丹南京百合,Lilium land folium Thunb.,百合科
biol.larkspur leaf miner飞燕草潜叶蝇 (Phytomyza delphiniae Frost,黄潜蝇科)
biol.leaf and blossom aphid高粱缢管蚜黍蚜,Rhopalosiphum prunifoliae Fitch,蚜科
biol.leaf and blossom aphis高粱缢管蚜黍吗,Rhopalosiphum prunifoliae (Fitch),蚜科
biol.leaf and pod spot of peas豌豆 褐斑病 (Ascochyta pisi Lib.)
biol.leaf anthracnose of pear梨叶炭疽病 (Colletotrichopsis piri Bubak f. tirolense Bubak.)
biol.leaf beet叶用甜菜牛皮菜,莙荙菜,Beta vulgaris var. cicla K. Koch,藜科
biol.leaf beet莙迭莱 (Beta vulgaris var. cicla Roch.,藜科)
biol.leaf beet莙荙菜 (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla Moq.)
biol.leaf beet饲用甜菜 (Beta vulgaris crassa Alef.,藜科)
biol.leaf-beet莙袪菜 (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla Moq.; Beta cicla L.,藜科)
biol.leaf beetle叶甲科 (复, Chrysomelidae)
biol.leaf blight of Adzuki bean小豆叶枯病 (Clathrococcum nipponicum Hiura)
biol.leaf blight of carrot胡萝卜黑叶枯病 (Alternaria carrotae (E. et. L.)Elliott.)
biol.leaf blight of corn玉米大斑病 (Helminthosporium turcicum Pass.)
biol.leaf blight of eggplant茄煤霉病 (Cercospora solani-melongenae Chupp)
biol.leaf blight of kaoliang高粱大斑病高粱条纹病,Helminthosporum turcicum Kass
biol.leaf blight of sesame芝麻叶枯病 (Helminthosporium sesami Miyake)
biol.leaf blight of sorghum高粱大斑病 (Helminthosporium turcicum Pass.)
biol.leaf blight of sorghum高粱大斑病高粱条纹病,Helminthosporum turcicum Kass
biol.leaf blight of urd黑吉豆叶枯病 (Clathrococcum nipponicum Hiura)
biol.leaf blight of welsh onion葱叶枯病 (Mycosphaerella schoenoprasi (And.) Schroct.)
biol.leaf blight of welsh onion 叶斑病 (Colletotrichum circinana Vogl.)
biol.leaf bug盲蝽科 (Miridae; Capsidae)
biol.leaf bugs盲蝽科 (复, Miridae; Capsidae)
biol.leaf butterfly峡蝶科 (复, Nymphalidae)
biol.leaf-cactus昙花 (Epiphyllum oxypetalum Haw.)
biol.leaf-cactus昙花属 (Epiphyllum Haw.,仙人掌科)
biol.leaf crumpler美核桃皱叶螟 (Acrobasis indigenella Zeller; Mineola)
biol.leaf curl of peach桃缩叶病 (Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul.; Exoascus deformans)
biol.leaf curl of plum李缩叶病 (Taphrina pruni (Fuck.) Tul.)
biol.leaf curl of tobacco烟卷叶病毒病 (Nicotiana virus 10)
biol.leaf curler moth甘薯卷叶麦蛾 (Lecithocera effera Meyrick,麦蛾科)
biol.leaf curling apple midge苹果瘿蚊 (Dasyneura mali Kieffer,瘿蚊科)
biol.leaf-curling apple midge苹瘿蚊 (Dasyneura moli (Kieffer),瘿蚊科)
biol.leaf-curling plum aphid李短尾蚜桃短尾蚜,Brachycaudus helichrysi Kaltenbach,蚜科
biol.leaf cut ant切叶蚁亚科 (复, Attineae)
biol.leaf cut ant南美切叶蚁 (Atta cephaloles L.)
biol.leaf-cutting ant切叶蚁亚科 (复, Attineae)
biol.leaf cutting ant南美切叶蚁 (Atta cephaloles L.)
biol.leaf cutting bee切叶蜂科 (复, Megachilidae)
biol.leaf cutting bee茶切叶蜂 (Megachile apposita Smith)
biol.leaf eating lady beetle胡麻瓢虫 (Epilachna chrysomelina Fabricius)
biol.leaf eating sphinx夹竹桃天蛾 (Deilephila nerii Linnaeus,天蛾科)
biol.leaf-eating weevil梨切叶象甲食叶象,梨叶象,Phyllobius pyri L.,象甲科
biol.leaf fleck of pears梨属斑枯病 (Septoria piricola Desm; Mycosphaerella sentina (Fr.) Schroet.)
biol.leaf flower叶下珠 (Phyllanthus urinaria L.)
biol.leaf flower叶下珠属 (Phyllanthus L.,大戟科)
biol.leaf folder豆卷叶螟 (Hedylepta indicata Fabricius,野螟科)
biol.leaf-green locust蔗叶缘内产螽斯 (Elimaea chloris de Haan,螽斯科)
biol.leaf greyish-brown weevil茶灰褐象 (Dicasticus mlanjensis Marshall,象甲科)
biol.leaf-hopper叶蝉科 (复, Euscelidae; Jassidae; Cicadallidae)
biol.leaf-horned beetles金龟科 (Scarabacidae)
biol.leaf lettuce散叶莴苣 (Lactuca sativa var. secalina Alef.,菊科)
biol.leaf-like moth枯叶蛾科 (复, Lasiorampidae)
biol.leaf margin miner beetle油榄潜叶甲 (Argopistes oleae Bryant,叶甲科)
biol.leaf miner潜蝇科 (fly,复, Agromyzidae)
biol.leaf miner moth潜蛾科 (复, Lyonetiidae; Bedelliidae)
biol.leaf miner moth椰棕潜叶蛾 (Agonoxena argaula Meyrick)
biol.leaf miner moths潜蛾科 (Lyonetiidae (Bedelliidae))
biol.leaf-mining cherry sawfly樱桃潜叶蜂 (Profenusa collaris MacG.,叶蜂科)
biol.leaf or plant bugs盲蝽科 (Caosidae)
biol.leaf oroton变叶木 (Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum Muell. -Arg.)
biol.leaf oroton变叶木属 (Codiaeum A. Juss.,大戟科)
biol.leaf pot spot of pea豌豆褐斑病 (Ascochyta pisi Lib.)
biol.leaf roll of mulberry桑卷叶病 (Hormodendron mori Yendo)
biol.leaf roll of potato马铃薯卷叶病 (Solanum virus 14)
biol.leaf roller-moth卷蛾科 (复, Tortricidae)
biol.leaf-rolling rose sawfly蔷薇卷叶蜂 (Blennocampa pusilia Klug,叶蜂科)
biol.leaf-rolling tortrix葡萄长须卷蛾 (Sparganothis pilleriana Schiffermüller,卷蛾科)
biol.leaf-skeletonizer moths斑蛾科 (Zygaenidae)
biol.leaf smut of rice稻叶黑粉病 (Entyloma oryzae Sydow.; Entyloma lineaturn (Cooke.) J. J. Davis.)
biol.leaf spinner ant养柑蚁黄惊蚁,Oecophyla smaragdina Fabricius,蚁科
biol.leaf spot and fruit rot of tomato番茄叶斑及果腐病 (Alternaria tomato (Cooke.) Weber.)
biol.leaf spot and wilt of cherry甜樱桃溃疡病及叶斑病 (Pseudomonas mors prunorum)
biol.leaf spot of acer槭叶斑病 (Cercospora acerina (Hart.) V. B.)
biol.leaf spot of adzuki bean赤豆叶斑病 (Cercospora canescens Ell. et Mart.)
biol.leaf spot of alfalfa苜蓿叶斑病 (Cercospora medicaginis Ell. et Ev.)
biol.leaf spot of apple苹果叶斑病 (Phyllosticta turmanensis Miura)
biol.leaf spot of arrowhead慈姑叶斑病 (Cercospora sagittariae E. et K.)
biol.leaf spot of aspidistra叶兰褐斑病 (Ascochyta aspidistrae Mass)
biol.leaf spot of banana香蕉叶斑病 (Cercospora musae Zimm.; Metasphaeria musae (Zimm.) Saw.)
biol.leaf spot of barnyard grass稗叶斑病 (Cercospora fusimaculans Atk.)
biol.leaf spot of beet甜菜褐斑病 (Cerrospora beticola Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of box-thorn枸杞叶斑病 (Cercospora chengtuensis Tai)
biol.leaf spot of broad bean蚕豆叶斑病 (Cercospora cruenta Sacc.; Mycosphaerella cruenta (Sacc.) Lath.)
biol.leaf spot of buckwheat养麦叶斑病 (Cercospora fagopyri Nakata et Takimoto)
biol.leaf spot of burdock牛蒡叶斑病 (Phyllosticta lappae Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of cabbage甘蓝叶斑病 (Phyllosticta brassicae (Curr.) Westd.)
biol.leaf spot of cabbage甘蓝白斑病 (Cercosporella albomaculans (Ell. et Ev.) Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of carambola五敛子叶斑病 (Cercospora averrhoae Petch)
biol.leaf spot of carrot胡萝卜叶斑病 (Cercospora apii Fres. var. carotae Pass.)
biol.leaf spot of castor-bean蓖麻叶斑病 (Cercospora ricinella Sacc. et Berl.)
biol.leaf spot of celery芹菜叶斑病 (Cercospora apii Fr.)
biol.leaf spot of chestnut栗叶斑病 (Phyllosticta maculiformis (Pers.) Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of Chinese cabbage白菜白斑病 (Cercosporella albomaculans (Ell. et Ev.) Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of Chinese yam参薯叶斑病 (Cercospora ubi Rac.)
biol.leaf spot of corn玉米小叶斑病 (Cochlioblus heteroltrophus Drechsler.)
biol.leaf spot of corn玉米小斑病 (Helminthosporium maydis Nish. et Miyake)
biol.leaf spot of cotton棉斑纹病 (Pestalotia gossypii Hori)
biol.leaf spot of cucumber黄瓜叶斑病 (Mycosphaerella citrullina (Smith) Gross.)
biol.leaf spot of currant穗状醋栗叶斑病 (Pseudopeziza ribis)
biol.leaf spot of eggplant茄叶斑病 (Cercospora melongenae Welles.)
biol.leaf spot of fig无花果叶斑病 (Cercospora fici Heald et Wolf.)
biol.leaf spot of flowering quince木瓜斑点病 (Cerosporina sp.)
biol.leaf spot of foxtail看麦娘叶斑病 (Fusicladium alopecuri Ell. et Ev.)
biol.leaf spot of garden balsam凤仙花斑点病 (Cereosporina petuniae Matter et Chupp.)
biol.leaf spot of grape葡萄霉斑病 (Cercospora vitis (Lev.) Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of guava番石榴叶斑病 (Cercospora sawadae Yamam.)
biol.leaf spot of hemp大麻叶斑病 (Cercospora cannabina Wakef.)
biol.leaf spot of howthorn山楂叶斑病 (Phyllosticta crataegicola Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of Indian mallow茼麻叶斑病 (Cercospora althaeina Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of iris鸢尾黑斑病 (Didymellia iridis (DESM.) V. Hoehnel.)
biol.leaf spot of Japanese mint薄荷白星病薄荷黑枯病,Septoria menthae Oud.
biol.leaf spot of jute黄麻叶斑病 (Phyllosticta nigra Saw.)
biol.leaf spot of kaki柿圆斑病 (Mycosphaerella nawae Hiura et Ika.)
biol.leaf spot of kaoliang高粱紫斑病 (Carcospora sorghi Ell. et Ev.)
biol.leaf spot of kerria棣棠叶斑病 (Septoria kerriae Syd.)
biol.leaf spot of leaf-mustard芥菜白斑病 (Cercosporella albomaculans (Ell. et Ev.) Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of lettuce莴苣叶斑病 (Cercospora longissima Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of lily百合叶斑病 (Septoria lilii lkeno)
biol.leaf spot of loquat枇杷叶斑病 (Cercospora eriobotryae (Enjoji.) Saw.)
biol.leaf spot of lotus莲叶斑病 (Cercospora nymphaeacea Cke. et Ell.)
biol.leaf spot of mango杧果叶斑病 (Cercospora mangiferae Koord.)
biol.leaf spot of melon甜瓜叶斑病 (Mycosphaerella citrullina (Smith) Gross.)
biol.leaf spot of milk vetch紫云英污斑病 (Cladosporium astragali Trevisan.)
biol.leaf spot of millet粟叶斑病 (Cercospora setariae Atk.)
biol.leaf spot of mulberry桑叶斑病 (Cercospora flexuosa Tanaka.; Clasterosporium mori H. et P. Syd.)
biol.leaf spot of mung-bean绿豆叶斑病 (Cercospora canascens Ell. et Mart.)
biol.leaf spot of myrobalan檀仁树叶斑病 (Cercospora catappae P. Henn.)
biol.leaf spot of opium poppy罂粟叶斑病 (Cercospora papaveri Nakata)
biol.leaf spot of papaya番木瓜叶斑病 (Cercospora papayae Hansf.)
biol.leaf spot of pea豌豆叶斑病 (Cercospora cruenta Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of peach桃叶斑病 (Phyllosticta circumscissa Cke.)
biol.leaf spot of peach桃叶白霉病 (Cercosporella persicae Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of peanut花生叶斑病 (Cercospora arachidis P. Henn.)
biol.leaf spot of pear梨叶斑病 (Cercospora piricola Saw.)
biol.leaf spot of pepper辣椒轮纹病 (Phoma destructiva Plowr.)
biol.leaf spot of pomegranate石榴叶斑病 (Cercospora punicae P. Henn.)
biol.leaf spot of pomelo柚叶斑病 (Phyllosticta citri Hori)
biol.leaf spot of radish萝卜白斑病 (Cercosporella albo-maculans (Ell. et Ev.) Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of rape油菜白斑病 (Cercosporlla brassicae Von Hohnel.)
biol.leaf spot of rape油菜斑纹病 (Cercospora brassicola Hennings)
biol.leaf spot of rose蔷薇叶斑病 (Cercospora rosae (Fuck.) Hoehn.)
biol.leaf spot of sesame芝麻叶斑病 (Cercospora sesami Zimm.)
biol.leaf spot of sieva bean雪豆叶斑病 (Cercospora cruenta Sacc.; Mycosphaerella cruenta (Sacc.) Lath.)
biol.leaf spot of sorghum高粱叶斑病 (Cercospora sorghi Ell. et Ev.)
biol.leaf spot of spinach菠菜叶斑病 (Cercospora beticola Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of sponge-gourd丝瓜白斑病 (Cercosporina luffae Hara.)
biol.leaf spot of strawberry草莓叶斑病 (Phyllosticta fragaricola Desm. et Rob.)
biol.leaf spot of sugar cane甘蔗叶斑病 (Cercospora taiwanensis Matsum. et Yamam.)
biol.leaf spot of sunflower向日葵叶斑病 (Cercospora pachypus Ell. et Kell.)
biol.leaf spot of sweet orange香橙叶斑病 (Cercospora penzigii Sacc.)
biol.leaf spot of sweet potato甘薯叶斑病 (Cercospora timorensis Cke.)
biol.leaf spot of tea茶叶白斑病 (Phyllosticta theaefolia Hara)
biol.leaf spot of tobacco烟草白斑病 (Phyllosticta tabaci Pass.)
biol.leaf spot of tomato番茄叶斑病 (Cercospora diffusa Ell. et Ev.)
biol.leaf spot of urd黑吉豆叶斑病 (Cercospora canascens Ell. et Mart.)
biol.leaf spot of water-melon西瓜叶斑病 (Cercospora citrullina Cke.)
biol.leaf spot of welsh onion大葱黑霉病 (Mycosphaerella schoenoprasl Schroeter.)
biol.leaf stripe and seedling blight of oats燕麦条纹病 (Helminthosporium avenae Eidam)
biol.leaf weevils切叶象甲属 (Phyllobius spp.)
biol.leather-leaf矮绿地桂,Chamaedaphne calyculata Moench
biol.leather-leaf矮绿属地桂属,Chamaedaphne Moench,杜鹃花科
biol.lily-leaf lady bell百合叶沙参 (Adenophora lili folia,桔梗科)
biol.lily reddish leaf beetle葱红叶甲 (Lilioceris merdigera L.,叶甲科)
biol.linear-leaf speedweell细叶婆婆纳 (Veronica linariifolia Pall. et Link,玄参科)
biol.lion's leaf类叶牡丹属 (Leontice L.,小檗科)
biol.lion's-leaf锤茎属 (Leontice L.,小蘖科)
biol.liver-leaf獐耳细辛 (Hepatica nobilis Gars.; Hepatica triloba Gilib.; Anemone hepatica L.)
biol.liver-leaf獐耳细辛属 (Hepatica Mill.,毛茛科)
biol.loquat ascochyta leaf spot枇杷褐斑病 (Ascochyta eriobotryae Vogl.)
biol.loquat leaf mold枇杷污叶病 (Clasterosporium eriobotryae Hara.)
biol.loquat leaf roller枇杷螟 (Syllepta balteata Fabricius,螟蛾科)
biol.loquat pestalolia leaf spot枇杷轮斑病 (Pestalotia criobotryae McAlp.)
biol.loquat phyllosticta leaf spot枇杷叶斑病 (Phyllosticta eriobotryae Thilem.)
biol.maize leaf blight玉米大斑病 (Helminthosporium turcicum Pass.)
biol.maize leaf spot玉米小叶斑病 (Cochlioblus heteroltrophus Drechsler.)
biol.melon bacterial leaf spot甜瓜细菌性角斑病 (Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans (smith et Bryan) Young, Dye et Wilkie)
biol.melon leaf miner甜瓜潜蝇 (Liriomyza pictella Mik.,潜蝇科)
biol.mosaic of leaf-mustard芥菜花叶病 (Brassica virus 2)
biol.nut leaf blister moth胡桃叶细蛾 (lithocolletis coryli Nicelli,细蛾科)
biol.olea leaf weevil齐墩果象甲 (Otiorrhynchus cribricollis Gyllenhal)
biol.orange leaf roller moth橘卷蛾 (Adoxophyes fasciata Waising.,卷蛾科)
biol.orange leaf rust of wheat小麦橙色叶锈病 (Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm.)
biol.Pacific willow leaf beetle太平洋柳叶甲 (Galerucella decora carbo (LeConte),叶甲科)
biol.parrot leaf小叶红五色草,Alternanthera ficoidea sp.,苋科
biol.parrot leaf五色草小叶红,Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) R. Br. ex Room et Schult.,苋科
biol.pelargonium leaf curl virus天竺葵卷叶病毒 (Marmor pelargonii (Holmes); Pelargonium virus crispans (Roland))
biol.plane-leaf alangium猪耳桐瓜木,Alangium platanifolium Harms,八角枫科
biol.plane-tree-leaf false nettle悬铃木苎麻 (Boehmeria platanifolia Franch et Sav.,荨麻科)
biol.plum bacterial leaf spot李细菌性穿孔病 (Xanthomonas pruni (Smith) Dowson)
biol.plum-leaf actinidia梅叶猕猴桃 (Actinidia mumoides C. F. Liang,猕猴桃科)
biol.plum-leaf crab海棠果 (Molus prunifolia Borkh.,蔷薇科)
biol.plum leaf roller李网眼褐卷蛾 (Tortrix dumetana Treitschke,卷蛾科)
biol.plum leaf sawfly李叶蜂 (Priophorus varipes (Lep.),叶蜂科)
biol.pomegranate leaf roller石榴卷蛾 (Cacoecia punicae Matsumura,卷蛾科)
biol.purple leaf dracena紫叶朱蕉 (Cordyline australis var. atropurpurea,兰科)
biol.purple perill leaf spot紫苏褐斑病 (Septoria perillae Migake)
biol.quill-leaf tillandsia丛生铁兰 (Tillandsia fasciculata Sw.,凤梨科)
biol.quinine leaf moth金鸡纳枯叶蛾 (Metanastria hyrtaca Cramer,枯叶蛾科)
biol.quinine leaf moth金鸡纳色纹枯叶蛾 (Odonestis plagifera Walker)
biol.rape leaf beetle油菜叶甲 (Monolepta dichroa Harold,叶甲科)
biol.rice bacterial leaf blight稻白叶枯病 (Xanthomonas oryzae (Uyeda et Ishigama) Dowson)
biol.rice leaf beetle稻负泥虫 (Lema oryzae Kuwayama,叶甲科)
biol.rice leaf beetle[稻]铁甲虫 (Dicladispa armigera (Olivier),铁甲科)
biol.rice leaf feeder稻螟蛉 (Naranga aenescens Moore,夜蛾科)
biol.rice leaf folder稻纵卷叶螟 (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee,野螟科)
biol.rice leaf miner稻叶黄潜蝇 (Oscinis oryzella Matsumura,秆蝇科)
biol.rice leaf roller显纹纵卷叶螟 (Susumia exigua Butler,水螟科)
biol.rice leaf roller稻纵卷叶螟 (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee,野螟科)
biol.rice leaf smut稻叶黑粉病 (Entyloma oryzae Sydow)
biol.rice leaf-tier稻苞虫 (Parnara guttata Bremer et Grey,弄蝶科)
biol.ring leaf spot of soybean大豆轮纹病 (Ascochyta sojae Miura)
biol.root knot nematode of leaf mustard芥菜根结线虫病 (Meloidogyne sp.)
biol.round-leaf圆叶堇菜 (Viola keiskei var. glabra W. Becker.,堇菜科)
biol.round-leaf bony berry小石积 (Osteomeles subrotunda K. Koch.,蔷薇科)
biol.round-leaf Chinese photinia圆叶石楠圆叶蕤木,Photinia serrulata var. rotundifolia Bean,蔷薇科
biol.round-leaf cinnamon圆叶樟 (Cinnamomum sericeum Sieb.,樟科)
biol.round-leaf grape圆叶葡萄 (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.,葡萄科)
biol.round-leaf India azalea圆叶印度杜鹃花 (Rhododendron eriocarpum Nakai,杜鹃花科)
biol.round-leaf Japanese privet圆叶日本女贞 (Ligustrum japonicum var. rotundifolium Bl.,木犀科)
biol.round-leaf lespedeza圆叶胡枝子短梗胡枝子,Lespedeza crytobotrya Miq.,豆科
biol.round-leaf pilea镜面草翠屏草,一点金,金钱草,Pilea peperomioides sp.,荨麻科
biol.round -leaf serviceberry圆叶唐棣 (Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) DC.,蔷薇科)
biol.round-leaf sundew圆叶茅菁莱 (Drosera rotundifolia L.,茅菁菜科)
biol.round-leaf thorowax圆叶柴胡 (Bupleurum rotundifolium L.,伞形花科)
biol.sabia-leaf actinidia清风藤叶猕猴桃 (Actinidia sabiaefolia Dunn,猕猴桃科)
biol.scented leaf geranium香天竺葵 (Pelargonium graveolens L. Her.,牻牛儿苗科)
biol.six-yellow-spotted leaf beetle六黄星萤叶甲 (Galerucida lewisi Jacoby.,叶甲科)
biol.snowbell-leaf actinidia安息香[叶]猕猴桃 (Actinidia styracifolia C. F. Liang,猕猴桃科)
biol.soft rot of leaf mustard芥菜软腐病 (Erwinia aroideae (Towns.) Holl.)
biol.soybean leaf miner大豆潜叶细蛾 (Gracilaria sojella V. Dev.,细蛾科)
biol.sponge gourd cercospora leaf spot丝瓜白星病 (Cercospora citrullina Cke)
biol.spotted leaf curl of apricot杏疔病 (Polystigma deformans Syd.)
biol.sugarbeet bacterial leaf spot甜菜细菌性斑点病 (Bacterium aptatus Brown et Jamieson)
biol.sugarbeet cercospora leaf spot甜菜褐斑病 (Cercospora beticola Sacc.)
biol.sugarbeet leaf blight链格孢菌甜菜立枯病 (Alternaria tenuis Nees.)
biol.sugarbeet leaf-bug甜菜盲蝽 (Tuponia guttula Matsumura,盲蝽科)
biol.sugarcane leaf borer蔗潜叶吉丁 (Aphanisticus consanguineus Rits.,吉丁科)
biol.sugarcane leaf roller甘蔗卷蛾 (Hedylepta accepta Butl.,卷蛾科)
biol.sweet leaf山矶 (Symplocos caudata Wall.)
biol.sweet leaf山矶属 (Symplocos Jacq.,山矶科)
biol.sweet leaf composite甜叶菊 (Stevia rebaudiana Hertoni,菊科)
biol.sweet leaf family山矶科 (Symplocaceae)
biol.sweet potato leaf beetle甘薯蓝绿叶甲 (Typophorus viridicyaneus (Crotch),甲叶科)
biol.sweet potato leaf folder甘薯暖地麦蛾 (Brachmia macroscopa Meyrick,麦蛾科)
biol.sweet potato leaf folder甘薯[寒地]麦蛾 (Brachmia trianuella Herrich Schaffermuller)
biol.sweet potato leaf miner甘薯斑叶潜蛾 (Bedellia archilella Wishm.,潜蛾科)
biol.sweet potato leaf roller甘薯卷螟 (Pilocrocis tripunctata (Fabricius),卷蛾科)
biol.sweet potato leaf worm甘薯烦夜蛾 (Anophia leucomelas Linnaeus,夜蛾科)
biol.sweet potato oval shield leaf beetle甘薯卵盾龟甲 (Aspidomorpha areata Klug,龟甲科)
biol.sword -leaf cymbidium建兰 (Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) Sweet,兰科)
biol.sword-leaf willow剑叶柳 (Salix subfragilis Anders,杨柳科)
biol.Texas leaf-cutting ant得州切叶蚁 (Atta texana Buckl.,切叶蚁科)
biol.tobacco leaf curl virus烟草卷叶病毒 (Nicotiana virus 10 (Smith))
biol.tobacco leaf miner马铃薯块茎蛾 (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller; Gnorimoschema)
biol.tobacco leaf miner马铃薯块茎蛾烟草潜叶蛾,Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller); Gnorimoschema,麦蛾科
biol.tobacco leaf weevil烟草象甲 (Mimaulus thesii Marshall,象甲科)
biol.tongue leaf宝绿舌叶花,Glottiphyllum linguiforme sp.,番杏科
biol.truncate-leaf flowering plum截叶榆叶梅 (Prunus triloba var. truncata Kom.,蔷薇科)
biol.turnip bacterial leaf spot芜菁黑点病 (Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola (Mc Cull.) Dowson)
biol.twin-leaf鲜黄连 (Jeffer sonia dubia Maxim.)
biol.twin-leaf鲜黄连属 (Jeffersonia Bort.,小檗科)
biol.twin-leaf bedstraw二叶猪秧 (Galium bi folium Wats,茜草科)
biol.two-leaf beadruby舞鹤草 (Maianthemum bifolium (L.) DC.)
biol.two-leaf beadruby舞鹤草属 (Maianthemum Wigg.,百合科)
biol.two-leaf orchis二叶红门兰 (Orchis diantha Schitr.,兰科)
biol.two-striped leaf beetle二条叶甲 (Monolepta nigrobilineata Motschulsky,叶甲科)
biol.ume leaf roller酸果蔓卷蛾 (Rhopobota naevana Hübner,卷蛾科)
horticult.unit leaf area单位叶面积
biol.variable leaf beetle杂色叶甲 (Paria variabilis Baly,叶甲科)
biol.viburnum leaf beetle荚蒾叶甲 (Pyrrhalta annulicornis Baly,叶甲科)
biol.vine leaf blister mite葡萄缺节瘿螨 (Colomerus vitis Pagenstecher,瘿螨科)
biol.vine leaf roller葡萄卷叶象榛卷叶象,Bydiscus betulae L.,象甲科
biol.walnut leaf beetle胡桃叶甲 (Gastrolina thoracica Baly,叶甲科)
biol.walnut leaf gall mite胡桃叶瘿螨 (Phytoptus tristriatus Nalepa,瘿螨科)
biol.water leaf田基麻 (Hydrolea zeylenica (L.) Vahl)
biol.water leaf田基麻属 (Hydrolea L.,田基麻科)
biol.water-leaf family田基麻科 (Hydrophyllaceae)
biol.watercress leaf beetle水田芹猿叶虫 (Phaedon viridus (Melsheimer),叶甲科)
biol.water-lily leaf beetle睡莲守瓜 (Pyrrhalta nymphaeae (Linnaeus),叶甲科)
biol.West African oil palm leaf miner西非 油棕潜叶甲 (Coelaenomenodera elacidis Maulik,叶甲科)
biol.wide-leaf sea-lavender宽叶补血草 (Limonium intifolium C. Kuntze,蓝雪科)
biol.woody leaf flower余甘子油甘子,Phyllanthus emblica L.,大戟科
biol.yellow elm leaf-beetle榆黄叶甲 (Galerucella maculicollis Matschusky,叶甲科)
biol.yellow rice leaf miner稻潜蝇 (Oscinis oryzella (Matsumura),黄潜蝇科)
biol.yellow-margined leaf beetle黄边叶甲黄缘叶甲,Microtheca ochroloma Stál,叶甲科
biol.yellow-marked blue leaf beetle黄星蓝铁甲 (Dactylispa angulosa Solsky,铁甲科)
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