
Terms containing float | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a ship will float with more of it under the surface in fresh water than in sea water在淡水里船只没人水下的部分比在海水里要大
tech.air float气动抹灰工具
tech.air float fines喷浆粉尘
tech.air float fines喷浆粉末
ecol.air float table气浮式风力摇床
tech.alarm float警报浮筒
tech.alarm float报警浮标
tech.alarm float浮子报警器
tech.alarm float警报浮标
tech.alarm float警戒浮标
tech.angle float角镘
tech.angle float直角镘刀
tech.angle float角抹子
tech.annular float环状浮标
tech.annular float环状浮子
tech.asbestos float石棉绒
securit.automate clearing house credit float自动结算中心贷方资金在途
tech.automatic fill-up float collar自动油浆浮箍
tech.automatic fill-up float shoe自动灌浆浮鞋
tech.automatic float自动浮标
tech.automatic roller float device自动架辊器
tech.automatic roller float device自动架辊装置
tech.auxiliary float辅助浮体
securit.availability float可兑现浮动
securit.availability float有效浮动
securit.average daily float每日平均浮动
tech.axial float轴向窜动
refrig.ball float level controller浮球式液位控制器
refrig.ball float trap浮球式疏水器
securit.bank float银行在途资金
tech.belt float带墁
tech.bottom mechanical float底面机动抹灰板
tech.bottom mechanical float底部抹灰板
tech.bottom mechanical float底面抹光机
tech.breasting float船与码头间的护岸材
tech.bull float混凝土抹平器
tech.bull float长柄镘板
tech.bull float大抹子
tech.bull float大型抹子
tech.bull float混凝土刮平器
tech.bull float大镘板
tech.buoy float浮标浮体
tech.buoyancy float浮袋
tech.buret float滴定管浮标
tech.canister float水下双浮标
tech.captive float栓定浮筏
tech.captive float系留趸船
tech.carley float救生浮具
tech.carpet float毡贴面木抹子
tech.casing float套管浮阀
tech.casing float shoe套管浮靴
tech.cementing float shoe注水泥浮靴
tech.clean float纯净浮动
tech.clean float自由浮动 (汇率)
securit.clean float/floating清洁浮动
tech.clear float glass透明浮法玻璃
securit.collection float收款浮动
tech.composite float复式浮标
tech.composite float悬浮浮子
tech.concentric float环状浮标
tech.concentric float环状浮子
tech.conic float锥形浮标
securit.controlled managed float控制浮动
securit.controlled managed float管理浮动
tech.course of floats测流浮子 (走向)
tech.course of floats测流浮标
tech.cross-grained float横纹木抹子
tech.cross-grained float逆纹镘
tech.cumulative float curve浮物曲线
tech.cumulative float curve累积浮物曲线
tech.currency float测流杆
tech.current float测流浮子
tech.cutting float刮刀
tech.darby float木杠
tech.darby float刮平尺
tech.darby float刮尺
tech.devil float钉抹
tech.devil float划毛抹子
tech.devil float带钉抹子
tech.devil float钉镘板
tech.devil float常钉抹子
tech.devil float刮痕抹子
tech.diaphragm float流速仪率定车上的隔板浮子
tech.diaphragm float横隔浮标
tech.direct float流向测验浮子
tech.direction float流向浮标
tech.direction float定向浮子
tech.direction float流向测验浮子
securit.dirty float干预浮动
securit.dirty float管理浮动
securit.dirty float不洁浮动
securit.disbursement float支付浮动
tech.disc type power float圆盘镘平板
tech.discharge pipeline float排泥管浮筒
tech.double float复浮子
tech.double float测流用的双浮标
tech.double float双球浮子
tech.double float深水浮标
tech.double float复式浮标
tech.double float seaplane双浮筒式水上飞机
refrig.drainer float chamber疏水器浮子室
nautic., tech.dredging pipeline float排泥管浮筒
tech.drill pipe float valve钻管浮球阀
tech.drill pipe float valve钻杆浮阀
sport.drop float下坠飘球发球
tech.drum float鼓形浮标
tech.drum float鼓式测流浮标
tech.drum float鼓形浮子
tech.drum-type float鼓式测流浮标
tech.electric float电动镘刀
tech.electrical float电动镘刀
tech.equipment of life float救生浮属具
securit.exchange float downward汇率下跌
securit.exchange float upward汇率上浮
securit.fail float未达账
securit.fail float未交割现金余额
nautic., tech.feathering float摆动蹼
securit.Federal Reserve Bank float联邦储备银行浮动
tech.fire float消防船
tech.fire float pump消防艇消防用泵
nautic., tech.fixed float定蹼
tech.flag float信号浮标
avia.flame float烟火浮标 (在水面燃烧的烟火照明标志)
securit.float a company创办公司
gen.float a scheme赢得支持而将计划付诸实行
avia.float alignment浮法线
avia.float alignment浮子定轴
shipb.float-ball self-closing valve浮球自闭阀
shipb.float-ball self-closing valve浮球式自闭阀
shipb.float-ball valve浮球阀
securit.float bond发债券
comp.float constant浮动常数
ecol.float controlled valve浮子阀
securit.float debt发行短期债务
avia.float displacement浮筒排水量 (水上飞机浮筒全部浸入水中的排水量)
avia.float flare海上标志弹
nautic., tech.float-free launching自由飘浮下水
nautic., tech.float-free recording medium自浮记录介质
nautic., tech.float free survival craft自行浮起式救生艇筏
desert.float gage浮标
refrig.float gauge浮子式液面指示器
gen.float gauge浮动式指示器
avia.float gear浮筒式起落架
refrig.float governor浮子式调节器
bot.float grass欧甜茅 Glyceria fluitans
bot.float grass漂浮甜茅 Glyceria fluitans
avia.float gudgeon pin游动活塞销
gen.float half in and half out of the water浮在水上有一半露出水面
gen.float half in and half out of the water半沉半浮地浮在水上
gen.float half in and half out of the water有一半浮在水上
avia.float level indicator浮子式液位计
shipb.float level meter浮筒液位计
avia.float levelmeter浮子液位计
avia.float light伞降照明弹
avia.float light飘浮照明灯
avia.float meter转子流量计
gen.float off漂离
gen.float off从…漂掉
gen.float off逸散
gen.float off浮起
gen.float on the water浮在水面上
ecol.float operated regulating valve浮筒控制调整阀
nautic., tech.float production, storage and offloading system浮式生产储油船
desert.float recording precipitation gage自计式浮筒雨量计
refrig.float regulation浮球调节
refrig.float regulation valve浮球调节阀
refrig.float regulator浮子式调节器
securit.float security发行证券
refrig.float stop valve浮球阀
avia.float switch浮子电门
avia.float switch浮子电门、浮控开关 (为了安全起见,用来隔离带电装置与油箱的开关。在典型的结构中,浮子向上运动时会使铁块更靠近磁铁。在预先确定的燃油水平面上,浮子足够影响来吸住磁铁,并使微动开关工作。当燃油平面和浮子下降时,配重与微动开关弹簧的合力就能克服铁块的引力,于是配重下降改变微动开关电路)
refrig.float tank浮子箱
gen.float to earth着陆前的平飘
refrig.float trap浮球式疏水器
refrig.float-type expansion valve浮子式膨胀阀
avia.float type gyroscope悬浮陀螺仪
ecol.float-type meter浮子式量计
desert.float type rain gauge浮筒式雨量计
refrig.float-type thermometer浮子式温度计
gen.float up浮起
avia.float volume浮力容积比
gen.float wood浮运木材
avia.float zone浮区
avia.floatplane float seaplane浮筒式水上飞机 (在水上由独立的浮筒支撑的飞机)
tech.flow measuring float测流浮标
tech.flow measuring float测流浮子
sport.flower floats parade花车游行
tech.foam float泡沫浮子
tech.free floatFF网络工程逬度表中的自由富裕
securit.free float自由流通股票
tech.free float工程进度上的自由浮动
tech.free float自由浮体
tech.free float协调工作 (建筑施工充分配合各项工种,抢时间开工)
securit.free float公众持股量
avia.free float facility自由漂浮设施
securit.free float share流通股
refrig.free-semi-ball float steam trap自由半浮球式疏水阀
tech.fuel gage float油表浮子
tech.fuel gauge float油表浮子
tech.fuel tank float燃油箱浮子
securit.funds in float在途汇款
securit.funds in float在途资金
tech.gas tank float汽油箱浮子
tech.gasoline content gage with float浮子式汽油表
tech.gasoline content gauge with float浮子式汽油表
tech.gasoline gage with float汽油浮标表
tech.gasoline gauge with float汽油浮标表
tech.gauge float水位指示浮标
tech.gauge float水位指示浮子
tech.graduated float rod分度浮尺
tech.graduated float tape分度浮尺
tech.hand float抹子
tech.hand float镘刀
tech.hand float抹灰工具
tech.hand float手镘 (板)
tech.hand float单纹锉刀
tech.hand float木抹子
tech.hand float finish手镘抹面
tech.hand float finish手墁抹面
tech.hand float light手提泛光照明灯
tech.hand float trowel镘刀
tech.hand float trowel手镘刀
tech.hand float trowel抹子
tech.high pressure float valve高压浮子阀
tech.high pressure float valve高压浮球阀
tech.high side float valve高压浮球阀
tech.high-pressure float valve高压浮球阀
tech.hydrometric float测流浮子
tech.hydrometric float水文测验浮子
tech.hydrometric staff float测流浮杆
tech.hydrometrical float测流浮子
tech.hydrometrical float水文测验浮子
tech.hydrometrical staff float测流浮杆
tech.ice float冰盘
tech.ice float浮冰
tech.integrating float积深浮标
tech.interfering float time干扰浮动时间
tech.interfering float time干扰宽裕时间
tech.intermediate float领水浮子
tech.intermediate float中间浮子
tech.keg float浮桶 (标)
tech.keg float浮筒标
tech.keg float桶浮标
tech.lath, plaster, float and set三道粉刷
gen.leach-precipitate-float process浸出-沉淀-浮选联合法处理铜矿石的
tech.lead float file扁铅锉
tech.leading cadre of float-and-sink浮沉试验负责人
gen.level control float控制液位的浮标
nautic., tech.life float救生浮
shipb.life float救生木筏
tech.life float救生浮具
tech.life float救生浮艇
avia.life float救生船
tech.life-saving float救生浮具
tech.light float船形灯标
tech.light float船状灯浮
tech.light float灯浮标
tech.linear float guide直线浮筒导轨
tech.loaded float荷载浮筒
tech.loaded float水下浮标
tech.loaded float深水浮子
tech.loaded float深水浮标
tech.loaded float双子浮标
tech.loaded float加载浮子
tech.long float长抹子
tech.long float长镘板
tech.long float杠尺
tech.long handle float长柄抹子
tech.long handle float长柄镘刀
tech.long handled float长柄镘
tech.long handled float长柄抹子
tech.long handled float长柄镘板
refrig.loose float trap自由浮球式疏水阀
refrig.low-side float低压侧浮球
tech.luminous float发光浮子
tech.Luoyang float process洛阳浮法工艺
tech.magnetic float磁浮式
avia.main float主浮筒
tech.make-up float浮子式补给水调节器
securit.managed float人为浮动
securit.managed float管理浮动
tech.mason's float镘刀
tech.mason's float泥瓦工抹子
tech.mason's float抹子
tech.mason's float圬工镘板
tech.mason's float瓦工镘刀
tech.mason's float圬工镘刀
tech.mason's float刮板
tech.mass float惯性浮标
tech.middle thread float中泓浮标
tech.nail float针式浮子
tech.nail float带钉抹子
tech.nail float划毛抹子
tech.navigation flame float通航灯浮标
tech.navigation flame float航行灯浮标
tech.navigational flame float导航火炬浮标
tech.navigational smoke float导航发烟浮标
tech.negative float负浮动
securit.negative float消极浮存
securit.net float净浮动
nautic.neutrally buoyant float燕形浮筒
tech.neutrally buoyant float中性浮子
nautic.neutrally buoyant float悬浮探测筒
gen.on the float漂浮着
refrig.open pan low-side float敞口盘式低压浮子
tech.outboard float外侧浮筒
securit.payment float付款浮动
tech.pivoted float球形浮标
tech.pivoted float活动浮子
tech.pivoted float活动游标
tech.pneumatic float气动泥刀
tech.pneumatic float气动抹子
tech.pole float杆状浮子
tech.pole float长杆浮标
securit.positive float积极浮动
tech.power float机械抹灰
tech.power float机动抹光机
tech.power float动力镘板
tech.power float电动抹子
tech.power float机动镘板
tech.power float机械抹灰板
tech.power float电动混凝土平整机
tech.prepressing-die-float control预压浮模控制杆
gen.pre-pressing-die-float control-cylinder-rod预压浮模控制杆
tech.pressure float压力浮子
tech.primary float feed初次浮选给料
securit.public float流通股
tech.public float公用码头
securit.public float公众持股
securit.public float requirement公众持股量规定
securit.public free float公开自由流通
tech.quirk float深槽镘刀
nautic., tech.radial float定蹼
tech.recorder float自记浮子
tech.recording float gage记录式浮标水尺
tech.recording float gage自记式浮子水位计
tech.recording float gage浮子式自记水位仪
tech.recording float gage记录式浮子水位计
tech.recording float gauge记录式浮标水尺
tech.recording float gauge自记式浮子水位计
tech.recording float gauge浮子式自记水位仪
tech.recording float gauge记录式浮子水位计
tech.reefing float栓定浮筏
tech.remote float遥控浮子
tech.remote float system浮子遥控系统
tech.remotely controlled float遥控浮标
tech.render, float and set打底及中层和罩面抹灰
tech.river float河流漂浮物
tech.rotary float旋转整平机
tech.rotary float旋转磨面机
tech.rotary float电动抹刀
tech.rough float粗镘
tech.sand-float finish浮砂罩面
tech.sand float finish浮馒砂饰面
tech.sand-float finish干黏砂饰面
tech.sand-float finish粗抹面
tech.seaplane float水上飞机浮筒
tech.secondary float feed二次浮选给料
tech.seine float围网浮子
tech.seine float救生索浮子
tech.short-handle float短柄镘板
avia.side float稳定浮筒
avia.side float侧浮筒
tech.sieve float-and-sink analysis report table筛分浮沉试验报告表
securit.single float单独浮动
tech.single float viscometer单浮子黏度计
tech.single float viscosimeter单浮子黏度计
tech.sink-float process浮沉冲洗法
tech.sink-float separation浮选法
tech.sink-float separation重介质分选
tech.sink-float separation process浮沉分选法
tech.sink-float separation process浮沉选矿法
tech.sink-float separator重介质选矿分离器
tech.sink-float technique沉浮法测密度
tech.sinkage to float rate沉浮比
tech.sink-and-float separation沉浮分离法
tech.size-float-and-sink sample筛分浮沉大样
tech.skimmer float镘刀
tech.skimmer float刮板
ecol.sludge float污泥浮游物
tech.small float-and-sink sample小浮沉样
tech.smoothing with float木抹抹平
securit.snake float蛇形浮动
tech.spheric float球状浮子
tech.spherical float球状浮子
tech.spring controlled float valve弹簧操纵浮阀
tech.stabilizing float稳定浮筒
tech.staff float长杆浮标
tech.staff float杆式浮标
tech.staff float杆式浮子
tech.submerged float潜没浮标
tech.submerged float水下浮筒
tech.submerged float淹没式浮标
tech.subsurface float深水浮子
tech.subsurface float水下浮子
tech.subsurface float水下浮筒
tech.subsurface float潜没浮标
tech.subsurface float水下浮标
ecol.subsurface float次水面浮筒
tech.switching by float-double track浮放双轨调车
avia.tail float机尾浮筒 (用于支承浮筒式水上飞机)
tech.tank deck float油罐顶浮子
tech.tank deck float油台浮子
tech.tap float level gage钢带式浮标液面计
tech.tap float level gauge钢带式浮标液面计
tech.tape float liquid-level gage自记浮标液位计
tech.tape float liquid-level gage带浮子液位计
tech.tape float liquid-level gauge自记浮标液位计
tech.tape float liquid-level gauge带浮子液位计
tech.telltale float水位浮标
tech.temperature float温度浮沉子
tech.temperature float technique变温悬浮法
tech.tertiary float feed三次浮选给料
tech.tethered float breakwater浮球阵防波堤
tech.thermometer float测温浮标
tech.tilting float倾斜式浮标
avia.tip float稳定浮筒
avia.tip float翼尖浮筒
tech.truncated float截锥形浮子
tech.tube-type float管式浮标
tech.tubular float level indicator管状浮标液面指示器
tech.Turbo-float tray波纹浮动塔盘
tech.twin float双球浮子
tech.twin float双联浮标
tech.twin float双子浮标
tech.twin-float seaplane双浮筒式水上飞机
avia.twin-float seaplane双浮筒水上、机
tech.twin-ball float双球浮子
tech.twin-ball float双球式浮标
tech.vertical ship lift with float浮筒式垂直升船机
tech.vibrating concrete float混凝土振平器
tech.vibrating concrete float混凝土平板振捣器
tech.vibrating concrete float混凝土表面振捣
tech.vibrating concrete float混凝土振捣整平器
tech.vibrating concrete float振动抹灰板
tech.vibrating float振动抹灰板
tech.vibratory float振动式整平器
tech.vibratory hand float手提式振动抹平刀
tech.wall-sided float侧壁浮筒
tech.warning float报警浮标
tech.water surface float水面浮标
tech.water surface float水面浮子
tech.water-level float水位浮子
tech.water-level float水平面浮子
tech.water-level float水位指示浮标
tech.water-level float水位指示浮子
tech.wave scan float波浪扫描浮子
tech.weighing float-type lysimeter漂浮称重式测渗仪
tech.weighing float-type lysimeter漂浮称重式土壤蒸发器
tech.wet float湿浮筒
tech.wing float翼梢浮筒
tech.wing shape float袖网浮子
tech.wing-supporting float翼梢浮筒
tech.wing-tip float翼尖浮筒
tech.wood float木镘板
tech.wood float木浮子
tech.wood float木抹子
tech.wood float木镘刀
tech.wood float finish混凝土路面的木镘抹光面
tech.wood float finish混凝土路面的木镘修整
tech.wood float finish木抹修整
tech.wooden float木蟹
tech.wooden float木抹子
tech.wooden float镘刀
tech.wooden float木镘板
tech.wooden float刮板
gen.Your skis will float if you have softer-flexing alpine ski-boots because you will be able to keep balance and there will be more room for your ankles软一些的滑雪靴更有利于滑雪板浮在雪上,因为在软鞋里更能保持平衡,而且脚踝活动空间更大
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