
Terms containing land conservation | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
earth.sc.appalachian land stabilization and conservation program阿巴拉契亚山土地稳定和保护规划
econ.conservation cost for land土地的保持费用
earth.sc.conservation land management practice水土保持管理措施
China, lawconservation of land节约用地
org.name.International Scheme for Conservation and Rehabilitation of African Lands非洲土地保护和恢复国际计划
org.name.International Scheme for Conservation and Rehabilitation of African Lands国际非洲土地保持和恢复计划
agric.land and water conservation水土保持
environ.land and water conservation fund水土保持基金
environ.land conservation The care, preservation and re-use of solid areas of the earth's surface, especially soil regions valued as a natural resource or utilized as an agricultural resource土地保护 (地球表面坚固地区的管理、保护和重利用,特别是作为天然资源和农业资源的土壤地区。)
desert.land conservation国土保护
tech.land conservation土地保存
earth.sc.land conservation土地保护【土】
tech.land conservation地资源保持
ecol.land conservation土地保护
earth.sc.Land Conservation and Development Commission土地保护和开发委员会
tech.Land Conservation and Development Commission土地保护和发展委员会
UN, ecol.land conservation and rehabilitation土地养护和复原
earth.sc.Land Conservation Committee土地保护委员会
tech.land conservation policy土堤保护政策
ecol.land conservation policy土地保护政策
org.name.Land Management and Conservation Group土地管理及保持组
UN, biol., sec.sys.land race conservation原种养护公约
UN, biol., sec.sys.land race conservation原种养护
earth.sc.Land Rehabilitation and Soil Conservation Centres Indonesia土地恢复和土壤保持中心印度尼西亚
ecol.land resource conservation土地资源保护
tech.land resources conservation土地资源保护
tech.land resources conservation陆地资源保护
tech.rang land conservation牧场土地保护
desert.soil and water conservation and land utilization水土保持与土地利用
desert.soil and water conservation and land utilization土壤和水分保持与土地利用
ecol.soil and water conservation forested land水土保持林地