
Terms for subject Agriculture containing coffee | all forms | exact matches only
coffee anther culture咖啡花药培养
coffee bean decorticator咖啡豆去壳机
coffee bean skin-remover咖啡豆去皮机
coffee berry咖啡[浆]果
coffee drupe咖啡核果
coffee grounds咖啡滓
coffee perisperm咖啡外胚乳
coffee-plant咖啡 [树]
coffee plantation咖啡种植园
coffee substitute咖啡代用品
coffee syrup咖啡[糖]汁
coffee-tree咖啡 [树]
Congo coffee刚果咖啡
dieback of coffee咖啡果苦腐病
European Coffee Bureau欧洲咖啡办事处
Federation of Coffee Growers of America美洲咖啡种植者联合会
Ghana coffee survey加纳咖啡调査
green coffee生咖啡
ground coffee磨制过的咖啡
Guinea coffee survey几内亚咖啡调查
hulled coffee净豆
hulled coffee去皮咖啡
instant coffee咖啡精
instant coffee咖啡粉
Inter-American Coffee Agreement美洲间咖啡协定
Inter-American Coffee Commission美洲间咖啡委员会
parchment coffee带壳咖啡
roast coffee-beans烘咖啡豆
roasted coffee烘制咖啡
robusta coffee刚果咖啡
small seeded coffee小粒种咖啡
soluble coffee extract咖啡粉
soluble coffee extract咖啡精
Special Commission on Coffee咖啡专门员委会
strong coffee浓咖啡
unroasted coffee未烘咖啡