
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing The | all forms | exact matches only
After facial cleaning, unpack the facial mask and apply it gently on the face, remove it 20 minutes later, then wipe off the residual essential liquid on the face with water or a paper towel洁面后,打开包装并取出面膜,轻轻敷于面上,20分钟后揭开面膜,用纸巾或清水抹去脸上剩余精华液即可
After using skin care products, apply proper amount onto the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin with finger pulp, evenly extend it onto the whole face, and focus on the blemishes涂抹完保养品后,用指腹取适量抹于额头、两颊、鼻子、下巴,然后均匀地抹开于整个面部,瑕疵处可特别加强涂抹
Although our Lancome perfume is of high quality and of different flavors, it is much more expensive than ordinary perfume. I think the advertising should aim at fashionable people虽然我们的兰蔻香水具有高质量和与众不同的香型,但是它的价格比普通香水高很多,我认为广告应该针对时尚人群
Apparently Camilla hopes Barbara Daly - the makeup guru - will work magic and restore her youthful appearance很显然,卡米拉希望化妆大师芭芭拉・黛莉能够发挥魔力,令她重现青春
Apply the toner to your face with a clean cotton ball用干净的棉球将爽肤水涂抹在脸上
Direction: After cleansing and toner at night, apply it evenly onto the face使用方法:于夜间洁面、使用爽肤水后,均匀涂于面部
Efficiency: Rich in nutrition, the liquid foundation has excellent moisturizing and makeup effects to constantly keep skin tender, natural, and elastic!主要功效:粉底液营养丰富,具有出色的保湿水润以及隔离效应,能令肌肤持续水嫩自然,富有弹力!六、香水 (Perfume)
Emulsion can be used for 2 to 3 years while water emulsion degenerates faster. So it should be stored in the refrigerator乳液可使用2至3年,水状乳液则变质较快,最好存放于冰箱中
Essential oil is extracted from the spot or bought from local wholesalers精华油是从现场萃取或向当地批发商购买的
Eye make-up and liquid foundation last the least amount of time and should be tossed out after just three months眼部化妆品和液体粉底安全期最短,从第一次打开算起,只有三个月
Female musk deer and perfume makers alike find the scent to be irresistible不管是雌性麝香鹿或是香水制造商对这种气味都同样难以抗拒
Fragrance is formulated only to be applied to the skin香水是设计用来喷洒在皮肤上的
Generally speaking, the foundation used for 1 to 2 years will be hardening or emit an odor一般来说,粉底用过1—2年便会硬化或发出异味
How to use: After cream in the morning and evening, apply an appropriate amount to the face, and spread it to the whole face with a cotton pad, especially on the dark skin, until it looks natural使用方法:早晚用于乳液后,取适量点于面部,然后用化妆棉轻轻延展涂至全脸,在肌肤暗黄处可多量使用,涂匀成自然状态
I am sure our prices are the most favorable. Elsewhere prices for brand new perfumes have gone up tremendously in recent years我确定我们的价格已经是最优惠的了。在其他地方,这个品牌的新款香水价格近几年来涨了不少
I don't like the spicy kind and have an aversion to the powdery kind我不喜欢香料型的,并且对粉末型有强烈的厌恶感
I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a little bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with the perfume我只放了一小撮这个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水
I think the color of this lipstick looks good with your skin tone我觉得这种颜色的口红很配你的肤色
I will have Lancome, Opera, L'Oreal and Maybelline as the target brands for my survey and find the mascara that best meets your requirement, on the basis of the five norms mentioned above我将以兰蔻、娥佩兰、欧莱雅和美宝莲作为调查对象,根据以上五个准则去选择一款最适合您使用的睫毛膏
If the scent of the perfume fades or sours, it must be discarded如发现香水香味变淡或发出酸味,就应丢弃
If you want to purchase perfumes which are made up of natural compounds, our company would be the best choice如果你想购买由纯天然原料制成的香水,我们公司是您的首选
In Paris, some big enterprises have enforced bans on the use of heavy perfumes during work time巴黎的一些大型企业禁止员工在上班时间使用味道浓烈的香水
lily of the valley幽谷百合
MAC Hyper Real SPF 15 Foundation: A smooth pearlescent liquid foundation formulated to make the skin reflect a natural health and vibrancy. MAC品牌"超真实"15倍防晒粉底:光滑珠光粉底液配方令肌肤呈现健康和活力
Main effect: It can enhance moisture, keep pH balance and nourish the skin of moisturizing lotion主要功效:能加强保湿,平衡酸碱度并滋养涂抹保湿乳液的肌肤
Most consumers who buy fragrances are responding to the reputation of the brand, the quality of the product or the price大多数消费者都根据品牌知名度、质量和产品价格选择香水
My T-zone gets oily easily, but my cheeks are dry in the winter我的T区容易出油,但两颊冬天却很干
Natural herbal and organic plant-based cosmetics will be the next main trend of international cosmetics research and development天然草本、有机植物类化妆品将是今后国际化妆品研发的主要趋势
Orange flower water restores dry or mature skin, improving the appearance of thread veins and smoothing fine lines橙花水修复干性或成熟肌肤,并调理肌肤纹路
Our foundation is of high quality. Only the finest ingredients. It will moisturize your skin and it has a sunblock rating of我们的粉底是用最好的原料做成的高质量产品。它可以滋润你的皮肤,并且防晒指数为8
Pour alcohol, essence and water into the container according to certain proportion, then stir and place for a while to let the impurities to precipitate adequately将酒精、香精和水按照一定的比例放入容器中,搅拌混合放置一段时间,让香精中的杂质充分沉淀
Powdery bottom: save the foundation at room temperature or in the freezer, and avoid the sunlight粉底:粉底保存在室温下或冰箱中均可,要避免日光照射
Put adequate amount on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin, spread gently from top to bottom with finger tips, and pat evenly取适量点于前额、鼻子、两颊、下巴等部位,用指尖由上而下地涂匀整个脸部和颈部,轻轻拍打均匀即可
She bought the make-up of this brand just because it contains more coupons than others她买了这一牌子的化妆品只是因为其所赠送的优惠券比其他牌子的要多
She's crazy about Anna Sui. You know she has normal skin; the products of that brand suit her very well她非常喜欢安娜苏。她是中性皮肤,那个牌子的产品很适合她
Soak a cotton pad in lotion and wipe over the whole face and neck, pat until being absorbed, and then follow with milk or cream用本品浸湿化妆棉,均匀涂抹在面部和颈部,轻拍直至吸收,再使用乳液或者面霜
Sporty colognes are for the day while working, exotic, oriental and woody fragrances for the evenings白天工作时用运动古龙水。晚上用具有异国情调的东方树木香型香水
Spray onto the pulse points在脉搏点喷撒香水
The all-natural and sheer moisturizer is a deeply moisturizing daytime cream纯天然通透保湿霜是一款能为皮肤提供持久保湿的日霜
The anti-acne cosmetics with the characteristics of diminishing inflammation, moisturizing and skin-protection were designed, according to the mechanism of acne production针对粉刺的产生机理,设计了具有消炎、保湿、护肤作用的祛痘化妆品
The bitter sweet perfume has a calming effect on nerves荼薇香味的香水对神经有舒缓功效
The brand of perfume you wanted is out of stock in our company now你要的那种牌子的香水在我们公司脱销了
The eyeliner should be waterproof, as well as hypoallergenic if you have sensitive skin眼线应该是防水的,如果你是敏感肌肤还应选用低过敏材质的
The manufacturing process of perfumes includes preparing essence oil, pretreatment, blending, maturing, production inspection and bottling香水制造的工艺过程一般包括准备精华油、预处理、混合、陈化、成品检验、装瓶
The perfumes of the brand are our best-selling lines. The prices of our products will fluctuate according to the international market demand. And we are always open to negotiate, especially on larger orders这个品牌的香水是我们的畅销货。我们产品的价格会根据国际市场需求的变化而变化。价格可以商议,尤其是针对大订单
The survey predicts a massive rise in the use of facial treatments such as masks, peels, serum and oil调查预测,使用面膜、去角质用品、乳液和精油类护肤品的人将大幅增加
The thick, yellowish, musky fluid secreted by these mammals is used in the manufacture of perfumes这些哺乳动物分泌的黏稠、淡黄色、有麝香味的液体,可用于香水的制作
Therefore, the safety coefficient of famous brand products is larger所以,知名品牌产品保险系数较大
Therefore, you should make the eye mask care in winter for your eyes, deep moisturizing and blood circulation因此在冬季更应该给眼部做眼膜护理,为眼部皮肤深层补水,促进血液循环
This eye cream can release the puffy problem of your eyes这个眼霜可以缓解你眼圈浮肿的问题
This foaming cream cleanser could minimize the pores and control shine without feeling tight这款泡沫洁面霜可以缩小毛孔、减少油光且没有紧绷感
Too much exfoliating removes the top layer of the skin, which is the protective layer使用过多去角质的产品会除掉皮肤的表层,也就是保护层
Usage: After facial cleansing, dispense proper amount onto the palm, foam it with fresh water, evenly apply onto the face and completely massage, and then rinse it使用方法:洁肤后,取适量于掌心,加清水揉起泡沫,均匀轻抹于脸部并充分按摩,再用清水冲洗干净
Use from the lightest shade to the darkest towards the lash line in a gradation effect由浅至深顺次使用,向睫毛根部层层加深
We have a very wide selection of colors And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin. So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some?我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。它对眼睑是非常温和的。你想试试看吗?
When you begin to use cosmetics, you should preserve the packing to prepare for adverse reactions使用化妆品时,要保存好产品外包装,以备应对不良反应
You must use the perfume carefully Never underestimate it!一定要小心使用香水,千万不可轻视它的影响力!