
Terms for subject Baseball containing The | all forms | exact matches only
award possession of the ball判获控球
backspin on the ball使球后旋
ball in the hole空当球
batter in the hole击球员在击球计数上失利"击"数多于"球"数
beat the ball跑垒员先于球到垒
beating the ball跑垒员先到垒
belt the ball连打稳球
brace on the right foot重心落在右脚上
call the game比赛暂停
call the play场边喊
Call the time!比赛暂停!裁判用语
centre of the field中区
centre of the field场地中央
change of the pace变换投球速度
change the side攻守交换
charge the ball at full speed全速冲前接球
choke the bat短握
clean the bases击球员以安打把全部跑垒员带回本垒
clear the ball将球传出守区
clear the fences外场栏外击出本垒打
conceal the grip掩护握球
converge on the ball围截击出的球
cover the back策应防守
cover the back补位防守
cover the base守场员抢先跑垒
crowd the corners使对方跑垒员跑完—、二、三垒
crowd the plate靠近本垒板
crowd the plate紧靠本垒板
cut the corner经过本垒边角
cut the corner经本垒边角
cut the plate in two投球到好球区中央
deface the ball投手涂损球面
deface the ball涂损球面
deliver the ball投球
drag the ball击球员边推棒触击边起跑
ejection from the game驱逐出场
fat part of the bat球棒的最粗部分
fat part of the bat球棒最粗部
field the ball
find the handle手忙脚乱地拾球
find the handle手忙脚乱拾球
fitness of the ground场地适用情况
foot in the bucket一只脚站在击球区外
foot in the bucket一脚在外
get the call替补投手被选进比赛
go the distance从头至尾投满九局
go the route从头至尾投满九局
hit the dirt滑垒
hitting in the hole击球失利
hold the runner牵制跑垒员
hug the base跑垒员紧靠垒位
hugging the base紧靠垒位
in the groove易击球
in the groove好打球
in the hole处于"危险状态"
in the hole落在空当
in the hole处于危险状态
in the slot准备击球
in the slot等待击球
keep the ball rolling保持活跃
knock out of the box迫使对方换投手
load the bases满垒
low throw into the dirt传出着地低球
low throw into the dirt传着地低球
make the force封杀
National League Manager of the Year Award美国全国联赛最佳教练奖
next to the base紧靠垒位
next to the base靠近垒位
on-the-fly substitution比赛进行中的换人
one over the fence本垒打
out of the lot打到界外的腾空球
out of the lot惨败的
path of the pitching arm投球臂的移动路线
piece of the ball球被棒击中的部位
piece of the ball击中部位
pitcher in the hole投手在投球计数上失利
pivot at the second base双杀时在二垒中转接传球 (for a double play)
pivot at the second base二垒转接传球
player in the box投手
player possessing the ball控球球员
powerful wrist action with the waist rolling over转腰带动扣腕
pull the string用投快球的动作投出较慢的球
pull the string快球动作投慢球
resume the play重新开始比赛
resume the play继续比赛
resume the play重新开球
rookie of the year年度新人奖
scramble the ball乱抓球
scramble the ball慌忙找球
shoot the ball into the opponent's goal射球入对方球门
stab the bail捕接快球 (pill)
stab the pill捕接快球
step in the bucket击球时向后拖步
step in the bucket向后拖步
straddle the base跨垒站立
swing from the heels全力挥击
swing from the heels用全力挥击
tag the base触垒边角
take the field进场防守
take the field上场
team in the field防守队
withhold ball from the play停球违例