
Terms for subject Economy containing allowance | all forms | exact matches only
a gross-less-allowance valuation method毛值减备抵计价法
a mileage allowance旅费津贴
a mileage allowance里程津贴
a promotional allowance discount业务推广奖励折扣
a safety allowance安全系数 (coefficient)
a travel allowance差旅津贴
adjustment and allowance调节量和限额
adjustments and allowances调节量和限额
allowance and rebates折让和回扣
allowance for business trip出差费
allowance for damage货物折扣
allowance for damage货物折价
allowance for damage货损宽容 (率)
allowance for dependents抚养津贴
allowance for depreciation备抵折旧
allowance for depreciation折旧准备
allowance for doubtful debts坏账备抵
allowance for funds used during construction建设期间用资金限额
allowance for people leaving agriculture为离开农业的人口提供的补助
allowance for sale return and allowance备抵销货退回与折让
allowance for shrinkage容让的收缩量
allowance for uncollectables呆账备抵账户
allowance formula宽减办法
allowance in kind实物津贴
allowance in respect of a dependant spouse给配偶的赡养费
allowance in respect of a dependent spouse赡养配偶的津贴
allowance in work measurement劳动测量中的外加时间
allowance ...% more or less clause有若干%增减的宽容条款
allowance of credit提供信贷
allowance on sales销贷析让 (sales allowances)
allowance parts list限额零部件清单
allowance test公差配和试验
allowances and rebates折让及回扣
allowances for deficiency in base stock备抵基本存量缺额
allowances for dependants抚养津贴
allowances for depreciation折旧提成
allowances for depreciation折旧率
allowances for discount available折旧备抵
allowances for freight maintenance补贴运费减除数
allowances for funds used during construction建筑期间使用的资金利息备抵
allowances for leakage漏损折扣
allowances for lost time时间损失津贴
allowances for necessary machine delay机器必要迟延的宽限
allowances for price increase涨价备抵
allowances for reduction of inventory存货跌价备抵
allowances for sale销货折让
allowances for sale discount备抵销货折扣
allowances for the loss损失补偿
allowances for uncollectable accounts坏账备款
allowances for uncollectable accounts备抵呆账
allowances for uncollectable taxes欠征税款备抵
allowances in cash and in kind补贴实物
allowances on sales销货的折让
allowances payment津贴支付
allowances price declines降价备抵
an additional allowance额外津贴
an allowance formula宽减办法
an allowance system津贴制
an obsolescence allowance折旧
an officer's retiring allowance职员退休金
annual allowance年度津贴
benefit allowance福利津贴
bonus and allowance to employees工作人员奖金和津贴
broken stowage allowance剔除亏舱率后的利用率
budget allowance预备金
budget allowance预算限额
capital allowance投资减税
capital allowance资本限额
capital allowance资本减免【摊销】
capital allowance投资补贴
capital allowances投资优惠扣除
capital allowances国民收入统计中的折旧提成
capital consumption allowance资本消耗的补偿
capital consumption allowance折旧费
capital cost allowance资本费用津贴
carrier's allowance承运人保留舱位
carriers allowance承运人津贴
cash allowance现款透支宽限
children's allowance多子女家庭津贴
container yard allowance整车运费堆场
container yard allowance整箱运费折扣
contingency allowance不可预见费用
contingency allowance应急费用
cost of living allowance生活费津贴
cross field allowance英国跨油田宽税制度
daily allowance每日定额【工资】
daily allowance每日津贴
daily subsistance allowance每日生活津贴
delay allowance容许的延迟
dependence allowance抚养津贴
depletion allowance折耗优费
depletion allowance耗损赋税优惠
depletion allowance折耗减免
depletion allowance折减津贴优惠,矿藏储量折耗耗减
depreciation allowance备抵折旧
depreciation allowance折旧准备
director's retirement allowance董事退职津贴
duty allowance职务当津贴
duty allowance职务加给
duty-free allowance免税定额
educational allowances教育补助
employee withholdings allowance certificate预扣职工所得税证书
employee's bonus and allowance职工分红和津贴
equalization allowance均衡补偿
expense allowance预算拨款
family allowance多子女家庭津贴
family allowance赡家费
family allowance家庭津贴工资外的,瞻家费
finish allowance加工留量
fixed rate allowance定率津贴
flat rate allowance统一运费率津贴
foreign service allowance国外服务【工作】津贴
free baggage allowance行李运价折扣
free luggage allowance免费行李限度
Freight Paid Allowance运费支付折扣
full container load allowance整箱折扣
grant an allowance of同意付…的补贴
handling allowance减价处理
initial allowance新置资产利得税减让
initial allowance起始补贴
interest allowances for financing credits资助信贷利息津贴
legal sustenance allowance法定抚养费
loss allowance损耗差
low per capita income allowance formula低国民平均收入宽减办法
low per capital income allowance formula低国民平均收入宽减办法
low-income allowance低所得税宽免税
low-income allowance低收益的折让
luncheon allowance午餐津贴
make allowance for估计
make allowance for考虑到 (unforeseen circumstances, 意外情况)
make allowance for考虑到…
make allowances for估计
make allowances for扣除
make allowances for考虑到…
meal allowances伙食津贴
medical allowance医药补助
mission allowance出差津贴
nature of allowance account备抵账户的性质
night duty allowance夜班津贴
night work allowance夜班津贴
night-shift allowance夜班费
No allowance of any kind will be made by the government政府将不给任何补贴
non-resident's allowance侨居服务津贴
non-resident’s allowance侨居服务津贴
note of allowance批准书
obsolescence allowances折旧
oil depletion allowance石油矿藏折耗优惠
old person allowance老年人税收减免
outfit allowance装备津贴
outfit allowance设备折让
overtime allowance加班津贴
pecuniary allowances for jobs岗位津贴
pension allowance养老金
per diem allowance每日旅费津贴
personal allowance计算所得税时的个人免税额
piece worker's make up allowance计件工补偿津贴
Please pass the manager the comments made by the recipients of an allowance from the company请把公司领津贴者的意见告知经理
prize money allowances促销津贴
provision for freight allowance, discounts, etc.预提运费,折让及其他
purchase and allowance购货及折让
purchase discount and allowance进货折让
purchase rebates and allowance购货回扣及折让
purchase rebates and allowance购货回扣和折让
purchase rebates and allowance购买回扣及折让
purchase returns and allowance进货退回及折让
quality discount allowance质量折扣限额
quarter allowance季度津贴
quarter allowance房租津贴
quarter's allowance房租津贴
Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions承包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准
ration allowance粮食定量
recommended daily allowance推荐的日常准备金
regional allowance地区津贴
retired allowance养老金
returns and allowance book退货及折让簿
risk allowance in rate of return计算收益报酬率的风险
salary and allowances工资和津贴
sales allowance销售折扣
sales discount and allowances销货折让
sales discounts and allowances销货折让
sales rebates and allowance消费回扣及折让
sales rebates and allowances销售回扣和折让
sales returns and allowances退货折让账
secondary dependant's allowance次要被抚养人津贴
separation allowance出征军人妻子的津贴
Should you find it expedient to use it, we could offer you an allowance of 10%你方认为有利使用,我们可以给予10%的补贴
shrinkage allowance收缩容许量
table of allowance津贴表
table of allowance费用表
table of allowance公差表
tax allowance减免税办法
temporary dealer allowance临时销售折让
temporary voluntary allowance临时自愿折让
tender allowance招标津贴
termination of allowance解雇津贴
the acceleration depreciation allowance加速折旧扣除提存
the accommodation allowance膳宿津贴
the allowance reserve折让准备
the allowance to general average列入共同海损的补偿
the allowances charged to general average作为共同海损的补偿
the amicable allowance友好折让
the amicable allowance友好让价
the ancillary allowance附带津贴
the assignment allowance职务津贴
the assignment allowance外派津贴
the back-haul allowance回程折扣
the baggage allowance乘飞机等 可免费携带的行李
the cost-of-living allowance生活费用津贴
the entertainment allowance招待费
the extra allowance额外津贴
the fatigue allowance耐劳津贴
the fatigue allowance疲劳放宽时间
the memorandum allowance用便函通知的补助
the needs allowance生活必须津贴
the outfit allowance装备津贴
the outfit allowance设备折让
the overtime allowance加班津贴
the pension allowance养老金
the pieceworker's makeup allowance计件工人补偿
the promotional allowance开办津贴
the quarters allowance房租津贴
the representation allowance招待费
the representation allowance开会津贴
the retired allowance退职金 (pay)
the retired allowance退休金 (pay)
the retirement allowance养老金
the retirement allowance退休金
the separation allowance遣散费
the separation allowance解雇费
the severance allowance解职津贴
the shrinkage allowance收缩容允量
the spouse allowance所得税的配偶扣除优惠
the staff allowance工作人员津贴
the staff relocation allowance职工调动津贴
the staff relocation allowance工作人员搬迁费津贴
the subsistence allowance生活津贴
the tax allowance课税补贴
the time allowance时间宽容限度
the time allowance时期的宽限
the wear and tear allowance资本折旧额度
the writing down allowance允许的账面价值减低数额
They claim allowance of £ 5000 owing to the inferior quality of the goods由于商品质量不佳,他们索赔5000英镑
They consider themselves entitled to an allowance for the loss they suffered他们认为对他们遭受的损失应给予赔偿
time allowance时间宽容限度
time allowance宽限时间
time allowance日期的宽限
total allowance总留量
trade allowance零售商业折扣
trade-in allowance贸易抵换折扣
trade-in allowance抵换折价
traffic allowance交通费
traffic allowance车贴
transport allowance运输补贴
travel subsistence allowance旅途生活津贴
valuation allowances估价损失补贴
We gather from what they have said that they are not satisfied with their wages and allowances从他们的话中,我们推断出他们对工资和津贴不满意
wear and tear allowance资本折旧额度
welfare allowances福利补贴
written down allowance减低账面价值额度
written down allowance允许的帐面价减低额
Your good-will means a lot to us, so we offer you an allowance of 5%你方的好意对我方举足轻重,因此我方给贵方5%的折扣