
Terms containing ad | all forms | exact matches only
lat., interntl.trade.ab ovo usque ad mala自始至终
China, lawacting as agent ad litem诉讼代理
adv.ad administrative organization广告管理机关
adv.ad aesthetics广告美学
adv.Ad Age Best《广告时代》最佳广告奖
adv.ad agency广告代理公司
busin.ad agent广告代理
earth.sc.ad annum这年
adv.ad appeal广告诉求
busin.ad arbitrium随意地
busin.ad arbitrium独断地
lat.ad arbitrium专断地
desert.Ad Arish阿里什 (埃及一地名)
lat.Ad Astra The Magazine of the National Space Society星际探索——美国航天学会杂志
adv.ad business license广告营业执照
adv.ad copy广告文案
busin.ad craft广告业
adv.ad cut品牌名称标识字
adv.ad cut连合活字
desert.Ad Dahn达赫拉沙漠 (沙特阿拉伯)
desert.Ad Dahn小内夫得沙漠
desert.Ad Dahna小内夫得沙漠 (沙特阿拉伯)
desert.Ad Dahna代赫纳沙漠
desert.Ad-Dahna Desert代赫纳沙漠
desert.Ad Dali达利 (也门)
busin.ad damnum保险附加意外损坏条款
securit.ad damnum clause损害赔偿条款
adv.ad delivered广告投递
busin.ad diem于指定日期
adv.ad display广告展示
anim.husb.ad duas vices两个剂量
anim.husb.ad duas vices连续两次
adv.ad effect广告效果
archit.AD encoder模数编码器
gen.ad extremum最后
gen.ad extremum终于
earth.sc.ad extremum至极限
earth.sc.ad extremum达终端
gen.ad extremum极端地
adv.ad feedback广告反馈
lat.ad fin〔拉丁语〕到最后
earth.sc.ad finem〔至〕终点
busin.ad finem最终
earth.sc.ad finem〔到〕末尾
lawad finem〔拉丁语〕到最后
lawad finem到最后
busin.ad finem最后
busin.ad for inviting enterprise招揽生意广告
busin.ad for inviting enterprise招揽生意的广告
adv.ad function广告功能
gen.ad h l〔拉丁语〕在此处
securit.ad hoc特别措施为解决专门问题而采取的方法
securit.ad hoc特例的
lat., interntl.trade.ad hoc专业
securit.ad hoc初步的
gen.ad hoc〔拉丁语〕特别〔专门〕的〔地〕
gen.ad hoc因此
econ.ad hoc专门
busin.ad hoc特定
busin.ad hoc鉴于
dril.ad hoc关于这
busin.ad hoc专题的
busin.ad hoc专门的
busin.ad hoc特定的
busin.ad hoc专设
gen.ad hoc为此时此地某一特定目的〔问题,需要〕而安排〔设定,制造〕的〔地〕
gen.ad hoc针对某一个问题而指定〔制造,设置〕的
gen.ad hoc为这一目的而安排的
gen.ad hoc特定〔别〕
consult.Ad Hoc Advisory Committee of Experts特设专家咨询委员会
earth.sc.Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Science Programs US科学计划特设咨询小组
tech.ad hoc analysis专门分析
securit.ad hoc analysis特别分析
busin.ad hoc appointment特别任命
econ.ad hoc approach专门方法
construct.ad hoc approach特定方法〔设计法〕
tech.ad hoc arbitration特别仲裁
tech.ad hoc arbitration特设仲裁
busin.ad hoc arrangement特别安排
manag.ad hoc committee特设委员会
manag.ad hoc committee特案委员会
tech.ad hoc committee专门委员会
UN, policeAd Hoc Committee for the Negotiation of a Convention against Corruption反腐败公约谈判特设委员会
UN, afr.Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly for the Final Review and Appraisal of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程执行情况最后审查大会特设全体委员会
consult.Ad hoc Committee on Periodic Reports on Human Rights人权问题定期报告特设委员会
consult.Ad Hoc Committee on Rationalization合理化问题特设委员会
econ.Ad Hoc Committee on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related Issues国际货币基金组织理事会的国际货币制度改革和有关问题特设委员会 (of the Board of Governor of IMF)
consult.Ad Hoc Committee on Travel and Identify Documents旅行及身份证件特设委员会
econ.Ad Hoc Committee on Travel Document旅行证件临时委员会
consult.Ad Hoc Committee on Travel Documents旅行证件临时委员会
consult.ad hoc consultation专案协商会议
fin.ad hoc crisis management特殊危机管理
tech.ad hoc decision rule特定决策规则
busin.ad hoc expert group临时专家小组
tech.ad hoc expert group特别专家小组
consult.Ad Hoc Expert Group on Fuller Utilization of Industrial Capacity充分利用工业能力问题特设专家小组
consult.Ad Hoc FAO Working Party粮农组织特设工作组
tech.ad hoc fashion特定方式
busin.ad hoc group临时小组
tech.ad hoc group特别小组
securit.ad hoc group专门小组
consult.Ad Hoc Group Experts on Housing and Urban Development住房与城市发展问题特设专家组
earth.sc.ad hoc group for tropical cyclone research热带气旋研究特设小组
econ.Ad Hoc Group of Experts of Housing and Urban Development住房与城市发展问题特设专家小组
econ.Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices限制性商业惯例问题特设专家小组
consult.Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices限制性商业做法问题特设专家组
econ.Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Tax Treaties税务条约特设专家小组
consult.Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Tax Treaties Between Developed and Developing Countries发达国家与发展中国家税务条约特设专家小组
consult.Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts on the Debt problems of Developing Countries发展中国家债务问题特设政府专家组
consult.Ad Hoc Group on Container Standards集装箱标准特设小组
econ.Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Integrated Programme for Commodities综合商品方案特设政府顾问委员会
consult.Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards of International Multimodal Transport国际多种方式联运集装箱标准特设政府间小组
econ.Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards of International Multinomial Transport国际多种方式联运集装箱标准特设政府间小组
econ.ad hoc judge专案审判员 (法官)
busin.ad hoc judge特别法官
tech.ad hoc logic专门逻辑
econ.ad hoc measures特殊的措施
sport.ad hoc meeting特别会议
busin.ad hoc meeting on debt renegotiation债务重新谈判专题会议
multimed.ad hoc network自组织网络
AI.ad hoc Networks ad hoc Management Protocol网络管理协议
consult.ad hoc observer特别观察员
UNAd Hoc Open Ended Working Group On Mercury汞问题不限成员名额特设工作组
tech.ad hoc panel特别专家小组
AI.ad hoc parser特别剖析器
AI.ad hoc polymorphism点对点多态性
tech.ad hoc program专门计划
tech.ad hoc programme专门计划
consult.ad hoc report专案报告
desert.ad hoc resource特别资源
tech.ad hoc resources特定资源
telecom.ad hoc rule特定规别
tech.ad hoc rules特别规则
tech.ad hoc rules特定规则
econ.ad hoc session特别会议
busin.ad hoc survey专案调查
math.ad hoc test特定检验
tech.ad hoc test特设试验
busin.ad hoc way特殊情况
busin.ad hoc way特定方式
UNAd Hoc Working Group of Experts for the Exchange of Information on Potentially Harmful Chemicals in Particular Pesticides in International Trade潜在有害化学品特别是农药国际贸易信息交流特设专家工作组
UNAd Hoc Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts for the Harmonization of Data on Production, Imports, and Exports of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer统一消耗臭氧层物质生产和进出口数据的特设法律和技术专家工作组
UN, afr.Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa Security Council预防和解决非洲冲突特设工作组
consult.Ad Hoc Working Group on the Questions of A Declaration on International Economic Cooperation国际经济合作宣言问题特设工作组
econ.Ad Hoc Working Group on the Questions of Declaration on International Economic Cooperation国际经济合作宣言问题特设工作小组
consult.Ad Hoc Working Group on the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council经济及社会理事会议规则特设工作小组
econ.Ad Hoc Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budgetary Machinery联合国方案和预算机构特设工作小组
consult.Ad Hoc Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budgetary Machinery联合国方案和预算机构特设工作组
consult.ad hoc world conference专题性世界会议
gen.ad hominem是对人而不是对事的〔地〕
AI.ad hominem对人不对事针对提出论点的人而非论点本身进行争论
gen.ad hominem凭感情而非理性
gen.ad hominem〔拉丁语〕带有偏见的〔地〕
gen.ad humulone〔拉丁语〕加葎草酮
gen.ad hunc locum〔拉丁语〕在此处
adv.ad illustration广告插画
adv.ad impressions广告到达频次
adv.ad impressions广告印象
sport.ad in打成平局后发球人得的第一分
sport.ad in发球占先,发球优势分
adv.ad in gutter中缝广告
math.ad inf无止境地
math.ad inf拉丁语至无穷大
math.ad inf无限
math.ad inf永远
math.ad inf永远
math.ad inf无止境的〔地〕
math.ad inf不尽的〔地〕
math.ad inf无限地
lat.ad infinitum永远
lat.ad infinitum永远
lat.ad infinitum不尽的〔地〕
lat.ad infinitum无止境的〔地〕
tech.ad infinitum无限地
busin.ad infinitum无穷的
busin.ad infinitum无限的
lat.ad infinitum无限
earth.sc.ad infinitum无止境的
earth.sc.ad infinitum至无穷大
earth.sc.ad infinitum永恒
lat.ad infinitum拉丁语至无穷大
lat.ad infinitum无止境地
lat., econ.ad infinitum无穷 (ad inf)
lat., econ.ad infinitum无限 (ad inf)
gen.ad init〔拉丁语〕起始
gen.ad init起初
busin.ad initium开始
busin.ad initium起初
lat.ad initium〔拉丁语〕起始
lat.ad int临时地
lat.ad int.临时
lat.ad int.当时
lat.ad int.暂时
lat.ad int〔拉丁语〕临〔暂〕时的
lat.ad int过渡的
lat.ad int过渡地
lat.ad int.在此期间
adv.ad interconnect有线电视为广告播出的联网
gen.ad interim过渡地
gen.ad interim过渡的
lat.ad interim当时
lat.ad interim临时
lat.ad interim暂时
lat.ad interim在此期间
lat., market.ad interim暂时
gen.ad interim〔拉丁语〕临〔暂〕时的
gen.ad interim临时地
busin.ad interium暂时
busin.ad interium临时
tech.ad let小广告
desert.ad lib不限量采食
desert.ad lib随意采食
gen.ad lib随意
gen.ad lib
gen.ad lib任意
gen.ad lib没有限制〔节制〕地
adv.ad lib即席地
gen.ad lib无限制地
gen.ad lib即兴
gen.ad lib不限量的
gen.ad lib即兴的,演唱
adv.ad lib即兴地
desert.ad libitum随意采食
desert.ad libitum不限量采食
busin.ad libitum随意
busin.ad libitum随意 (at one's pleasure)
busin.ad libitum随君之意 (at one's pleasure)
busin.ad libitum随君之意
anim.husb.ad libitum不限制采食
anim.husb.ad libitum随意
agric.ad libitum feeding无限制给饲
agric.ad libitum feeding自由给饲
anim.husb.ad libitum feeding自动喂饲
anim.husb.ad libitum feeding自由采食
anim.husb.ad libitum feeding饱饲
anim.husb.ad libitum feeding不限量喂饲
busin.ad litem诉讼期间
lat., busin.ad litem为了诉讼
lat.ad litteram〔拉丁语〕逐字地
lat.ad litteram精确地
lat.ad litteram一字不差地
lat.ad litteram逐字逐句地
lat.ad loc就地
lat.ad loc至当地
lat.ad loc〔拉丁语〕在此处〔当地〕
busin.ad locum在现场
busin.ad locum当地
lat.ad locum就地
lat.ad locum至当地
busin.ad locum在此处
lat.ad locum〔拉丁语〕在此处〔当地〕
inf.ad nauseam〔拉丁语〕令人厌恶〔可笑,作呕〕的
adv.ad network广告网络
securit.ad oscillating time series震荡时间序列
sport.ad out接球占先
adv.ad-page exposure广告页接触
adv.ad-page percentage广告页关注度
adv.ad perception广告知觉
adv.ad photograph广告摄影
adv.ad planning广告策划
adv.ad pollution广告公害
anim.husb.ad pondus omnium至全部的重量
adv.ad portrait copyright广告肖像权
adv.ad production广告制作
adv.ad psychology广告心理学
adv.ad punishment广告处罚
adv.ad readership score广告注目率
lawad referendum有待审核
lawad referendum待批
lawad referendum〔拉丁语〕还要斟酌
lat., interntl.trade.ad referendum尚须考虑
tech.ad referendum有待核准
busin.ad referendum尚待考虑
econ.ad referendum商待核准
lat., busin.ad referendum余项待定
lat., interntl.trade.ad referendum供参考
lat., interntl.trade.ad referendum还要斟酌
lawad referendum有待审核〔批准〕
securit.ad referendum尚需核对
securit.ad referendum agreement初步协议
busin.ad referendum contract待酉斗酌的合同
busin.ad referendum contract待议合同
securit.ad referendum contract草签合同
tech.ad referendum contract暂定契约
securit.ad referendum contract合约草稿
gen.ad rem率直地
gen.ad rem中肯
gen.ad rem得要领
gen.ad rem适宜
gen.ad rem率直
gen.ad rem〔拉丁语〕得要领
gen.ad rem切题地
gen.ad rem中肯地
adv.ad request广告查询
tech.ad ret阳坡 (to)
adv.ad retention广告记忆度
adv.ad saturation广告饱和
adv.ad self-control system广告自律机制
adv.ad slick广告光面印刷
adv.ad slogan广告口号
adv.ad Smith广告达人
busin.ad solicitor广告掮客
adv.ad specialized color广告专用色
lat.ad unguem圆满地 (factus)
lat.ad unguem精密地 (factus)
lat.ad unguem〔拉丁语〕完美地 (factus)
busin.ad usum照例
busin.ad usum依惯例
lat., interntl.trade.ad val按价
lat., interntl.trade.ad val贵重货物运费
lat.ad val拉丁语按照价值计税
lat., interntl.trade.ad val从价运费
busin.ad val按照
fin.ad val从价课税
fin.ad val按值计税
busin.ad val照办
lat., interntl.trade.ad val从价 (or ad valorem)
lat., interntl.trade.ad val照价 (or ad valorem)
busin.ad valorem按价值计算
lat., interntl.trade.ad valorem贵重货物运费
econ.ad valorem从价 (according to value duty, 税)
econ.ad valorem按价
econ.ad valorem从价计算 (课税)
econ.ad valorem从值
agric.ad valorem按价
lat., interntl.trade.ad valorem从价运费
tech.ad valorem按价格 (计税)
railw.ad valorem按价 (拉丁语 A. V.)
fin.ad valorem从价课税
fin.ad valorem按值计税
lawad valorem按照价值〔估价〕
lawad valorem拉丁语按照价值计税
railw.ad valorem从价 (拉丁语 A. V.)
busin.ad valorem and specific duty从价从量税
securit.ad valorem capital duty资本从价印花税
securit.ad valorem deposit按价/从价保证金
tech.ad valorem duties从价税
busin.ad valorem duties and taxes从价关税 ('More)
commer.ad valorem duty从价税
econ.ad valorem duty丁从价税
econ.ad valorem duty从价关税
busin.ad valorem duty从价税即按商品价格的一定百分比率课税
tech.ad valorem duty按价税
corp.gov.ad valorem dutyADA 计算机语言
account.ad valorem duty从价税 ADA
securit.ad valorem duty/tax按价值征税根据财产的评估价所征收的税款
securit.ad valorem duty/tax从价税
econ.ad valorem equivalent从价等值简写为AVE
commer.ad valorem freight从价付运费
shipb.ad valorem freight rate按货物价格计算的运费率
shipb.ad valorem freight rate从价运费率
gen.ad valorem import duties从价进口税
busin.ad valorem rate从价运价
commer.ad valorem rate从价运费率
tech.ad valorem rate从价费率
busin.ad valorem rate of freight从价运费率
econ.ad valorem stamp从价印花税
fin.ad valorem stamp duty从价印花税
busin.ad valorem tariff从价关税税率即以商品价格为准的计税比率
corp.gov.ad valorem taxADA 计算机语言
commer.ad valorem tax从价捐税
account.ad valorem tax从价税 ADA
tech.ad valorem taxation从价课税
lat.ad verbum按照字面
lat.ad verbum拉丁语逐字
lat.ad verbum照字面
lat.ad verbum逐字地
adv.ad view广告点选人数
adv.ad view广告浏览次数
adv.ad volume广告量
adv.Ad Week Best《广告周刊》最佳广告奖
gen.ad woman女广告员
otorhinol.aditus ad antrum鼓窦人口
otorhinol.aditus ad antrum mastoideum鼓窦人口
otorhinol.aditus ad antrum mastoideum乳突窦口
busin.admass or ad-mass大众化广告方法如利用电视,广播,报纸等
busin.administrator ad colligendum指定负责收回外国资产的管理人
lat., busin.administrator ad colligendum指定代收外国资产的管理人员
busin.administrator ad litem暂时遗产管理人
lat., busin.administrator ad litem诉讼中暂时财产管理人
adv.agency ad广告公司制作的广告
econ., int. law.agent ad litem诉讼代理人
UN, ecol.AHP on benchmarks and indicators = Ad Hoc Panel特设小组
econ.an ad hoc committee特设委员会
econ.an ad valorem bill of lading货值提单
econ.an ad valorem rate of duty从价税率
econ.an agent ad litem诉讼代理人
econ.an employment ad招聘广告
adv.animated drawing ad卡通广告
adv.animated drawing ad动画广告
busin.argumentum ad rem中肯论证
multimed.avalanche ad雪崩广告
adv.blind ad匿名广告
adv.buried ad不起眼的广告
adv.buried ad被淹没的广告
tech.charge d' affaires ad interim临时代办
busin.charge d'affaires ad interim临时代办
gen.charge d'affaires ad interim〔法语〕临时代办
gen.chargé d'affaires ad interim临时代办
busin.classified ad分类广告
adv.classified ad website分类广告网站
adv.classified display ad分类图片广告
busin.comparison ad比较广告
busin.consensus ad idem意见一致
lat., busin.consensus ad idem经双方同意
econ.coupon ad定货广告
busin.dies ad quem到期日
lat., fin.dies ad quem截止日
busin.display ad.醒目广告
econ.display ad以醍目方式刊载的广告
busin.display ad醒目广告
busin.duty ad valorem从价税
econ.effect of an ad valorem tax从价税效果
China, lawentrust an agent ad litem委托诉讼代理人
adv.exchange ad交换广告
adv.expanding ad扩张式招牌广告
commer.eye-catching ad醒目广告
gen.fallacy argumentum ad hominem因人废言的错〔谬〕误
agric.feeding ad libitum随意投喂
busin.freight by ad valorem〈法〉按货的价值计算的运费
econ.habeas corpus ad testificandum传讯被扣押者出庭作证令
adv.in-ad coupon广告上优惠券
adv.inside back cover ad封三广告
adv.inside front cover ad封二广告
adv.instant effect ad即时效应广告
busin.intensive ad hoc consultation积极的专题磋商
multimed.Internet Ad Hoc Committee因特网特别委员会
multimed.interstitial ad间隙广告
multimed.interstitial ad空隙广告
busin.jus ad rem物权
lat., busin.jus ad rem对物权
adv.list ad目录广告
fin.Ms&Ad Insurance Group Holdings保险集团控股有限公司 (2010年4月由三井住友海上火灾保险集团、爱和谊财产保险公司、日生同和财产保险公司三家公司整合而成,从而成为日本第一、世界第七的财产保险集团,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第191位)
adv.mystery ad品牌名称最后出现的神秘广告
desert.Nafud ad Dahi达希沙漠
desert.Nafud ad Dahy达希沙漠
desert.Nafud ad Dashy代希沙漠
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adv.number of ad visits广告访问数
UNOpen-ended Ad Hoc Committee for the Implementation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes and their Disposal执行控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约不限成员名额特设委员会
UN, afr.open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group of the General Assembly on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa非洲境内冲突起因和促进持久和平与可持续发展大会不限成员名额特设工作组
multimed.pop-under ad关闭该网页时才弹出的广告
adv.pop-up ad.跳出式广告
multimed.pop-up ad自动弹出式广告
adv.pop-up ad.自动弹启式广告
securit.price-sensitive ad hoc information价格敏感专门信息
mil., air.def.Prism AD electronic support system"棱镜 AD" 电子支援系统
ecol.public-service ad公益广告
econ.quem dies ad queer到期日
adv.reader ad全文字印刷广告
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lat.reductio ad absurdum〔拉丁语〕间接证明法
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gen.terminus ad quem终点
gen.terminus ad quem结论
gen.terminus ad quem契约的终止期
gen.terminus ad quem目标
econ.the ad hoc arbitration临时仲裁
econ.the ad hoc arbitration特别仲裁
econ.the ad hoc arrangement特别安排
anim.husb.The ad Hoc Research Scheme印度临时研究计划 (India)
econ.the ad valorem duty从价关税
econ.the ad valorem duty从价税
econ.the ad valorem equivalent从价等值
econ.the habeas corpus ad subjiciendum人身交释令
econ.the signature ad referendum暂签
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adv.transformational ad转换广告
adv.trolley ad手推车广告
spacetype-AD TC frame类型 AD 遥控帧
desert.Wadi ad-Dawasir达瓦西尔干河 (沙特阿拉伯)
busin.want ad征求广告如求职、招租等广告
econ.want ad招聘
nautic., tech.ZADZAD 甲板处的剖面模数 (m3)
busin.zip ad打开包装品便见到的广告
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