
Terms for subject Footwear containing fit | all forms | exact matches only
Nylon bands connect the laces to the midsole and work with the shoe's tongueless upper to deliver an outstanding fit尼龙条带连接鞋带和中底,和无舌鞋面完美契合
The key thing with any shoe, high or flat, is that it should fit properly, not pinch your toes and have a degree of flexibility不管是高跟鞋还是平跟鞋,最关键的是是否合脚,得不夹脚且有一定的活动余地
Two adjustable buckles and hidden elastic stretch material let you find your true fit The cushioned heel pad absorbs shock两个可调式扣环加上隐藏式松紧带,让鞋子真正舒适服帖。后跟垫可以缓解冲击