
Terms for subject Business containing labour | all forms | exact matches only
able-bodied labour壮劳力
absorb more labour power吸收更多劳力
absorption of idle labour force吸收闲散劳动力
accumulated labour累计人工
accumulation of labour人力累计
achieve the maximum economic results through a minimum consumption of labour以最少劳动消耗取得最大经济效益
active labour force有效劳动力
actual labour实际人工
adding value through the labour performed in transport运输劳动价值追加
additional labour costs附加人工成本
adjust use of labour调整人工
administration of affairs concerning personnel and labour人事劳动管理
aggregate supply of labour劳力总供应
aging of labour force劳动力老化
aging of the labour force劳力老龄化
agreement between labour and management劳资协议
alienation of labour劳动外化
allocation of labour劳力分配
allocation of social labour社会劳动分配
allocation of the labour force劳力配置
alloting responsibilities according to labour force劳力承包
allotment of labour人工配置
all-personnel labour productivity全员劳动生产率
amount of commodity labour商品劳动量
amount of labour for preparing production technologies生产技术准备劳动量
amount of labour in a certain form一定形态的劳动量
analysis of labour人工分析
analysis of labour and materials人工和材料分析
analysis of labour cost人工成本分析
annual abstract of labour statistics劳动统计年报
annual labour年度人工
anticipated extent to which social labour is economized预期社会劳动节省程度
appraisal of labour quality人工质量评价
appropriation of labour power占用劳动力
appropriation of labour time占用劳动时间
arbitration in disputes between labour and capital资纠纷仲裁
associated labour协作人工
association of labour劳动组合
attitude to labour劳动态度
attitude toward labour劳动态度
authorities in charge of labour and wages劳动工资部门
autonomous associated labour自主联合劳动
autonomous associated labour with enterprises as the basic unit以企业为基本单位的自主联合劳动
available labour有效人工
available labour time有效劳动时间
average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force按新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平
average labour intensity in the world世界平均劳动力集约度
average labour productivity in the world世界平均劳动生产率
average labour time平均劳动时间
average labour-time expended in...在…方面平均耗费的劳动时间
average necessary labour-time for producing a unit of commodity生产单位产品平均必要劳动时间
average price of labour劳动力平均价格
average social labour平均社会劳动
average socially necessary amount of labour平均社会必要劳动量
average unit of labour on a worldwide basis世界劳动平均单位
average unit of universal labour世界劳动平均单位
backward bending supply curve of labour向后弯曲的人力供给曲线
capacity for labour劳动能力
capital and labour劳资双方
capital and labour movement资本劳动力转移
capital-labour ratio资本劳动比率
capital labour ratio资本-劳动比例
capital producing labour生产劳动资本
casual day labour临时工
cheap labour policy低工资政策
child labour童工
child labour laws童工保护法
child labour legislation童工保护条例
civilian labour force民用劳动力
civilian labour force employed就业的民用劳动力
clearing labour票据交换工
clerical labour抄写工人
coefficient of the allocation of labour force in shifts劳动换班系数
collective contract of labour劳动集体契约
collective facilities of labour insurance劳动保险集体事业
collective labour agreement集体劳动合同
collective productive labour集体生产劳动
commercial labour商业性劳动
commercial labour efficiency商业劳动效率
commercial labour quota商业劳动定额
commodity theory of labour劳动商品论
common labour不熟练工人
compensation of labour人工补偿
compensation to living labour活劳动报酬
complex type of labour复杂劳动
composite organization of joint labour联合劳动复合组织
compound labour复杂劳动
comprehensive division of labour综合分工
compulsory labour义务劳动
concealed surplus of labour潜在的劳动力过剩
concrete labour具体劳动
concrete useful labour具体的有用劳动
consumed amounts of materialized labour物化劳动耗费支出
consumed amounts of materialized labour物化劳动耗用支出
consumption of active labour活劳动耗费量
consumption of labour劳动消耗
consumption of materialized labour物化劳动耗费量
continuing the reproduction of labour power延续劳动力再生产
contract for labour and material劳力和材料合同
contract for the supply of labour提供劳务合同
contract labour agreement包工协议
contract labour system包工制度
contribute amount of labour付出劳动量
cooperation based on division of labour分工协作
cost of labour used人工使用成本
cost variance-direct labour account直接人工成本差异账户
customary hour of labour惯常劳动时间
day labour计日工作
day labour按日计酬工作
deficit of labour power劳力不足
department of labour〈美〉劳工部
deployment of labour人工调配
differentiation of labour劳动分工
dilution of labour人工稀释
dilution of labour冲淡劳动如熟练工作非熟练工的工作
direct labour直接劳动成本
direct labour basis直接工资法
direct labour cost直接人工成本
direct labour cost variance直接人工成本差额
direct labour expense直接人工费用
direct labour hour直接人工工时
direct labour rate直接人工工资率
direct labour time直接人工工时
displacement of labour劳工替代
dispute bet ween capital and labour劳资争端
dispute bet ween capital and labour劳资纠纷
dispute between capital and labour劳资纠纷
distribution according to labour按劳分配
distribution of social labour社会劳动分配
distribution on the basis of labour按劳分配
disutility of labour无效劳动
division of labour劳动分工
division of labour and cooperation分工协作
division of labour responsibility分工负责制
duplication of labour重复劳动
economics of labour劳动经济学
elasticity of supply of labour劳动力供应弹性
employed labour雇佣劳动力
enforcement of labour safety and improvement of sanitation for labor加强劳工安全与改善劳工卫生
enforcement of labour safety and improvement of sanitation for labour加强劳工安全与改善劳工卫生
enterprise labour union system企业工会制
estimation of require labour force劳动力需要量估算
estimation of required labour force劳动力需求估计
expense of labour人工费用
experimental labour试验人工
experimentation of labour人工实验
exploitation of labour劳动力榨取
extent of labour orientation考虑运用人工的程度
extent of labour policy劳动政策范围
factor of provision of labour with basic assets用基本资产来规定劳动力数量的系数
factory labour cost工厂人工成本
factory labour costs工厂人工成本
Fair Labour Standard Act<美〉公正劳动标准法规定最低工资、最长工时
farm labour system农业劳工制
Federal Labour Union〈美〉联邦工会
federation of labour union总工会
firm labour turnover厂商人工周转
fixed labour norm劳动定额
flexible labour cost弹性人工成本
flow of labour人工流动
fluidity of labour劳动力流动性
fluidity of labour劳动力的流动
free labour自由劳动者未加入工会的工人
functional division of labour按职能分工
general indirect labour普通间接人工
geographic division of labour地域分工
geographical division of labour地域分工
good pool of labour人工充足
green labour不熟练劳动力
hard labour苦工
hard labour苦役
harmony between labour and management劳资协调
heavy labour重体力劳动
hire labour雇工
hire-labour viewpoint雇佣观点
horizontal division of labour横向劳动分工
horizontal labour mobility劳动力水平流动性
horizontal labour union同业工会
hostility between capital and labour劳资敌视
human labour活劳动
idle labour闲置人工
idle labour闲散劳力
immaterial labour无形劳力
immaterial labour无形劳工
immediate labour直接人工
immobility of labour劳力非流动性
immobility of labour劳力固定
improvement of sanitation for labour改善劳工卫生
improving labour management加强劳动管理
improving labour management改善劳动管理
income from labour service abroad对外劳务收入
increase of labour productivity劳动生产率提高
increasing differences in remuneration from labour扩大劳动报酬差别
indentured labour合同工
index of labour cost人工成本指数
index of labour cost per unit of product单位产品劳动成本指数
index of labour productivity by industry产业部门劳动生产率指数
indicator of labour productivity劳动生产率指标
indirect labour cost间接劳动成本
indirect labour efficiency variance间接劳动效益差异
indirect shop labour expense辅助工人工资支出
individual independent labour个体劳动
individual labour time个人劳动时间
individual necessary labour个人必要劳动
individual products of labour个人劳动产品
industrial enterprise plan of labour工业企业人工计划
industrial labour force工业劳动力
industrial labour productivity工业劳动生产率
ineffective labour无效劳动
intensity involved in labour劳动强度
interchangeability of unit of labour劳工单位互换性
inter-dependence of capital and labour劳资相互依赖
internal labour market国内劳动市场
international division of labour国际劳工分工
international immobility of labour国际劳工不流通性
intersectional division of labour部门间分工
inter-sectoral division of labour部门间分工
intra-branch division of labour各部门内部分工
investment in substitution for labour劳动替代投资
investment of labour人工投资
joint labour organization联合劳工组织
kind of labour劳动种类
labour army劳动大军
labour audit劳动审计
labour audit人工审计
labour availability劳动可用性
labour availability劳动效用
labour competition劳动工作竞赛
labour conciliation劳资纠纷调解
labour contract劳工合同工会与雇主间签订的合同
labour control人工管理控制
labour cost人工费用即支付全体职工的工资
Labour Day〈美〉旁动节
labour featherbedding限产
labour featherbedding强迫雇佣劳动
labour flux劳动力流动
labour force participation rate劳动参加率
labour grading劳动分级
labour-importing country输入劳务国
labour in process在编人工
labour in process使用人工
labour in process account在编人工账户
labour intensive劳动密集集约
labour intensive goods劳动密集产品
labour intensive goods劳动密集的货物
labour intensive industry劳动密集工业
labour intensive project劳动密集项目
labour management relations劳资关系
labour migration劳动力迁移
labour mobility劳动力流动性
labour only subcontract转包劳动
labour only subcontract承包劳动
labour profit share劳工红利股票
Labour Relation Adjustment Law劳资关系调整法规
labour relations劳资关系
labour reserve劳力积蓄
labour saving劳工节约
labour service劳务
labour service劳动服务
labour spy混入工会的资方暗探
labour summary人工汇总表
labour supply旁动力供给
labour syndicalist工团主义
Labour Theory of Value亚当斯密劳动价值论
labour turnover劳动周转率
labour variance人工差异指成本计算中的人工工资差异
large employment of labour雇佣大量劳工
loaned labour借用人工
lump of labour fallacy固定劳动总量谬误
marginal disutility of labour standard劳工边缘反利用本位
market for labour劳动力市场
mental labour脑力劳动
mental labour脑力劳动 (work)
mobility of labour劳动力的流动性
National Labour Relation Act〈美〉国家劳动关系法
National Labour Relation Board美国劳工关系局
non-productive labour非生产劳力
outside labour非会员工人
peonage labour偿债劳动
percentage on production labour method生产劳动百分率法
plan for labour productivity劳动生产率计划
pool of labour劳动力储备
previous labour先行劳动
price of labour劳动价格
price of labour power劳动力价格
product of labour劳动产品
productive labour生产劳力
productive labour生产工人
productive labour cost met hod生产人工成本分配法
productive labour hours met hod生产工人工时分配法
productivity of labour劳动生产車
redundancy of labour劳力过剩
risk of labour agitation工潮险
sacred labour劳工神圣
scarcity of labour劳力不足
standard labour rate标淮工资率
sue and labour charge损害防止费指海难抢救费用
sue and labour charge海上施救费用
sue and labour clause防止损害条款即水险中施救条款, 指货船和货物遭海难时,被保险人应采取一切措施抢救,以防止损失扩大。而保险人对被保险人施救和防止损害费应予补偿的条款
sue and labour clause施救条款
surplus labour剩余劳力劳动
surplus labour market剩余劳动力市场
surplus labour product剩余劳动产品
sweat labour血汗劳动
underpaid labour工资过低劳工
unskilled labour非熟练工人劳动力
value of labour人工价值
vertical labour mobility劳动纵向流动