
Terms for subject Securities containing forward | all forms | exact matches only
account payable under forward contract远期合约应付账款
account receivable under forward contract远期合约应收账款
accumulated surplus brought forward承前积累盈余
accumulated surplus brought forward上期累积余额
accumulated surplus carried forward转后积累盈余
accumulated surplus carried forward累积余额转下期
annual roll-forward basis逐年滚动方式
balance brought forward承上余额
balance brought forward承前余额
balance brought forward上期转结
balance carried forward余额转后期
balance carried forward余额转下期
bank forward market银行远期市场
banks and forward lending agreements银行与远期放款协议
break forward可变式远期外汇买卖意大利米兰蒙塔银行远期外汇交易法
break forward contract中断远期合约
break forward contract可取消的远期外汇合同
British Bankers' Association Forward Rate Agreement英国银行家协会远期利率协议
broken date forward transaction不规则到期日远期交易
brought forward上期账转来
brought forward接上页
brought forward account前期结转损益
brought forward from previous page承前
brought forward from previous page接上页
carried forward转人下期
carried forward转后
cash forward sale远期现金销售
cash forward sale远期现货
contracted forward rate约定的远期利率
cost carried forward成本结转
covered forward sale有抵补的远期销售
creating forward contract建立远期合约
currency forward远期货币合约
currency forward contract远期外币合同
currency forward contract远期货币合约
date forward填写未来日期
date forward提前填写日期
discount on forward exchange远期外汇折扣
electricity forward agreement电价远期协议
fixed forward定期交割的远期外汇交易
flat outright forward method直接报价法
foreign currency forward contract外币远期合同
forward against forward swap远期对远期的掉期
forward against forward swap远期对远期的换汇买卖
forward asset purchase远期资产收购
forward averaging远期平均
forward bargain business远期交易
forward bargain business期货交易
forward buying远期购买
forward buying买人期货
forward buying做多头
forward cap远期上限
forward cash merger远期现金兼并
forward combination向前合并与下游企业合并
forward combination供销联合
forward commitment远期贷款协议
forward commitment远期贷款承诺
forward contract远期契约
forward currency contract远期货币合同
forward curve远期利率曲线
forward deal期货交易
forward deal远期买卖
forward earning远期收益
forward entitlement远期权益
forward exchange for short term短期外汇期货
forward exchange quotation远期外汇标价
forward exchange rate期汇价格
forward exchange risk远期外汇风险
forward exchange transaction外汇远期交易
forward floor远期场内交易
forward foreign exchange contract期汇合约
forward foreign exchange contract外汇期货合同
forward foreign exchange rate远期外汇汇率
forward forward远期对远期合约 (同时交易同一种但到期日不同的远期外汇)
forward forward contract远期对远期合同
forward forward swap远期对远期掉期
forward forward swap远期对远期的互换
forward hedge远期套期保值
forward integration为扩大经营而收购控制其下游公司
forward integration向前一体化
forward interest rate transaction远期利率交易
forward looking information预测性信息
forward looking multiple远期乘数
forward margin现货与期货差价
forward margin远期差价
forward margin期货差价
forward maturity远期交易到期日
forward merger完全兼并企业的一切都被兼并,包括名称都不复存在
forward movement上涨趋势
forward option远期选择权
forward outright远期直接汇率
forward parity远期平价
forward points远期点
forward points远期汇率点数
forward pricing预期定价
forward pricing证券远期估价
forward purchase预期购买
forward purchase期货买人
forward purchase远期购进
forward purchase contract远期买人合同
forward rate agreement远期利率协议 (FRA)
Forward Rate Agreement, British Bankers' Association英国银行家协会远期利率协议
forward rate agreement equivalence pricing远期利率协议等值定价法
forward rate swap远期利率掉期
forward rate swap远期利率互换
forward-reversing option远期逆向期权
forward sale期货销售
forward sales contract远期销售合同
forward selling预售
forward selling期货销售
forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange远期外汇结算与销售
forward spread远期差价
forward spread agreement远期利差协议
forward start远期生效
forward start option远期生效期权
forward start option远期启动期权
forward start swap远期生效互换
forward swap远期互换
forward takeouts远期充抵
forward trade/transaction期货交易
forward trade/transaction远期交易
forward triangular merger正向三角兼并
forward triangular merger传统三角兼并
forward value date远期外汇交割日
forward vertical integration远期垂直合并
futures implied forward rate隐形的期货远期利率
gold forward rate黄金远期利率
hedging with forward远期套期保值
Hong Kong dollar forward rate港元兑美元远期汇率
implied forward interest rate潜在的远期利率
implied forward interest rate隐形远期利率
implied forward rate隐性远期利率
implied forward rate隐形远期汇率
interbank forward market银行间远期市场
long forward多头远期
long forward认购长仓
long term forward contract长期远期合约
look forward options前瞻性期权
loss carried forward following/from the last term上期结转损失
loss carried forward following/from the last term前期结转损失
loss carried forward to the next term损失结转到下期
loss carry back and carry forward credits按亏损抵前和后移税收减免规定处理
loss carry forward亏损结转后期
loss carry forward计人后期亏损
loss carry forward亏损后移
money market implied forward rate货币市场隐形的远期利率
non-deductible forward contracts不减扣远期合同
non-deliverable forward无本金交割远期外汇交易有外汇管制的国家中做外贸的企业为规避汇率风险,所衍生出来的金融避险商品
non-deliverable forward非交割的远期合约
non-deliverable forward离岸非交割的远期合约
non-deliverable future forward人民币非交割期货远期
outright forward纯远期交易交易远期外汇时无对应的现期交易搭配者
outright forward远期直接汇率
outright forward rate单边远期汇率
participating forward参与式远期
put/call forward parity认沽/认购远期平价
put/call forward parity看跌/看涨/远期平价
put/call forward parity卖出/买人远期平价
range forward区间远期
range forward固定波幅远期
range forward contracts远期波幅合约
range forward contracts区间远期合约
ranged forward定幅远期交易
regular date forward transaction常规到期日远期交易
roll forward转选一项期权平仓后立即建立另一个到期日更迟的新期权
roll forward向后转仓
roll forward向后迁仓
roll forward转后
rolling forward向后转仓
rolling forward向远迁仓
rolling forward向远滚动
sell forward远期卖出
shifting forward顺向转嫁
short forward出售远期
short forward卖远期
short-dated forward rate agreement短期的远期利率合约
spot against forward外汇调期
spot/forward swap即期/远期互换
synthetic forward position综合远期储备
synthetic forward position综合远期仓量
tax loss carry forward赋税亏损结转后移
trigger forward contract触发远期合约生效
unmatched forward sale position未配平远期出售仓量
unmatured forward contract未到期的远期合同
vertical forward integration垂直向前一体化
zero cost forward band无成本远期临界限