
Terms for subject Aviation containing face | all forms | exact matches only
aft face尾部表面
bold face粗体
bold face黑体
both face双面
both face两面
bottom face底部表面
breathing full face mask呼吸全脸型面罩
center to face中心至面
compressor face压缩机端面
dial face刻度盘面
dial face刻度盘
double face两面
downstream face下游面
each face每一面
end-face clearance端面间隙
face alignment叶面校准距
face-blind firing handle面帘式弹射打火手柄
face centered cubic面心立方晶格
face curtain面帘
face-curtain firing control面帘式弹射打火操纵机构
face curtain handle面帘式弹射手柄
face of drawing图面
face-protection blind防护布帘
face-protection blind防护面罩
face screen firing control面帘式弹射打火操纵机构
face sheet面板
face to face面至面
face-up bonding正焊法
face width面宽
female face凹面
flat face/full face全平面/满平面
habit face惯态面
male face凸面
male-female seal contact face凹凸面
plain face光滑面
plat face板表面
platform face涡轮叶片叶根平台面
raised face突面
ring joint face梯型槽密封面
ring joint face环连接面
side and face边与面
smooth raised face光滑突面
spot face锪端面
spot face局部平整面
stowage cup full face〔支〕观察员氧气面罩环
supply oxygen full face mask全脸型供氧面罩
thrust face螺旋桨桨叶的拉力面
tongue face榫面
tongue groove face榫槽面
upstream face入水面
wall-face temperature壁面温度