
Terms for subject Commerce containing The | all forms | exact matches only
abuse the trust辜负信任
accuse the buyer of breach of a contract指责买方违约
achieve the maximum economic results取得最大经济效果
achieve the maximum of efficiency with the minimum labour以最少劳动取得最高效率
advance on the cost of living生活费用上涨
advance the industrialization提高工业化水平
alienation of the pledge抵押品转让
All agreed on the terms大家都同意这些条款
All these items are unavailable for the time being所有这些商品目前暂时无货可供
Although handicapped by the congestion of shipping space, we've managed to ship the goods ordered in time虽然碰到舱位拥挤的困难,我方仍设法将你方订购的货物准时装出
an advance on the cost of production生产成本上涨
An agreement has been procured between the two parties双方已达成一项协议
An arbitration clause is usually not invalidated when a party maintains that the contract is frustrated仲裁条款通常并不失效
An arbitration clause is usually not invalidated when a party maintains that the contract is frustrated当一方当事人坚持认为合同落空时
an attorney for the defendant被告辩护律师
An error has been made in the total amount总额中有一差错
An extension of the L/C for 15 days is required信用证必须展期十五天
annul the agreement offending against the law宣布违背法律的协议无效
apply to the competent government authorities for import licence向政府主管机关申请进口许可证
assort the goods for market把货物分类出售
At present the customer does not need any additional quantity目前客户不需要任何追加数量
At present, the market is glutted with fruit目前市场上水果充斥
attach labels to the goods在货物上加标签
attend the fair出席交易会
attend to the buyer's enquiry immediately立即办理买主的询盘
audit the books查账
balance at the term end期末余额
banker for the buyer买方银行
bargain with a customer over the price与客户讨价还价
bargain with a producer for a constant supply of the articles要其长期供货
bargain with a producer for a constant supply of the articles与一厂家订约
beating the gun证券未正式上市前的先期交易
beneficial owner of the interest利益受益所有人
breach of the Copyright Act侵犯版权法
breach of the rules违反规定
break in the market价格猛跌
break out the hold开始下货装舱
break out the hold卸货
broaden the sales market拓宽销路
broaden the variety of products扩大产品品种
bull the market做多头
bull the market使证券行情上涨
buy sth. for a quarter of the price以四分之一价格购买某物
buy goods by the tally按打数或百数等购买货物
buy the goods on the recommendation of an agent因代理人推荐而购买此货
by application at the customs house通过海关申请
by reference to the total amount参照总值
by the board在船舷外
calculation of the effect of funds used资金占用效果核算
calculation of the effect of materials consumed物资消耗效果核算
calculation on the latest statistics据最新统计数字计算
carry out the principle of equality and mutual benefit奉行平等互利原则
carry out the provisions of a contract执行合同的条款
carry the goods to the destination by proper conveyance用合适运输工具把货物运到目的地
carry the production of the goods ordered into execution完成订购货物的生产
cater to the tastes of people迎合人们的喜好
chaffer about of the price讨价还价
Charters of oil-tankers may be by time or for the voyage油轮的包租可按时间或航程计费
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade中国国际贸易促进会
classification of the import and export commodities进岀口货物分类
clear a ship at the customs house在海关办理一条船的离港手续
clear up ambiguity in the contract改正剔除合同中的语言模糊之处
clear up the misunderstanding between the two parties清除双方的误会
Commerce binds the two countries together贸易把两国联合在一起
Considering the long relations between us, we are willing to waive the claim考虑到我们双方长久的业务关系,我方愿意放弃索赔要求
consumption of the means of production生产资料消耗
contracting party to the agreement协议缔约方
contribute the right to use land as part of investment以土地使用权作为投资入股
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea国际海上人命安全公约
Convention of the Union of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property巴黎工业产权保护同盟
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods国际货物买卖时效公约
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards联合国承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States解决国家间与各国国民间投资争执公约
custom of the port handling港口装卸惯例
custom of the trade行业惯例
cut down the budget削减预算
cut the price by half减半价
decentralise the nation's industry疏散国家工业
decentralize the nation's industry疏散国家工业
decertify the licence吊销执照
Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order建立新的国际经济秩序宣言 (1974年4月至 5. 月联合国大会第六届特别会议通过两个文件之一,另一文件为 Programme of Action 行动纲领)
declare a boycott against the goods of a certain country宣布联合抵制某一国家的货物
decrease the prices减价
decrease the quantity by 20 dozen数量减少二十打
decrease the quantity to 250 M/T将数量减至二百五十公吨
degrade the commodity使商品降级或降价
delete the above-mentioned words from the L/C从信用证中删去上述词语
delete the exclusion删除免责条款
detach the box from the pallet把箱子从货盘上卸下
deterioration of the goods货物变质
determine the date of shipment确定装运日期
devalue the currency使货币贬值
deviation from the course绕航
deviation from the voyage route绕航
Differences have arisen between the two parties with respect to the effectiveness of the contract双方对合同的有效性产生纠纷
discriminate the subtle difference between the two qualities区别两种品质的细微差别
dismantle the barriers between regions打破条块分割
disparity between the prices of primary products and those of manufactures初级产品与制造品价格的悬殊
disregard the quality of goods忽视货物质量
disregard the shipping instructions不注意装运指示
dominate the situation控制局势
double one's efforts to expand the turnover加倍努力扩大交易额
draw a clean draft on the customer for the value of samples开立光票向客户收取样品费
draw a draft on the buyer for the balance of £ Stg 500开立汇票向买方收取余款500英镑
draw D/P against the buyer's purchase按付款交单方式向买主收取货款
draw US $5,000 from the deposit in the bank从银行存款中支取5,000美元
dues on the cargo货物捐税
dumping of the load消除负载
duration of the agreement协议有效期
earmark US $10,000 to buy instruments for the laboratory指定购置实验室仪器款项10,000 美元
Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines收入并不因衰微而受影响
Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines由于公司最近对其他行业的分散投资
effect insurance on the cargo将货物办理保险
embargo on the export of gold禁止黄金岀口
employ an insurance agent for the company为公司雇佣保险代理人
encourage the customer to work up a larger volume of business鼓励客户做成更大业务
enforce the law实施法律
engage to ship the goods next week预定下周装货
ensure supplies for the market保证市场供应
ensure the goods against risks安排货物保险
ensure the shipment being made in time保证及时装运货物
exert one's efforts to settle the dispute尽力解决争端
expenses in protecting and preserving the goods货物防损费用 (提单规定)
expenses in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试验费用
expenses of the training programs培训项目费用
exploit the advantages发挥优势
Failing an agreement by the both parties, the arbitration institution will not take cognizance of the case在双方当事人未达成协议情况下,仲裁机构不会受理争议案件
Failing the arrival of your L/C before the end of the month, we'll miss the vessel next month如果你方信用证不能在本月底前到达,我们将会错过下月船期
fee for the use of current fund流动资金占用费
forcibly abolish the old regulations强行废止旧法规
forgive 20% of the tax宽减20%税款
Future business would be jeopardized if the quality of goods is not kept up不保持货物的良好品质就会有损于未来的交易
gear the production to the market needs以市场需求计划生产
generalize the use of a new invention推广一项新发明的使用
get the goods ready in preparation for shipment on the chartered vessel备货以便交租赁的货轮装运
get the shipment ready in a week一周内把该批货物备齐
heighten the value of goods提高货物价值
hire out boats by the day按日计算出租船只
hold the equipment on lease租用设备
hold the market持有市场
hold sb. to the contract要求某人按约行事
identifying of the payee受款人的鉴别
If a breach is of fundamental nature, the party who suffers it may declare the contract avoided如系重大违约,受害一方可宣告合同无效
If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent如果买方在货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提单已交付买方或其代理人,卖方仍有权停止交货
If the goods are not in accordance with the terms of the contract of sale, the buyer may rescind the contract and recover the purchase price如果货物与合同条款不符,买方可以撤销合同并追回货款
If the goods are not in conformity with the terms of the sales contract, the buyer may rescind the contract and recover the purchase price如果货物不符合销售合同条款,买方可以撤销合同并追回货款
If the goods are not shipped in May, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order如果不能在五月装运,我们只好撤回订单去他处采购
If the goods are sold "C & F Landed", unloading costs, including lighterage and wharfage charges, are borne by the seller如果货物按"成本加运费并卸到岸上"出售,卸货费其中包括驳运费和码头捐,应由卖方负担
If the processor itself or the motherboard is bad, the system may not be worth recycling如果处理器本身或主板损坏,则系统可能就没有回收的价值
If the quality of this initial shipment is sound, repeat orders will follow如果首批装运的货物质量良好,随即将有续订订单
If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis如你方保证及时付款,我们将按凭单付款方式发运货物
If your L/C fails to arrive at the end of this month, we shall be compelled to cancel the order如果你方信用证本月底不能抵达,我们将被迫取消这一定单
If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C假如在本月三十日或其前不能收到你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同
imitate or copy the goods仿造货物
information accessible by the sellers卖方可获取的信息
inhibit sb. from importing the goods禁止某人进口这些货物
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Lading统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading统一提单的若干法律规则国际公约 (海牙规则)
invention of the steam engine蒸汽机的发明
invest one's capital to the best advantage把资金作最有利的投资
investment in the business工商企业投资
issue an L/C in favour of the seller开立以卖方为受益人的信用证
It appears to be an exaggerated account of the incident这似乎把该事件言过其实了
It has a direct bearing upon the quality这与质量有直接关系
It has a remote bearing on the domestic market它对国内市场影响很小
It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run安装这套大型机器代价很高,但长远来看还是会赚钱的
It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur预先规定如果在发生他们所不能控制的某些意外事件时双方的权利和义务
It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur双方当事人最好在协议中采用一个条款
It is difficult to decide this dispute between the parties解决双方争议不容易
It is generally acknowledged that the quality of the goods is up to standard普遍认为此货质量符合标准
It is imperative that the goods should be stowed away from the boiler货物勿近锅炉
It is imperative that you should ship the goods immediately你方必须立即发运货物
It is necessary that you delete the clause mentioned from the L/C你方必须从信用证中删去提及的条款
It is necessary to weigh the advantages and disadvantages before making the decision决策前必须权衡利弊
It is not in accordance with the spirit of the law它与法律精神不符
It is possible that the market will fall行情有可能下跌
It is reported on reliable authority that there will be a recession in price in the near future据可靠方面消息说不久价格将会猛跌
It is unadvisable to leave any loophole in the contract在合同中不宜留有任何漏洞
It so fell out that the vessel was behind schedule其结果是货轮迟期了
It wants one centimetre of the regulation length比规定长度少一厘米
It's only the nominal value of shares这不过是股票的票面价值
It's stipulated that the seller shall obtain the license and bear all costs按照规定,卖方应领取许可证并负担所有费用
keen competition in the world market国际市场上的激烈竞争
keen competitiveness in the world market国际市场上的激烈竞争性
keep up the quality of goods保持货物质量不下降
later in the same contract, etc.指合同在下一部分中,在下文中
Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda让我们进入下一项议程
lie on the table被搁置
lift the cargoes into the hold把货物吊入船舱
lighten the taxes减轻赋税
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Trade Marks关于国际商标注册的马德里协定 (1891 年)
make a change in the system of management在管理体制上作一番改革
make a check of all the items in the list核对表中所有项目
make a close-out of the goods岀清存货
make a distinction between the two articles区别两种商品
make a scrutiny into all the shipping documents仔细检查所有装运单据
make a thorough investigation on into the matter对此事进行彻底调查
make alteration to the design for the better改进设计
make an effort to conclude the transaction努力达成交易
make calls at chief ports on the Pacific coast停靠太平洋沿岸主要港口
make costly alterations in the building投巨资改建该建筑
make out the required check按要求的款项开立支票
make preparations for the negotiation为谈判作准备
make the both parties' obligations explicit in the contract双方义务在合同中明确确定
man the production line操作生产线
management of the factory工厂管理部门
manipulation of the market市场操纵
Many countries have been compelled to float the exchange rate of their currencies许多国家被迫采取浮动汇率制
Many countries have strict regulations about the marking and branding of packages许多国家对包装箱面所标唛头与标志有严格规定
Many facts emerged as a result of the investigation调查的结果是:许多事实暴露出来了
mark down the goods减价
mark up the goods加价
measure the output by the demand根据需要调节产量
name the date指定日期
narrow the scope of capital construction缩小基本建设范围
national balance of the economy国民经济平衡
Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国籍法
natural mineral water fortified with carbon dioxide from the source在水源强化二氧化碳的天然矿泉水
negotiate the business with与某人洽谈生意 (sb)
New production methods put the company in the black新的生产方法使该公司开始有盈余
New York is the financial capital of the world纽约是世界的金融中心
obtain concessions from the customs取得海关特许权
obviate the possibility of mistakes事先排除出错的可能性
obviate the risk of leakage避免渗漏风险
offend against the law犯法
Offer and acceptance are two conditions in the conclusion of a contract要约与承诺是达成合同的两大要件
offer clarification on the provisions of the contract对合同条文作出说明
Only a few currencies are free from the influences of the world economic crisis只有少数货币不受世界经济危机的影响
Only in rare cases does the seller accept D/A terms仅在个别情况下卖方才接受承兑交单的付款条件
optimize the structure of production生产结构最优化
other terms as per the contract其他条件以合同为准
overcome the bottleneck in production克服生产中薄弱环节
Owing to short supply, we cannot make you an offer for the time being由于缺货,我方暂不能给你方报盘
Owing to the defalcation of the treasurer of the company, the business passes temporarily into the hands of a receiver由于公司会计员盗用公款,业务已暂时转入破产财团管理员之手
Owing to the temporary unavailability of the articles needed, we're not in a position to make you any offer at present因为你方所需商品暂时无货可供,所以我方目前无法向你方报盘
participate in the negotiation参加谈
party giving the mandate委托方
party transferring the technology技术转让方
personnel associated with the work of the fair交易会有关工作人员
pervert the text of an agreement曲解协议原文
plan for the flow of materials and equipment物料与设备流转计划
plan for the utilization of productive capacity生产能力利用计划
profitability of the equity capital股本资本盈利率
profitability of the import and export enterprises进出口企业盈利性
profitability of the project项目盈利率
profitability of the total investment总投资盈利率
proper law of the contract合同准据法
provide the best estimate of提供对…最佳估计
raise a claim against the insurance company for £ stg. 2,000 for damage in transportation因运输受损向保险公司索赔2,000英镑
raise the customs tariff提高关税税率
recourse against the exporter对岀口人行使追索权
Refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to the cancellation of the contract拒绝修改信用证等于取消合同
represent a check at the bank向银行再兑支票
represent a draft to the drawee向付款人再提示汇票
request the honour of your company请您出席
request the honour of your company敬请光临
reverse the charge由接电话人付电话费
risk of deterioration of the goods in transit运输中货物变质险
risk of the theft and/or pilferage盗窃险
Rules for the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration国际商会仲裁法院仲裁规则
sector of the economy经济组成部分
sell at the market照市价出售
sell inside the country内销
send a notice of abandonment to the insurance company向保险公司发出委付通知 (海上保险标的物遭损构成推定全损,被保险人向保险人发出委付通知,要求把受损货物一切权益转移给保险人而按推定全损予以赔偿)
send the letters by despatch以快邮发送信件
send the letters by dispatch以快邮发送信件
serve the purpose符合目的
Several boxes were tampered with and a part of the contents was missing箱内一部分货物丢失了
Several boxes were tampered with and a part of the contents was missing有几箱被人动过
shift the focus of work to economic construction把工作重点转移到经济建设上来
shift the responsibility on to the seller把责任推给卖方
shut the goods out of the customs使因货舱装满而无法装船的货物退关
Society of the Plastics Industry美国塑料工业学会
Some foreign company laws lay down obligatory requirements about the commencing and terminal dates of the financial year有些外国公司法对财政年度的开始与终止日期有强制性规定
Some of the words in the provision are illegible条文中的一些字无法辨认
Spanish Supreme Council of the Official Chamber of Commerce Industry and Navigation西班牙工商业和航海业最高正式商会
specify the insurance clause in a contract在合同中规定保险条款
speed up the manufacture of the goods ordered加速制造所订货物
stamp of the maker制造厂标记
stocks at the close of the period月末存货 (与期初存货(stocks at the commencement of the period) 相对)
Such being the case, we regret we're not in a position to make you an offer at present情况既如此,我方目前不能向你方报盘
Such risks are contingent to the trade此类危险对于该行业而言是偶然会发生的
survey the equipment检查设备
take advantage of the present market conditions利用当前市场情况
take cognizance of the case审理案件
take off an embargo on the export of steel对钢材出口解禁
take off the embargo解除禁运
take the consequence of breach of a contract承担违约后果
take the consequences承担后果
take the goods out of bond从海关仓库提货
take the ground登滩
take the helm of an enterprise开始掌管一个企业
take the responsibility for of chartering vessels负责租船
tally the cargo清点货物
tally with the facts与事实相符
target profit rate of the project项目目标盈利率
Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated美国海关税则号列
test the accuracy of provision检验条文的准确性
The additional charges are for the buyer's account附加费用由买方负担
The additional terms are immaterial这些附加条件是无关紧要的
The advertisement appeared in yesterday's newspapers该广告登在昨日报纸上
The agreement is subject to ratification本协议须经批准方可生效
The agreement provides that the agent shall not undertake to sell similar products for other suppliers in the agreed territory协议规定代理商不得在约定的地区内承担销售其他供货商的类似产品
The agreement should be drafted with great care协议应十分仔细地草拟
The agreement stipulates for 2% overriding commission to be paid if the yearly turnover exceeds US $10,000.协议规定如果年贸易额超过10,000美元,须加付佣金百分之二
The agreement will take effect on December 25本协议将于十二月二十五日生效
the antagonism between labour and capital劳资对抗
The average price is CNY 20.00 per piece每件平均价格为20元人民币
The balance left is only a neglectable quantity余额微不足道
The balance left is only a negligible quantity余额微不足道
The balance left is USD 900 odd余额为900美元稍多一些
the balance of 100 M/T100 公吨余数
the balance of US $200200 美元余额
The bidding started at US $2,000 and rose up to US $5,000喊价从2,000美元开始抬高到5,000美元
the carriage of the goods货物的运费
The certificate ceases to be binding if it is revoked by the certifier这一证书一经证明人撤销即告无效
The certificate ceases to be binding if it is set aside by a court or arbitration tribunal其约束力即告结束
The certificate ceases to be binding if it is set aside by a court or arbitration tribunal该证明书一经法院或仲裁庭宣布无效
The Certificate of Inspection covering the shipment indicates that the goods were in sound condition when they were shipped有关此次发货的检验证书表明货物在装运时情况良好
The certificate of quality purports to be an evidence of sound quality of our products品质证明书旨在证明我方产品的良好质量
the cession of real estate房地产的让与
the clientele of our company本公司的客户
the Comoros科摩罗
the complement of a passenger ship客轮定员
The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions保付行没有扣留货物或提单的-般留置权
The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions对客户在以往交易中所欠款项
The confirming house does not undertake any liability for the conformity of the goods with the stipulations in the contract保付商行对货物与合同规定符合与否不负责任
The confusion of the cotton market will soon straighten itself out棉花市场的混乱现象不久将得到纠正
the Congo刚果
The convention has been given effect by many countries本公约已由许多国家采用生效
The convention has been ratified by our country我国已批准该公约
The covering L/C is now in the mail有关信用证正在邮寄途中
the defence of the defendant被告的辩护
The difference in price has already been narrowed down to a mere 3%介格差距已缩小到只有百分之三了
The difference in price is too large to bridge over太大的价格差距无法弥合
The dishonest treasurer diverted funds from the company's treasury这位不诚实的财务主任私吞公司公款
The disparity in price is too wide to be reconciled价格差距太大无法调和
the displacement of human labour by machinery以机器代替人力
The distributor should pay visits to certain prospective customers at regular intervals经销者应定期访问有望达成交易的客户
the dollar bloc美兀集团
the duration of an agreement协议有效期
The employer reluctantly advanced him a month's salary雇主勉强预支给他一个月薪水
the enactment securing the position of employees保护雇员的条例
The expenditure does not correspond with the income支出与收入不相适应
The expenses are for the consigner's account费用由发货人支付
The exporter is not in direct contractual relations with the foreign customers出口人与国外客户无直接契约关系
The factory was encumbered with a heavy mortgage这家厂子抵押了一大笔押金
The final outturn of the 1983 walnut crop in China is estimated at 20,000M/T in shell1983年中国核桃的最后产量估计为带壳重量20,000公吨
The force majeure clause is embodied in the contract合同中列有不可抗力条款
the framework of feasibility study可行性研究纲要
The funds have been tied up in numerous commitments资金已被许多业务占用
The harbour was blocked in by heavy masses of ice港口被大块冰堵塞了
the highest bid最高岀价
the highest bidder出价最高人
The instrument is composed of about 5,000 parts这台仪器由大约5,000个部件构成
The investment brings us in 5 percent interest这项投资可使我方获取5%盈利
The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises投资项目应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致
The issue of import licences for the goods in question has been suspended所要购买货物的进口许可证已经停止签发
The key to the settlement of the dispute lies in close cooperation解决这一争议的关键在于密切合作
the know-how developed over a number of years多年积累的实践经验
the know-how developed over a number of years多年积累的专有技术
The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker据报导班轮与一石油货轮相撞
The load can be read off the scale荷载可从刻度标上读岀
The LTV CorporationLTV 公司 (1958)
The manufacture of your order is only partially finished你方订货仅制造出一部分
The manufacturers try to boom their goods制造商努力宣传他们的货物
The marketing plan has broken down营销计划失败
The merchandise is sold with a franchise of 5%该商品按5%免赔率出售
The merchant cleared £ stg. 8,000 on his cotton exports last season这个商人在上季的棉花岀口中净赚8,000英镑
The net weight is 25 kilograms per keg each每桶净重二十五公斤
the next month今后一个月长的时间
the number of beef cattle coming forward for slaughter供宰杀的肉牛数量
The numerousness of orders witnesses the top quality of our light industrial products大量订单证明了我方轻工产品的上好质量
The offer does not interest any customers没有客户对该报盘发生兴趣
The offer is good for five days此报盘有效期为五天
The offer is inclusive of your 3% commission本报盘内包括你方3%的佣金
The offer is subject to confirmation本报盘以经确认为有效
The offer will remain valid until June 30, after which date it becomes null and void本报盘六月三十日前有效,过期无效
The official count came to over 50,000,000官方统计超过5 千万
The package weighs 50 lbs此包重50 英磅
The packages are in apparent good order包件外表状况良好
The packages must be well marked to withstand abrasion包件上必须标上不易磨掉的唛头
The packages shall be marked with our usual shipping marks包件上必须刷上我方通常使用的装船标志
The packing industry had its beginnings in 1970包装工业始于1970年
the party concerned有关当事人
The plane is available for charter这架飞机可以包租
The principal authorizes the agent to procure contracts with third parties on his behalf委托人授权代理人代表他向第三者招揽订货合同
The purport of our letter is a clarification of both partie' views on this issue本函的主旨是澄清双方对这一问题的看法
The railway has been brought to completion铁路已竣工
the rates against US dollars美元兑换率
The reason why we have to ask you to extend the letter of credit for 15 days is that shipping space has recently been exceptionally congested我方不得不要求你方将信用证展期十五天,是由于最近舱位特别拥挤
The recurrence of this incident may deteriorate the business relations between us这类事件再度发生可能会损害双方的业务关系
The remittance covers all commissions due to you up to date汇款包括至今应付你方的一切佣金在内
The remittance is in payment of all commissions due to you up to date这笔汇款是支付迄今为止欠你方的佣金
The remittance will clear off all commissions due汇款将清偿所欠全部佣金
The report on the market situation at your end is a great help你方市场报告很有作用
The report will give you a clear idea of the market situations这-报告将使贵方清楚了解该市场的情况
The risk is coverable at a premium of 2%此保险费为2%
The rule is inapplicable to this case该规则不适用于这件事
The schedule is subject to change without notice不另行通知
The schedule is subject to change without notice本时间表可随时更改
The seller agreed on L/C terms卖方同意以信用证为付款条件
The seller determined the performance of the contract卖方终止执行合同
The seller has advanced the price by 20%卖方提价 20%
The seller has already discharged his duties卖方已履行其承担的义务
The seller has made reservation on S.S. Giant for the balance 150 M/T卖方在"巨人号"轮上订妥150公吨余数的舱位
The seller has the desire to put up a showroom卖主想要设立一个陈列室
The seller is anxiously waiting for the relative L/C covering the purchase卖方正急切地等待着该笔购货的有关信用证
The seller is liable for the carriage on and from the quay to the ultimate place of destination of the cargoes卖方负担从码头至最终目的地货物的运费
The seller made an abatement from the price asked卖主降低原要价
The seller may retain the goods when the buyer is in default or he has become insolvent卖方可扣留货物,如果买方违约或无力清偿债务
The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London伦敦交货的订单
The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London卖方接到伦敦一位买主按 CIF 条件
The seller reduced the price by 10 per cent卖方减价百分之十
The seller retains the property in the sold goods until he receives the purchase price in cash卖方对所售货物仍拥有所有权
The seller retains the property in the sold goods until he receives the purchase price in cash在收到货款现金之前
The seller shall deliver the goods on or before April 30, 1995卖方必须在1995年4月30日或其前交货
The seller suggested our buying a small quantity for trial卖方建议我方试购一小批货物
The seller thinks it desirable to make a further investigation卖方认为有必要进一步调查
The seller took the opportunity to clear out all their holdings卖主借此机会岀清全部存货
The seller will commit the goods to the custody of the carrier or his agent卖方将把货物交承运人或其代理人保管
The sellers expect to ship the outstanding orders on or before 31st May卖方预计在五月三十一日或其前将未完成的订单货物装船出运
The sellers prefer to wait until the prices harden卖主宁可等待价格趋稳时再出售
The sellers were forced to effect an abatement in price卖主被迫削价
The ship carries 20,000 M/T freight此船载重20,000公吨
The ship cleared for New York yesterday这条船昨天结关后离港驶往纽约
The ship crossed the bar of sand safely船只安全通过了沙洲
the ship has a tonnage of 30,000这艘船载重〔排水量〕三万吨
The ship has a tonnage of 30,000这条船载重二万吨
The ship has already altered its course该船已改变航线
The ship is bound for Qingdao该船准备开往青岛
The ship is under charter这条船受租船契约的约束
The ship kept close to the coast船接近海岸行
The ship sank through a collision with an oil tanker这条船与一石油货轮相撞后沉没
The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again他们无法使之重新漂起
The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again船牢牢搁浅在沙滩上
The ship was bilged by a snag船触暗礁而漏水
The shipment does not conform to the contracted specifications这批货与合同规定不符
The shipment does not correspond with the specifications offered到货与所报规格不符
The shipment is composed of 1,000 M/T each peanuts and sunflower seeds这批货包括花生和葵花籽各1,000公吨
The shipment is not in accord with the type sample发货与标准样品不符
The shipment offered is too far off所报装期太远
The shipment sample is quite satisfactory这批货物的装船样品令人满意
The shipment will go forward per S.S. HERO这批货将由英雄号轮运出
The shipment will reach you in due course这批货将按时到达你处
the size of circulation流通规模
The stocks have been bought up by a big firm库存被一家大商号全部买走
The supply is inadequate to meet the demand供不应求
The supply is not adequate to the demand供不应求
The tax-collector came down on the company for US 2,000收税员向该公司索款2,000 美元
The terms and conditions in the contract shall be strictly observed by both parties合约双方必须严格遵守条款内容
The terms of the contract are binding upon the both parties合同条款对双方具有约束力
The terms of the contract bound us hand and foot合同条款使我方大受约束
The timber market will soon take a turn for the better木材市场不久将妊转
The trade mark is registered on the books of the Patent Office该商标已记入专利局的登记册
The trade term is capable of two interpretations这一贸易术语可作两种解释
The turnover has been increased by US $10,000营业额增加了10,000美元
The two banks were affiliated by a common ownership of stock这两家银行因共有股权而联系密切
The usual route is no longer available通常的航线不再可使用
The vessel has been posted as missing这条船已宣布失踪
The vessel is due to arrive next Saturday货船定于下周六到达
The vessel is scheduled to sail on the 10th of this month该轮定于本月十日启航
The vessel sustained damage to the bottom船底被损坏
The vessel took the bottom这条船搁浅了
The vessel will follow the customary route该货轮将按惯常航线航行
The vessel will touch at main ports in Europe该船将停靠欧洲各主要港口
The volume of business does not justify a sole agency arrangement at present交易额尚不能证明目前安排独家代理是适当的
The volume of business does not warrant entrusting you with the exclusive agency at present目前成交业务量尚不足以委托贵方为独家代理
The volume of business falls short of our hope交易额没有达到我们希望的标准
The volume of trade between us does not consist with the agency agreement concluded我们之间的贸易额与我们达成的代理协议不符
The volume of trade in this line has greatly increased since last year此类货物的贸易额自去年以来有了很大增加
The volumes are identically equal容积相等
The weight figures out at 2,000M/T计算出的事量为2,000公吨
The wide price fluctuation in the market rendered business rather difficult市场大幅度价格波动使得交易相当困难
The winner in the tender was officially advertised中标人已予正式公布
The wording of the agreement calls for some revision协定措辞需作某些修改
tone of the market市场景况
trading on the equity产权经营
training during the preproduction stage投产前阶段训练
transact business by through the agency of a broker通过中间人交易
transit the canal通过这条运河
try to close at the price尽力按此价成交
try to get the goods ready努力把货物备齐
Unless otherwise specified, all banking charges outside China are for the buyer's account除非另有规定,中国境外的一切银行费用由买方负担
Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件
value of the currency币值
value the machine at US $10,000估计这台机器价值10,000美元
variable in the model模型变数
verify the figures of a report核实一个报告中的数字
viability of the project项目可彳亍性
wait for advice from the buyer等待买方通知
watch the market situation注意市场形势
weighted average of the price index加权平均价格指数
Whether the buyer avails himself of the reasonable opportunity of examining the goods or waives his right of examination is for him to decide由他自行决定
Whether the buyer avails himself of the reasonable opportunity of examining the goods or waives his right of examination is for him to decide买方是否利用检验货物的合理机会或放弃其检验权利
wire sb. the result把结果用电报告知某人
withdraw from the market退岀市场
within the fabric of the line在此类商品范围内
within the term of validity of lease在租赁有效期内
WPA coverage is too narrow for these goods, the coverage should be extended to include TPND这类货物只保水渍险是不足的,请加保偷盗提货不着险
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