
Terms containing curtailment | all forms | exact matches only
tech.automatic load curtailment自动减
tech.curtailment diagram截断钢筋的抵抗弯矩包络图
tech.curtailment of bank facility紧缩银根
dril.curtailment of drilling减少钻井工作量
tech.curtailment of drilling限制钻进工作量
busin.curtailment of expenditure经费缩减
tech.curtailment of expenditures经费节减
econ.curtailment of expenditures on armaments裁减军备费用支出
busin.curtailment of inspection检验简化
oilcurtailment of investment缩减投资
tech.curtailment of investment紧缩投资
manag.curtailment of operation缩短开工时间
busin.curtailment of order压缩订货
econ.curtailment of order削减订单
busin.curtailment of order缩减订单
busin.curtailment of sampling简化抽样
tech.curtailment of service减少班次
busin.curtailment of subsidy削减补贴
busin.curtailment of the delivery time缩短交货期
busin.curtailment of transfer限制转让
el.curtailment on demand缩减需求
el.curtailment on demand压缩用电量
oilcurtailment plan削减计划
el.customer curtailment用户削减
el.customer curtailment index顾客用户减少指数
el.customer curtailment index向用户供电不足指数
busin.import curtailment进口缩减
interntl.trade.import curtailment缩减进口
tech.import curtailment削减进口
econ.It will be difficult to sell this product without curtailment of the delivery time不缩短交货时间,产品很难出售
busin.operating curtailment操作简化
busin.production curtailment生产削减
busin.self-curtailment of operation工厂操作自动简化
interntl.trade.spending curtailment紧缩开支
commer.the curtailment of bank facilities银行紧缩放款
el.unit load curtailment机组减荷